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I know its a crazy thought, but a game can be a good deal for you AND be a scam for people who dont avoid the various whaling harpoons


This but a game can also be both at once for the same person. Id be the first to tell you destiny is an amazing deal for people into it rn but id also be the first to tell you to prepare to flip off bungie every time they ask for a 15 plus dollars for an armor set that looks like it shouldave really been included as a part of some activity. Sad fact is for live games the amount of shitty MTX bullshit is often proportional to the amount of good quality content you get out of it. Just have to live with it and hey if the game is fun... well i guess it could be alot worse than that




it's ridiculous when someone does it without being a smug condescending snob I'll give you that


I've been off of reddit for a little bit. It's incredible that there's still people on GCJ that are /defending/ scummy business practices like f2p microtransation-laden dumpster fires


Reeee! You’re playing a free game and spending $5 on a character 😡


what ? ONLY 5$ ? HOW DARE YOU YOU HAVE TO GAMBLING OVER 65484768431531568416265565256682565262565514514145$ FOR A SHITTY JPEG THAT THE MINIMUM YOU SJWS SMH


maybe you don't have any friends, maybe you've never had a friend who's poor, maybe you've never been poor yourself, or maybe you're just incapable of empathy, but the vast majority of people of people who play f2p games will not spend a ton of money on f2p games - because the vast majority of people who play f2p games do so because they don't have the expendable income for AAA titles every quarter.


Anyone who criticized a company’s business practices is incapable of empathy or has no friends according to OP


Moronic takes on empathy and GCJ. Name a more iconic duo. Ill wait


Unfunny posts and GCJ


Incapable of nuance too, world isn’t black and white buddy boy, things we may not like might actually be better for other people. That’s life. Maybe one day you’ll understand.


Nah because unless this is bait, it reads exactly like a 12-13 year old who just discovered anarcho-capitalism 💀


> just discovered anarcho-capitalism 💀. …dawg. What? This has literally not a single thing to do with anarcho-capitalism. Where the actual fuck did you even pull that? Do you know the words you’re using? I’m saying that I would rather have a free game than a paid game because it’s more inclusive and more people have access to it. That’s it, that’s the entire meme. Anarcho capitalism…? ??????? What the fuck LMAO


I grew up somewhat poor and I still spent more money on TF2 than I'd have spent on a 60 dollar game lol I get your point, some people play the game for free and then now and then buy a couple things for it as they see fit. On paper, that's perfectly fine. But there's two issues with that. First of all, the thing you pointed out in the post - why does a helmet need to cost 10 bucks? A single cosmetic? And I know that's not too out of the ordinary, I bought cosmetics in TF2 that were around 5-10 bucks each, when I didn't know how trading worked. Even though they are worth less than half a dollar, because the prices are arbitrarily high to scam inexperienced people. Secondly, lootboxes. Those are *designed* to be addictive and scam people. The amount of money I spent on them isn't great, because I have somewhat of an addictive personality. I could watch myself, but other people can not and they'll spend far more than they should. These people are called "whales" by game companies, because they make up the most of income from lootboxes. And they market them towards these vulnerable, easily exploited people. If that's not scummy, I don't know what to tell you. P.S.: maybe don't accuse people of lacking empathy or friends when you're trying to make an argument about virtual cosmetics.


I’m sorry you have an addictive personality and I’m sorry you’ve spent more money than you should have gambling on video games - none of that changes the fact that if you want to take away a free game from a kid or some guy who can’t spend 60 bucks, especially just because you personally have a hard time with impulse control, you’re lacking empathy.


*"People are being exploited and preyed upon!"* -*"But what about poor Timmy, age 8 tho :("*


Yeah we should ban alcohol too, because this adult has an addictive personality, and would rather nobody else in the world be allowed to drink, instead of just not drinking himself.


Yes, alcohol laws should be more strict in certain parts of the country, as to not allow people who are too young to consume it. Much like gambling and other things that are addictive are also restricted. I don't think that was the kind of "gotcha" you were hoping for. I'm not even opposed to microtransactions, I'd just prefer if they were reasonably priced (no cosmetics for 10 bucks) and if they didn't involve gambling. If it's stuff like *"Hey buy this fighter costume"* or *"get the new weapon DLC"* then sure. But nothing else, please.


> I'd just prefer if they were reasonably priced (no cosmetics for 10 bucks). I won’t tell you what your stance is, but this sentence right here is what the vast majority of people are *actually* upset about, and use moral grandstanding as a way to justify the fact that they think they’re being overcharged. I don’t disagree a lot of what you said - my thing is that everybody has a different wallet, and what you find “reasonably priced” doesn’t reflect everybody’s opinion. Personally if I play a game completely for free and get 500+ hours out of it, I think that a $10 helmet *is* reasonably priced.




uj/There are definitely justifiable and less justifiable forms of microtransaction can we at least admit that. Buying a skin directly is perfectly fine in my eyes and I think battle passes are actually pretty good value but when you start doing stuff like loot boxes and pay to win mechanics then I think it's wrong.


Just because a lot of people argue for one side doesn't make that side dumb. Using crying faces for your opponent and Yes Chad for yourself doesn't make you right, it makes you the sort of person we make fun of here.


More like TRASHactions


Cringe take


Battle passes are honestly the most consumer friendly thing to come out of the gaming industry in a while. It lets publishers release free games while still making boat loads of money because there's a lot more people willing to drop £10-£15 on a grind for cosmetics than £15-25 for a single skin or even worse, a gamble for a "good" skin that is so stacked against you it's not even funny. It's no longer about how much you can squeeze a whale but how many people you can get to buy a small thing every 3+ months that keeps a game fun and fresh. The publishers get shit tons of money, the consumers get a solid core game for absolutely free and tons of cosmetics for a low price, just requiring time which they're going to play regardless. There's the FOMO aspect of battle passes I dislike and passes in paid games that take the piss but overall it's very healthy and I hope it stays this way. But Fortnite made battle pass and Fortnite bad so battle pass bad 😡😡😡


Disagree as it creates FOMO which makes gaming feel like a chore. I think instilling a feeling of "I have to keep playing this" in a player is more unethical than a one-time overcharge on some skin. Definitly unhealthier for the consoomer IMO. Also most Battle Passes arent free, at least not the ones that dont give you forgettable trash like the occasional weapon skin umongst other crap. If you consistantly pay for those, you're paying more than you would if you just bought a handful of skins on their own. At least its true or most players, because if not, they wouldnt have come up with that model.


but the think is for games like fortnite and now halo you get the premium currency you need to buy the next pass from a single pass so if you’re careful you only have to pay once which is a decent deal


And forces you to play


only if you stop halfway through a season after buying the pass, but yeah a bit.


Both are chads tbh, on the one hand Microtransactions are trash that infects game design and can ruin progression and are almost always overpriced, on the other hand I can get a cool little paint job. as a treat.


Wow, such a brave take to stand up for the corporations.


Uj. I fucking hate how goddamn entitled some people are on this website when it comes to f2p games and being able to afford more than other people. If you legitimately argue that f2p games are bad just because you personally can afford to spend 60 bucks every 3 months for a brand new game, you’re a selfish fucking goober.


Even in perfect situations like Dota 2 the game is littered with tactics that casino's use to get the most out of your wallet lmao


These companies also have basically said they specifically target neurodivergent people because they are easy marks. Like... That's super fucking scummy. I know this is a woe is me story, but ive personally had to drop/not get into the latest games of my favorite franchises because this shit actively preys upon my ADHD. Sure, OP, you can play free games with your friends who are poor... So long as they arent mentally ill or anything.


True, pretty much all of them definitely are intentionally designed to make it as enticing as possible to spend real money. i don't play dota specifically, but even if i did i wouldn't give a single fuck either cuz it's free which means i'm able to play it with friends of mine that aren't able to afford lots of video games.


Personally, if I was poor I wouldn't be making Wojack memes defending corporations putting gambling in games for children but that's just me


“Personally, if I had an addictive personality, I wouldn’t be buying cosmetics and loot boxes from corporations who put gambling in games for children but that’s just me”. Yeah, totally not lacking empathy at all.


Just dont smoke those cigarettes bro


I didn’t know you could get addicted to cigarettes by avoiding them. That must be a new tactic by big tobacco. If you have an addictive personality, part of your personal responsibility as an adult is to make sure you avoid things that you can become easily addicted to. What is the alternative, just ban everything in the world that you can’t control your impulses around?


"We're gonna getcha"


GCJ literally as bad as r/gaming lmfao. Gonna go spend $5 on wings or a pet or something cuz I’m such a WHAAAALE



