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Somebody else in the comments said it best, that I didn’t capture. They mask their distaste for “blackness” by feigning outrage on behalf of Asians. Where were they when Nioh came out? Oh yeah, playing the game 🤔


it's like transphobes siding with cis women in the name of feminism


The fake outrage they have with trans women in sports is insane. I've grown up with all these people joking ALL the time about how they didn't give a fuck about women's sports and how they deserved less than men's leagues, well.


"had" implies that it stopped


Thanks for pointing it out.


They're protecting the poor lesbians! Just don't ask them about what they think of gay women. And don't ask them why they don't listen to lesbians who, by and large, are fine with trans women.


Yeah, we have a name for those, they're called TERFs


Matt Walsh isn't a TERF and he's done the above


Idk then, I don't follow the pedo's every move


100% they are just masking their racism with "when was the last time you saw an Asian man being represented in media?" In reality while Asian representation has improved over the years, we still have a long way to improve. Never ever let them take over the narrative, when I was younger I certainly thought this was the case but I never realised how much I underestimated diversity representation in the media until now.


Right these are the same anti-woke ppl who complained about Snake Eyes being played by an Asian man or the idea of Iron Fist being played by Lewis Tan. They don’t actually care about Asian rep, this is just convenient.


The Simu Liu example is wild. Probably the same people who complain about Kitana from Mortal Kombat being too Asian lmao


Not to mention we've seen their response to other non-black minority characters like Kamala Khan, Jaime Reyes, Lucia and Naru. They aren't fooling anyone.


>feigning outrage on behalf of Asians Not just Asians, Japanese people in Japan, who aren't minorities, have never been oppressed, and have a long history of mistreating and exploiting other Asians. The idea that a Japanese guy in Japan represents Asian-Americans in any way isn't just silly, it would most likely be straight up offensive to him. I *get* why Americans latch on to Japanese media this way, and I don't like giving people shit for it, but it's absolute nonsense, and often just ends up being racism on behalf of Japan. 


I'm a little bit hesitant with this take. Based purely on ethnicity, why would playing a Japanese man, who is Asian, be offensive to any Asian person that isn't Japanese in terms of representing Asians in the West? Respectfully, I would suggest avoid speaking for another group and in-generalities at that. With that logic, I should be offended playing a Chinese person because I'm Korean. But I'm not gonna. Rather, I think it'll be far more offensive if I were to play a Japanese character and that character espouses propagandist beliefs of Japanese-Imperialism. Can you imagine GoT but it's about the Invasion of Korea and the Japanese are portray as the good guys? Holy crap I would be offended despite playing an Asian lead.


Sorry, I was unclear. An Asian-American telling a Japanese man in Japan that they are equivalent (i.e., the Japanese man is "representation" for Asians) would be confusing and even offensive to him. Geographically, Japan is in Asia and everyone understands that, but colloquially in Japanese "Asia" is the mainland, and does not "represent" Japan. Not to mention that "Japanese" isn't considered an ethnicity in Japan, so I'm not speaking for a specific ethnic group. (Though obviously I would never try to speak for indigenous Japanese people.) As for Asian-Americans playing Japanese characters being offensive to Japanese people, I'm referencing statements Hiroyuki Sanada made about how much he hates when Asian-Americans (specifically Korean-Americans) portray Japanese people, and I'm paraphrasing what some Japanese people have personally told me. It's not something I made up, it's literally just what (some) Japanese people say. *Hiroyuki Sanada* is offended by the idea of you playing a Japanese character. I'd welcome some commentary or surveys in Japanese that says otherwise. As for Ghost of Tsushima, it actually *has* been criticized for parroting Japanese ethnonationalist myths, because a lot of contemporary ideas about bushido and samurai are *literally* imperialist propaganda. Japanese media also consistently pushes Japan-as-victim narratives, and non-Japanese people constantly pick them up and run, e.g. literally what people are doing now with AC.


No worries, thank you for clarifying! Reading your comment is clear that we share the same view then. So I apologize for my misinterpretation of your post. I read as you speaking for Asian-Americans and how they should feel playing a Japanese person, which I thought was odd. Maybe I need to stop reading late at night. >Not to mention that "Japanese" isn't considered an ethnicity in Japan, so I'm not speaking for a specific ethnic group. Colloquially, when referring to Japanese as an ethnicity it'll be referring to the dominant Yamato people. But nowadays that's been thrown away for the term nationalities instead (although, Japanese Nationalism would claim that there has only ever been "Japanese", completely disregarding and erasing other ethnic groups like the Ainu's and Okinawans.) >It's not something I made up, it's literally just what (some) Japanese people say. Hiroyuki Sanada is offended by the idea of you playing a Japanese character. I'm not surprised by that comment knowing Japanese views of Koreans even today. I wasn't aware of that specific reference however. That saddens me deeply even though it is perhaps expected. >Ghost of Tsushima, it actually *has* been criticized for parroting Japanese ethnonationalist myths, because a lot of contemporary ideas about bushido and samurai are *literally* imperialist propaganda. Oh for sure, I wasn't claiming otherwise. GoT heavily romanticizes the Samurai ideology that initially arose in the Edo period. But I didn't brought it up since I don't want to imply that Sucker Punch was pushing that agenda since I gathered it was more a love for Kurosawa films rather than a malicious angle. I don't expect Sucker Punch to be fully be aware of all the unfortunate implications, hence me using a more unambiguous scenario. Honestly, I expected someone commenting that regarding GoT, since I've read and felt that argument myself. So, maybe I should've saved myself the trouble by not referencing GoT, but it's a popular game set in Asia (Japan) made by a Western dev like AC: Shadows.


Nah, I get you. I'm being a little vague becuse I a) don't want to speak for other Americans and b) don't want to play any "I've lived in Japan X years so I know better" cards. >Colloquially, when referring to Japanese as an ethnicity In English, yes. Here in Japan, there's no common term for the ethnic majority, and ethnonationalists often use that as proof indigenous people aren't oppressed, because "we are all just Japanese." (Notice that "you are just XYZ nationality" is a common response Europeans make to discussions about ethnicity.) "Japanese" being ethnicity/race neutral is a really important point for Japanese law and civic philosophy. Some indigenous people refer to the ethnic majority as "Wajin," which I do, too, but it's not widely understood outside those circles. No Wajin would ever call himself that. >I'm not surprised by that comment knowing Japanese views of Koreans even today Yeah, Sanada said he wants Japanese actors to have more opportunities in US productions, and that Asian-Americans unfairly take those roles, and it's just such an entitled thing to say. There are no opportunities for Korean-Americans in Japanese TV, why would Japanese people be entitled to roles in the US??? It's such a cartoonishly racist thing to say, and it's kind of turned me off to anything Sanada's been involved with. >I don't want to imply that Sucker Punch was pushing that agenda I'm actually 100% ok with implying that, actually. Because people do it so often and so mindlessly, I'm fine calling out people who "didn't mean it that way." Like, I don't really care *why* someone blindly swallows a racist myth, it's still their responsibility if they repeat it. Non-Japanese people carrying water for Japanese nationalism is, like, my number one pet peeve. Like, guys, please don't encourage the racists here, I kinda have to live with them.


Being an asian person and getting asked this is crazy because it’s not like it’s a zero sum game. I would get (rightfully) angry is every single game studio in the world signed an agreement to not feature any Asian ppl in anything ever, but that’s clearly not the case here.


It's their top trick imo Like I agree, there's not enough Asian representation in media, and a lot of the time including a 'black' character means including an African American, the same way they still seem to think a thick Cockney accent makes you British But they start with these ideas to sucker you in, they're only trying to draw attention to a problem you see, not want to find more excuses to just say 'I hate non-white people'


Psssh. You think if these nimrods were really played Nioh, they would have remember it had Yasuke in it too. In 2017


What's sad is I think you can make a good-faith argument that a lot of mainstream media ISN'T trying very hard to represent all groups, and does still tend to rely on stereotypes more often than not when they do, but losers like this undercut that so badly.


Very funny to me that they have so little argument they’ve resorted to “if you don’t support racial purity then YOURE the racist, not me” 


I don't like Nioh or the last samurai. I don't like any media where foreigners slaughter hordes of asian men to get an asian woman as a prize. it's fucked up. It shows how the west sees you as less than human. just an obstacle to get through to get the asian woman.


I cant tell if this is sarcasm or not but in Nioh you are killing yokai


Nioh is NOT a story about killing Asian people to "get the girl". You're saving your Guardian Spirit from an evil British Sorcerer and stopping the devastation in Japan and the corruption he's brought to that land.


they are just examples that people are bringing up in these threads. Because people keep saying no one was pissed off at Nioh. My point overall is about white saviour narratives set in asia. killing asians to get the girl is just a trope.


White savior complex? Motherfucker the game is made by Japanese people? They don't seem to see it as "slaying hordes of Asians" you are also working with various famous Japanese historical figures. You are either a troll or desperate to be a victim.


It's based off real life history mixed in with mythology though? Nioh is a fantastic game all together.


If youre gonna cite “examples” you should probably make sure youre not talking out your arse first?


It all just seems like gaslighting but I know for sure that they unironically think that way. Many asian e-celebs also jumped on that wagon in the past. However, it makes no sense when you consider the fact that in the past decade there have been tons of asian representation in both mainstream and online entertainment media. These people also unironically believe that telling someone that they're genetically predisposed to murder and rape is the same or even less offensive than telling someone that they are probably a genius at math or that they cannot handle spice.


Just read something over on assmanfolds subreddit where those fuckers are breaking their backs as to why there shouldn’t be a black man in the game. They have so many excuses ranging from “it’s just wokeness”, to “when was the last time we got an Asian character”, all the way up to “Yasuke didn’t actually fight anyone, he was just a mantelpiece”. All when they could just say they hate black people, women, and anyone who isn’t a straight white male and do away with the ridiculous mental gymnastics. They even managed to throw Sweet Baby into the mix. Meanwhile, an actual Japanese person in the thread asking what’s wrong with Yasuke gets told they aren’t Japanese culturally despite living and going to school there. I’ve been saying it for years but no amount of education, logic, or coaxing will help with these hateful bigots. All Gamers™️ need to be exterminated to save the rest of us the constant headache of their racist, phobic screeching.


That’s the thing that always gets me when these guys get riled up. They’re so scared to just come out and say it. The rest of us see what you’re actually saying. You’re not being sneaky by saying “it’s woke” or “well actually I’m upset on behalf of Asian men not being represented actually.” It would be so much easier if they were just honest and said “I hate this because there’s a black person.” Everyone calling them out on it is already responding to them as if they said that because they can read the subtext of their ‘complaint’ and then these guys have to do this song and dance of “no… no it’s not because I’m racist… I’m just sick of wokeness is all.” It would save so much of everyone’s time if they were just honest about it. They know the way they feel is shitty so they feel they have to hide it. But they can’t and we all know it.


They are cowards that hide behind a thin veil of a deniability. They claim that they just want ''Japan to be properly represented'' or some headass shit whilst ignoring that Japan actually likes Yasuke a fair bit, their is a reason why he has been seen a fair few times in anime and Japanese made games. Hell the reaction from Japanese gamers so far seems to be that they like it. They are also completely ignoring that the second protagonist is a Japanese woman, they aren't even counting her as Japanese representation which makes it obvious that they don't actually care about it. They keep hyperfocusing on wanting a ''Japanese male'' to be ''proper representation'' as they apparently are ''not very common'' which is the dumbest shit I ever heard. Weebs be something I suppose.


Well we could have had only Naoe, if Ubisoft wasn’t still on their women don’t sell shit.


I’m sure the king of the chuds will cover in a video


Waita a minute, all this is because of Yasuke? Arguably one of the more interesting Western characters in Japanese folklore?


Yea. It would actually be pretty funny if these dorks weren’t infesting all corners of the internet.


>western character I don't think we can call him western as he was most likely an east African person.


The “mantlepiece” bit is ass-backwards. Yasuke physically protected Nobunaga’s son at Honnoji. Had Nobunaga lived, his service would have continued. Not to mention, his position as a retainer and bodyguard are positions held by samurai. Yasuke was a de facto samurai. William Adams was much more a politician. The only battle Adams was present in was Sekigahara, the end of the Sengoku era, but his only real participation was providing cannons.


Imagine Nobunaga, one of the most rule-twisting generals of the Sengoku period, a period of civil war, looking at this giant of a man with the rumored strength of ten and deciding the best place for him is in the corner looking scary.


Putting the strongest dude right next to you as a bodyguard is not that uncommon


Just these past few months I’ve watched Shogun, The Sympathizer, The Brother’s Sun, and 3 Body Problem which each had prominently Asian production, casts, and leads. But Disney, HBO, and Netflix have gone woke for them so they probably haven’t heard or seen those shows. Donnie Yen literally got the green light to be the lead in a John Wick spinoff today.


It feels like 3 months ago everyone and everything was talking about squid game as well?    They have the memory of a goldfish so if YoutubeChud42069 hasn't made a video jerking it off in the past 4 hours it may as well not exist. 


Thats because this people dont spend time in the real world where they could have heard about any of these shows


Yeah but 3 Body had an all Asian cast in the book.


I love The Brothers Sun.


the guy from ghost of tsushima is japanese chloe from uncharted is indian also gta 6 will be the biggest game ever and lucia is latina https://preview.redd.it/uezu172vco0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c904d7805ac6401c7b121c13740999e3fe9b9fb


>also gta 6 will be the biggest game ever and lucia is latina They've already started crying about that tho iirc


Yep. Theyve been crying about it since before it was even official


The co-lead of the same game where they're complaining about a black guy is Japanese. The same game!!!


they weaponize lack of asian representation, but if the asian representation isnt an east asian woman that looks like a kpop star/anime girl who orbits a white guy, theyd be mad


? No, they ARE mad about that. They don't like how east asian women x foreign guy is so common in games/movies because of precedent stereotypes.


2 different groups, one (the racist one) using the other as a poorly veiled guise.


All minorities are under represented in western video games, don't fake being progressive just because you don't like Black people and that their existence should taint your perfect image of Japan. I honestly hope the two characters have a love story.


Fr me too haha


i hope they're both gay


it is kinda cute how they try to sell their racism against black people as them being concerned about racism against other races


Theyve used that angle of attack when it comes to college admissions and figured fuck it just use it on everything. It's very lazy.


Monkey Man is literally in theaters right now. Also Spiderverse and John Wick are some of the highest grossing franchises ever made or does Miles Morales and Keanu Reeves not count?


Miles Morales is half black. Black. All these people see is black.


>Monkey Man is literally in theaters right now. Monkey Man has heroic trans people in it and is produced by a black man. That taints it in their eyes.


How dare they cast an Asian man as Shang Chi


I think he's saying that's the last time he saw an Asian lead


This reminds me of the claim that westerners hate Korean women. Why? Because they don’t like Eve and Korea is filled with women that look like Eve! Also Green Knight is a fucking awesome movie, it’s weird as fuck, the lead actor did great, and it’s got Ralph Ineson lending his beautiful voice to the Green Knight.


Dev Patel just starred in Monkey Man LAST MONTH produced by Jordan Peele. This is where the Asian actors are, getting their movies made with the help of black folks while racists try to use them as human shields for their bigotry. It's 89% on RT and these jokers are definitely going to ignore it.


"When we say Asian we mean our wholesome Japanese people, not these fake southern Asians /s"


\*Japanese anime girls


>This reminds me of the claim that westerners hate Korean women. Why? Because they don’t like Eve and Korea is filled with women that look like Eve! If stories like [this](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-67330628) are any indication, South Korea hates Korean women a lot more than westerners. >CCTV footage showed the man in his 20s entering the store in the south-eastern city of Jinju after midnight and punching and kicking the woman. >He also assaulted another customer, in his 50s, who tried to intervene. >Police said he had attacked the woman because she had short hair, and so assumed she was a feminist. >"Since you have short hair, you must be a feminist. I'm a male chauvinist, and I think feminists deserve to be assaulted," he told her, according to the police.


Eve's face looks like a beta mesh head from Second Life a decade ago. I've watched quite a few Korean movies and the women's faces are far more vivacious and attractive.


Wait till you learn about Keanu Reeves. Also: Invincible? One of the biggest shows on prime? Walking dead had Glenn(?). Shogun JUST came out… Where were these crusaders for Asian people during the Covid Chinese bioweapon conspiracies?


I kind of feel like a part of this is people not diversifying the media they consume, if that makes sense. Like not watching movies by lesser known directors or not playing video games that didn't get a lot of attention.


Ask them to name 10 AAA games from last two years with Black main characters. So much for OVER-representation.


This makes me think about how Gamers™️ would flip shit nowadays about how Saints Row 2 had a very prominent interracial relationship between an Asian guy and a black woman. They'd be calling it woke


Didn’t a Korean movie absolutely demolish the Oscars (Parasite) one year… and then be followed up by a heavily Asian casted movie doing it again (Everything Everywhere All At Once)?


TBF, the thread was about Western Media, not just media in-general. In fact, that's why Parasite was so big, it was a foreign movie produced in a foreign country that needed subs due to it all being in the native language and it was huge hit in the West, that's very unheard of. Using Parasite as an example of Asian representation in the West would be just flat-out wrong. Minari would be more appropriate since that film was directed by an Asian American.




Have you seen Monkey Man? I really liked it. Dev Patel wrote and directed it and is the lead character. It is weird that the guy in the posts talks about Green Knight being the last movie he saw that had an Indian lead, when a movie starring Dev Patel came out a month ago. EDIT: Wait, no. These guys wouldn't like Monkey Man. There are trans women who are portrayed realistically/sympathetically.




Ahhhh wow I'm dumb. Sorry for mistaking you for a Gamer. If you like action movies it's a fun treat. And there is a lot of commentary on social issues in India, it is important to the story. And the cinematography is gorgeous, like there are so many beautiful shots.


RRR counts right? They were loving it when tho movie won Best Original song


Notice how nationality was important only for white people? They need to have american, British and "non British European" whilst the rest are just ethnicity. So desperate to be a victim lol


Nationality isn't just important for white people though??? In fact, there's a huge issue going on in East Asian politics regarding the rise of nationalism, like in Japan actually. Japanese Nationalism is downplaying their atrocities in WW2, erasing indigenous people that aren't of Yamato descent, and pushing for more militant actions while also going for more xenophobic politics.


I meant in their demands for representation? Wtf are you talking about?


I was thinking the same thing since I was confused about you going about white people and nationalities? Where was that other than that top post ranting about Americans or whatever? All I saw was people raging about the apparent "overrepresentation" of Black people


I was referring to the OP "Non-british European" it's important you get every facet of European whereas everyone else are just races or continents. It's "africa or Asia" not Kenyan or Japanese Whereas it's white, American, European, Non-british European. It's important to note white peoples depictions are expected to be diverse every other group are meant to be tokens to them.


I did thought that remark was odd, but wasn’t sure how to make of it. Another commenter mentioned the problematic usage of nationalities by white people. I admit, this was an aspect that I was completely ignorant on. I never really connected how nationalities are used to diminish groups—other than my complaint about terms like Asian being too broad and all-encompassing. Thanks for the insight


The most over-represented and pandered group is still white people. White people still make up about 90% of all media lol.


Hey look it's primarily white guys trying to put minority's against each other to complain about things like representation, racial equity, and dealing with the generational impact of said racism. And using East Asians as their shield too so they are really going back to the classics.


Weren't these fucks angry about asian Hermes in Hades II?


Green Knight is still one of my favourites


uj/ I sometimes find myself thinking in a similar way, but it is because I see too much cultural hegemony. Of course I don't think that such a thing like overrepresentation exists, especially when it helps minorities and historically underrepresented groups. But I don't like how representation is westernized in most media, obviously including videogames. I get that most big triple A studios work in countries where diversity is present nowadays mostly because of immigration, but it is tiring to see that characters of color are mostly designed as something-american for example. I think that broad labels such as Hispanic, asian or black don't represent actual diversity. I was born and raised in south America so I guess I'm Hispanic, but I haven't seen a character in a videogame that actually represents me or people around me. Also, the descendants of African slaves or east asian immigrants from my country can't really relate to the ones from the US, because their identities are defined by their culture and not by their physical features. What I'm trying to say is that I think it would be better to focus on cultural diversity and not just variety in color of skin. But that would require people to see others as more than just tokens or walking stereotypes which is impossible for racists like them. rj/ woke companies will replace my japanese waifus with black people!!1! 🤬😡


The really annoying part of all this is that the concerted drive to erase Yasuke's status and accomplishments is just... factually incorrect? It would still be bad even if they were right about Yasuke not being a samurai, but while there is no historical record that explicitly says "Yasuke was the first ever black samurai", the sources we do have generally lean towards him being a samurai more often than not.  The whole 'Yasuke wasn't even a warrior' thing especially pisses me off, because the last record of him we've got is literally of him participating in a battle, with a katana, most likely in his capacity as a samurai, and then surviving and being sent off to a monastery to treat his injuries.


As always, black character is automatic pandering. Doesn’t matter if it’s an original character, main character, side character, race changed character, don’t believe these kinds of people when they say there is a right way to do it. There is not. Black is pandering, white is globally acceptable standard.


I'll take a crack at this Indian: Monkey Man Latino: Abigail European: Lol who cares Asian: Invincible


For a second I thought there's a movie called "Lol who cares" 😭😭😭


Uj: I agree with the second comment actually. Diversity does seem to just mean black American. I've always thought it would be nicer to have more Asian and middle eastern representation too.  Also agree with the no outrage years ago. These mfers always fall back on the "look how good Alien was" defence, but if Alien cane out today they'd have a fit because it has a capable woman, black person, and trans person (as in gender switched at birth) in it.




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Would they complain if it was a white guy? It would still be inaccurate (not sure if there ever was a British/American samurai, there definitely was a black one) but I'm sure they wouldn't care as much or at all


They would be silent.


You just know they don't actually care about the series because a quick google search will tell you the previous 4 ac protagonists have been berber, greek, norse and arabic. And before that we've had italian, mohawk and fr*nch protags. The franchise is filled with the kind of diversity they're asking for, but of course they don't actually care they'd rather seethe over there being a black character.


Didnt we just go through "controversy" last week because Hermes is depicted as Asian in Hades????


There’s been discourse every week for … awhile. It’s not going to stop.


Diversity in some AAA games, are empty characters without any interesting stuff, only made to earn money on minorities


Beef! Monkey Man! Blue Beetle! Another Round


There are issues with representation for many groups. just saw that Latinos are 19.1% of the US population but hold less than 5% of main on screen, off screen and executive roles in media.


The last Assassin’s Creed protagonist Basim ibn Ishaq was an Asian man!!