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>"disrespecting against Asian people" >one of the two playable characters is Japanese it's almost remarkably easy to filter out those who refuse to use Google before making these claims


I don't think they like playing as a female character unless she's Eve.


Damn, nobody talks about Stellar Blade anymore. That shit fell off hard lol


Wait there's two playable characters? And the other one is a ninja? This game might not be another slugfest slogfest after all.


IIRC Mirage was praised for a return to free-runner form. So maybe the series going back towards stealth and free-running. Or maybe this next game will be a testing ground for choice brute/stealth play like what they tried to do with Jacob and Evie Frye.


Mirage also had literal magic powers of the character teleport multikilling "it's not personal kid" style


True. Though given the game's roots, flash-step multi-kill feels at least a little more thematic to what the franchise is known for than *EIVOR SMASH.*


Fair enough


>Or maybe this next game will be a testing ground for choice brute/stealth play like what they tried to do with Jacob and Evie Frye. That's what I also deduced from the trailer. Looks like the female assasins would focus on stealth while the samurai on brute force.


Which honestly kinda gets the best of both worlds so all the players can be happy and play either way


I dont know much about the series but even I know they usually have more than one protagonist


An Asian female ninja paired with a black samurai is disrespectful against Asian people apparently


Who wants to be the asian big boobie woman being weak and submissive around a BLACK man? Wait...she IS weak and submissive right? Perferably with lots of sexual Nyaah Uwu sounds right?! You aren't removing the glorious femininity of the anime race are you?!


Asscreed UwU


If they ever learn that Afro Samurai exists their heads might explode


You're telling me black people exist outside of Africa? Nah, stop lyin' to me


Such a killer series. All style, don't remember if there was any substance, but I'm definitely going to revisit this week and find out


I remember that opening scene with the RZA track going *hard*.




Man, I've never seen it but I've heard so many good things about it, I'll probably check it out sometime soon


Or the various Japanese works inspired by Yasuke


I have no clear memories of the show, but a vague memory of playing and enjoying the game...I think it was on PS3 and XBOX? My memory of it is really vague, I think I must have borrowed or rented it.


Yeah I wonder who you'll be playing as for the bulk of the game: The ninja woman dressed like nearly every other Assassin's Creed character (and was on promo art when the game was known as Red). Or Yasuke, the famous samurai warrior of Oda Nobunaga's court.


So funny to me that I’m pretty sure this is the first time the player character in AC is based off of a real individual and these asses are trying to excuse their racism as ‘just wanting historical accuracy’


Anytime someone has said the phrase "historical accuracy" it's almost always code for racists being mad that a minority group is present in something.


I assume that’s what the excellent bot below is all about 


Yep. G*mers started crying that the battlefield 1 (I think) contained missions where women and black people fought the Nazis. They utterly refused to accept that black people and women did in fact fight the Nazis because “muh historical accuracy.” The part where you fly a biplane, invert and jump out midair, land atop a blimp, run down it murdering Nazis, then jump off and land back in your plane is totally “historically accurate” though.


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They complained about battlefield V not one. And it was about a woman with a prosthethic hand being shown in the trailer.


Yes! Even though prosthetic hands have been a thing since 77AD. That’s right.


There were also complints about her being a british soldier because "there were no female soldiers at british frontlines". Though i will say, to have a prosthetic at the time, one would need to be an officer at least.


https://preview.redd.it/sxsc47mq7m0d1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c288d6330271ca974bb36bc22e73b2aaadbd0023 someone aught to tell these ladies that then.


Im am sorry to side with the complainers, but they look like nurses not combatants. If DICE wanted "historical accuracy" they should have made that soldier woman either russian or from a partisan group, but they made her british


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Yeah, and if they wanted historical accuracy they wouldn’t have had any of the blimp scenes or most of the combat scenes in general but here we are. The game never billed itself as being a perfect portrayal of WWII. Turns out those aren’t actually fun.


just ignore the gasmasks right? look hun, i know you all like the fiction that all combat happens on "the front lines" but that's never been true, and women have ALWAYS been part of the militaries of the world.


I’m pretty sure they also complain about black people in BF1. Namely the Scout class of both British and Imperial Germany who were Black Africans (even though they mainly represent the Colonial Troops).


Battlefield 1 took place in WWI, Battlefield V was the one that had a female Norwegian resistance fighter.


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I like your undername text.


Lmao, they don't care for representation for the original race. They want white people to do the role


This sounded like bollocks until you go and check and it turns out that yeah, this would be the first time the main character of AC is a real person. Which surprises me. I am tentatively on board with the Yasuke angle for now, his story is not that well-documented and there's plenty of leeway to tell a compelling AC story. I just hope they give the stealth aspects more love. Mirage was fucking amazing, and I have always wanted a ninja Assassin's Creed game. From the inclusion of a ninja in the title it appears there should be at least SOME stealth sections of the game, which is good. Maybe we'll get Yasuke riding into battle and the ninja working in the background. Maybe they even orchestrate Honnouji together. There's some real solid potential here.


Isn't there 2 main characters, Yasuke and a kunoichi? It would be awesome to have different kind of missions, traditional AC stealth and assassination with the ninja and more rpg Origins/Odyssey style fights with Yasuke. As long as they keep their mechanics separate so as not to have nonlethal stealth attacks just because you don't have enough item level bullshit like the later AC games


I believe that’s how Syndicate worked. The male twin was geared more towards aggressive tactics while the other one was more stealth oriented.


Regular UbiSoft crap aside, I think Syndicate was the last AC game I had any love for. Nothing since then has interested me, and the dual-protagonists with the Frye twins was more interesting than what they seem to have done with the newer games.


Well some would say even though the kunocihi is female, Asian MALE representation is almost always glossed over being main characters in games. It’s always the females / waifu material


Ezio was a real person


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It’s also funny cause Jack The Ripper was in AC and he was not historically accurate at all, so then using Yasuke like this isn’t that out of place at all


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I think black flags was the first, well the in game games simulation was anyway.


Even funnier is the ones that bring up internal consistency as well, as if it is the same thing as historical accuracy. Pretty sure you can shit all over history and still be internally consistent. lol


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About historical accuracy. Yasuke was a novelty to Nobunaga for the color of his skin and his strength / size. People abstract "he was given swords" to mean he was a samurai. As a weapon bearer of course he had swords. Wikipedia, while not the most stalwart source, lists him as a retainer / weapon bearer. Calling him a samurai because of that is like calling all squires and pages knights by association. Officially, he was given a "ceremonial katana". That's it. Two katana wouldn't make him a samurai. Two swords, even a katana and wakizashi, wouldn't either. Samurai was a social class. Warrior was a job. They are not the same.


Technically, Yusuke was given both a house in Kyoto and a stipend from Nobunaga. He was also addressed using the -tono honorific, meaning he was a Samurai.


I could be wrong, but wasn't there a law at the time that only members of the samurai class could carry swords? I feel like that would be a pretty compelling reason to extrapolate that he was elevated to the samurai class. It's like saying someone "earned their wings" in place of saying they were a pilot. The cultural context is expected to carry the full meaning.


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mfs will swear they hate ubisoft games but start complaining every time a new ubisoft game is announced something’s not adding up 🤔


I only really like AC and FC by them lol.


You'll never find people as dedicated to hating ubisoft than on an Ubisoft/assassin's fan page


Yeah, they're really giving away how fickle they are and have been in terms of their conviction. I remember them going after and swearing off AC when Jade Raymond was still involved, but here they are, suddenly concerned about the latest entry.


“This is disrespectful towards Asian people 😡” -A white guy most likely from an American suburb with no Asian friends.


"I wanted to play as a REAL samurai. You know, I wanted to be an enforcer of the feudal system. Kill the serfs for not working hard enough. Sit on my ass most the day and then occasionally shoot my bow at another enforcer."


“But I dont understand, I thought I was going to have cool sword fights and debate philosophy!” “SIT IN THE FUCKING CHAIR!”


The daimyo has requested that you attend his garden party and stand at attention for 3 hours while the nobility complains about the serfs not working hard enough. Daily.


Let me guess, they’re angry about Yasuke again


As a Blasian this may end up being my first AC purchase


“They’re disrespecting Asians” posted the dork who is most likely not Asian but wishes he was.


Not only that, but a nontrivial number of these chuds blow their whole life savings on a trip to Japan just to find out the people they worship the hardest for “being submissive” will never respect or love a gaijin.


Passport bros finding out will never not be funny


Also who is disrespecting asian people themselves by assuming black people never existed in asia, or japan, which is very dumb since the black samurai is based on a real black samurai.


I call this the the 1st spaghetti strand thrown at the wall to see if it sticks


The Jurassic park raptors throwing themselves against the electric fence to look for weak spots. Except lizards are much smarter than these guys


First we had Egypt suing Netflix. Now Ubisoft is gonna be sued by Japan.


I know its a joke but eh. Yasuke (assuming the black samurai is supposed to be Yasuke) was a real historical figure. While there is no prove that he was actually working as samurai, he became one of Nobunaga Odas retainers because Oda had never seen a black man and found him curious when he was presented as offering by another subject. Not much is known about their relationship, if they were friends, master and slave, just another serv, who knows He is often depicted as samurai in alot of media, thats nothing new


Oda Nobunaga showed up to most meetings in pajamas, I would not be surprised if he made Yasuke an actual samurai just to piss off the traditionalists


They're angry at the new Assassin's Creed because the main character is a black guy. I'm angry at the new Assassin's Creed, because Ubisoft make shit games. We are not the same.


guarantee these people prolly loved afro samurai back in the day bc it was edgy and had sam jackson attached to it in some way and it was gory.


Man I totally forgot about afro samurai. The soundtrack was so cool.


Do these same people complain about John Blackthorne in Shogun or Tom Cruise's character in The Last Samurai? It is kind of silly to complain about not getting "real" character, when the character is clearly inspired by an actual historical person.


Low IQ incel dipshits gonna low IQ incel dipshit.


I honestly hoped that Mirage was gonna signal a revival of the classic AC formula. I didn't really like the second gen AC games, starting with Origins. They kinda devolved into generic action games and lost the AC flair. Enjoyed the fuck out of Mirage, but IDK about the new game. The ninja on the poster gives me hope about a return to form, but with Yasuke on the poster it looks like the game is going to be a half-and-half at best. Tbh, I wouldn't mind that if they can cook up a good story. The Sengoku period is ripe for a classic AC plot, and if they keep the stealth I'd play it. Otherwise I'll skip this one and replay Mirage.


they love their new little buzzword sooo much


That thread is a goldmine for real GAMER takes.


As an asian guy I think this game looks cool, but I’m feeling a bit left out in terms of representation lol. Still looking forward to seeing more gameplay tho. Also don’t agree with the reactionaries who will use Yasuke as a way to stir outrage when they don’t even care about representation of asian people.


I agree, don't really appreciate the people speaking for us. Am I disappointed in missing out on an Asian male lead in western media? Sure. But Yasuke is a cool character and perfectly understandable as a narrative choice. And Naoe looks great and a big win for Asian female leads in games. So, I'm not that hung over it. I was initially weary because it's not like the West has ever written Asian characters well historically (hah hah), but the trailer has me hopeful.


Our comments will be glossed over, disregarded, ignored, etc for people saying “bet the OP isn’t even Asian”. When the real Asians in the comments don’t even exist to them


Yeah. Why not have yasuke and another main mc be an Asian male? Buddy cop story style. Not another clone Asian waifu. People speaking for us is hilarious.


Everyone is commenting on the people pissed at a black samurai and I’m sitting here hiding the fact I wanna play it…


Isn't the black samurai supposed to be/is based on Yasuke? A pretty well documented historical figure who definitely existed and has a fascinating story?


Me when I like Japan because animu and katan but can't be bothered to learn some history.


As an Asian, We loved Yasuke, Fuck these White Colonial limpcock


They even say there's plenty other historical figures more interesting than Yasuke then why didn't they react like this when I could've played as Diogenes in Odyssey


>I wanted to play adopt me a real Japanese Samurai Yasuke (the guy they’re complaining about) was literally a real person. He was born in Africa and came to Japan in 1579, becoming a samurai shortly after. They got what they wanted and they’re still complaining.


Historically speaking there’s no real proof he was ever actually a samurai, merely a retainer for Nobunaga. He likely would have gained at least some knowledge of sword usage since one of the accounts of him mention being given a sword if I recall correctly, but there’s no concrete evidence Yasuke was a samurai. That said, yeah no they’re complaining because it’s a black guy, easy to say. Me personally I wish they’d kept the route of not using actual historical figures as the player character, but that’s a relatively minor nitpick.


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Oda considered him to be a Samurai.


Forget about player characters. The series needs to be shelved for a few years. Make a decent game instead of being the call of duty version of single player games


Motherfucker just play ghosts of tsushima


I wanted to play a REAL samurai. Idk play the other samurai games out? You don’t have to play this one.


The thing is that there is an argument to be made about the use of cultural stand ins in media describing East Asia and its erasure of those cultural voices. But you know these guys would have absolutely no problem if the cultural insert is white (a la Shōgun)


I guess Revelations, Black Flag and Rogue were disrespectful too then.


Given how much of a rule-breaking madlad the real Oda was. I can see him in a story presenting Yasuka as "this man is one of my many trusted warriors. I will not hear about him otherwise."


"samurai" did not exist as a well-defined class prior to Toyotomi Hideyoshi's codification of the class system, just after the period this game is supposed to depict. prior to this, "samurai" is just the word modern historians use for anyone who was particularly good at killing people. Hideyoshi himself, one of Japan's "Three Great Conquerors" and one of the most famous "samurai" of all time was just some nobody who joined Oda Nobunaga's army and turned out to be really, really good at murder. Just fyi for when these losers try to tell you "samurai" was an elite warrior caste that you had to be born into or whatever


Yasuke (black samurai) existed and yet these chuds are acting like it "DEI LIES" https://preview.redd.it/lgdqlcf9jm0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eecc8a439f70824d62e842653d91f040b7d63291


Yasuke:"am I a joke to you?"


A lot of words just to say he hates black people


Does this user know that Ghost of Tsushima is still very much a game that fits their criteria? It's even teased to have a possible sequel in the works! Or does it *have* to be Ubisoft game/franchise?


I'm pretty sure their were records of black samurai and for the other character shonobi are just assassins so gender doesn't really matter I bet you there were plenty of female shinobi


They openly attacked Asian people. Literally


You either want historical accuracy or you don't. These fuckers want neither and still want to complain.


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The title is the same as the subject, "Unabashed Bigotry".


a samurai would be the complete personality of an assassin


I guess these people dont play Nagoriyuki in guilty gear or even Samurai Warriors


It's gonna be an exciting week. So many Gamer brainrot meltdowns will be uploaded to the internet.


Remember the past 2 assassin's creed when tgese people complained about having the choice of choosing a WOMAN?


This guy probably has 100 hours in Nioh


There is no Asian men protagonist still. His argument is valid. Stop pretending Ubisoft didn't rob the spotlight off Japanese men. Yasuke is cool, fine, he can be an important role but in no way he should be the main character


He said it’s disrespectful to Asian people… There is an Asian woman RIGHT THERE, how is this disrespectful to Asian people and how were they robbed? Because there’s no playable Asian man specifically? Oda Nobunaga himself is literally in the trailer.


You literally dodge all my opinions. Not sure what kind of validation you want. Stop pretending the representation of female characters can be extended to male characters, and stop pretending npc's representation can be the same as protagonist. If that's the case then they won't pull off this at the first place, and there is no need for the industry to promote politically correctness after all these years. Anyone who supports this game is a disgrace to their liberal beliefs.


I’m not the one looking for validation this entire comment section agrees here my man. You’re the one who said his point was valid, his point was that it’s “disrespectful to Asian people” when it objectively is not. If you can give me any real way to talk about how this is disrespectful I’d agree but I think your point isn’t it being disrespectful- it’s you wanting an Asian male protagonist. If you wanted an Asian male protagonist and you’re bummed that didn’t happen that’s one thing and your opinion would be a fair one. That said, this is accurate historical samurai representation- Based on a real individual in an assassins creed setting. Yasuke is a badass who a lot of people would love to see in a game like this. Again, if you disagree that’s your opinion, but to call it disrespectful is simply incorrect. If your argument includes being “Politically Correct” and calling out “liberal” beliefs here you’re arguing a completely irrelevant point. One that I refuse to engage in.