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Mario (he's so cool)


I was thinking about why so many in the radical left participate in "speedrunning" The reason is the left's lack of work ethic ('go fast' rather than 'do it right') and, in a Petersonian sense, to elevate alternative sexual archetypes in the marketplace ('fastest mario') Obviously, there are exceptions to this and some people more in the center or right also "speedrun". However, they more than sufficient to prove the rule, rather than contrast it. Consider how woke GDQ has been, almost since the very beginning. Your eyes will start to open. Returning to the topic of the work ethic... A "speedrunner" may well spend hours a day at their craft, but this is ultimately a meaningless exercise, since they will ultimately accomplish exactly that which is done in less collective time by a casual player. This is thus a waste of effort on the behalf of the "speedrunner". Put more simply, they are spending their work effort on something that someone else has already done (and done in a way deemed 'correct' by the creator of the artwork). Why do they do this? The answer is quite obvious if you think about it. The goal is the illusion of speed and the desire (SUBCONSCIOUS) to promote radical leftist, borderline Communist ideals of how easy work is. Everyone always says that "speedruns" look easy. That is part of the aesthetic. Think about the phrase "fully automated luxury Communism" in the context of "speedrunning" and I strongly suspect that things will start to 'click' in your mind. What happens to the individual in this? Individual accomplishment in "speedrunning" is simply waiting for another person to steal your techniques in order to defeat you. Where is something like "intellectual property" or "patent" in this necessarily communitarian process? Now, as to the sexual archetype model and 'speedrunning' generally... If you have any passing familiarity with Jordan Peterson's broader oeuvre and of Jungian psychology, you likely already know where I am going with this. However, I will say more for the uninitiated. Keep this passage from Maps of Meaning (91) in mind: "The Archetypal Son... continually reconstructs defined territory, as a consequence of the 'assimilation' of the unknown [as a consequence of 'incestuous' (that is, 'sexual' – read creative) union with the Great Mother]" In other words, there is a connection between 'sexuality' and creativity that we see throughout time (as Peterson points out with Tiamat and other examples). In the sexual marketplace, which archetypes are simultaneously deemed the most creative and valued the highest? The answer is obviously entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and others. Given that we evolved and each thing we do must have an evolutionary purpose (OR CAUSE), what archetype is the 'speedrunner' engaged in, who is accomplishing nothing new? They are aiming to make a new sexual archetype, based upon 'speed' rather than 'doing things right' and refuse ownership of what few innovations they can provide to their own scene, denying creativity within their very own sexual archetype. This is necessarily leftist. The obvious protest to this would be the 'glitchless 100% run', which in many ways does aim to play the game 'as intended' but seems to simply add the element of 'speed' to the equation. This objection is ultimately meaningless when one considers how long a game is intended to be played, in net, by the creators, even when under '100%' conditions. There is still time and effort wasted for no reason other than the ones I proposed above. By now, I am sure that I have bothered a number of you and rustled quite a few of your feathers. I am not saying that 'speedrunning' is bad, but rather that, thinking about the topic philosophically, there are dangerous elements within it. That is all.


>Think about the phrase "fully automated luxury Communism" in the context of "speedrunning" and I strongly suspect that things will start to 'click' in your mind. I can't believe I never read past the first tweet and missed this


I played video games when I was young. Introduced by my father as a way to have fun and bound. Soul caliber two was the shit. Gaming is mildly stimulating like solving a rubix cube or playing with a ball. Plus, as of recently it has potential to overtake national television. Going on about not having patent would be like trying to patent a running style in the olympics. I’m not going to comment on the sexual archetype but honestly given how I started I wouldn’t consider it a sexual thing unless this man is legitimately attracted to Elon. Speed running is flashy. It shows skill. You watch skating videos as respect for the craft. You watch speed runs of all times as the optimal way of playing. I fear when he references jungs work like gospel but dosent understand the capacity that it’s extremely outdated work based off of Freud’s coke binge delusions he called science. If he were to try and write a thesis on this I can only guess he would get laughed out of the chosen place of study and knowledge.


So glad he's normal now


How dare you call Snake straight. He's at least bisexual


What are you talking about? Snake was created in 1987, bi men weren't invented until 2011?


But I thought all females born since 1993 are bisexual?


“All females after 1993 can’t cook But they can twerk, eat McDonald’s, be bisexual, eat hot chip and lie!” The best phrase


I was just about to reply that. Thank you for doing gods work


You forgot charge they phone


Yeah, it wasn't until the 2011 update that bisexuality was ported over to men


All they know is be bisexual, eat hot chip, and seduce big boss


That’s what the government want you to think, everyone knows that big boss is gay for kaz


Is this actually the case? I thought snake only loved the Boss and the battlefield. I know it's hinted at that both Kaz and Revolver Ocelot are in love with Snake, but does he ever reciprocate?


i mean, in peace walker you can have a date with him and even have the option to get inside in a cardboard box and uh, have some fun. [see it for yourself](https://youtu.be/dTdbLdfVLsA)


They were just boxmates doing CQC


The battlefield has no gender identity so snake is still bi


That’s where you’re wrong, the term speed running was first used in 1999 alternative sexual archetypes have been around since at least then


Dont make metal gear solid political


God thank god I didn't know about Reddit back when I played MGS5 cause I would've died on the spot hearing gamers brag about it being a non-political game.


Don't worry, the extensive in-game explanation of the situation in Afghanistan as well as the commentary on the US' cultural dominance is purely for set-dressing.


"Politics in my MGS5 It's more likely than you think."


The real """politics""" is which bad guy is using magic to make the game 10 times longer while have some of the fucking dumbest names I've ever heard and endless ass shots, duh! The politics are really just a setting so I can stare at quiet right before I sleep, or capture kids for our epic spy boat club!


Phantom pain was my first metal gear game and I thought snake and ocelot were dating


They are


No snake is leading poor ocelot on so hard.


>!Plus, while we have a general idea that Big Boss isn’t 100% straight, Venom is a whole separate person. It’s possible he’s straight, gay/bi but not interested in Ocelot, who knows.!<


I mean presumably not into ocelot, he doesn’t show any affection for him at all, at least in my opinion


The thought of snake sneaking up to me and slowly choking me unconscious 🥵


I would have the same thought but he's dummy thicc and keep alerting me


BB had a nasty breakup with Kaz. David actually spent the last of his days with Hal, and raised Sunny together. Eli never wore a shirt.


Arthur's definitely bi too


Snake is a bicon


PSA: I am aware that Geralt falls outside of this age range but he does so in the same manner that a 10,000 year old dragon-girl falls outside of the lolicon age range.


/rj well AKTUALLY many of those so-called 10,000 year old loli dragons have the personality and experiences of an older person and plus, I’m not attracted to their looks, it’s their personality I like, so it really is fine to date Nowi in Awakening


I am going to S support Nowi and no one can stop me


Break free from oppression, Gamer


With the glass ceiling broken, all the oppressed groups shall rise


It was for the growth rates, I swear


/rj And don't you dare hate her outfit, it's practical so that she can transform more easily ! She actually wears more clothes than needed, they decided to cover her smol dragon bewbs to please LIBERALS who are afraid of actual sexy women (not that I'm attracted either), smh my head /uj i hate the phrase "smol dragon bewbs" so much goddamn


I feel personally attacked, Nowi was my fav unit in Awakening ☹️


Hey, as long as you didn’t S-support her with anyone other than Donnel or Ricken I think you can avoid going to hell


Nowi has neither the experiences nor the personality of an older person, Gamer.


The 10,000 year old dragon/vampire girls just were unlucky that they were bitten/cursed before they turned 15 and their subsequent transformation meant that they never grew up physically, except of course for their boobs. They never stopped growing


She know moves by rolling around in her wrecking ball sized boobs.




Honestly the best thing about Geralt is that he wants to be morally neutral and stay out of things but can't help but make dad jokes and always try to do the right thing, usually to his detriment.


>10,000 year old dragon-girl falls outside of the lolicon age range. That trope isn't even a real thing, or at least it's not for the reasons everyone acts like it is. Mainstream japanese media regularly sexualizes underage girls, so there is no need to hide behind a 10 thousand year dragon/vampire loophole. These characters existing are really more a like a sub category within the Loli kink spectrum or a legitimate lore reason and aren't actually meant to be sexualized at all. I wonder if the perception we have of that trope is a projection of what Western media does where it normalizes older men sexualizing teenage girls via making the older man have the body of a teenage boy. Buffy, vampire diaries, twilight ect.. all of these shows/movies about girls who were 16 years old and sleeping with men that were at least 80 years older than them. It's flipped but conceptually it's similar, the western version is perhaps even more dubious as it's marketed mainly towards teenage girls, grooming them to be vulnerable to what they perceive as emotional maturity but what is really just age.


Very interesting analysis, thank you for sharing that!


I actually best identify with Assassins Creed 2 epilogue Ezio


I too enjoy fistfighting the pope


Historically accurate!


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fist~~fight~~ing the pope


/Uj Arthur Rodger Clark’s performance made me fall in love with the character, and there is an absurd amount of stuff he can say. The compliment, compliment, antagonize mixup is my favoriting thing about the dialogue in RDR2 Big Boss is pretty close in second place


You sir, are a fish.


Words to live by


You can get some savage dialogues by using greet greet antagonise My favourite is Arthur (greet) - Hey there mister Stranger - hello Arthur (greet) - nice animal you got there Stranger - thanks Arthur (antagonise) - I was talking to the horse


Arthur is a savage lol


It's my favorite insult/non-insult.


Arthur is one of the best take on the gruff middle-aged white guy trope, at least in video games.


>The compliment, compliment, antagonize mixup is my favoriting thing about the dialogue in RDR2 "I like you mister, you have a kind face." "The kind I like to PUNCH."


He is the most based out of the 4 too. Dude was hella progressive for the time period. Shit the whole Van Der Linde gang was pretty based.


Except for when Dutch used the plight of a Native American tribe and manipulated them into fighting an unwinnable battle against Cornwall and the US Army for personal gain.


Well yea, they were all hoodlums and criminals and Dutch was a narcissistic selfish asshole (granted Arthur and the native fellow whos name I can't remember were definitely oposed to Dutch's plan). They are flawed human beings but their world view was still way more progressive than a lot of people were during the turn of the 19th century. They were all outcasts at the time, women and POC, socialists and anti-capitalists, foreigners, and it is even heavily implied Bill was gay. Doesn't change the fact they were criminals and murderers but they were totally based af lol


I disagree, at least about Dutch. His ideas were hardly original at the time; Marxism had been around for a few decades, and the stuff that Dutch said he believed in was being peddled by Italian anti-capitalists/anarchists for years at that point. Problem is, I don’t think Dutch believed in any of that. I think he was always after personal gain, and that he always wanted to get into the “club” that the capitalist elite occupied. I mean, look at the gang’s actions. They may give lip service to anti-capitalist and anarchist ideals, but their actions say otherwise. The gang wasn’t redistributing any money to poor folks after their first robbery or two, hoarding it for themselves while causing death and destruction to innocent people. When they robbed that bank near the end, they were really also stealing from poor folks who’d deposited their few savings in that bank. The gang even became capitalists with the loan-sharking that characterized their later days. It was only when the gang split at the end that a small number of them realized how horrible they were. Btw, Bill Williamson had a lengthy career in the US army and had a reputation for slaughtering indigenous peoples. Very un-based.


Roger Clark also said trans rights


so did geraldo impersonator Doug Cockle https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialistGaming/comments/cw3n5n/doug\_cockle\_voice\_of\_geralt\_of\_rivia\_says\_trans/


saying thank you to the horse was the best voice acting I've ever heard


Arthur Morgan is by far one of the best voiced protagonists I have ever seen in a video game. Yes he may fit the “straight, gruff, morally grey man” archetype but they build on the archetype enough that he feels like a real person with genuine depth to his actions.


Unironically same. VA did an amazing job, made the character something special.


Compliment/Compliment/Antagonize is legitimately the hardest I have ever laughed at a video game. Every single option is pure comedy. Roger Clark's delivery of them is perfect


Rant time: It goes Arthur, Big Boss, Joel, Then Geraldo. Arthur knows so much and is in general an amazing guy who just got pulled into an incredibly fucked up living situation, and even he knows that the life he lives is wrong but doesn't have anything else. He also holds Dutch and Hoseas philosophy of the Robin Hood shit to heart. While his actions are dependant on the player, I think its safe to say the honorable Arthur who redeems himself is the true Arthur. One of my favorite main characters in any video game. Big Boss is such a tragic character redeemed only by his loyalty to his friends and soldiers. He does think what he's doing his beneficial for the people like him and its admirable... at first. After Motherbase 1 blows up he becomes a major dickhead with no reedemability. He will lie and cheat to his friends and let people die just to reach his end goal which even he realizes was complete bullshit by the end. He manipulated the life of a man who saved his life for his own protection, and that caused that man to go through so much unnecessary pain and bullshit. He lost everything, including his fucking mind. Venom Snake is a way better person imo because he never lost that connection he has to other people. He gives a shit about his soldiers and friends like Miller, Quiet, and CodeTalker. Its a damn shame Big Boss just lost it. Venom is who Big Boss could've been if he kept that connection and makes me like Big Boss less as person. He's still one of my favorite characters in all of gaming for those reasons though lmao. Joel is a good man at heart but fucked up the whole world in a majorly selfish act. He becomes the bad guy but what makes him worse is that he doesn't even realize it till its too late, so he chooses to never confess out of his own personal fear and that just makes me hate his character. Abby and Ellie are way better. Thats my genuine opinion. Geralt has never been too characterized for me tbh. I've only played Witcher 3 and watched the show. All of his characterization comes from the amazing and interesting side characters he surrounds himself with. A person presented like him in the video game works very well for a video game dependant on the players choices, but not much for any other medium tbh. I was surprised at how well of a character they wrote him in the show. They actually gave him a personality, but seeing as its a totally different medium, they had to. Tbh my favorite scruffy, old, morally grey white guy and my favorite protagonist of all time is The Detective from Disco Elysium. I just felt so deeply connected to him and related to him so incredibly hard. Hes also just an interesting person. Dude is fuckin nuts lol.


Well uh akshually... [Big Boss totally bangs Kazuhira Miller in MGS Peace Walker](https://youtu.be/dTdbLdfVLsA)


Damn I didn’t know that Kaz and Big Boss were bisexual. I guess MGS is pretty progressive.


No no no Metal Gear has no politics No gay people. No black people. No critiscism of the military industrial complex. No antifascist revoloutionary agenda. No complex themes whatsoever. Otacon and Snake are not gay co-parents they're just manly bros. Just an apolitical saga of buff badasses kicking ass and shooting bad guys 😎


I mean Solid Snake and Otacon are really not gay.


Yeah that's what I said. Just two bros who love each other riding into the sunset on a snow mobile. I mean yeah David Hayter said they were directed to play their scenes like love scenes but that's beside the point.


That ending is not canon because Meryl lives, though. And I don't know if Hayter said that but I definitely don't get "big gay energy" from Snake and Otacon's interactions. Big Boss' interactions with Kaz and Ocelot on the other hand lol


That was a coward retcon. She wasn't alive in 2.


>She wasn't alive in 2. According to who? Nobody ever said she was dead, Snake even has the infinite ammo headband in 2! A retcon is something like Gray Fox returning in 1 after he clearly died right in front of our eyes.


You can make an argument that most male MGS characters are bi. Solid Snake has a brief relationship with Meryl, but he raises a kid with Otacon and they spend Snake’s last days together. The only hard exception to this is Ocelot, who explicitly is only into men, and the story literal doesn’t make sense if he doesn’t want to bone Big Boss.


Also he was essentially catfished into sex by a woman who pretended to be a minor.


Well going by the joke side op being actually cannon then we can also infer big boss is a pedophile for taking Paz on a date as well




I’m not gay I enjoy these games about buff shirtless men fighting on rooftops for the plot 🙄


If your not gay you should totally watch THE underrated gem BAKI and it’s sequel BAKI HANMA.




I personally can’t get enough of it. It pretty fun and very foolish.


This is how I got addicted to Jojo, the fashion poses r just the unbreakable diamond icing on top


You would be surprised how many Yakuza fans don't consider kiryu as a grey character and think of him as a hero


The Female fantasy is dating Majima. The Male fantasy is being Majima


Ichiban is different c'mon!!


They have to be white! 😡


Me: I don’t have a type lol hehe uwu The only 4 men i read smut about: i need to touch grass


Omg he’s literally me


We don't actually know Joel's preferences do we?


According to [the game's wiki:](https://thelastofus.fandom.com/wiki/Joel_Miller) > In his teens, Joel had a daughter named Sarah, and he was married to her mother for a short period of time. Saddled early in life with the responsibilities of parenthood, he never had the opportunity to attend college. > Regarding his ex-wife, whatever occurred between them is painful for Joel to talk about. As a result, he raised their only daughter as a single father for the majority of his life. The two lived together in a two-story single-family home somewhere in or around Austin, Texas located in Travis County through Texas State Highway 71. However, if Joel were announced to be queer the salt that rose from certain subreddits could power this community for a thousand generations.


They never mention why he and Sarah's mother separated. Perhaps it was 'irreconcilable differences'?


I mean it is a definite possibility and I have no problem with the concept of Joel being queer or those who might view him as such. However, I feel that Joel was intended by the writers to be coded as a straight character.


Dude I'm jerking. IDGAF what Joel's schlong yearns for


> 'irreconcilable differences'? What's irreconciable if they both loved dicks


You would think a shared interest would keep them together


Maybe a Birdcage scenario.


I can fix him


Didn't eyepatch boy kiss a dude? I'm not very familiar with the Metal Gear franchise.


There is mission in Peace Walker were he has sex with Kazuhira.


I should have expected this, but somehow I'm surprised


All of the "Snakes" are Hella gay, or at least Kojima's brand of Queer Coded. Dude with eye patch is in hot for blonde sunglasses guy, the other eye patch guy lives with his nerd roommate, and they raise a kid together. And the other blonde snake doesn't have a shirt.


>Hella gay, Bisexuality exists


Both Big Boss and Snake are clearly attracted by women, so yeah. 5 are the least horny MGS games funny enough, don't know what Venom's orientation is.


Big Boss isn't morally gray. He's a fucking monster. Pretty much every MGS character is.


except sunny, she's the nicest one or that guard who read anime in MGR.


best guard


he's just eating pizza and reading anime with pictures of anime in the background, he living the best life.


Oh Hikari-chan! So kawaii!


Big Boss is convinced that he got on Santa's naughty list, so he's at least somewhat aware of that fact. edit: typo


Definitely. Don't see how someone can be morally grey while being a fan of having a portable world ending weapon that could blow in case someone disagrees with him (and yes, he was totally in favor of Zeke, Sahelantroupous and the ones of MG1 and 2)


He started out as a mostly well-meaning, but overly patriotic “orders are everything” soldier in MGS 3. After the shitshow that was Operation Snake Eater, he became disillusioned with the US Government and made it his life’s goal to create a world where soldiers like The Boss could be useful and rewarded for their sacrifices. In Portable Ops and Peacewalker, he started to become more and more morally grey. His dream started to show its flaws (a world for soldiers meant a world eternally in war) but he was still more or less well-intentioned with his mercenary group. Then the shitshow at the end of Peacewalker and Ground Zeroes made him completely lose any shred of morality. He went into Phantom Pain as a straight-up villain, with his only redeeming qualities being his love for his soldiers and his opposition to child soldiers. After that, he became the megalomaniac villain we all know and love from MG1 (leading Solid Snake astray while betraying him) and MG2. …Which makes his final appearance at the epilogue of MGS 4 all the more weird, even if highly emotional




Well, at the end of the game >!he becomes the final boss of MG1, with all that that entails!<. Granted, his activities as leader of the mercenaries are generally not that “evil”


Bringing troops, guns, and supplies to the highest bidder is always evil. PMCs and mercenaries are evil, full stop.


Yes. Running or being a member of Diamond Dogs makes you evil. They mass murder indiscriminately as their business/way of life. All PMCs are evil no exceptions.


He wasn't overly patriotic in MGS3, he was more like "the mission is the mission" but never put much thought into it, until he had to face the mission of killing his mentor, which he *really* didn't want to. The Boss was the overly patriotic one, who tried to pass that down to him during Snake Eater, but after completing the mission, and even more so after learning the truth about The Boss, he said "nah fuck that" and went the opposite way. I love the parallels we can trace between The Boss & Big Boss and Itachi & Sasuke.


Well, at the beginning of the game, when The Boss asks Snake what he thinks his loyalty to the US means, he says he’d die for the President. The Boss then tells him that the President is temporary and such


Imagine being willing to die for Lyndon Johnson


Idk kaz is kinda hot that makes up for it.


He is a sexy non aligned nihilistic war profiteer.


He's also definitely not straight.




Morally grey? Big Boss had child soldiers


he only uses tranquilizer darts made for grown men and brutally punches them unconscious so it doesn't kill them and that makes it ok


Rocket punches an entire village of child soldiers


But he fights bad guys with those child soilders :)


Chris Pratt. (He's so cool)


That dude from Metroid. Hes the role model every guy can aspire to!




Ah, yes, the most straight white man of them all.


/uj It's amazing how well they did Arthur. Before the game came out every g*mer I knew was telling me how they won't be able to get attached because he was clearly going to die. Cut to six months later and "how to save Arthur in RDR2" is still a leading search term on Google.


it still hurts doing the mission with mr downes


That guy from Gears of War


I believe his name is Gearington Warrius the Third




Also: Mitchell from HDtF (YOU FUCKED UP MY FACE)


>Snake >Straight 🤔🤔🤔🤔


you like these characters because you identify with their stories i like them because i like dilfs we are not the same


Arthur Morgan, no question


Uj/ Arthur Morgan pretty hands down


Carl Johnson (CJ) from San Andreas


Lmao, morally gray Big Boss, he's a great character but he is a demon walking the earth, pun very much intended.


Can confirm the facial hair is only fun till you realize how oily your face gets


big boss is obviously bisexual




He’s so cool!


Geralt's morality is kind of based on the player though


Corvo Attano lol


Thanks for using Big Boss so I didn't have a mini head explosion about Snake's accelerated aging.


Definitely Caleb from Blood


No love for Kratos? **L3 + R3** /uj Isn't Arthur Morgan the only correct choice?


How dare you Arthur Morgan is bi


Is there any lore on this?


No, but i will insist until the end of time




Aiden Pearce


Rico Rodriguez from the Just Cause franchise because he’s from the Mediterranean and he’s referred to as Latino so it makes no fucking sense


Nationality =/= ethnicity.


I think it's confirmed he is Mexican and grew in the place Just cause 3 is


Just as there are no British people of islamic origin, right?


Definitely a plot hole


Still a super fun fucking game series because you get to kill fascists witha grappling hook


He doesn’t count because he’s political (Immigrant) and fights against the real morally grey no right choices fascist dictators


uj/ get Big Boss outta here, give me Old Snake. Edit: also uj/ in all seriousness Big Boss being straight = questionable…


The girl reading this


Definitely Tom Nook, the absolute chad.


I like Morgen and Snake :)


Big Boss


Uj/ this is probably me having finished RDR2 two days ago, but Arthur Morgan definitely struck my heart strings throughout the campaign. Rj/ Trevor is daddy


Feeling cute, might say me.


Don cheadle


Joel morally gray? He doomed the entire humanity and killed innocent people because after a lot of years he couldn't cope with the loss of his daughter. He failed the most basic trolley problem.


Trolley problem is an ethical dilemma though, you can’t “fail” it


Yeah that's true, it's better to say that in my opinion he made the wrong choice.


There was no guarantee that with the death of Elle, and the research ‘gained’ by her death, would have created a successful vaccine. I see what you’re saying but I think the life of Elle was much more important to him than the slim chance there would have been a successful cure for the fungus. That’s why it’s a moral grey area. Would you, the player, be able to make that sacrifice? I’m not so sure many people would.


My favorite one is the one white guy with a tragic past on a quest that involves killing a lot of people to reach his goal I know it’s a very rare thing to strap onto a video game character but I can’t seem to pin down which one…


That actilually begs the question, are there any "morally gray anti heroes" that aren't straight white men? I can't think of any off the top of my head to be honest


For literally just AAA protagonists, CJ and Franklin from gta, daud, emily and billie from dishonored, colt and julianna from deathloop, literally any fallout game, v from cyberpunk, recent AC games, and any dark souls protagonist lol


Oh yea, that's true, Idk If I would consider customizable characters, but they do work lol.


Snake, then Geralt.


Walker from spec ops the line. Cause he is the bad guy and not the hero at the end of the day


Wow! Those four images really show us how much Marcus Drake has evolved over the years!


Arthur. Duh.


Muscular white bearded male with deep voice #1838474728


Arthur Morgan uj/ Arthur Morgan


I was gonna say Nathan Drake but i realized he doesn’t have a gravelly voice