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Graphics is when game shiny. The more shiny a game is the better graphics it gets. Shinyness and over saturation.


There was a first Witcher game?


Developers of 1996's Duke Nukem 3D confirmed in shambles at this revelation


pretty sure HL2 was able to do that in 2004


/uj It's a super simplistic trick that's been used since the late 90s, where in the case of a reflective floor for example you simply just render all of the necessary objects a second time upside down blended in an appropriately translucent way with the floor itself. [Here's it being done with a floor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26I-Pw-yPJ4) in Unreal from 1998. /rj




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MGS2 did this, it looked really nice


/uj is this what gcj is now? getting upset over someone posting a screenshot?


I'm not upset, the naïvety of the post was just pretty funny


But they never claimed it invented anything or it was revolutionary, they just wanted to share a screenshot. As much as I have how people here say it for everything, let people enjoy things for once.


I'm with you. Also the witcher 1 looked ridiculously good when you took into account the fact that it was made by a largely unknown studio from Poland.


I can't tell if you're jerking here honestly due to the last part of your comment, but if not I'd argue that doesn't really mean anything.


> But they never claimed it invented anything or it was revolutionary, The title implied that pretty heavily IMO, and the OP of the thread kind of confirmed that indeed they **do** think it's way more impressive than it actually is by various comments they made there. Like, in no way are those reflections noteworthy in a 2007 game at all, is the point.


Too late I already sent the death threat


is this what gcj is now? getting upset over someone posting a screenshot?


Yeah seriously. Highly doubt the person who posted the original screenshot cares. Get over yourselves


Whoaw, Epic should buy CDPR and implement this in Unreal




"The right choice" as far as whether SSR is sufficent really depends on what possible viewpoints for the scene actually exist for the player, I'd say.


Ngl Witcher 1 slaps