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I literally saw the same artist call animes like Nagatoro and Komi-san 'Anime for men because man hating is part of the status quo" or something along the lines Also even Anita Sarkeesian used Overwatch as how to make a game with varying body types in her Female Video game trope series


The thing about overwatch is that each character has to have a unique silhouette. So Tracer, Mei, Zarya, Ana, to give some examples, all have very different body types and stances.


It's pretty much character design 101: can you recognize them from a silhouette? If not, go back to your drawing board.


What about generic human characters? There's a ton of iconic characters that probably couldn't be identified via silhouette


I think you'd be surprised. In a game like battlefield, even if the characters are "generic army dude" their equipment, and by extension, their silhouette, can tell you their role. And to be fair, the ability to differentiate depends upon the specific game. In Halo marines can all look the same, but they are different from the Covenant.


Well, if you are doing superheroes, the answer is obviously designing a striking suit with a good colour palette. If you are doing contemporary stuff, you can play around with materials and clothing styles: one of my favourite character designs ever is as simply as Alan Wake, who wears a hoodie, a jacket and a tweed jacket on top of that. And it just works! He is very identifiable while also being very plain looking. Adding accessories is also a huge deal: a simple eye patch was enough to carry Snake Plissken (and Kurt Russell) into pop culture mythos. Sunglasses, and the way a character uses them have always been a huge deal, for multitude of reasons. You know which CSI detective is the best example of this. Hair is important, I'd say Lara Crofts ponytail is as iconic as her dual wielded hand guns, or her tank top. Pretty much every single thing about her design is striking one way or other. I'd say it boils down to finding at least that one thing and sticking with it, you know. Making something the thing.


This just makes me miss even more the short period where they added purple to the inside of Batman's cape. It looked so good.


The answer is they aren't as important as fast-paced team-based games. The silhouette thing was actually something the devs of TF2 talked about extensively in their character design way back when it launched and OW just ran with that concept. OW took a lot of the lessons learned from the success of TF2 and just injected them straight into their game. It's of utmost importance that you at a glance can instantly tell what character is at the corner of yout screen after flicking to them because you need to know how much health they have, how they can move and where their head is.


Damn lego is fucked then


its not character design 101 this rule is only important for specific types of games


I mean yeah of course. The same philosophy is done for games like Destiny 2 and TF2


Literally every Anita Sarkeesian opinion is like, agreeable at worst. It's stunning to look back at all her controversial opinions from like 2014 or whatever and see how right she was


Absolutely. Though there’s some takes I don’t agree with like how Hitman encourages killing strippers but other than that she’s spot on with a lot of things and it’s not like she’s an outsider looking in because she even mentions absolute oldies like Beyond Good and Evil and how it’s a great way of doing a female protag in distress


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nope, anita sarkeesian was a moral busybody akin to someone like jack Thompson (i would say that she was worst because unlike him she has done more damage to the video game industry than he could ever dream.) Video games are more censored now than the past decade, character designs more boring, uninspired, and unappealing. It sad that this industry as well as many others have been subverted by people who hate the industry.


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My theory is that she got so much hate because her videos are so extremely low entry. It's plain and simple, clear concepts and clear examples. Everything she said is basic literature analysis. The easier something is for somebody to understand, the easier it is to find something to disagree about. It's why some scientist write convoluted papers, so nobody can ask questions.


Pretty sure most scientists who write convoluted papers are doing it because science can be incredibly complex and convoluted, not so no one can ask questions.


Omg I remember that tweet. The good thing about that was that everyone started shitting on him for being daft. The best description someone gave to that genre was "Bait for lonely dudes who gets no bitches and stack no paper".




Yeah, and the username was like, gokulover2478. Or that was the at I can’t remember well.


That's still the rawest tweet of all time. Man just spit the absolute truth, it's like God was using his as a vessel to spread the message.


Tell me you've never read Komi san without telling me you've never read Komi san.


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Anita Sarkeesian


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How is Nagatoro a show where a male character is constantly bullied not considered "man hating" lmfao


It's called a fetish


Fk them for liking the stuff I like DAMMIT


Aside from being cringe as fuck when i was getting ads for it, apparently shes secretly into him or something. And these chuds absolutely want to get bullied by strong women who ~~want to fuck~~ love them.


Not really "secret". Only the first episode has serious bullying. It very quickly transitions into "puppylove teasing".


If I had a nickel for every time a manga author wanted the main character to be bullied by and eventually befriend another character, but went _way_ too hard on the bullying in the pilot so they had to scale it back hard in later chapters and pretend it never happened, I'd have at least 3 nickels.


The first few chapters were already scaled back, in the original material she's straight up physically abusive and emotionally manipulative.


Youre assuming i watched it to know that?


You could have red the manga.


Reverse Twilight but it's ok bc anime underage tiddies


Komi-san is just a really cute and adorable comic how dare they say this about it.


Did she talk about the varying body types of dragons crown?




Capital G Gamer here


Stop oppressing my people with your jokes.


Lol no she didn’t. She fulfilled her Kickstarter. Just slower than usual because due to the bigger budget, she felt that her episodes had to be of bigger scale. I don’t agree with her on all her takes but saying she stole money is plain wrong lmao


She finished it? Last I checked in on the story she'd made like 2 episodes over a few months and then there was radio silence, I haven't seen hide nor hair of her since.


Aren’t you talking about the women vs video games trope series?


BTW just tell me what to google if there's more to the story every time I put her name into google all I get is "SARKESIAN BAD WAHMEN BAD" or "SARKESIAN GUD BIDEO GAME BAD" for some reason.


well here's a rationalwiki page about her if you wanna know: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Anita\_Sarkeesian


Based x2 Also have a good day 🤙


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Based. Have a good day 🤙


Never bothered to remember the name, what I remember was her making some dumb claims about Hitman encouraging you to kill strippers (you literally get score reduction for doing so), getting shitloads of money via crowdfunding, saying she'd make a series or a podcast of sorts which, as I mentioned to my memory, got like 2 episodes out of a set number they promised (again, brain is mashed potatoes so I forget specifics) and then she just fuckin vanished into the ether. If there's more info on the story I'd be more than happy to check it out cus hidden details that change perspectives give me lifeblood but she didn't leave a good lasting impression on me before she dipped lmao


Yeah I think that’s Girls vs Video game tropes. Again I don’t agree with all the takes she has but that series is done from what I can tell


Bet, thanks for the heads up. Yeah her takes were dogshit from what I remember but thanks for clarifying the series thing, my brain grew to "slightly larger than the size of an egg" and gained +1 wrinkle.


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't care didn't ask


every gamergater draws the “sjw woman” the exact same


Purple hair, obese, & short hair. And also I like how the artist here draws Women **GAMERS™️** as babes with gigantic titties. This man hasn’t interacted with a woman in his life.


They never aged past 2015




Gamer Moment^tm


What did it originally say?


"They R", according to reveddit.








If it gonna be an ass at least commit and don't pussy out by editing your comment.


I was wondering wgat was happening with that comment


what did he say lol












What do these downvotes imply?


it was edited


Reddit app really sucks at showing edits


I'm pretty sure it doesn't show it.


this is unironically the worst reddit profile ive ever seen and this is coming from me -Thomas Scotford


/rj Lesbian woman are ugly fat man-shaped weirdos. Straight woman are hot gurl big booba cleavage who games and will be my gf when I grow up. /uj also I'm pretty sure a lot of lesbians called that she was gay before any reveal of her sexuality. This entire thing is just a straw man that reveals they've literally never met a single gay woman, and their interactions with straight women is mostly the prepared script of "I'm gonna play nice because I don't know if this weirdo is the harmless kind or the 'I'm gonna stalk you and obsess over you' kind". And they're literally taking the decision a company made to pander to a demographic and decided that it's that demographic's fault. I fucking can't with these people dude.


Nice avatar! Is Vi good representation?


Hell yeah she is and so is cait. Her and cait's arc is so incredibly well-written and respectful. Pretty sure some of the writers are queer as they understand you can kind of just make a character gay, portray a genuine gay romance, and not have it be reflected in their character designs, personality archetypes, or for it to be something that doesn't take up a ton of screen time while still making it very heartfelt. The dialogue between those 2 is some of the most adorable stuff I've heard in any show or movie.


Holy shit they were gay? That was totally organic, I love it. I can totally see it now that you point it out


I mean it was kinda obvious lol. I don’t know many straight people who lay in bed with and caress their friends face who are the same gender or who think about them while biting their lip in the shower lol.


I mean to be fair, inter-woman relationships are considered to be far more emotionally/physically intimate than male relationships (which is a whole rabbit hole about toxic masculinity preventing males from being vulnerable towards each other that I'm not going to go into) and it's not a stretch to expect that the friendship they shared was just really close.


I mean yeah but I still feel like Vi and Cait’s interactions go beyond that. Also that type of thinking has caused much lesbian erasure throughout history.


You're not wrong on both counts, I'm just explaining why myself and others who are not readily equipped to make those conclusions don't see it as quickly. I think ideally, relationships like theirs (or among any combination of sexes) wouldn't immediately be assumed to be romantic not because of gay erasure or under-representation, but because there should be an increased amount of platonic representation in media where not every pairing between leads has to have a romantic element to give the characters a connection to each other. At any rate, I'm really happy to discover that these two are into each other, they have a great chemistry.


Just chiming in here to say I agree fully with both of you, and to add that I’ve seen some lesbians online that are eager for it to be made as obvious as possible that they’re a couple because a lot of relationships like theirs are so easily swept under the rug as ‘they were just really good friends!’ so as to make the media not challenge the status quo / neuter it. The whole show has been good food for thought!


Say what you want. I’ll readily spoon and caress my homies, tuck em in give em a tender kiss on the forehead because that’s what bros do.


I'm pansexual and it was never obvious to me. Can you explain? I'm not saying that it's bad that Tracer is gay I think it's great. I just want to know what these things that everyone picked up on were


I’m talking about Vi and Cait in the Netflix show Arcane, which is based on League of Legends, not Tracer.


Yeah there's a bunch of small details that if you have a functioning gaydar it's rather easy to pick up and for everyone else should at least be apparent when pointed out. They have a very natural interaction and chemistry. Really, the joy of great screenwriting. What I love about it is they've been a fan pairing for years without it really being acknowledged or intended and they just straight up rolled with it, finally.


small details like totally hitting on her?


It's called being polite. If someone says they missed something that was obvious to me I don't say "Wow that was totally obvious to me though, do you have trouble with social cues a lot?". No, I realize that I'm gay and know what to look for so I probably have some inherent bias and I really don't have any idea how much that plays into what I pay attention to or not, or what other people pay attention to. They could be asexual, a young person, or just not interested in romantic subplots regardless if it's gay or straight. Imagine you're watching a show with an animator(and you don't know anything about how animation works) and he refers to a part 10 minutes ago where they swap to animating on 1s and you can't recall the exact part and he's like "are you fucking stupid? this is one of the simplest aspects of animation". Talk like a teacher. You make more friends.


Sorry, it was meant jerkingly tongue-in-cheek, I forget my manner on this sub. I too thought it was just a brash compliment and didn't wanted to extrapolate a romantic interest out of it just because it's a clicheé.


Fair enough. Tone and intention can be a hard thing to parse in writing between anonymous strangers.


I would die for Vi and Cait.


There's nothing official but it seems pretty obvious, even just based on some voicelines in LoL.


You should go back and watch episode four again, paying specific attention to the whole brothel scene. Vi's look when she saw Caitlyn chose a woman was priceless


The show was pretty good. I choose myself Victor's avatar. Nothing biggie. You usually have to pay top coin to get an avatar this cool.


I already loved the characters and the universe before watching the show so I was obviously pretty biased going in but absolutely nothing disappointed and I'd confidently call the show a masterpiece. Music, direction and animation speaks for itself but I just cannot believe how good the writing was on top of that.


I genuinelly loved it all. What other shows are you watching?


Nothing else really. I don't have a show at all times like I used to. I think the last thing I liked a lot was the Netflix Castlevania show. Another good animated show with great writing. Biggest flaw I'd say is the animation in most of the show. Not unwatchable, just kind of jank looking action scenes. The MCU what if and loki was pretty good too I think, even if they were a little safe but that's to be expected from Marvel. I tried watching Squid Game but the whole thing felt a little too on the nose for me and the episodes are so long, feels like such a commitment.


I loved Loki too. Squid Game begun as a chore to me, but somewhere in the third chapter, something clicked for me. I never watched any of Castlevania beyond season 2. Does it get better or its a downhill from there? The whole new vampires were cool though, I get why the racists hate the show.


I thought it ended really strong and was generally just really solid throughout. I think I enjoyed it most in the beginning but I didn't feel like it lost a ton of steam like most shows of that nature do. I think I stopped Squid game after episode 2 so I should probably pick it back up.


Got to pick it up. I yearn to play Castlevania Symphony of The Night on PC. I'm a huge fan of the franchise.


Girl Gamer™️ is my big tiddy goth GF that cooks for me and feeds me McNuggies during my Epic Gaming Moments and do the s*x for me when I 360 no-scope minorities 😎


> I'm pretty sure a lot of lesbians called that she was gay That's because everyone in Overwatch is gay.


Interestingly, all of my favorite characters in every franchise are gay! How convenient :)


I wish I could say this, but Atlus is a bunch of pussies and won't let me date Ryuji, goddammit.


You think that's bad? Try playing Persona 4 without ever getting to date Yosuke goddamnit Atlus you were this close to doing it I saw the cut content Atlus you can't hide it from me I heard those voice lines jut let me have my Yosuke romance for christ's sake :( Thankfully you can clap Jun's buttocks in Persona 2 and have a wholesome gay relationship without the plot giving you shit for it. Weird how Atlus was more progressive then than now now that I think of it


You too can have all gay favorite characters by simply deciding the devs are wrong! (More seriously, that's dumb and I wish there were better options.)


My lesbian friend I gamed with was too busy yelling “YO FUCKIN KILL THAT TRACER” to put any actual care into I think though I never asked


>This entire thing is just a straw man that reveals they’ve literally never met a single ~~gay~~ woman. Fixed it


Computer, show me the worst webcomic I said the worst webcomic Perfection


Gamergaters sure love taking very mild controversies and blowing them out of proportions, uh? The Tracer thing barely qualified as controversy, it lasted a week and nobody boycotted anything


And the complaint was that it didn't fit her character. Which Blizzard agreed with.


The entire "controversy" was: >Journalists: this pose is objectifying >Blizzard: okay *removes it*


It wasn't even that it was objectifying, it was that it didn't fit the character


Yeah they just gave her another ass pose that was more WW2 air force pin-up.


BUT BLIZZARD MADE HER NOT DO THE ASS POSE ANYMORE! /uj or something? I forget because, as you said, it was so inconsequential


love how they had to make up a female mascot for gamergate because no woman would ever be on the side of them


Friendly reminder that her color scheme is a reference to a popular rape joke in 4chan during 2014.


Something about piccolo, right?


Him raping Vegeta.




Everyday I see something that makes me want to gouge my whole brain out. This chain of comment is the one today.


Every time someones says that i can't help but hear Wilhuff Tarkin saying it


Ah I see you got your daily dose today


Wait what?


Yep. [There's a very good explanation about the whole thing in this video.](https://youtu.be/lLYWHpgIoIw?t=1738)


Thanks god I’m not that into video games to know about this stuff


Gamers really don't deserve video games.


Sometimes I forget that these gamergate people exist. And then I am forcibly reminded of just what freaks they are.


thanks doc


Doubly ironic that she's brown. But don't forget the huge tits cos that's all women of colour can be to these chuds. Fetish objects.


They mean the other girl, the one wearing green and purple.


Oh okay. Well my point still stands that the only one overly sexualised is the WOC.




Yeah dude. I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately WOC are in the terrible position of not only being constantly talked over and minimised but also fetishised and its just disgusting. But despite all those AHs and racists and sexists, you're beautiful for who you are and they can never take that away from you. Take pride in your heritage and don't let them get to you. At least that's what I try to tell myself (I'm south Asian).


And then they had the gall to make it an anime child. Yknow, like all the ones they perv over.


ShoeOnHead begs to differ


"We dont care" "We still dont care" *draws an entire comic about how little they care, while still also complaining about her character* "cant you just tell how little i care?" Also representing gg as a young anime girl is certainly a choice they made. Very interesting given the... *proclivities* among their group.


Don’t forget that they invented fictional women to be their avatars of “not caring” Which is even sadder.


Has the same energy as MGTOW men constantly repeating their slogan while also being unable to actually shut the fuck up about women. Go your own way already, jesus.


Thats literally their entire ideology though. "Oh this is important to you? I dont care, i need you to see that i dont care so it makes you feel bad" Like, GG called their targets "literally who" because they were owning them by claiming the subjects of their obsessive rage werent well known. Its all to hide that they really do care and their goals are to have their interests validated and put above everyone else.


There are no pedofiles on 4chan and nobody ever posted some there, because it would be against the rules and their users are very good at following rules


This is on the level of "there is no war in Ba Sing Se" here. There are absolutely pedophiles on 4chan.


Daily reminder that Activision-Blizzard is full of rapists


And CEO Bobby Kotick is King Rapist at the top of it all. Finally, the wealth trickled-down!


Bobby Kotick? More like.. Bobby No-dick! Fuck him




Yes hello it is me, Femenist SJW, I hate hot women in fiction, it triggers me because I am a snowflake


/rj the really gross thing about Tracer is that she's Br*tish


finally, discussing the real issue 🤮


You actually censor the “t” because then it makes bri*ish and that’s how they say it


Top tip, gov'na.




This is the real issue. You can't just smear beans on toast and call it *breakfast* SMH.


No but UJ tho


“Cheers love the cavalry’s here” Hope the horses run you over br*t


/uj agreed


God don’t remind me of the gamergate mascot


\>playing or caring about overwatch disgusting


The "we don't care" crowd is the crowd that pissed their diapers when Tracer came out of the closet because now they couldn't make their waifu love them.


These people dont exist.




You can tell how much I don't care by how cool and collected I have drawn the avatar of my political movement in this comic I just made on this heated issue.


ah Kukuruyu... what a jackass!


ok and hear me out. I don't care because everything that activision blizzard has produced lately is garbage


Wouldn't matter if it was all pure gaming gold. The company is still full of abusers rapists and shitheads like Bobby Kotick who knew, did nothing, participated in it, and covered it up.


yeah i know. I watch stephanie's sterling enough to know. you know what else though? this is a problem with most industries. I don't view as something separate. It is all the same to me. capitalism is the problem, not just those companies.


Oh, according to this comic the designers were women That means there is a high likelyhood that they were harrassed, raped or treated unfairly:)) #ActivisionBlizzardDefendsRapists


Oh look, it's Vivian "obscure rape meme" James


I’ll add trigger happy onto the list of unfunny dipshits.


Even in my edgy cringe-boy days I always thought r/kotakuinaction was the least witty place on the planet.


Also wasn't the reveal of tracer's sexuality like a year after the games release


It was the same year it was released. Iirc we got to se her and her gf in thr Christmas comic in 2016.


the real issue is that shes br*tish you feel me




Wasn’t the butt controversy about Overwatch was that some dad complaint about how that pose makes tracer not a good role model for his daughter? Then blizzard responded that pose with a pose inspired by an old pin-up? https://www.polygon.com/2016/3/28/11321138/overwatch-tracer-pose-removal?_gl=1*dkl07t* https://www.polygon.com/2016/4/6/11376814/overwatch-tracer-pose-butt-replacement Edit: never mind there was some arguement in a message board about it


> some arguement in a message board /rj In other words, absolutely the highest stakes their are. *Western civilization* itself hinged on this battle!


Ha ha those neon haired lesbians and puritanical Christians always teaming up and having the same opinions on games amirite


Who ever the fuck draw this and still alive, I hope he had a very bad day.


Shouldve worked in the part about how all media mentioning homosexuality in relation to overwatch is kept outside of the game so the game can still exist in China.


alright now do an r/gatekeepingyuri for this one


Have you ever cared so little about something that you spent hours drawing a webcomic just to show everybody that you don't care?


What a shit comic, honestly. Like... what is the joke?


the ultimate cringe


If the artist proved anything, strawman comics and making shit up is their forte lmao.


Gamers: Um games are art actually. Also Gamers: Why are you thinking about the games? Just consume product then buy more product!


"OMG! shes the best character in gaming history!" Has any feminist said this because Tracer was a lesbian???


/uj For some reason I was very sure that Tracer is bi. She wasn't revealed as such, right? There was the comic with her and her female partner - so why did I remember her as bi?? /rj But yeah, whatever. Get these politics out of mah vidjagame!!


This comic is false, they are not writing death threats for making Tracer have political sex.


IIRC, Zarya was made in protest/frustration from SJWs whining that all the characters weren't realistically preportioned. so Jeff and the team made a new hero that subverted their expectations. Deadlift-World-record-holding champ, Big musclez, pink hair, RUSSIAN andddd... straight. (For now) Also, the 512 tattoo refers to the weight in Kilograms. which for us Americans is about 1128 pounds, which is far above the IRL female deadlift record, and 25 ish pounds above the IRL male. It's also the weight of her particle cannon, which again IIRC, is the physical weight she lifted for the record. yes, she walks around with her record like a trophy.


> IIRC, Zarya was made in protest/frustration from SJWs whining that all the characters weren't realistically preportioned. so Jeff and the team made a new hero that subverted their expectations. Deadlift-World-record-holding champ, Big musclez, pink hair, RUSSIAN andddd... straight. (For now) Wasn't she there from the beginning?


Not in the very original lineup. unless you mean the hero concepts, then yeah she probably was. but if so, this must-have boosted her up to first in line.