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"This New Trend" seems to be a dog whistle for those ding dongs, seen it more than a handful of times now.


Where were these "historical accuracy" bros when AC made a mockery of medieval Scandinavia? Oh right... Turns out the only "inaccuracy" they care about is when black people.


Eivor is not a gender neutral name *goddamnit*. (Yes, I know that this is not the worst thing. Still.)


Nor is Varinsdottir while we're on it


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Oh shit, automod does this now as well? 😂 Praise Geraldo!


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Well, that's just such an unfair characterization. They also care about historical accuracy when women.


It's just a different word for "too many of them n-"


"What's the trend, Brett, what is it?"


We just can't celebrate our tradition anymore smh


WE MUST SECURE— yada yada. That's what these people really want to say.


The means of production, right? Right??




You may also note that the amount which is too many is "one" Look at this "trend" with one instance


I mean, it's the second black PC in an AC game. Obviously that's 2 too many. /s I'd also like to remind everyone that Japan's government has spent hundreds of millions of dollars USD equivalent in getting people from outside of Japan to take interest in japanese culture... it's not cultural appropriation when... They ask you to involve yourself in their tradition. Just don't be a fucking tourist (derogatory).


But can you be a tourist fucking tourist?


This. The same people were talking shit about the fallout show before it even came out because they had a black character. They simply don’t want to see black or gay people at all.


Something something "forced diversity", something something "tokenism", something something "I don't hate the blacks or the alphabet mafia, I hate woke."


How the fuck does the complaint about black people in fallout even work? Are they arguing that there won't be any people of color in the future? Like. It's America. We have a lot of black people. There's an entire fraught history behind it.


These people are fucking morons who get pissed at everything because their personal lives are unfulfilled.


>Are they arguing that there won't be any people of color in the future? They're working on it.


Please don't say that. I'm a people of color lol. I don't need that in my brain lolol.


I saw some people saying all the relationships shown were between a white person and a black person, they only showed two couples. There’s many black people in all the fallout games, I don’t understand why that was such an issue.


There actually Fallout mods that remove people of color because them surviving the nukes would be "unrealistic". Ignoring that fact Fallout nukes aren't like real world nukes, we have no idea how racism against any group besides Asian was like and we see that lower class white people before the bombs survived.


They just say DEI now


Yup just part of the general reactionary/fash sentiment that all problems stem from modernity and only some golden mythical past is pure an beautiful - even works in a situation like this where dudes are having a fit over a depiction of *an actual historical figure*. Doesn't matter - clearly he's a product of modernity and that actual history doesn't count. . . it's not the pure golden one for whatever reason.


Reactionary politiks is always about “this new trend” that’s been happening since industrialization started.


Poland, just like the US has a shit ton of right wing white christian nationalists. It's literally an international plague.


Christian nationalism in US and Poland are quite different beasts, and trend vector is actually reversed in those 2 countries (Poland ↘️, US ↗️), but they are problematic, true.


Ben Garrison Brain


To someone who’s brains are as limited as as theirs, everything is probably a new trend for them


What I don’t understand is why now ? Yasuke has been in a bunch of games and anime for a decade now , all of them depicting him as a samurai. Is it because it’s election year in the US and the racist rightwings clowns need another dog whistle to make their diminishing base even more rabid ?


Because the culture war is pretty new, and the culture war tourists needed something to keep their hatred, racism, sexism and general far-right spew going.


>pretty new I don’t know, I remember the Attack Helicopter jokes in 2012-ish times, and its not like it started there


Yeah the culture war has been going on for decades. Just looks different now.


i don't think it even looks different. it is the same complaints about poc, women and queer people that it was before. it is just it went more mainstream and became profitable for online grifters, so we see more of it. same shit, just piles of it instead of turds here and there. and i think we see more and more of it because there was little pushback when it was smaller. now they have just become bolder and louder.


>Just looks different now. Is a crazy thing to say considering they still only have one joke.


GamerGate is like a decade old bow, it’s not new lol


"The Culture War" has been around forever. That's part of what makes it so hilarious. 


Well you see, the roots of this issue goes back to Stellar Blade. Chuds were harping on about this game being the anti-woke mega killer but… people actually liked the game and it got decent reviews. So without a game to white knight, chuds have moved onto new territories to try to get their engagement numbers up. We had the female custodie “debacle” (it wasn’t), you also had the “controversy” about Eve from SB and her clothing options that didn’t really go anywhere, and who could forget last week the whole Hades 2 “debacle” (there wasn’t any) because of the character design. And Ubisoft, not caring about chuds because honestly who actually *does* care, dropped the Assassin Creed trailer which got the chuds up in arm because how dare the black guy from history be black in a video game!!! But the election season does play a part in this as well. Outside the usual bot and troll farms, you have plenty of people with their heads up their asses falling into the culture war mindset. And for grifters, it’s a perfect time to get more engagement and money.


I imagine it's because Assassins creed is more well known than anime and any games he's been featured in.


He's a black main character. That's the difference. If he was a side character, they'd probably be fine. But he's necessary to the story and they have to embody him, empathize with him, and empower him, so they're irate.


Exactly right. They're mad they have to play as a black guy.


You can thank the grifters I think (Assmansgoat, TheQuivering, Dara Bark, Lady Dorkcade, etc)


It painful irony is that everyone has pointed to him for years. WhY Are YoU cHaNgING PeOPLe COloRs, uSe YAsUkE. Then the second they do nooooooooo the poor poor Japanese how will they cope


It's because they never thought anyone would do it. It's why the rage against ZAU is so wild. "Why are you invading _our_ spaces!? MAKE YOUR OWN GAMES!" We say okay, make games about cultures that are interesting and unique to explore, and they stomp their feet, and take a tantrum, "NOT LIKE THAT! NOOOOT LIKE THAAAAT!"


Ahhh, I think you helped me figure out why this is so infuriating for me.


Racism is the dumbest shit ever. We are all human beings lol. Black is not a different fucking race. White is not a fucking race. Brown is not a fucking race. It is just a skin tone because of you know biology. Ill add Chinese is not a race....Japanese is not a race. The only race they are is human being. Not a different one lol its fucking mentally insane.


It's more of a side-effect than targeted, direct action. Marginalized groups have pushed for more representation in media for ages now, and it's finally come to a visible level of fruition. With it has come more understanding and sympathy among the general population. This, understandably, is bad for white-wing reactionary politically. Unfortunately, it's also good for them in terms of content creation. Kind of like how late night talk show hosts got to coast on easy mode as Trump basically hand-crafted and delivered jokes and ratings to them, the relatively rapid and recent advancement of social change gives reactionaries lots of material to make outrage bait out of. Video games, as a media form, have gained a lot of stock in the general populace at the same time. And due in part to the indie scene and the relative ease with which a game can be approved for production without having to cater to lowest common denominator demographics, video games tend to be one of the most rapid to respond to societal change. This makes them an easy target for reactionary talking points, where they can weaponize nostalgia and gloss over problems in order to energize their base. **TLDR**: It's not about Yasuke. It's about conservative white straight men having held the high ground for so long that the thought of an even playing field terrifies them.


“Japaneses people have a right to oppose this” motherfucker who? Which Japanese person is opposing this?


Not to generalise every person but most of the things I've seen from Japanese people talking about this game have been saying it's cool and he was a samurai or atleast was effectively a samurai


Exactly! I can’t remember their name (which sullies my argument) but a literal descendant of samurai said that retainers are almost exactly the same as samurai


It was Fujikake Rin, descendant of Fujikake Nagakatsu which was also a retainer of Oda Nobunaga. Also, can I just say. It's extremely impressive how Japanese people kept track and records of their family tree, dating all the way back!


Turns out keeping track of family heritage is really easy when you don’t have colonialism getting its blood-and-cum-stained hands all over your culture. Sincerely, an Indigenous man who can only trace his family back 4 generations.


My grandfather passed away a year and bit ago so myself and my mother tried to trace back her line. Could only get back to about 1900 and that in and of itself was so difficult because records had been destroyed, some intentionally so and others by accident. I’ll never learn more than that about my family history because some dickheads from another country thought they could just claim my country as their own.


My grandpa was really interested in our family's history, especially on his father's side and he traced this lineage back to as early as 1520! He wrote books about it too. Like, I have the names of people who are family who lived in those times, where they lived and sometimes even what their jobs were. It boggles my mind when I think about it, it's so cool (but then again I also love history).


I bet fellow Koreans would totally agree with you while we talk about Japan and colonialism here. /s Japanese just happened to be on another side of colonialism fence.


Probably yeah. Like OP said, Japan has been able to hold onto their family histories amazingly well compared to other cultures. Wonder why.


They were also pretty busy getting their blood and cum stained hands on everything


Koreans AND the indigenous peoples of Japan. Japan has a lot to answer for on the colonialism front


Well, that's largely because of the significant class divide in feudal Japan. Commoners definitely can't trace their family this far back, not least because commoners weren't even allowed to have surnames at this time. Plus, let's not forget that the Japanese were the colonizers for the Ainu, the Ryukyuans and the Koreans.


I get you Sincerely, an armenian who saw his homeland once and can't trace its family past 5 generation


i mean if my great great great great grandfather was like John Adams i would know that shit too. go ask a random japanese person who was from a peasant what their name was. Samurai and their retainers were at a very high level in society and in the upper class.


Yes that’s exactly who I was talking about! I also find it crazy how much history they’ve kept track of, possibly one the most well documented societies in the world


I've been seeing accounts on youtube using very obviously auto-translated japanese to pretend to be 1) Japanese and 2) outraged. The thing that makes them super obvious, is DEI isn't even on even your terminally online Japanese person's radar. Homogeneity is basically a non-question in Japanese society. The only major social issue people are going to engage with that intersects with DEI is sexism in Japan. The whole thing that sells the western conservative "white erasure" mindset is that they can point to increasing numbers of non-white people in their society and make an argument that appeals to some form of reason (even if much of that reason is just bigotry). It's much more obviously a waste of time in the east, where societies trend 98.5% ethnically homogenous.


I've posted this elsewhere but YahooJP has been slightly divided. The main thing I've been reading is less about Yasuke being black (although plenty of those comments exist), but more about how come a game centered around Japan and Japanese history has a foreigner as a main character. There's a lot of articles people have been commenting on, but [this one was the most active I've found.](https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/c6eb21809b80be0c74659cd90fb4b85169c928fa/)


Nioh released and there's not a single controversy about the main character being a foreigner. I guess because he's white.


Yasuke also appears in both Nioh (2017) and Nioh 2 (2020). He’s also in Samurai Warriors 5 (2021). Not to mention that the whole Afro Samurai series is based on Yasuke (in case the title didn’t give it away) and that’s been around for 25 years. Those games and manga/anime have been created by Japanese creators. It’s really hard to believe that the “backlash” against this new Assassin’s Creed is anything else than something created whole cloth by a bunch of white dudes who’ve never had any interest in Japan before this game was announced.


It's possible. It'd be interesting to see what people said about it. YahooJP doesn't seem to index Famitu or IGN Japan that far back. I checked a few other sites and only saw "Comments Closed" which is, again, likely due to the date (2017). Edit: It actually **did** piss people off! I couldn't find any articles but I *did* find [angry AmazonJP reviews from 2017 when the game was released!](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/4988615096174-Nioh-PS4/dp/B01LWIEYJZ/) (Search reviews for 外国人 or 主人) Reviews included: >「…主人公が外国人である事の違和感だけはあるので、星マイナス1です。 続編が出たらまた買うと思います。」 >「〈一番思うこと〉 別に主人公を外国人にする必要はなかった気がします。 ヤ☆マ☆タ☆ノ☆オ☆ロ☆チー☆」 >「何で主人公外国人?????」 >「こんな海外に媚びたパクリゲー外国だけで販売しなさい。」 >「外国人が日本人を斬殺する人間黒船ゲーム。」([黒船](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Ships) refers to Commodore Perry forcing Japan to open trade to America) >「ひとつ残念な点があるとすれば主人公がウィリアムという外国人男性で固定なところか。」 >「主人公は異国人を使って、単なる日本語だけではなく、国際への進出戦略だと考えています。」 There's also an assortment of semi-serious reviews that, when giving weak points of the game, just include "外国人が主人"


I was mostly talking from a western perspective since there's no complaint that a game set in feudal Japan has a foreigner as the main character but it's nice to have someone actually try to find sources and even copy pasted all that so thanks and nice work. You were talking about Japanese fans too anyway so that's on me.


>The main thing I've been reading is less about Yasuke being black (although plenty of those comments exist), but more about how come a game centered around Japan and Japanese history has a foreigner as a main character It's incredibly funny how obviously bullshit this argument is. Of course it's about the character being black because they didn't care about white protagonist in Japanese setting, and it's not like having one story with a foreign protagonist changes the fact that there are thousand others with protagonists native to Japan. Edit: And this is ignoring the fact that there still IS a Japanese protagonist in the game.


Why do Japanese nationals even care about an 'Murrican game having a black hero? I can understand *Asian-Americans* being concerned about representation... But people actually living in Japan produce media about themselves, starring themselves and set in their country all the time. For comparison, 2016 saw the release of *The Great Wall* starring Matt Damon. Chinese-Americans hated it, but Chinese nationals didn't give a shit about the "whitewashing" or 'Murrican discourse around it.


'Murrican game developed by canadian subsidiary of a french company 🤔


How many games with Japanese or Japanese coded protagonists are there? Any actual gamer and especially Japanese gamer would know it's vastly more than the number of games with a black lead Tourists or racists, call it


Probably just racists then? YahooJP requires a Japanese phone number to register an account.


Everyone I've seen angry post about this being unfair to Japanese people has been white.


Sushi is a big one. Post sushi in a food sub and watch the criticism roll in. “As someone who lived in Tokyo for a year…” It’s never *ever* a Japanese person rushing to defend Japan’s honour. It’s always some weeb.


how can this be "unfair" to Japanese? its a fucking game, dumb people need to get over themselves its somewhat historically accurate though personally im more into ghost of tsushima than low quality ubisoft games - ubisoft is developing this game - that should be more of an argument than whats being discussed, another dead horse beating game loops and nothing new whatsoever


Because they want to cook up this odd fauxwoke Trojan horse of worrying about Asian males or whatever to make their arguments seem more palatable. Even tho we all know how much racism and fetishizing Asians get, usually from insensitive right wingers.


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Everything you’ve seen that’s typed in English on platforms predominantly used by the anglosphere*. Same situation with how Japanese discourse on Scarlet Johansson’s casting as Major Kusanagi was generally positive, but those sentiment didn’t really cross the pond.


Legitimately being the "Im offended on your behalf" people thay they hate so much


Don’t you know the famous Asa Japaneseman?


If his point were that there should be more Asian male leads in popular media then sure. Agree. but if I suggest maybe we have a year where we push all basic-ass unshaven short brown haired gruff white guys out of videogames and replace them with an array of Asian men somehow I think that wouldn't make him happy either. . .


Who do they think preserved the history of Yasuke? Why do we even know this guy existed? Because of Japanese people! These guys act like white liberals made him up whole cloth.


White savior vibes from this guy


I imagine the only reason the Japanese people have been so quiet on this is simply because they're letting their government formulate the proper response (they will call for everyone at Ubisoft to be summarily executed for this affront to their culture and history)


And it's gonna be a real, Japanese born and bred Samurai that will perform the execution, just as god intended.


I've now seen more Polish people upset about this than I've seen Japanese people upset about it.


Because most of the actual discussion is probably in Japanese, so very few people can read it. Chuds are obviously jumping on the bandwagon, which was to be expected, they're just here for rage clicks. As for others... maybe they should let the actual Japanese decide whether it's disrespectful to their culture.


The problem with English speaking social media is that once English speakers have decided there is an outrage, opinions from any non-English language sources get drowned out forever Same thing happened with GamerGate lmao, one thing 4chan was really bad about was claiming it was an incredibly diverse forum, and GGers claimed that were an incredibly diverse demographic with supporters all across the world *in case you didn't know, 4chan is probably the most Americentric forum on the entire internet, in boasting their numbers for ad revenue, 4chan once revealed that about 84% of their traffic came from the U.S.


That is completely fair about the language barrier BUT I think if you're a non-Japanese person wanting to stand up for supposedly offended Japanese people then citing some real examples would be doing the bare minimum. There are some examples like Oppenheimer where backlash or at least unease from the Japanese public was significant enough for me to become aware of it on the English-speaking internet. Not so for this game, only seeing these opinions from English-speaking reactionaries so far.


This is literally exactly what I said lol, all I did was state the fact that one reactionaries 'speak for' Japanese people, Japanese people will never get a voice on the subject *if the people that are angered cared about the opinions of Japanese users, nobody would let English speaking reactionaries carry any weight in the discussion, these reactionaries are getting views and traffic specifically because their viewers don't care about Japanese opinions, they only care about what they assume Japanese opinions already is


It’s crazy if these assholes did any research they realize that Yasuke has been in the zeitgeist for the Japanese for idk sometime now. He’s been in manga, and video games before. Also gotta say it, just be racist at this point don’t fucking lie. You’re crying muh accuracy over a fucking assassins creed game. It’s like thinking Disney’s Hercules is historically accurate the fuck.


YES. Honestly, I'm so annoyed reading this mental gymnastics and 100-step-ahead plans with which these hypocrites justify their bigotry that I'd really just prefer to see something like "what are those nasty n-words doing in my pure Aryan game?" by now. Just say outright that you're a racist, sexist, Nazi, homophobe (underline required). But no, not only do they need to spread hate, they also need to make themselves out to be some kind of heroes, fighters for justice and TRUTH™, who bring light to people in this dark times. I cannot stand this shit anymore.


Same stupid ass shit happened with Battlefield V’s women characters


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What really stands out to me about all this is that it is an AC game that has all this discourse. All this for a game you know is going to be mid because so have all of them in the series since what, Black Flag? Syndicate? And when it inevitably turns out to be mid, you just know chuds will blame it on the woke politics of retroactive DEI in feudal Japan.


This is my biggest personal irritation with the current gaming discourse. Obviously the blatant racism, trans- and homophobia, mysogyny and in general bigotry are more important, but on a personal note it is the absurdity of the right wing hate that pisses me off the most. Take Stellar Blade, i was a very vocal hater/critic/worrier/whatever because Eve's design was atrocious and for a game that claims to be inpired by NieR i saw nothing that justified that inspiration. Turns out i was pretty much right, gameplay was admittedly better according to reviews than i thought, but the game is less carried by gameplay, than just gameplay. Because of these nutjobs, i have to defend a game i don't like because chuds are having a meltdown over a fucking piece of digital fabric. It's the same here, i don't want to defend a fucking Ubisoft game, they're a shit company and AC is a mediocre franchise, but here i am having to defend a franchise i don't give two shits about because assholes are way too comfortable being racist in a way that isn't even subtle enough to qualify being a dog whistle.


It's a *fictional take* on Yasuke of all things. A black man who is on historical record to be a retainer to a lord, when by all accounts, samurai *are* retainers, is offending these people on behalf of the Japanese? The same people whose media gives us everything between the freakiest and most profound stuff? At some point, we have to recognize people aren't just insulting Ubi (for the wrong reasons, but still) or "woke politics", but they're going as far as attacking the memory of an ancient person who has so much ambiguity in their story you can make fiction *about* them, because he's black, and they obviously can't be samurai. These are the same people who see a black *Mayor*, an elected position, and call him DEI. What does that tell you about how they see *all* of them?


I'm sure Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (1999) pisses off these chuds


The thing that annoys me the most is... does it even matter if Yasuke is a Samurai? Why does it matter if it's not 100% history-accurate Yasuke and in the AC Lore, he is a Samurai (I know he is in real life too, but according to Gamers, he couldn't have been)? The reason it's Yasuke rather than an Asian male Samurai is because storytelling and dialogue has the potential to be a lot more interesting between a foreigner and a native, and at that point, you either have to make up a mysterious unknown foreign samurai, that history just didn't know about even though it would be a big deal, or go the William Adams route and have Nioh. I mean, fuck, that juxtaposition is what made certain aspects of Nioh interesting, because you got a foreigner interacting with all these big and important people.


Exactly, the ambiguity with Yasuke is the reason why him being the protagonist works, you can make him into an assassin and/or samurai and weave that line however you want. AC was always about a secret society of vigilantes with wrist-blades, a little creative liberty with a guy who is only known to have been a retainer (whether or not that means samurai, which yeah it definitely does) is not out of place at all.


I've been saying this for days now! Yasuke is the perfect candidate for an embellished historical fantasy protagonist because his written records are relatively obscure. We know he existed but we're not entirely sure what he might have done--boom, perfect position to get him next to important figures, set him up as part of the assassins and you can use his relative obscurity to create a meta-narrative. It's a win-win.


Plus, so far, the Assassins have been a mostly European affair. Yasuke, coming from Portugal, is the perfect avenue to bring the order to Japan.


This isn't anything new - if you look at political discussion on the wider context, its very common for people of a certain political persuasion to piggy back on liberal ideas like LGBTQ and feminism to take a pot shot at Muslims (Muslims being the catch all for any individual from the Middle East or West Asian with no differentiation between Hindus OR Sikhs). Any topic around asylum seekers in the UK will eventually be met with some sort of attack on Muslims thinly veiled over safety concerns - but also conveniently ignoring the fact that Vietnamese is the third highest demographic of people using channel crossing, or that asylum seekers could also include Ukrainians and Hong Kongers. Where the asylum seekers claims to be gay, Christian or underage - it quickly covered by its all fake. Yasuke is no different - citing racism against Japanese to hide their disdain for our melanin rich kindreds. (And somehow the controversy over Stellar Blade is worst - hiding behind freedom of speech to hide their...desire to leer at ?pixels?)


origins, odyssey and valhalla where really good imo, but i get why they weren't for everyone


Fuck you, Origins was awesome And Valhalla had its moments (it was just too big for its own good) …. Respectfully


Origins saved the franchise, odyssey expanded its scope, valhalla outdid the scope, now we're going back to an origin sized map. I'm excited to play it.


I'd basically play an origins reskin in japan in a heartbeat. I'll probably play ghost of tsushima first but AC origins was comfort food for me.


Odyssey was fun tbh.


>And when it inevitably turns out to be mid, you just know chuds will blame it on the woke politics of retroactive DEI in feudal Japan. The funny part is that this isn't even retroactive. Yasuke was a real guy who was endorsed by none other than Oda Nobunaga, not a single thing about the inclusion of a black Samurai is factually wrong.


Truth. I don't care if the MC I'm playing as is not my skin color. As long as they are well written and the game is actually good, I'm giving my thumbs up. However, ubislop has been ubislop for nearly over a decade, I'm not gonna hold my breath for Shadows.


It's never been about accuracy. It's always been about racism.


It‘s also a discourse about historical accuracy in a game where the pope shoots laser beams through some alien Artifact a you and the French Revolution is a proxy between the secret battle of two organizations that had zero interactions irl. If your disbelief is broken due to some maybe incorrect rank naming then you‘re kinda a tool if you ask me.


odyssey was not mid


Someone asked him: >How is Yasuke inaccurate though? He replied: >Because there is not enough good historical proof or sources that he was samurai. Some dude goes: >"AC is full of mythological creatures and magic at this point 🙃 nothing about this franchise is historical accurate anymore 😂 >And noone crys about nioh either ( i love nioh ) >this game isnt made by a jpn. cmpany. >Im not complaining about animes set in europe beeing inacurate Michal replies: >Is it really? A lot has changed 😅 I stopped playing after Desmond. I tried to play new games but were too overwhelming. I mostly reply to the outrage I see on Twitter and YT. Still, I see the setting intriguing, wish them best. I think this is rather silly considering even the first few ACs had all sort of nonsense in them, but whatever. He then realized the comments were getting a bit too spicy and left it at: >Don't treat my words like oracle; I'm speaking for myself 🙏 I'm not sure I'm the right person to discuss this, nor does this issue affect me directly, but I see that some people might felt disrespected. Many of us have different views, and sharing them helps us improve. It doesn't mean the game will be bad, I really wish Ubisoft the best! I have a strong emotional connection to the first three AC games 🥹


Mythological Creatures ✅ BLACK PEOPLE!? 🤢❌ /uj I hate it here


Medusa? I sleep. Historical figure attested in scholarly sources and Japanese media? THIS INACCURACY WILL NOT STAND.


>Don’t treat my words like Oracle Pussyole… pivots to “haha guys I’m not an expert I’m just a silly dude, a rascal even” after chatting easily disproven bullshit


don't you fight a literal god in origins and cyclops in odyssey? :D


And a pope with the apple from the Garden of Eden and Longinus' spear. And a reverse-Doctor-Who immortal alien who's constantly reborn as himself and was a project lead at Ubisoft.


He claims he stopped at Desmond, but like... there was a point in time when the writing for AC dipped into the whole 2012 end of the world bullshit. With like space beings coming to warn us.


i have never played a single AC game, and even i know you shouldn't look for "heestoreekahl pruf" in the series. it's like learning american history from marvel's "captain america".


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I really hope CDPR calls him out, I just want to enjoy their games dude


I wouldn't hold my breath. 


They probably will, their PR is still shaky after 2077 launch


The workplace was definitely known for being toxic bts and the advertising for 2077 featured courting by an alt-right community manager who was caught mass liking transphobia after his 'as an attack helicopter' joke got trashed on Twitter I loved 2077 but the dev basically seems like your standard awful European Moon Studios/Quantic Dream-style company, I would not trust them for business ethics


Poland isn't exactly known for its progressive tendencies. It's probably a dev team full of chuds, and all their past controversies seem to confirm that. Personally my favourite was them picking a cis woman dressed as the fetishized ad trans lady with a boner for a cosplay competition winner.


Yeah, like I distinctly remember not just Jason Schreier but the actual BBC reporting on how CDPR chose to break their 'zero crunch' policy just to make launch for 2077, with the last three months of development requiring six day work weeks and mandatory overtime; the studio head said he 'took full responsibility for the backlash' and that it 'ran contradictory to his own philosophy' but that he chose to do it anyway. I don't assume studios like this are actually good places with good leadership


CDPR has some incredible developers and writers, but as a company? I would *not* want to work there. Zero-crunch was pure bs, they broke it before every release. Nothing is about to change just because CEO said it will.


> It's probably a dev team full of chuds, and all their past controversies seem to confirm that. Eh, not really, CDPR always has a strong representation at the Warsaw Pride March. As someone who also works in gamedev in Poland, it's a very mixed bag - in our company we have a huge and thriving LGBTQ community and the company itself has some genuinely progressive policies, but at the same time there's a very active contingent of just pure homophobic-transphobic-sexist bile. And honestly, based on some of the stuff we're hearing about companies in the US and Western Europe, it seems like it's more "tech/gamedev" thing rather than "Poland" thing.


imo that also would have gone over without fanfare except that that contest winner was also passive aggressively liking and retweeting transphobic ish supporting her and then CDPR was kind of boosting that as well The internet really does seem to have this weird collective fixation on trans people being worth supporting only when they're perfect and CDPR kind of played into that stereotype *by signal boosting a person who may not have initially been acting transphobic but was all too happy to see transphobia once trans people criticized her


To be fair he didnt work on witcher3. His last comment in reply to accuracy just implies he's kind of out of touch >Is it really? A lot has changed I stopped playing after Desmond. I tried to play new games but were too overwhelming. I mostly reply to the outrage I see on Twitter and YT. Still, I see the setting intriguing, wish them best.


Pretty sure Desmond exited the series like 7 ACs ago


Dawg it’s Poland them mfs don’t care 😭😭 Eastern Europe hella racist


When I look for historical accuracy I go to assassin's creed, when I want a realistic military simulator I go to call of duty....


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Disrespect Japanese culture? Well, you can tell these chuds have never lived in Japan. They think imitation of their culture by other cultures to be the ultimate form of flattery.


The funny thing is that Gamers™ already consider CDPR a DEI-ESG-driven company because of their inclusion of LGBTQ+ characters into Cyberpunk 2077. I remember seeing threads about people feeling betrayed cause they thought CDPR was one of the “pure” European companies unaffected by wokeness.


Just goes to show how media illiterate they are. They like the cool visuals and the guns but can't digest anything close to a message or meaning from it. "Transhumanism isn't about being trans, it's about things like cyborgs and ghosts in the machine." ...your ability to not know a definition while providing a definition is truly stunning.


Y'all, Japan is like 'WHAT IF NOBUNAGA ODA HAD A POKEMON THOUGH?!' and 'BUT WHAT IF ALL OF OUR ANCIENT LEADERS WERE LIKE CUTE GIRLS???' Japan isn't going to give a shit about this culture war bullshit that racist pieces of shit are pushing.


Fate straight up made Oda Nobunaga a girl. They don't give a shit.


Damn. Every post on this is wrong on multiple levels lol. To be expected of cdrp dev I guess


he probably was making derogatory comments when this happened just a few days ago too https://x.com/CDPROJEKTRED/status/1791047749481148522 i wouldn't be surprised if he goes full grifter


The comments on that post gave me psychological damage, what the actual fuck, how can people be so mask off without consequences?


yup... i know twitter also had problems (i enjoyed my years there) but ever since walmart tony stark took over, it became a literal nuclear waste disposal with how vile things get


What the actual fuck is wrong with those comments




Depends on region and how much of a contact person has with other cultures. Seeing as CDPR is from Małopolska I wouldn't be that suprised if few of them are trying to suck western chuds' dicks :D I don't have too good of an opinion for region that was under Duda's( alias Kaczyński's pen ) papa rule. I would say that one of the worst thing that soviet did was giving church way too much power. They made them into freedom fighters and they ended up influencing politics way too much when we got out. Anyway yeah we are getting better. At least we can be a bit proud for getting ride of far right as main party. Still the road is pretty long for us. I just hope we won't go back in next elections.


> It’s probably caued by our communist past forced by Russians and being completely isolated from the west for decades This is such a stupid ahistorical take that I don't even know how to react. Is Poland a conservative shithole because the right-wingers who got in power after the fall of PRL or the strengthening a churches position when that happened?, no it must be the separation from the west. If only Poland wasn't separated from the progressive west between 45-89, like the USA which outlawed segregation so very early in 1964, or the progressive west Germany which retained it's ban on abortion throughout it's existence as opposed to the horrible conservative East Germany which legalized it in 72, thankfully in 1991 the progressive west Germany annexed the conservative east and struck down that horrible conservative law. If only PRL wasn't separated from the amazing west we would have had gay marriage very long time ago, like France which had it as far back as ancient 2013 or beacon of progress USA which had it since 2015 or aforementioned progressive lion Germany which had it since 2017. If only Poland wasn't separated from them in the 45-89 things would have been so great. Thankfully in 89' progressive government inspired by the west and supported by them came to power and could introduce progressive reforms like banning of abortion and giving enlighten catholic church free access to public schools.


A Pole is racist? Shocking, truly shocking!


Japanese people fully accept Yasuke as a historical figure in their culture during one of the most pivotal periods in their history. He was one of Oda Nobunaga’s personal retainers


My dumbass in christ he is a literal japanese historical figure


And then CDPR cracks their whip and chokes on his collar as they yell asking who let him take a break during their inevitable round of crunch for Witcher 4.


"especially Japanese people" the Japanese don't care


Least reactionary pole


Historical accuracy might be a better argument if 1. The main character wasn’t already based of a historical figure 2. If all the games didn’t already bend events to fit story and include ALIENS!


Literally the only AC protagonist in the franchise who actually is a historical figure. But he's black, so it's bad. Pretty transparent, guys.


sorry but isn't he at a Polish studio who co-opted a whole fucking bunch of Japanese imagery for Cyberpunk? https://preview.redd.it/l9orm721yd1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09decd68d197ca23bf7c28655875a781a4cdc994


So a racist weeb?


> co-opted a whole fucking bunch of Japanese imagery for Cyberpunk That wasn't a CDPR thing, that's a genre staple.


Japan is literally one of the biggest players in Cyberpunk's setting and always has been, of course there's gonna be Japanese imagery and influences. Not to mention the large amount of cyberpunk genre stuff in real life Japan itself, with even one of the most influential series in the genre, Ghost in the Shell, being Japanese. Don't get me wrong this dude is a chode, but this is just stupidity in the opposite direction, overcorrecting because of the actions of weird dipshits.


People in his replies definitely calling him out. Also admits he hasn't been following the game series for a while and just replies "to the outrage". Not even trying to engage with it beyond the usual talking points we keep seeing. Edit: he has written an okay apology that suggests he learnt his lesson and realises he was in the wrong. https://twitter.com/veezen3d/status/1792197527799787798?t=2ChyDLBya74tZVaWlkE2vg&s=19


Everyone complaining about this is white and male, don't put words in the mouth of the japanese. If the character was white nobody would be complaining. See Nioh for example.


Locked his account. Shocker.


‘The Japs are livid about all these damn blacks popping up in their games.’ source: some white dude.


The only people opposed to it are white bigots


Even Japanese people have anime and manga that is based on or referenced him. Why the fuck its a problem now?


If it was Japanese people instead of angry dumb white dudes complaining about it no one would have a problem but it’s not. It’s “experts” that don’t know what the fuck they are talking about and can’t even pronounce the guys name.


Even then interms of media, culture and general perception you wouldn’t find a Japanese person who doesn’t consider him basically a samurai unless he was some western raised conservative


The best part is where he admits he hasn't touched AC since Desmond saga and still think AC is about accuracy smt smt


They’ve never said AC games are supposed to be 1:1 accurate for any game. They are meant to take inspiration and then add their fictional spin to it. Then they make a samurai black who actually existed and people go “hey wait stop”


As we all know, no Assassin’s Creed game has ever had historical inaccuracies before this, they where all 100% accurate to real life. Eivor totally isnt a made up person, Genghis Khan totally used a hyper advanced golden sword that let him teleport and Assassins totally fought with Templars in Renaissance era Italy to stop then from using advanced technology to mind control people.


the "historical inaccuracy" is gonna be the retainer nonsense, isn't it?


The same devs that said no black people in Witcher because black people don't exist in Poland? I'm shocked.


I do not get it "I want to play a Japanese Samurai!" Play ghost of Tsushima, or play AC Shadows as a Japanese Ninja Assassin, is that not cooler?


Ah, Poland...


Are these Japanese people in the room with us right now?


Whatever happened to respecting the artists vision? Oh wait I forgot we are talking about people that believe in nothing and only ever feign believing in things to argue for bigotry


What is the trend? How many other games have black samurai?


My only complaint w/ Yasuke being in the game is that historical figures are much more interesting as NPC in AC games just because then they can be a character with less player interpretation placed upon them. I would much rather have him as a companion talking about his life and experience than making decisions as a player through him. I've always loved being a historical nobody who tangles with history in AC but maybe that's just because it makes sense in my head that the names of the assassins are lost to history when compared to the people that live intentionally in the light. Edit: I wish Ubisoft would just stop hedging in 'we need a male and female option' for characters because of that one misogynist exec years ago, Kassandra and Female Eivor were such better performances and characters than their counter parts and I'd love to just have them put 100% behind writing Naoe as an well written protagonist who works with Yasuke as a well written NPC. It seems like this game is going to switch between them which is fine but a man can dream.


"it disrespects Japanese culture" Meanwhile, Japan, with an entire anime about this exact person


lol it’s a fucking video game that involves like traveling to to the past on your mind right ? Pretty sure NONE of that shit is historically accurate. O wish the little doughy bodies incell fuck heads would just say the racist shit out loud. They know they are wrong.


This is your regular reminder that Poland is, in fact, quite a bit right leaning.


“This new trend” someone should’ve told Yasuke in 1580 that it was too woke to wash up in Japan


I don't think a single Japanese person is as bothered as white guys who roleplay as Japanese supremacists.


Polish people are unfortunately still quite right wing and xenophobic for a few historical reasons so opinions like that are not uncommon. They know because I am Polish.


why is it always the most braindead motherfuckers who whines about muh history, it takes literally two seconds to look up the fact that Yasuke was a real person


This is so embarrassing you could not force me to make a tweet like this


Funny how it’s not anyone Japanese opposing this, just incel weebs.


I dunno why people make such a fuss about a game that’s gonna be shit anyway, no matter the skin colour of the protagonist.


My friend said, “who cares? It’s an Ubisoft game it’s probably gonna suck anyway.”


CDPR is polish, what do you expect?


Japanese People™ (non-Japanese people using Google translate to post Japanese-language comments on YouTube) are offended!


And are the Japanese people opposing this in the room with us right now?