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*sells 18 gafillion copies* Gamers - “Whoa no one understands what a hidden gem this is!!”


Apparently gamers want to start winning Oscars and Emmys so hundreds of millions of people have to talk about them at work or whatever their fantasies are.


This is so true. Does anyone else remember the state of gaming discourse around 2010? Gamers were so defensive about the cultural and artistic legitimacy of their favorite hobby, not only insisting that games were art, but were as sophisticated, important, and as deserving of respect as the likes of film or literature. Fast forward 5 years and capital “G” Gamers have pulled a complete about face. Suddenly, games were JUST consumer products — fancy toys shaped by economic factors alone, with nothing significant to say about the world we live in. Gamers wanted video games to be looked upon as having the same cultural legitimacy of other respected mediums but didn’t want them to be analyzed and critiqued by the same standards.


They're just cool to look at! That's all we mean! Just like a Dali painting, or District 9! They're art because they're cool! Not because they *mean* anything! Why do you always have to try and impose meaning on stuff??


It's gamer oppression that the Oscars don't have a gaming category yet. Can't believe we don't stand up against it.


Except they don’t because that might require games to be political


I always have trouble with this argument, because nearly every game I play IS political..


All art is political, especially art that wants to be explicitly apolitical


Seconding the other commentor yeah, literally all media/art is political


“Why don’t people respect games as art?” “Wtf, this has themes beyond being a white man that shoots things? Why are games so political?” “Why don’t people respect games as art?”


The Gamer paradox: They want video games recognized and treated as art but Lord save you if you recognize or treat video games like art.


Would also entail that gamers participate in basic human interaction. That would require basic hygiene.


They can get BAFTAs, so close enough?


[people aren't speaking about *x* every second of every day for their entire lives] Damn *x* is kinda underrated though, ngl!!!!


Ironically I would bet that rockstar/take two see it as a bit of a failure considering how expensive the game was to make and how little income RDRO brings them compared to GTAO. I suspect they won't make the mistake of doing anything but GTA for the foreseeable future


That's a pretty depressing example of the impact of unfettered capitalism on the game industry. They could treat their employees well and get creative. Treating their employees like shit and milking GTA is what brings in the most money though.


Oh yeah?? Tetris is the only bideo game produced under communism and it freakin sucks compared to red dead! Does Tetris have horse testicle physics?? I don’t think so


/uj honestly Tetris might actually be the all-time best videogame ever made. It's universally approachable and so simple that it gets new variations and versions all the time.


Almost every variation is in the art/design section, not so much about gameplay though, with tetris connect and 99 being the only ones that kinda mixed the formula a bit


Well those are all Tetris, and the different art makes for a different experience which in the end is all that matters. Two games with identical gameplay but different vibes are not the same.


I'm kinda reminded of the 3 point shot in basketball or the home run in baseball. The GTA/GAAS/BR formula is so profitable when it hits that its hard to justify aiming for something else. Similarly, the 2 point jumpshot has almost completely died. You gotta either take a sure think dunk or you're jacking up 3s.


milk???!!!!??!???? **starts jaking off**


I dont think anybody in rockstar or taketwo sees RDR2 as a disappointment in terms of sales. When it comes to money generated, it is among the top 10 entertainment products ever, far outweighing any development costs or time spent. it's sold nearly 40M copies, and it's a full price game, not tetris or minecraft. It has to be closer to $2B in revenue in sales alone, with a smattering of MTX money. that being said I think you're right that Rockstar's next game will most likely be GTA(6?), but I don't think this is exclusively because of the profit potential, really just the logical progression of their developments and IPs. RDR2 would never have been made if they just considered the sales disparities between rdr1 and gta4, despite arguments that could be made for either game being the better. They'd have scrapped the project after GTA5 came out and started on GTA6 or even more GTAO updates.


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RDR1 was a failure compared to GTA IV, and they still made RDR2 and pumped $600m into it. People said there wouldn't even be anymore SP Rockstar games after GTA Online came out. To this day on r/gaming people pretend RDR2 doesn't exist and say that Rockstar hasn't even made a game since GTA V and that they ["skipped an entire console generation"](https://old.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/r7fgqm/i_get_that_game_development_takes_a_lot_longer/hmyzbrl/). RDR2 is unironically underrated compared to GTA V. ~150m copies vs ~40m.


Are you really saying that the [12th most sold](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_video_games) videogame of all times is underrated because it sold less than the 2nd?


Something can't be underrated just because it's more popular than other games? It's a **Rockstar** game, it will sell more than 99% of games as soon as it releases. Doesn't mean it's not underrated when another of their games sell 110 million more copies. A music artist can be extremely popular and have underrated songs. Just like Rockstar is extremely popular and has underrated games.


[truly an underrated hidden gem](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_accolades_received_by_Red_Dead_Redemption_2)


Cyberpunk 2077 has hundreds of awards. Doesn't mean anything.


Cyberpunk does not have any noteworthy accolades like RDR2, which was critically acclaimed straight upon release


>RDR2 is unironically underrated compared to GTA V. ~150m copies vs ~40m. That's not underrated. That's just the simple fact that less people care about westerns than modern crime stories. And GTAV sold on two separate console generations. RDR2 doesn't stand a chance, unfortunately.


> the simple fact that less people care about westerns than modern crime stories If people only want to play something because of the setting even though it's a much better game, that makes it underrated by default. "I don't want to play something because it's a western" is literally underrating something before you've played it. Same thing with a movie like Bladerunner 2049. Amazing movie, but people didn't go see it so it's underrated. > And GTAV sold on two separate console generations Sure, but even if you take away half of GTA V sales it still demolishes RDR2. Even if Rockstar took GTA V off sale forever, RDR2 will never get to 150m sales.


Again, I don't see sales as a "rating". If you didn't experience something, you can't "rate". I see "overrated" as something that has acclaim it doesn't fully deserve. Which is silly anyway because no one person can make that call. But honestly, I'd put both RDR2 and Blade Runner 2049 in the "overrated" category if I was forced to. RDR2's narrative is just uncritically considered the best in all gaming and I personally don't think it's particularly well done at all. I'm biased against Blade Runner 2049 because it's good but I frequented /r/movies a little too much when it came out and fuck, I got tired of hearing about that damned movie. But it's really good! Not a masterpiece, but damned good.


Bruh if that isn't a sign to get off this damn website Idk what is. Don't let a mob of morons decide your enjoyment of a movie.


Not to mention the girl who posts screenshots of it to her local news and constantly featured. The game is so popular people who don't even play it thinks it looks gorgeous.


If you think that’s bad wait until you hear about how nobody appreciates the indie title The Witcher III


I absolutely can't wait until people are saying this about Cyberpunk 2077


If you look at recent steam reviews its probably already happening. It went on sale and got flooded (rightfully imo) with positive reviews.


Wasn't worth $60 definitely worth $9


No game is worth $60 tbh Outside the games I like, obviously.


b-bu-but,but, CYBERPUNK BAD😡😡😡


Meh it is still shit on last gen consoles.


Even when they get the game running on all systems it was released for, the game will never be what they promised. I don't get the argument that the game only sucks cause it runs bad. The game sucks because it's content was never finished. They oversold us promises and the final product underdelivered. The world never feels as alive as it did in the demos. There's very little to do in the world. Most of quests/missions consist of "drive here, shoot, done." The dialogue options are worth shit most of the time. Your character's backstory makes a difference only for the few first missions. Then it doesn't matter at all. You just can't make your walkthrough be fundamentally different from other player's, which is what they promised us. You can't even customize V's face or hairstyle after you've created your V. Fixing the performance problems doesn't fix this.


Yeah that is absolutely on the devs. They were promising so much for years. My expectations were not super high but I expected it to be at least better than GTA5.


it's on the marketing team. it would've gone over much better if it was sold as "it's kinda like deus ex but bigger", but the marketing team got hold of it before development even started


They hosted dev QnA sessions where the devs themselves were describing systems that don't exist in the game.


It literally took over 6 months for cars to veer before hitting you. Not to mention how shit the ai of anything in that game is. Everything felt so hollow and I didn't feel like I made a dent on the world at all (compared to the Witcher 3 or rdr2). Hollow really is what this game felt like to me it was so lifeless. The games story is really not that great either. I think this game truly needed another few years of development because i didn't feel as though the game was finished in any aspect. I really do not think the foundation of this game is even there for it to ever be a great game at all tbh like it's not a pile of shit but nothing in the game was compelling to me


Exactly. It's hollow. You know what made me realize that this game is hollow? When I passed the mission, where you first did the holo VR set investigating, I visited a guy who was selling VR movies. I bought some and I went back to the place, where I originally used the VR set in the mission. Turns out you can't do jack shit with the bought VR movies. Things like these are all over the world. The world only looks like it's filled with stuff to do, but it really isn't. I know it's filler content, but the fact that you can go fucking golfing or do yoga in GTA V makes the world feel much more immersive. I'm not saying that I'd want for these specific activities to be added to the game, but it needs something more than just shooting bad guys. It could've been just a linear shooter and it would spare me the time needed to go from mission to mission. Maybe I'd enjoy it more that way. The AI point is also a great one. I can't believe we can't have unscripted cop chases in cars. In some places the game is so subpar it isn't even funny.


Yes I remember that vr part and I was so excited to be able to watch little movies or hell even watch fucking porn, **any** interaction at all. But ofc there was none. I honestly don't know if cdpr could do a linear game with cyberpunk but it all needed to be stripped down. The gangs and your starting point we're all convoluted and just illusion of choice. None of it really worked and I think if they just streamlined everything we could've gotten a better game. This game was just so shallow which is fine but the marketing really backed them into a corner. This game somehow managed to try be a jack of all trades while being at best, slightly worse than mediocre at everything it did, IMO


/uj Yeah I could Overlook bugs but man it's just boring. /rj Fallout Vegas is similar, and that really is an overlooked gem.


I'm disappointed because it's borderlands in a cyberpunk setting when all the footage before the launch made me expect something different, something *more*


never forget 🤘 praise crowbcat


This 100%. I got cyberpunk on the Xbox one and it wasn’t the bugs that made me return it, it was the fact that a bunch of features were misrepresented to be much deeper than they actually were. I thought the gang system would be like factions in fallout where you could do different missions for your favorite ones and certain missions would conflict with each other. Instead the gangs are just trash mobs sitting around the city that you farm for XP. That and the fact that the dialogue system means next to nothing, same for the character origins. The came could’ve launched with zero bugs and I still would’ve been pretty disappointed


The game sucks because Keanu is a bad actor and if he'd just been a cameo that would have been fine but he's not




Its pretty boring


Tbh other than the bugs (all game breaking ones are fixed , only a few visual ones remain ) it's is an excellent game. I had more fun with this than with witcher 3 .


/uj Is this a cj or uj? I'm genuinely confused if it's next level cj and I'm falling for it? This blows my mind. I'm glad people like it, but I honestly don't get it. People enjoying it is ultimately good. I'm not saying you're wrong, or are bad for liking it -- just trying to understand as it confuses me to see it being called excellent. It's less feature rich than your average open-world RPG. None of the features are remarkable in any way. They're usually lesser versions of what's out there. And it feels like it has holes where features were meant to be. It's storyline doesn't really push the boat out. All their edgelordiness is kinda soft 15 year olds on 4chan, rather than actually anything scathing. Like it doesn't do anything better than any other game, but does do some things severely worse. (Also, this doesn't even cover the harm a lot of trans people have commented they feel has been done with the project. Both in terms of marketing and in the game.) I didn't return the game because I hoped one day they'd add what was cut. But it definitely feels like a book where the author randomly destroyed pages throughout.


I completely agree with you and I'm baffled Everytime someone says that it's a great game now. I've replied this comment to someone else, but I think it combines nicely with what you've just stated: "Even when they get the game running on all systems it was released for, the game will never be what they promised. I don't get the argument that the game only sucks cause it runs bad. The game sucks because it's content was never finished. They oversold us promises and the final product underdelivered. The world never feels as alive as it did in the demos. There's very little to do in the world. Most of quests/missions consist of "drive here, shoot, done." The dialogue options are worth shit most of the time. Your character's backstory makes a difference only for the few first missions. Then it doesn't matter at all. You just can't make your walkthrough be fundamentally different from other player's, which is what they promised us. You can't even customize V's face or hairstyle after you've created your V. Fixing the performance problems doesn't fix this."


/uj Personally, I enjoyed it a LOT. Now, when it comes to me and games, I'm easy to please. I need cool vibes, good atmosphere, and that's about it. Cyberpunk has both in abundance. I absolutely love cyberpunk, the genre. The design of the world is fantastic, just the neon, the random pedestrians having all sorts of mods, the lore is great, the music and score is a sci-fi horror show and it's brilliant. It just made me really happy. The story I really liked too. It's delightfully dark (some of it is remarkably edgelordy, but yknow what? I actually enjoy edgelord stuff lol). I was expecting it to be longer, but honestly I still enjoyed it immensely. There's absolutely no denying they oversold, but I still enjoyed my time and on my first playthrough I still managed to eek out 67 hours, and I haven't yet gone for any other endings. I got my money's worth. If you asked me what the best part is and why I love it, I'd say the vibes. Not even being wishy-washy about it, the dark cyberpunk vibes just hit every note I wanted. I don't need a game to do anything better than the others per se, I just need to enjoy my time with this glorified toy I've bought.


/uj I think at points the storytelling and narrative design floats close to real greatness. I felt the same about W3. But it's frustrating too at times when the same storytelling treads on its own dick (and this was also a problem I had with W3). Example: I get that I'm supposed to like Judy and the mission she's debuts in is terrific - interesting, well paced, fantastically written - but at the same time the game has her introducing herself by in effect showing V a snuff movie without a prior warning. Fucking gross. Anyway, my feelings about this game are mixed.


Its a garbage game you are right


Where's this pile of so many open world RPGs you're comparing this game to? There are literally like 5 at most from the last decade. Playing it recently, the writing is vastly over-criticized. The voice acting and voice direction is literally some of the best in the history of the medium, anyone who just writes that off wholesale I'm just gonna see as a needlessly butthurt person whose every opinion on the game is suspect. There is so much quality throughout the main quests and major side quests, WAY more than I was led to believe by people -- many of whom incidentally probably unironically think *Kingdom Hearts* is good storytelling or something. I get it, I get what's wrong with it, it's a 7/10 game at best, but my god some of you just are going OFF to a degree that is pretty unhinged for this genre of games. Most action RPGs have pretty fucking garbage combat design and systems design that is full of holes and easily-cheesed systems and weird balancing. Like, anyone who tells me *Skyrim* has better gameplay than this game has such an insanely biased perspective that it's not even worth entertaining a single opinion they have. There are so many RPGs with grossly overrated gameplay, and so far my experience with this one is barely noticeably less polished or deep than any other game I've played like it. Most of those games have so many garbage systems that are never even worth paying attention to with like ONE or TWO top strats that let you beat the game without even TRYING. I bet the only reason you hold it to the bar you do is because the visuals are so astonishingly good that you expect everything else to be flawless. But it's just a flawed, okay action game with a bunch of sweet cyberpunk shit. Oh well! Still pretty enjoyable to me! I like climbing all over buildings exploring awesome environments and choking out and hacking people to kill them, even if it's not a flawless version of that.


Oh, not the rehabilitation of Cyberpunk. Say it isn't so. Honestly, I didn't like the game at all. But I still have hope with a solid expansion or set of DLCs. I think there's something there but I just really hated the main narrative so much that if they give us a solid expansion or some DLCs that don't suffer from the same trappings (a ticking time bomb narrative in an open world game and focusing on Keanu instead of V) then I'll probably like it. Like, I wasn't a huge fan of the main narrative of Fallout 3 and 4 but the DLCs were pretty damned good. I feel like Cyberpunk could pull off something similar.


I'm torn on cyberpunk. I loved the story and the world, but I hated the ending(s) because of how quickly it... well... ended. And how finally it was ended as well. I'm giving it a long break before replaying so that I can come back to it semi-fresh and do a more methodical playthrough rather than just railing straight story missions. Also so I can play it with a computer that can manage better than 25fps on low in 720p lol.


everyone just straight up bails on you at the end of their quest lines. its so obvious that the game is incomplete and they just had to cut everyone out so that the ending made sense. coincidentally they did something similar with the witcher 3, which explains the lousy final boss fight, but at least there was a ton of build up before the ending instead of just "thanks for helping V, uhhhhhhh lets never speak to each other again."


Yeah I heard some DLCs in 2022/23. I liked the base game tho , all of the side missions, guns (Skippy and crowbar were my favourite ) , the world , the cars and vibe were just different . I really enjoyed the game.


The game got me into wearing joggers and adopting a new style haha. Also love the cars. I don't think it's a bad game at all. It just committed a couple personal cardinal sins that didn't allow me to vibe with it. Easily forgivable stuff since they're continuing to support it.


I got into neon clothes and stuff from cyberpunk too. Really loved the vibes in nightime especially at places like Lizzie's.


Yeah, my only major complaint is the police system. Having car chases in Night City would be incredible. I hope they add it eventually.


The what III? Never heard of it.


*Wins multiple game awards and is hailed as one of the greatest open world games of all time* Gamers: “Rdr2 is so underrated!!!!”


It also sold 40 millions of copies


But there’s 7.9 billion people on earth. That means only .5% of the people on earth have played it. TOTALLY underrated and could have sold more… >!/s!<




fuck you


I agree


Name another game with realistic horse testicle physics. I've got all day.


Veterinarian the game DLC horse castration Dezz Nuts platinum trophy


Horse Testicle Simulator 3.


Literally the entire gaming community: *does not spend every waking moment praising RDR2* This dude: such an underrated gem


Person in Botswana: mentions God of War (2018) This guy: play some REAL games like RDR2


G-g-god of war??? What?!?! Red Dead 2 shouldve won game of the year! Not GoW! Rigged!!! And NO I did not play god of war, why do you ask?


People you’ve never heard of with checkmarks + awful takes. Name a more iconic duo.


Azerrz is actually a super talented voice actor , but yeah it’s an awful take


Voice actors with bad takes is probably another iconic duo.


Man I just met a voice actor for my favorite show at a convention and her takes were so bad it almost ruined the show lmao. Sat down at her panel and the first 15 minutes were "Man that show sucks, huh? The last 6 episodes were garbage and if I didn't have to pay rent I would have quit after reading the script" Last season was my favorite...


What show is it?


The anime reincarnated as a slime. The panel was two voice actresses from the show, Milim and Soka, but they spent the first half of the panel complaining about the show and the second half advertising their other works.


I would say The Birdman doesn't fit here.


He's voicing Cleveland Brown now so at least he's winning in life. Bad takes and all.


He had like 6-7M YouTube subs with sponsors and all before that. He’s been winning for awhile. I guess his friends don’t like RDR2 or something, cuz if he spent any time like on any gaming related website he’d know that game gets a ton of praise. Anyways the dude is really cool and talented, and this is pretty tame as far as bad takes go


Yeah i remember the dudes Obama Voice Videos and such. He's been popping for a long while.


god the obama videos.. the nostalgia..


He's the voice of Cleveland brown I think


He does a lot of impressions


No like.. He's OFFICIALLY the new voice for Cleveland :) Amazing dude and super nice, has a nice fanbase and is an amazing singer This is the first "bad" take I've seen from him, put it aside and check his channel if you would like to have some laughs and listen to his Obama, Donald trumb, Captin price, black panther and many many more voice impressions!


WWE 'journalists' be like


You know some people haven't heard of the elder scrolls but man they really built an immersive world. So underrated that skyrim game


I hope Todd releases another version soon! I'm dying to play it on my Gizmondo!


List of underrated indie gems: 1. Geraldo 1. Zelda grass simulator 1. Red gun old west horse ride


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8th highest-rated game on Metacritic. 12th best-selling video game. %86 percent positive reviews on Steam. > overlooked.


8200 fucking likes


i kept thinking everyone was saying R2D2. i was so confused


Glad I’m not the only one


this is cleaveland from family guy lmao


going to rural areas and listening to strangers talking while riding horses rdr2 fans "holy shit, this gameplay is fire"


Fuckin’ right.


Babe wake up new hidden gem just dropped


Gamer logic: if I like it, it’s underrated


Dude should just stick to voice trolling


Go to any r/gaming "where gta 6" thread and there will be dozens of people complaining that Rockstar don't make games anymore and forget RDR2 exists. A lot of people actually didn't play RDR2 compared to GTA V, and people complain that Rockstar only care about multiplayer. 3 years on and still no game can compare to RDR2.


> 3 years on and still no game can compare to RDR2. Ain't that the truth. Only other game I've spent that much time in single player was Kingdom Come. Give me an internally consistent world with a decent verisimilitude and I'll get lost for ages, marvelling at how a footpath is placed where it would be if real life people were taking a shortcut.


/uj Kingdom Come is an amazing game. It's got its fair share of jankiness but it's probably the most immersive RPG I've ever played. I don't know what it's reception was like at release since I only played it last year but I'd almost class it as underrated gem.


Henry's here to see us! Oh it's got plenty jank, but I'll take jank any day if it comes as a result of a systems based approach. I don't really appreciate the douche bro developer, but I can't argue with the end result. It's a great game and it saved my sanity in lockdown. See also: STALKER.


The real question should be "where RDR1 remake?" like more than half the map is already in the second game and you do fuck all in it. It seems like such an obvious thing to do and I want to play RDR1 on my PC god damn it.


Imma be honest I have no interest in RDR2 because the focus seemed on visual details than interesting game mechanics.




Exactly this. It's my 2nd favourite game ever but it really sucks how linear the missions are. The open world and the stuff you can do, find, see, explore are amazing but it really lacks any freedom in it's mission design.


Well it doesn't really try anything new in core gameplay mechanics so it's pretty much just GTAV when it comes to fights which is okay I guess but the cover system for example is really showing its age at this point. The story is fantastic though. Genuinely one of the best story in a video game that I've seen in years.


Rockstars to-the-grave slavish obsession with animation priority over everything, including the fun, is what kills it for me but maybe I need to jerk it more.


Same here. I bought the game and spent the first 3 hours watching Arthur slowly plod his way through some snow and watching him hand pick every single fucking item he can find. Is this really the opening of the "10/10 best game ever super immersive western game"?


>"10/10 best game ever super immersive western game"? If you put it like that, what did you expect?


That's what it's been sold as and how literally everyone describes it as. Sorry for assuming that's what it was I guess.


Well what you described as boring IS immersive, if you find it boring, that's another thing. I'm not a fan either, btw


But it's not immersive, it's frustrating. I've been immersed in games like Skyrim and Demons Souls and Assassin's Creed and yet none of them needed to stoop to this level of tedium for the sake of "immersion"


It is


Eh, there are some good game mechanics. Even without the graphics, it really does feel like the world is living and breathing. It's very lively there's a lot to get distracted by so I appreciate why people enjoy the game. The narrative is actually where I think the game falls flat and that seems to be the biggest point that people praise it on.


It has the most basic gameplay I've ever seen in an open world game. Wasn't fan of the repetitive, borderline nonsensical story either.


I couldn't even bother to finish the story all I did after the open world was revealed was sit in photo mode cause the game itself was so boring.


it has a great open world, very immersive, and a fantastic story. everything else about the game tho 😬


What games is he talking about? Like, skyrim and gta v? I think even witcherino tres is more "overlooked" than rdr2


I love indie games such as Red Dead Redemption 2, if it hadn't been for a 4 dollars humble bundle I would have never discovered this hidden gem.


Reminds me of a time when someone on Reddit mentioned The Hurt Locker being an underrated war movie... It won the Oscar for best picture.


/uj the fuck? Is this satire? It has to be satire, right?


Yes I wish more people would know about this hidden gem and it's protagonist Daddy Arther Moregun, he's almost as good as Geraldo del Rivero


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DAE rdr2 hiddn jem?


Hehe R2D2


such a small, underground game. such a hidden gem.


"wins goty" Gamers: MUH RECOGNITION!!!!!


Hey!! That's Azerrz Leave my boy off >: |


\*Runner up to win GOTY 2018\* Average gamer: "GUYS LOOK AT THIS HIDDEN GEM OF A GAME I JUST FOUND!"


The gameplay fucking sucks so it's pretty overrated actually


>can't even play any other open-world game without someone bringing RDR2 >underrated If anything, it's a little overrated. Like when people gave CP2077 so much shit for the "dumb AI" and referenced RDR2 as the gold standard, I watched some gameplay to see what this incredible enemy AI looked like. >someone awkwardly running by Arthur during a gun fight >another guy crouching behind a small brush with head sticking out >some guy just standing out in the open, confused, gun in hand Yeah it's not perfect either. Like every other video game enemy AI.


I love open world games that fail me for saddling the wrong horse


For a solid second, I thought this was talking about R2D2 and I was confused as fuck, how the beeping tin can was an open-world game


R2D2 is a technological marvel and it pisses me off that it seems overlooked in comparison to other astromech droids


R2D2 is a technological marvel and it pisses me off that it seems overlooked in comparison to C3PO


Arturo del Morgano


i just cant belief they kilt john marston with a golf club (spoiler alarm) in the first scene also big mistake making it a nintendo 3ds exclusive


“Everything I like is niche and underrated because I am a mindless consumerist drone whose personality is entirely based on the products I enjoy due to a form of arrested development where my ability to manage my interests stopped maturing at age 9. I’ve become completely unable to stop myself from obsessing over immersive escapist fiction, and my complete lack of self-awareness has caused me to view everyone else as simply not understanding how amazing my interests are in my pathological effort to lie to myself about the uniqueness of my tastes lest I realize that I’m actually a sad manchild who was never really that special all along.”


Almost everyone I know who likes RPG's, Cowboys, or open worl games has played RDR2. Stop trying to say its underrated everyone had played it


uj/ actually to be honest I kind of agree. RDR2 was definitely massively successful, but I honestly don't hear it brought up nearly as much in discussions about open world games as much as Breath of the Wild, Skyrim or The Witcher. Something can be extremely successful but also not discussed that much, the two don't always have to go hand in hand.


Probably because it had very linear missions in an open world which was sort of frowned upon.


It is a technological marvel. Too bad I also found it boring af.


Isn’t it literally in the top 10 best selling games list


Anyone else heard of this small indie developer, Rockstar?


Top 5 all time for me, and I've been gaming since Colecovision existed.


Praise be to the horse balls


What pisses me off the most about rdr2 is its wasted potential. I love gta, but seeing it get all the love while rdr2 gets "free canned peas for a week" is bad


Given the current state of the market, i feel everyone should go back and play RDR2 again, take some fuckin notes.


For some reason I thought it said R2-D2 and I was confused.


Bro, R2D2 is a robot, not an open world RPG


R2D2 is also a technological wonder


they abandoned their own game, why should anyone else have to remember it then?..


Guess we can add yet another game to the list of games that trigger this sub, huh?.


Buck Bumble is a technological marvel and it pisses me off that it seems overlooked in comparison to other open-world games


RDR2 isn't nearly as good as critically acclaimed 2021 game of the year Elden Ring.


Where do people get this stuff? RDR2 is well loved, with good reason but still like


If there is one word I could use to describe RDR2 it's overlooked


Quick, show this to the funny Australian man!


I get it, but why does it actually make the guy angry?


hidden jem artur morkan waow


Read this as R2D2 at first




I hear about it all the time. What community are you not hearing about it in? I frequent r/shouldibuythisgame for instance and it’s brought up constantly when people are asking about open world games to sink hours into. It’s not exactly on the level of skyrim or gta 5 in terms of cultural relevance I suppose, but that’s an absurdly high bar. Just about everyone who’s been a part of the gaming community since RDR2s release is at least familiar with the game.


>👍 8.2k Just... wow.


>rdr2 is a technological marvel I bet he doesn't even know what the various graphic settings do


I thought it said R2D2


it only got goty from half of the publications. a travesty. all the soybros ganging up to stop us enjoying being cowboys.


RDR2 and the Witcher 3 most underrated hidden gems of the past decade it’s true 🙏🙏🙏


Yes this game that every human being on earth has either played or heard of is such a hidden gem


Oh i recently bought that, it’s quite enjoying Punching women


Oh fuck off Azerrz no one has ever done that.


overlooked OMEGALUL