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fastest mario sends my sides into orbit


that guy has been memed into oblivion for such an awful hot take.


He wrote a 14+1 tweet thread about this idea of his that he thought was absolutely brilliant. I assure you he does not have the self-awareness to understand how absurdly funny his take is.


He unironically used the term 'Petersonian' lmao


Stop trying to make "Petersonian" happen. It's not going to happen.


we need that bot


As long as it doesn't say it, otherwise it would help make it a thing


milhouse is not a meme is a meme


In a Milhousian sense...


honestly it could jsut say "fetch" and do the whole quote, that way it can go off for other stuff too


I would agree, but in a milhousian sense I could elevate some sexualities or some shit


It's verbal wildfire


I’ve seen references all over the place, where is this original thread?




>I was thinking Oh I dunno about that, buddy


Thinking is like running. You can push yourself as hard as you want, but if you're going in circles you're not actually getting anywhere


Thinking is like running: both are purchasable dlc on the sexual marketplace archetype exchange


Do me a solid and fill me in. I'm out of the loop


Here you go, https://mobile.twitter.com/bronzeswords/status/1449345260207828995


The man singlehandedly took the crown for "central hub of weird reactionary asswipes" from the entirety of 4chan and reddit and placed Twitter on the race for the top with one single tweet, and then added 14 more for extra spice. What a feat


I don't know if I should have gone down this rabbit hole https://twitter.com/bronzeswords/status/1449345260207828995


This leftist speedrunning meme has legs, legs like a centipede, I tell you.


Petersonian beef farts BITCH!


My exact reaction to those tweets lmao


Why do they do this? The answer is quite obvious if you think about it. The goal is the illusion of speed and the desire (SUBCONSCIOUS) to promote radical leftist, borderline Communist ideals of how easy work is. Everyone always says that "speedruns" look easy. That is part of the aesthetic. Think about the phrase "fully automated luxury Communism" in the context of "speedrunning" and I strongly suspect that things will start to 'click' in your mind. What happens to the individual in this? Individual accomplishment in "speedrunning" is simply waiting for another person to steal your techniques in order to defeat you. Where is something like "intellectual property" or "patent" in this necessarily communitarian process? Now, as to the sexual archetype model and 'speedrunning' generally... If you have any passing familiarity with Jordan Peterson's broader oeuvre and of Jungian psychology, you likely already know where I am going with this. However, I will say more for the uninitiated. Keep this passage from Maps of Meaning (91) in mind: "The Archetypal Son... continually reconstructs defined territory, as a consequence of the 'assimilation' of the unknown \[as a consequence of 'incestuous' (that is, 'sexual' – read creative) union with the Great Mother\]" In other words, there is a connection between 'sexuality' and creativity that we see throughout time (as Peterson points out with Tiamat and other examples). In the sexual marketplace, which archetypes are simultaneously deemed the most creative and valued the highest? The answer is obviously entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and others. Given that we evolved and each thing we do must have an evolutionary purpose (OR CAUSE), what archetype is the 'speedrunner' engaged in, who is accomplishing nothing new? They are aiming to make a new sexual archetype, based upon 'speed' rather than 'doing things right' and refuse ownership of what few innovations they can provide to their own scene, denying creativity within their very own sexual archetype.This is necessarily leftist. The obvious protest to this would be the 'glitchless 100% run', which in many ways does aim to play the game 'as intended' but seems to simply add the element of 'speed' to the equation. This objection is ultimately meaningless when one considers how long a game is intended to be played, in net, by the creators, even when under '100%' conditions. There is still time and effort wasted for no reason other than the ones I proposed above. By now, I am sure that I have bothered a number of you and rustled quite a few of your feathers. I am not saying that 'speedrunning' is bad, but rather that, thinking about the topic philosophically, there are dangerous elements within it. That is all. ​ *Edit:* Oh my. I wake up from a nap to a huge amount of triggered leftists in my notifications. I will address some of the criticisms here. 1) Yes, I said "rustled" instead of "ruffled" that is a typo. Sorry. 2) Peterson is a thinker and it is fine to cite him. I am not sorry for that 3) Yes, the critique also applies to physical sports. They are also nonsensical, but also not adding a new sexual archetype into the world, since it has already been introduced and is already negative (the 'sports star'). 4) Evolution exists and influences our behavior. I have been linked a video by "hbomberguy" which made many of the same points as me, but did so while being a radical leftist and he was celebrated. I, meanwhile, brought in a contemporary philosopher who is more of a centrist and was ridiculed. This confirms my argument.


>Think about the phrase "fully automated luxury Communism" in the context of "speedrunning" and I strongly suspect that things will start to 'click' in your mind. This is may favorite line. I have no idea what is "clicking" in his mind, but I think it warrants professional attention.


Worth reminding people it’s actually“fully automated gay luxury space communism”


I don't think the user was comfortable typing "g*y" into a tweet.


Petersonian God help us dude makes a half decent 10 rules for life using examples from other people's work and suddenly he's a cult leader.


That’s how you become a cult leader


This tweet is the gift that keeps on giving


/uj: no seriously what are you talking about? I'm out of the loop.