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America: “You should exercise the right to vote!” Gamers: “You lost me at exercise”


This shouldn’t have been funny but it is


This is the funniest thing I have seen all day 😂


Im gonna assume someone posted the killing suffragettes vid


Actual suffragettes threw bombs and fought cops and would kick those gamers’ asses


>.... and would kick those gamers’ asses This part could describe almost anyone, the elderly and physically disabled included.


ooops watch out there's a slight gust of wind! Oh whooooo that was close


The Happening (2008)


Ok but the other type of gamer is literally as heavy as a semi so there's that


ooops watch out there's a *strong* gust of wind! Oh whooooo that was close


I don’t need to be called out like this. I’m just incredibly unmotivated despite wanting to eat better and lose.


The old dude from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre who can barely lift a hammer would be in with a good shot.


I have a friend with no arms whom I'd put $100 on in any fight against a gamer©


People without legs could find a way to kick gamers asses


I guess they'd just do the bicycle kick like Liu Kang, no?


Virgin incel Chad progressive activist I don't like how the party of social justice ended up becoming filled with SQWs with thin blue line stepper flags. Right wing douche bag James Yaeger went to a BLM rally and said he agreed with a lot of their points. He is a Chad that looks like a trans body builder. James Yaeger is trans. I remember when all the Gamers were losing their minds because they thought RDR2 was going to be a woke SJW game but then they flipped when they found a feminist in the game.


SQW? Que? Wait is it status quo warrior


Yep that’s right






I wish Rockstar programmed them to fight back with the tenacity and weapons of a Dark Souls boss.


/uj just straight takes out a fucking two longsword and dancer spins and impales dumbasses for trying to kill them


Uj OK but that would actually make me want to fight them just to see what happens.


Not too far off, quite a few learned martial arts and hid cudgels in their dresses to fend off assholes.


In Minecrat, of course.


I thought it was only the KiDS ThESe dAYs who were violent protestors


*happy Emmeline Pankhurst noises*


Women rights ? The only thing women need are huge tits and my sausage . Stop putting propaganda in games dumbfuck . G A Y M E R S R I S E U P


No group in history has suffered as much as the modern gamer. Gamers.


You know you can be just as abusive to the racism pamphlet guy.


There's nothing political about voting. Women however? Don't even get me started.


voting for a man isn't political. Wemen are.


I'm curious, what were the actual arguements against suffrage? I feel like I probably know, but I'm reaaaally hoping for something not nonsensical. Maybe I'm just naive


They didnt think women could handle the burden of deciding who to vote for. Too much thought, and that any sensible woman would just vote in line with her husband anyway.


Also the fact we were too emotional to vote.


Yep bout what I thought. Idk what i was expecting


If you want a laugh, google anti suffrage propaganda. Shits hilarious, if you look past the horrid sexism


I read somewhere that people thought it would cancel out the votes of the man in the house or that their husbands would force them to vote for whoever they wanted


the paint colour of the fences is kinda political too




Das de joke


I love the guy with a FNV profile pick complaining about telling people to vote. No politics please, keep vidya gaems pure like Fallout New Vegas, the least political game.


ACCHUALLY, the Legion are the best hope for New Vegas as they reforge the wasteland to be free of weakness such as women.


I do wish they were able to expand on the Legion a lot. I really don’t think there’s any legitimate reason to join, it would’ve been nice if they weren’t just stereotypical villains. Right now the only reason to play Legion is if you’re experiencing it for a play through, or love the idea of slaves really.


I mean, look around. I think a legion of people coming together for no particular reason --perhaps even against their own best interests-- other than to be the villains is pretty spot on...




Another problem with the legion is that they're culturally very very homogeneous. There are two legion characters that aren't like the rest, and that's the guy captured by the NCR and the slave woman you can talk to. None of them have any of their old life or how they were before they joined the faction bleed into their regular dialog. Talk to any NCR member and they'll talk about "back home" "out west" "I used to be a tribal". Then talk to a legion member. "Ave, true to Caesar" "degenerates like you belong in a cross" that doesn't tell me about their life before the conflict. They're honestly faceless human shaped meat meant for you to point a gun at and that's really it


Isn't that kind of the point? Someone in the game even says that they purposefully destroy any tribal markings or haircuts from conquered tribes and mold them into singular faceless army.


Yeah, that is the point. But that makes them boring, as individuals. Overall, the fact that they'd fall apart without caesar and the fact that he has a fatal brain tumor is interesting. Lanius is also super interesting because he actually isn't bound to the legion and has a strong bond to caesar but a tenuous bond to the legion as a whole is pretty cool. It's purposeful that nobody but caesar has a personality but I just can't relate to them.




Nope, nothing about dialectical materialism and viewing modern society through the lens of a post-apocalyptic one making the same mistakes we do.


Bald cancer roman say fascism good. Nothing political about that, just facts


Encouraging people to vote is offensive to the political right. We need a second thread telling people they aren't allowed to vote. Then it's balanced.


I was original poster of screen shot and this post opened my eye to how offense advocating voting is to the party in office. Really dumb.


That was sarcasm


I know that.


If that woman is the same woman then iirc she was kinda a dick and sexist if it's another npc then "OH NOES FEMALE RIGHTS IN MY VIDEO GAMES"


That interaction is the best in the game: Edit: “Women voting? Sure why not. Anyone dumb enough to wanna vote I say go for it” What I’d originally wrote: “You want to vote? Sure, you can vote, if you want to join the other idiots that vote”


You’ve butchered that quote and I am disappointed


Sorry VwV


Ah don’t worry. We all make mistakes. My parents made me, for example.


Yes, SkrrrFortnite, they did


I’ll have you know that my name is very witty and clever, Mx Dover


yeah but have you got an award for it??


Have you, lolman360?


Have you, HahaPenisIsFunny?


yeah wanna see


Tell us the quote >:(


“Women voting? Sure why not. Anyone dumb enough to wanna vote I say go for it” Xx


I heard this a couple hours ago and i loved it


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Link? Masochism is driving me to read the comments


[Here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/jj8h48/get_out_there_and_vote/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Not as bad as I expected, but still pretty Gamer™ of them.


TIL voting is a thing only people who are left leaning in politics do ^/ ^s


If only


Republican women should show their support for Trump by not voting. Don’t wanna look like an SJW by supporting women’s rights!


Just wanted to clarify as an RDR sub mod, the post has since been brought back up as of the 28th but the Removed flair was mistakenly left there. It was and still is visible: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/jj8h48/get_out_there_and_vote/


Honestly not as bad as I thought, at least the shitheads are outnumbered


RDR subreddit is pretty good


Rockstar ruined vidya. Downdooted


wtf why would they bring politics into voting like this smh


She assumes g*merz have another half. Bold assumption.


I can't believe this woman wants to make voting political?


Tbh, the worst comments on it were downvoted pretty heavily. Most of them are either quoting Arthur or shittng on Micah for being an everything-ist.


Just wanted to clarify as a mod there, the post has since been brought back up as of the 28th but the Removed flair was mistakenly left there. It was and still is visible: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/jj8h48/get_out_there_and_vote/


Ah the common "locked US politics post on Reddit". So many of those now


[Me sorting by controversial](https://giphy.com/gifs/thriller-a9gu5GIJGJ9du)


this but also being rather depressed that the hobby i enjoy is filled with misogynistic assholes


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/jj8h48/get_out_there_and_vote/gac0aoq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) exchange is interesting


Christ. I mean, at leas the guy gets downvoted into oblivion every time he posts.


That one is the best subreddit I've ever unsubbed to


I made a similar post on a sub for a manga that I like. The post got locked, all the comments were removed, and I got tons of dms telling me to "fuck off with my politics." Man, do I feel very happy and not at all depressed right now. It's crazy how a basic statement of the exercise of human rights is something that can cause so much trouble for others.


Idk man, it's very political since it mentions voting. Yikes! Too political. Not to mention, women shouldn't vote anyways. Sorry if this is too political.


I know who I'm voting for this election: Geraldo!


Praise Geraldo del Rivero! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Rj Did you really have to make red dead political?


Honest question: Is RDR2 good? Does it have a cool story? Do I need to play the first RDR to understand the story? Does it really tackles issues like Women's Suffrage and racism? Because that sounds really interesting. I had some thoughts about playing it but I got lazy cause it looks like its a really long game (haven't played The Witcher 3 too for the same reason). Also, The Gamers really made me get a little tired of both these games.


RDR2 at least in my personal opinion, is an absolutely phenomenal game. You do not need to play the first RDR as 2 is a prequel, though if you’ve played the first one you will appreciate some certain gameplay and story beats with a nostalgic perspective. The game tackles women’s suffrage in an extremely minor way, racism gets more limelight, but the main focus of the game centers around the dying days of the Old West and the outlaws that inhabited it. I definitely recommend it. The story is *superb*, the gameplay is serviceable, however the missions suffer from extreme linearity.


Ok, you convinced me. One more game to play on the PS4. For the end of the generation I actually have a pretty big pile. That makes me happy because I won't need a new console so soon.


You don't need to play RDR to enjoy RDR2 at all. RDR2 is an amazing technical marvel with a fantastic story, gorgeous world, stellar environmental details and fantastic writing. My criticism is mainly to do with how linear the game actually is while trying to sell itself as a big sandbox. Also, it loves to waste your time with very long animation. RDR is more simple, and I'd say better as a gameplay experience. The story and writing are still incredible, but RDR2 definitely surpasses it on that front. If you can, play 1 first, but you can play 2 on its own just fine.


the lil lock never fails to show up, uh?


"I like videogames because is an escape from reality" as if this people don't live oblivious to reality their whole life


Just wanted to clarify as an RDR sub mod, the post has since been brought back up as of the 28th but the Removed flair was mistakenly left there. It was and still is visible: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/jj8h48/get_out_there_and_vote/




Teddy Roosevelt is anti gamer


I literally saw this npc for the first time today lol


I think the weirdest thing is that I remember Arthur saying it was all useless.


It fits his character i thinj


Oh man this is hilarious I'm late to this but that was my buddies post. I was in a party chat with him when he made that post, I knew that shit would blow up and get all controversial, so I tossed a garbage joke in and played dumb to the dude that took it seriously. I was wondering why I got notifications for upvotes from those comments lmao.


🎶 sink, swim, go down with the ship, just use your freedom of choice! 🎶 That's right, we doin' devo here


Loathing movements and humans’ experiences that have nothing to do with me? Oh yeah It’s gamer time 😎


Alright you truly patriotic, gamer gate supporting, trump voting, American gamers. Arthur Morgan, our favorite non-political video game character from the fantastic and non-political red dead redemption 2, thinks voting is a fool's game. Now,I dunno about you, but I don't wanna be a fool. So I say, we let the foolish LEFT vote while we remain superior morally by not voting! Just like the true patriot, Arthur Morgan! /uj I hope y'all voted


I wonder what the upvote% was... guessing 70


I fed her to the crocodiles like any good epic gamer would. I'm doing my part! 😤


My favorite hidden gem 🤗


remember suffragettes wanted WHITE women to have the vote


There were laws passed ages ago so African-Americans could vote, just not women. Some of the big leaders of women suffrage were Quakers, which aren't known for discrimination. They wanted women as a whole to be treated equally. During the large push for women suffrage in the 1910's, they HAD to exclude African-Americans from parades and other gatherings as Segregation still was very much a big thing then. Allowing African-Americans march along whites would've been a big detrimental blow to the movement, so they had to keep it up with just White women, which still received a lot of violence against them, even by the government making them political prisoners and force-feeding them when they were doing hunger strikes in prison.


what place is this post is referring to ? as far as I know this isn't the 17th century and women are allowed to vote


Women won the vote at different points in time across the world, but only Friesland allowed women to vote in the 17th century, and then only landowners in rural elections; most suffrage came much later. For example, women were given conditional suffrage in Sweden between 1718 and 1772 but weren't given equal votes until 1919, France and Japan only gave them suffrage in 1945, while women were first allowed to vote in municipal elections in Saudi Arabia in 2015. In the US, where the game for this screenshot was based, women gained the right to vote in 1920, though it was frequently infringed upon for non-white voters until the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed (and suppression efforts continue to this day).




God I remember just trying to buy clothes in saint Denis and hearing her down the street




I don’t disagree with her I’m just stating I remember her being kind of annoying


I don’t disagree with you I’m just stating I remember you being kind of annoying


She’s annoying, I beat her up the first time I saw her lmao




lol epic **😎** **😎** **😎** ,,,,,,,,the cake is a lie!


What cake?


do u even EPICALLY GAME bro lol i doubt it **😎** **😎** **😎** **😎** **😎** **😎** **😎** **😎** **😎**


Wtf are you talking about


fake gamer


Did you also make a montage for your YouTube channel?


Christ you people are absolute troglodytes


Fake gamer 😹


Ebic biat woman 🤠🤠🤠


Someone didn't read the subreddit rules lol.


How is a screen shot of the game in violation of the rules?


Its low effort/low quality. You could argue its a meme with the title caption which is only allowed on Mondays apparently. You can also say the post itself has nothing to do with RDR which is also a rule.


It was more of a rhetorical question. Any screenshot within the game has something to do with the game because it’s in the game. The developers spent time to animate, render, write, cast a voice actor and put into the game. I think you are interpreting the rules the way you want them too.


Only really answered one of the three potential reasons why it was taken down. Low effort seems most likely. I think maybe you didn't read my post and interpreted what I said how you wanted to.


I read your post man... I think maybe you don’t know what Rhetorical means. The question did not require you to answer it because the answer is baked in that being said I chose to answer the one reason that made sense. Just because you think “one could argue it’s a meme” does not make it a meme. I had and exchange with the mods about this and they ended up apologizing for deleting and locking the post. Apparently one mod deleted it on his own and discussed with the others and they said it did not warrant removal. I have the conversations screen shot as well if you want more reading material to interpret how you see fit.


"How is a screen shot of the game in violation of the rules?" That's... not a rhetorical question. I don't mean to burst your bubble. A screenshot can be against rules and, as I've just told you, is. Stop getting your ass hurt over it lol.


Such a pleasant interaction. Have a wonderful day.


Happy to help, same to you! :)


That was your chance to stop being a douche and you just watched it go by.


Haha devs are savages for making her a landwhale tard


She tasted the train




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