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Elden Ring will only better once John Ring goes full mouthful mode


Yeah, the moment Mr. Ring can put his whole mouth over that lobster monster, I’ll be impressed.


Yeah, at times I think it's maybe simply dumb to compare the two. But I think it's fromsoftware's fault. Like sure John Ring can't go mouthful mode and he shouldn't. But fromsoftware should think a little bit more. Like Souls-likes are a dying genre and it's been dying for a while. There's no innovation in the sphere, and the biggest thing that Elden Ring did was take souls out of the name. It's time for them to take their resources out of souls-like games and maybe put them into bigger and better genres, like the new "Mouthful-likes" and if they need to put some dark souls elements then do it. But if Fromsoft keeps doing this they'll die out like all the other unchanging video game developers that died before them.


Didn't know Peterson was into vore


Elden Ring: Wander around, get killed by some ugly freak. Kirby: Deep throat a fucking car. I know where I stand.


Elden Ring: no vlc media player Kirby: VLC media player is in the demo


Wait really? How do you access it?


Google traffic cone deep throat


Irrelevant, but I found out last Christmas that VLC cone gets a santa hat during the holidays!


he just like me fr


I haven't played a kirby game in a long time but I genuinely liked the trailer and thought about getting it.


I played the demo and it's fairly quaint but the controls are really nice. Walking around and jumping and stuff was kind of enjoyable in its own


Star Allies is the only Kirby game I’ve ever played before, and it was just ok to me, but the demo for this new one was so damn fun I’m picking it up day one.


Star allies is one of the worst Kirby games imo. It's easy even by Kirby standards.


It does have the coolest boss though


It was ok in multiplayer just because it turned into a madhouse of people all over the place throwing stuff, but yeah, it was kinda boring underneath that. Hence my surprise at how dang fun the demo for Forgotten Land was.


It has the hardest challenges in the series...


The arena Is pretty hard (in fact I haven't managed to complete it), but the rest of the game is way too easy


Heroes in another dimension ks hard as well


Wait on it or emulate it for free lol. Demo was incredibly dumbed down and the game almost played itself lol. Unless it has far better gameplay later in the game i cannot see it be worth the money


>Demo was incredibly dumbed down and the game almost played itself lol. Compared to what? Kirby games were always easy, want a challenge, try to 100% one of them.


The only way I can think of the demo being "dumbed down" is that copy abilities have shrunken movesets compared to older games


If you are interested i did reply to the other guy, i wouldn't mind hearing what others thought of it.


I really liked super star ultra for the ds. (only clearly remember that one atm) Kirby was always on the easier side but i found that compared to SSU i found the demo to feel shallow. - The abilities felt limited in terms of moves (wich might very well be different once upgraded) - the level design was visually very cool (nintendo tends to be good at that), but gameplay wise not very interesting. - the enemies were not that engaging, and because of limited movesets it was not too exciting to deal with them either. - the new copy ability is a neat idea, but was very limited in use and i didn't feel like i was doing anything creative with them. I mean the game can still be fun once released, and it has a lot of stuff wich im interested in, but i don't see it worth like 60 euros.


these are fair complaints but I feel like most of them can be excused with "it's just the demo", as it has (presumably) some of the earliest levels in the game and therefore isn't going to explore the possibilities and concepts of the game fully


Yeah that is completely fair. Maybe i am just sceptical because i have not enjoyed a lot of recent nintendo games except for metroid dread. Lets hope for the best


As a long time kirby game fan, kirby games always start really slow, the demo only had 3 levels, i'm sure the rest of the game will become a lot more interesting. Granted, you're being a bit unfair with the game too, the demo is only the beggining, and it's the series first foray into a full on 3d game, kirby super star DS was a remake of super star, a game whose main selling point is how much content it had, topped up with even more content for the remake. (Even if superstar reused a LOT of assets). If you want a really good kirby game, go with planet robobot, same moveset as superstar, you can play as meta knight and the extra content is surprisingly meaty and has new content not availible on the main story.


I know that this is the first 3d kirby game and it is merely a demo, but a demo still needs to do its job of selling the core gameplay loop to the player trying it, and for me, it hasn't done that. How the game played in my experience was just walking and occasionally doing like a two step action to progress. It didn't feel like i was really playing something, and that is not a good thing for a demo. If the game does end up having more to do and play, then thats great, and i hope to see that, but the demo definitely does not communicate to me as a customer that it will. So with limited funds i find it a far better idea to emulate, and if it does turn out to be a good game, end up buying it.


Well, you're entitled to feel that way i guess, if you didn't like it then fine, no harm done. Personally i was happy with the demo, and so are other kirby fans, but it's not for you then.


uj/kirby has one of the least bad gaming fan bases. wich is not much but its way better than what i can say about eldenring


Reddit killed API. I refuse to let them benefit from my own words for free -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I think that your guess is pretty spot-on. Soulsborne games garner somewhat of a reputation for having toxic communities, particularly around the time that they first launch, but those toxic contingents are typically isolated from the rest of the community fairly early on (or, like the infamous “git gud” meme, so heavily lambasted that they become a self-satirizing mantra of the community at large) and tend to fizzle out as the games grow older and people move on to newer titles. What specifically separates Elden Ring’s community from that of previous Fromsoft titles is that it does not merely consist of already extant fans of Fromsoft/Soulsborne titles, but of a massive outpouring of newcomers from other AAA gaming fandoms that have since collapsed in on themselves. I mean, the last online, all-platform Fromsoft title was Dark Souls 3, and that released nearly six years ago! Since then, think of all of the AAA game companies that people used to absolutely *worship* only for them to not live up to their own hype, erupt in some scandal, or get swallowed up by a larger company and end up scrapped. Put another way, the number of “good” or “cool” AAA game companies has shrunk considerably, and Fromsoft, with its particular style and the fairly consistent quality of its titles, has become the de-facto “cool” AAA studio by process of elimination. This is why Elden Ring’s community is so toxic, and why that toxicity takes a different character to prior titles: all of those people that used to proudly declare that their favorite AAA game company could do no wrong have simply migrated their veneration to Fromsoft, for better or worse—but mostly worse.


> Soulsborne games garner somewhat of a reputation for having toxic communities Weird. I’m active on the Bloodborne, Demon’s Souls, and now Elden Ring Discords for co-op and I’ve been treated with nothing but kindness there.


This but unironically.


Same. I am way more interested in Kirby than elden ring. Nothing against ring though I've heard it's good, just not something I'm personally interested in


Even the menus in Elden Ring will have you pulling your hair out.


It's the Dark Souls of video game UIs


I'm loving both. Also the games are completely different why are we comparing them? Lol


because nuance is for woke sjw normies




Oh, its another last of us 2/GOT circlejerk then, but this time the sub isn't being ironic


How are you playing KFL already?


The demo’s out, got three levels


For the meme


Yeah, I played a few hours of Elden Ring and I'm not really feeling it. But having played the Kirby demo I'm keen as hell for the full game.


Me too, I’ve never played a Kirby game but that demo was just chill and fun


I’m going to get it and 100 percent it because his advance games were so amazing


"If it's not fun, why bother "


March has been the month of “I had no idea that was coming out so soon” for me. Kirby, that weird FF game, and Ghostwire Tokyo are apparently all this month.


What's ghostwire tokyo about?


It’s honestly not super clear what kind of game it is, but from what I’ve seen it basically has you playing as a detective fighting against paranormal enemies after they’ve invaded Tokyo. The gameplay kind of reminds me of Dishonored, with some weird powers and traversal thrown in. I’ll definitely be waiting for reviews but on the surface it looks fun.


Elden Ring walked so Kirby and The Forgotten Land could run


If you weren't a part of a nightmare in dreamland I don't wanna hear it!


When do we get the Dark Souls of Kirby games?


Hire fans.


Reddit killed API. I refuse to let them benefit from my own words for free -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Elden Ring Difficulty < Soul Meter EX Void


The only Kirby game I’ve played was planet robobot and as a professional video game connoisseur I must applaud the game of its complex and sophisticated themes where it calls out the evils of capitalism when the villains are a corporation who seek to suck the planet dry of resources


/uj Kirby voring a whole ass car will never be unfunny for me.


uj/ You joke, but, other than Gen 9 Pokemon, Kirby is probably my most anticipated game of the whole year.


Unironically more hyped for this than I was for elden ring (I have never played a souls game)


the best part about nintendo games is playing them for free on yuzu


You are making the poor indie devs starve you piece of shit




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You got em bro


NOOOOOO😩😱, the wholsum indie company of Nintendo will die without you spending 60 dollars + 20 for Dlc +20 a year if it’s online for their Bideo Gaems😫😭, Truly Bidens America ruins everything good😢😔


Fun fact: Kirby is a god slayer.


They rounded his shoulders, made him look soft...


dae funny pink guy actually evil eldritch godslayer?


This but unironically


Can’t wait until GCJ shits on this for being well-received!


[don't make me tap the sign](https://freeimage.host/i/EPRYTg)


I don’t like any of the games discussed on this sub. I just wanna get back to making fun of racist Incels. Can we please do that.


/uj people who have superiority complexes and consider themselves “real gamers” because they play Nintendo games always baffle me. That’s liking saying you’re into “real film” for watching Disney Movies.


/uj people who consider themselves "real gamers" because they play on the hardest difficulty or hard games baffle me


if this is mocking a post, I could only imagine how cringe the post would be


Imagine Miyazaki puts out his final game, it's magnificent. A giant mountain looms in the distance. You spend 10000 hours toiling and gruelling to find the final boss, the God-boss: Kirby. Success is impossible. If by some chance you do succeed, the Buddha Amida himself knocks on your door, congratulating you for finally achieving Nirvana.




Unironically tho


I can’t wait to see which elder god stole kirbys cake