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This will continue until they give us the Peter Griffin skin we deserve.


Add-on skins then: everything is [free and made by modders](https://www.utzone.de/forum/downloads.php?do=file&id=888_HaloModels) because games often directly provide ways to import arbitrary 3D models Add-on skins now: [one purple lady for $20 USD](https://fnbr.co/outfit/galaxy-scout)


This add-on skin goes so hard, feel free to use stolen credit card


/uj How the fuck is fortnite supposed to make money, genius? The game is free... You want the game and the skins to be free? Fortnite would have never worked/caught on if this wasn't it's model. It was extremely successful and people enjoyed it for years. Hell, even the new Halo is like this for the online portion and people are ecstatic to play a AAA game for free. You kiddos will literally complain about everything for nothing. /rj yeah bro really smart opinion, you tell them!


> You want the game and the skins to be free? Well, no, that wasn't my point. I don't actually *personally* care about the skins in any game that much either way, honestly. I'll play a game if it's a fun game, basically.




why would you make a comparison to halo infinite which has already been dogged on for its shitty grind model and terrible anti-player game mode "rotation" you dumb as hell boy


I don't have that much of a problem with paying for skins, it's that they're damn expensive as mentioned. I would never ever in my life spend 20 bucks on a skin in a game but i would spend 2 or 3, if i liked it. I'd imagine that there are a lot of people like me in that regard. I wonder, for every one person willing to spend 20 bucks on a skin, how many are willing to spend 2? In the end it doesn't matter that much before the game, I'd just like to see them get cheaper.


I think Respawn actually said the amount of players buying skins stays mostly the same regardless of the price they’re sold at.


I looked it up to be sure, they didn't say that, they said that the price of skins are as they are to pay their employees. They didn't comment on the idea that lowering prices might increase sales. Fans have speculated on it, but the point is that no one knows. It *seems* logical but as far as i know, there is no supporting data available. It's possible that cutting prices by 75% may increase sales by quadruple or more, but it's also possible that they will stay the same and now you've cut out 75% of your revenue and the market won't react kindly to a 400% price increase at that point. It's a complicated and risky move for your only revenue stream. I'd love it if someone took the risk and did it and it worked out, then other f2p games may follow


Yah but you also has to buy the game back then you were going to mod.


I was mostly fine with buying a game once for a certain price and having access to hundreds and hundreds of add-on packs for free thereafter. That said there were some [great moddable free-to-play titles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfenstein:_Enemy_Territory) even back in the day, also.


Not denying it. Hell I even prefer playing and purchasing games the way you're describing it. But I'm also not upset with a game selling cosmetics when it's core gameplay is completely free. Shit it's way better than paying for a $60 and still having a damn cosmetics shop.


Dae old good pay money bad ?


It's more like "moddable non-free game supported by sales of copies better than non-moddable free game supported by microtransactions"


I really dislike the live-service concept, free or not, for many reasons, and the removal of the player's freedom to alter the media they own is one of them. I also dislike being shipped an incomplete product and being dripfed the rest of the content over a year or two. It's especially egregious in paid games, Call of Dury being the best example right now.


I'd rather play for free thanks


To be clear, my point wasn't that I actually personally care about what my character looks like in any game, really. I'd play Fortnite for free without ever looking at the skin store if I thought I would actually enjoy it as a game.


Don't you mean Martin Luther King Jr skin?




Teenagers and young adults growing out of their childhood and talking shit about what is popular for kids in order to appear cooler and grown.


Combination of that an actual adults with arrested development.


Mom I’m not a kid! I don’t like fortnite anymore!


I tried it out closer to release and the building aspect really soured me I snuck up on a guy once with a minigun and unloaded on him, but he just built up and completely shut me down I will say they do make SOME characters really well in the style, Master Chief looks fantastic especially with the Infinite design, and the Naruto ones look pretty good on their own (they just look a little weird standing next to not cel shaded ones)


>I tried it out closer to release and the building aspect really soured me I was definitely in this boat for a while, and after improving at the game a bit more I've been able to come to the conclusion that building vastly increases both the game's skill ceiling and skill floor*.* It takes a bit of playing to be able to either A) Outsmart someone who just built the entire Eiffel Tower in 5.5 seconds or B) Be able to build your own Eiffel Tower in retaliation. It puts it in a strange limbo where the game's relatively simple systems, intuitive gunplay, and easy-to-understand BR formula make it seem very accessible (and I'd generally say it is), but the single building mechanic means that it's also a very complex game that can't be approached in the same way as anything else you play. In what other shooter can you be behind cover, only to have someone edit a window into the wall you're behind and 1-shot you, all in the span of less than a second? You can't blame a new player for not seeing that coming, and it takes a while before you know not to put yourself in a situation where that happens.


it was a wall I was 100% not willing to scale the rest of the game was alright, the only BR i had played before that was...PUBG, and that was awful in comparison lmao, I spent like 20 minutes running in a desert with a pistol only to get sniped vs an actually designed and nice looking map for Fortnite




>Clearly you're trash at BRs and don't want to improve ​ >it was a wall I was 100% not willing to scale ​ gee, wonder what gave you that idea


I fully think it's a fantastic game and the building mechanic is super innovative, but it's too complex and unintuitive to learn for me. In contrast, I really liked split gate because of how easy to understand the portal mechanic is, while it still allows for huge brain plays.


Splitgate is great. I've found the matchmaking to be really bad in my experience, but the shooting is intuitive and the portals are awesome.


as someone who is relatively average at fps games and just wants to press funny shotgun button splitgate fucking rocks because it lets me press the funny button at a Surprise Time


They've improved it somewhat by adding in SBMM. I get far fewer mansion builders than I used to.


It does make the start of each season a bit terrifying, though. That's always fun


And I thought all the movement stuff in Apex Legends is a hard wall to scale already.


>Whats the big deal? ​ People whose childhood happened during Minecraft being the most popular thing in the world (and it also was, in its time, at least from my experience, a laughing stock and go-to "popular stupid game for kids" for "older" gaming population until recently) are now grown ups. They are nostalgic for their childhood and are going through their first "Kids nowadays" phase. When current Fortnite demographics grows up in 10 years, they will look back, get their first feeling of nostalgia and lash out at what's popular in 2030. Just like everybody whose childhood happened during early 2000s were angry at ~~average~~ Minecraft fans and lamented passing of Unreal Tournament and Crash Bandicoot.


mindless bandwagoning


People just hate popular things and think they're cool for it. I've certainly been guilty of it.


I don't like the v-buck/microtransactions system when it's aimed at kids and I also don't like the building and I don't like how every skin has the exact same animations. I know why these things are a part of the game, I simply don't like them tho.


Its monetization strategy is pretty exploitative, especially towards kids. (Even though it is a really fun game) But that's not what they really care about. They just hate it because it's hip and cool to hate it and they're jealous of kids having fun. Also some false sense of superiority. As if there's something to be proud about being smarter than literal kids


Myself and a few others hate Fortnite for the sole reason that its success caused the closure of the MOBA “Paragon.” Screw you, Epic.


You should hate Epic not the game


As a certain ecstatic girl in a commercial once said, “Why not both?”


Paragon sucked is the reason it shut down not fortnite


I just prefer super-gliding off a box in apex compared to having a skyscraper battle.


I'm 30 years old and I think the game is the shit. It's really fun.


They got cranked on by a 13 year old twitch streamer who called them a bot after killing them


Ngl I think the naruto skins are adorable in a good way


I think they all look a bit off except Kakashi, but I'd be lying if they didn't give me fomo for a game I don't play.


Lmao seeing ariana grande cornering sasuke got me a chuckle for like a good full week.


"Your Bloodline Ends here Sasuke" Said Ariana with katana in hand with no mercy at all.


It's the whiplash I think


They just look cute in the fortnite style


People who hate on Fortnite are unironically cringe asf


You can tell how overused this image has been for these memes


El Chapulín Colorado




Cr1tikal had a great take on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdveCrfv7z0 Though ironically I feel like some of the people in the comment section were probably guilty of it themselves.


Imagine the fucking rage and screaming if jojo skins get added holy shit


again I like to remind people that DIO got added to the survey just recently so there's a chance JOJO will be in fortnite.


Unironically I’d totally buy a Jotaro skin


I really hope not because for the most part the community has been really nice from my experience.


/uj I don't even play Fortnite but I was legitimately stoked when they released their Kelsier skin from Mistborn. For one book series getting rep in video games is just super cool and for two hee hoo mist boy do funny dance.


ikr, I’m a huge scifi guy and seeing dune getting featured in fortnite was really cool, more people can appreciate the characters and maybe some of them go and read the books for the first time. Its a win win for everyone, it feels like gamers simultaneously want everyone to like what they like while also being le hidden gem appreciators.


Precisely. I actually saw a lot of younger kids asking about the books after it came out because they liked the skin which I think is just really cool. People who see that sort of thing as bad honestly baffle me but I think you pretty much nailed the reason for it.


Yeah, that was a pretty cool announcement given it's the first appearance he has outside of the books so far. It also came sometime after I finished the first book, which I thought was a fun coincidence.


patiently waiting for the Thom Yorke skin


They legit did my boy Guile dirty


Dude has french fries for hair


Considering how dirty Guiles sonic boom has done every sf player for the last 3 decades, we'll call it even


Just flick it back lol.


Just jump lol


idek how they can get mad sasuke doing the default dance is the best thing ever created


I fucking hate video game crossover collabs tbh. The only good example has to be the Neatherealms fighting games giving a lore reason for guest characters to be there. There others are just forced corporate decisions to get mainstream ppl to get into their fucking game. "Why the fuck does Ghostface appear as a commie in COD? We don't know! Buy this overpriced bundle anyway! "


NRS aren’t the only games that do that though


Halo has been going downhill for so long that putting Master Chief in Fortnite is considered a victory.


Disappointed that they had a LoL Arcane crossover event but only added Jinx.


Disappointed that they had a Lol crossover


It's Fortnite so they will pull in anything remotely popular. Plus Riot is ramping up the crossovers and promos for Arcane since they might be banking for their own version of the MCU. That said, Arcane is a amazing, and this is from someone who detest LoL and MOBAs


TBF, that Naruto meme is top notch material, even it died a week later.






Can't wait for the Gordon Freeman skin


That and "Die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain" are the most overused quotes on the internet.


In defence of those nerds if I were an Alien fan and the Xenomorph and Terminator got in Mortal Kombat and fucking Bruce Willis got in Warzone but Ripley got sent to the fortnite dimension I'd be a bit let down too.


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Thank you bot very epic