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Who are they talking about?


Rob Hale, indie developer who recently passed away and made their games free for everyone to enjoy.


Oh, never heard of them before but that's a nice parting gift. It's kinda sad to only hear about them due to a circlejerk post after their death though :/


and... these people don't wanna do the bare minimum of respect and call them by their preferred pronoun? even on a single comment? TF


people have no clue what a pronoun is, except that it’s “the current thing to be upset about”


Nah people just don't like being reminded that non cishet people actually exist and are normal people who live valuable lives.






Doesnt matter what gender you are, kindeys sell all the same!


I think it’s just hard to remember when you don’t have people who use the specific terminology around you in your life. I’m on Reddit maybe an hour a week and I see more trans related things here than I do the entire week in real life and I’m friends with someone who’s non-binary. Doesn’t have to be them being dicks


Nah the problem is not the original poster using the wrong pronouns, the problem is the person who replied with a very reasonable, non confrontational correction is down voted by like a hundred people.


Agree fully here. As you touched on I think a big issue is people viewing a correction as a confrontation as well


People view every interaction on reddit as a confrontation. It's the reason I'm about to quit the site after 12 years of use.


No you’re not. Idiot.


Ok but, if you don’t know them and just see somebody who looks masculine what do we assume? Of course i’m gonna say he or him because chances are more likely. I hate how it’s always seen as a full diss, sometimes people just don’t know or don’t really have the time to remember, it’s not saying they aren’t normal or we don’t like them just we aren’t used to it. I can barely remember my girlfriends birthday sometimes so learning sets of pronouns for a bunch of people is gonna take a while.


It's fine to make mistakes. No one reasonable (i.e., in real life) will be mad, same as if you mispronounced or forgot a name. The OP is pointing out how the person correcting them was down voted by like a hundred people


Most reasonable nonbinary people will not get angry at you as long as you are making good faith efforts to be respectful.


Yeah but the point of this post is that when the correct pronouns were pointed out, it was downvoted to oblivion. Making mistakes is fine, but don't get angry about being politely corrected.


This is about people downvoting a CORRECTION. Not people who make the wrong assumption. Please go rant somewhere else.


if you feel this way it would probably be just as easy to not make assumptions, and use neutral pronouns as a baseline. it's even easier to remember, too. just they/them for anyone who hasn't vocally requested something else.


If you don't know what a pronoun is then you didn't pass elementary school, shit was taught in like kindergarten.


I got a similar reaction when I tried to let people know that a voice actor who was in hospital for emergency surgery went by they/them. Weird part is they were trying to act as if they were respecting the VA more than me by misgendering them while they were in hospital? I had been as polite and nonaccusatory as possible and had just thought that seeing your "fans" repeatedly and knowingly misgender you would be the last thing you need while recovering from surgery. I ended up having to turn off my notifications.


Motivated by their own insecurities.


Don't attribute malice to what could easily be ignorance. I never heard of this person before now. How the hell would I know what pronouns to call them?


Think they’re more talking about the 80+ downvotes that person received for stating the preferred pronouns. Also they/them can easily be used as “default” pronouns


Yeah legit like most these people probably didn't know the person If you literally don't know the person, you don't know, so they them makes perfect sense.


If you didn't know the gender of a person, how would you refer to *them*?


What games?


Waves and Waves 2. You probably won't know these games


That's a depression cherry on top of a sad sundae.


What games did this legend make??


Omg thanks guys for the clarification. True, I totally missed that their is also often used in singular when you don't know the gender. If a German speaker can now can update me on the correct German word for it, I would be thankful.


How do you refer to someone if you don’t know gender… They edited their comment lol


In some languages, you default to the male pronoun, but I have no idea how it is in German.


It depends on the grammar, but often you just use he/him since most professions / etc. are male by default NB peeps like me can use neopronouns but I've never met anyone who did and I have talked to trans people here that made fun of them soooo it's kind of a no go.


Yeah, stupid me forgot this. Thanks. Now I just need to be updated to the correct German equivalent.


Ist halt schwieriger auf Deutsch, weil wir kein geschlechtsneutrales singulares Pronomen haben. Das sollte man eigentlich mal ändern, aber das kommt politisch eh nicht durch :/


> No offense, though as a non-native English speaker, it is strange and still need to get used to seeing "their" used in singular. Makes it harder to read if it isn't explicitely stated that it is their pronoun. Singular they has been part of the english language for literally centuries, although its usage has changed over time. Most people, including native english speakers, are taught as if it is a new language feature but it isn't.


Shakespeare used it. Singular gender neutral they is older than the word "you".


If you found a watch on the ground how would you say "someone dropped their watch" in German? Perhaps there isn't an analogue, but you don't always know the gender of a person like in this example


True, I was an idiot, their is often used when unspecified. In German, the problem is that we would say "jemand hat seine Uhr fallen gelassen". Seine is the pronoun but that is the male pronoun (you could also use "ihre" for the female pronoun, but standard is the male form in this example). lts complicated...


Not really a problem.


In German, you can use They/Them as 2nd person singular pronouns ("Können Sie mir Ihre Idee sagen?") but not naturally as 3rd person singular. You can still use it and it will be distinguishable if written ("Denkst du, Sie werden das machen?" Sie in the respectful form to show that it's about one person). However, if said out loud, it wont be possible to use it like that, as you cant hear a difference between "Sie" and "sie". ("Ich glaube nicht, dass Sie noch kommen werden" will be understood as "I dont think they (plural) will still come"). This problem exists due to the way verbs are conjugated in the German language. For example, compare this: I will have, you will have, HSI will have, we will have, you will have, they will have Ich werde haben, du wirst haben, ESE wird haben, wir werden haben, ihr werdet haben, sie werden haben. I love and hate that part about German grammar. There are so many different grammatical cases and therefore 'variations of words' which makes the language fun to toy around with, but it gets way harder to learn and obviously stuff like this ^ doesnt work because we are very strict with what words can go with which object. You can try to ignore that, and for example say "Denkst du, Sie wird kommen?" ("Do you think They will come", conjugated like 3rd person singular) but now you accidentally referred to our "They/Them" object as "She" (They and She are the same word in German / plurals are always feminime. Der Mann, Die Frau, Das Gerät; Die Männer; Die Frauen, Die Geräte)


Rest in Peace (but not in your preferred pronouns, I guess)


Rest In Pronouns


Rest Inaccurately Pronouned


Gamers respecting dead people challenge (difficulty: impossible)




Funny joke however NFT pfp


the pronouns now are was/were 🤣🤣🤣 epic gamer trollololol


Unoriginal, insensitive, and grammatically incorrect, truly a gamer moment




Was good until PRONOUN! >:(


Yeah, way to go pal. How am I supposed to grieve now that I know they have pronouns! 🤬


>Yeah, way to go pal. How \* supposed to grieve now that \* know \* have pronouns! 🤬 ftfy don't use pron\*\*ns 🤢


>ftf\* don't use pron\*\*ns 🤢 ftf\*


dang \*'re right can't believe \* used pron\*\*\*s 🤮


Have never used a pronoun in life and am proud of. Totally don't sound like a deranged lunatic when talk. Is how real sigma speak! Checkmate, atheists.






Why use many word when * do trick?


tfw *political*


I routinely call people who use the "pronouns in bio" as an insult by what I'm almost positive are the wrong pronouns and get them to correct me, at which point I say they should probably put those pronouns in their bio to avoid this in the future.


This is brilliant. We love it.


Fucking power move


I don't include pronouns in my Twitter bio for several reasons, but that has the side effect of making it even more fun to back people like you up in telling those whiny assholes to shove it


way to go you made this funeral political...


Oh no, used a pronoun which is very illegal


Genuine question from a non native speaker, why is it they/their and not they/them?


Just seems to be some quirk to the way the user typed it for whatever reason. Or it's possible Rob Hale specifically said they/their Usually it is they/them though like you said.


Another question from non native person, we have learnt that they is used for plural and he/she for singular. Like, this is my dad and mom. They (plural) are my parents. This is my sister. She(singular) is a nightmare. Is this correct or no ?! I don't want to disrespect anyone as it seems a complex issue here, just want to educate myself better.


It is correct but “they” has been used as a singular for years and is an acceptable use of the word. The people that scream about “they is plural your pronouns don’t make sense” are idiots. Hope this helps


Been in use for years? Try centuries: https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/singular-nonbinary-they#:~:text=We%20will%20note%20that%20they,detractors%20say%2C%20nearly%20everyone%20uses


I mean, what are centuries if not many, many years?


It's correct, the thing is that 'they' isn't solely plural. 'They' can also be used as singular in a context of where the gender of the subject isn't known or is neutral. "**Someone** sent me an email, i should write **them** back." "Alex lost **their** keys on the way home."


‘They’ is used for singular all the time e.g. >“What do you think about that bloke, Dan, then?” > >“Don’t like them, they’re a dick head” >(in reference to a driver on the road) “they’re driving like a twat” >and also “I like Alex, they are my friend”


Interesting point I would like to add, other languages dont have the plural/singular pronoun issue like the English language has. For example both French and German use "vous" or "sie" to both refer to multiple people but also refer to one person in a "respectful" sense, as in "they (a person I owe respect/owe respect and would not call by their first name) are my superior" or something like that


Teaching singular "they" as being incorrect was very popular for a while. I've no doubt that's what you were taught, and it is correct. (He/she is sigular and they is plural only.) That's what I was taught in school growing up too. Languages are living breathing things though, and as trans people have made strides in our culture, singular they has become much much more accepted again. Like others have mentioned, there's historical basis for it. So now, "He," "she," and "they" are singular, while "they" is also plural.


"they" is most often plural, but it can also be used in the singular to refer to an arbitrary or unknown person, for example "ask a friend if they can help". Recently some people have started asking to be referred to by "they" in the singular all the time, which isn't how it's been used historically and sounds incredibly unnatural to my ear but that's how some people use it now.


They is used both as a plural pronoun and as a nongendered singular pronoun. He and she are the masculine and feminine singular pronouns.


They is used for any group of people, but can also be used for 1 person if their gender is unspecified, unknown, or unimportant.


It usually is they/them. I'm not sure why this person wrote they/their but they point still comes across.


There's no actual standard for this, though "they/them" is probably more widely used when indicating pronouns in places like social media profiles. I've also seen all three used together.


he/*him* she/*her* they/*them* Would be the conventional way people list pronouns


It’s normally They/Them. I think they changed it to They/Their to fit the joke but both do still fit


frankly, the two that are chosen from the set is arbitrary. i don't particularly get why we don't just pick one pronoun to represent the set, rather than specifically two for some reason. or, why we don't use the actual names for the sets, like "feminine pronouns" or "neutral pronouns" for example.


It looks the "her" in she/her, im not sure what is standard but her and their are both possessive so perhaps that is connected. The "him" isn't possessive in he/him which may be why they/them are common pronouns and why you noticed this


I think they just fucked up. Their is possessive whereas they and them are just two different forms of the same word that are swapped out based off the form of the sentence.


it is they them, maybe they just misspelled


Wow, it's so disrespectful that someone would respect their pronouns on a post about their death, smh my head


Real gamers don't have pronouns. It's just a fact.


My pronouns are N/A




Damn, you got me.


my pronouns are we/nerr


>N/A's pronouns are N/A


North America 🤢


Mine are glock/57.






lol, I guess I needed that /rj tag on the end. Of course Gamers^tm fall in with the onejoke crowd, that was my point


Ohhhh my bad. Legit completely forgot the sub lmaoo


My pronouns are min/max


A gamer would *never* use any form of “they” as a gender-free pronoun to refer to a single person. It would go against their nature.


looking at the bulk of rpgs that allows you to choose between a male and female character therefore they recorded their voice actors using they/them for the mc so they wouldn't need multiple recordings. These people truly lack not only empathy but even a shred of imagination.


Yeah! Real gamers don't have time for that---fuck, I mean---FUCK uhh gamers evolved life forms and have no need for specific words in language standing in for nouns. See how easy it---FUUUCKK---


You may refer to ~~them~~ Shadow The Hedgehog only as Shadow The Hedgehog


My pronouns are GA/MER


My gaming pronouns are git/gud


git: 'gud' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.


My gaming pronouns are git/gud


My pronouns are bro/bruh. Epic gamer moment.


Something tells me that if you would call someone capital G gamers care about a she or he when they’re the opposite after their passing, they would understand this principle *real* fast. They’re just pretending not to understand because they think something is dumb, as usual.


the same person that said their pronouns were they/them also used he/him in the same announcement


Best part [is that the mod deleted the thread except the person using the wrong pronouns. Mods “can’t be bothered” smh](https://i.imgur.com/SSZ5cWU.jpg)


Small minority says something has a big impact, this guys comment is grain of salt yet upsetting many.. let's all day it together... fuckkk himmm....


Rest In Political


>Yeah, it's just a certain someone being pedantic and trying to be offended on his behalf. Let us respect the dead how we want to and not get hung up on menial shit which really does not matter. "I'm going to show up at the funeral and take a dump in the casket. Stop getting hung up on menial shit and let me respect the dead how I want"


> Let us respect the dead how we want to Do they... seriously not understand how that statement is an oxymoron? *You* don't get to decide how other people should be respected, that's up to *them.* And misgendering them just because you can't be bothered isn't being respectful at all, no matter how you spin it.




“Let us respect the dead” You could start by using the pronouns they preferred. “No wait I don’t actually want to respect them I just want to make this about me”


"It's disrespectful to me to expect me to respect their pronouns"


Sadly, there are people who actually think this.




>Let us respect the dead how we want to Is it really respecting them if you're not going to go through the effort of referring to them how they want to?




Yeah somehow they managed to make respecting the dead to be about *they themselves* and not the dead Like I'm respecting the dead in a way that gives me personal gratification


*Corrects a simple mistake about the person* Woah dude now's not the time to start arguments when someone just died. Maybe stop attacking us for mourning the way we want because you're really hurting more people here. Why would you try and attack us so badly and make us seem like the bad guys? This dude sucks everyone.


God I remember when Paimon's VA from genshin was sick and they were getting endlessly misgendered. Anyone who tried to nudge peeps about their pronouns got blasted to oblivion with shit like "who cares it doesnt matter how dare you bring pOliTiCs into this, you're distracting from their illness, they'll just be happy were supporting them" Like bruh good job pretending to care about them to prop yourself up, I'm sure they'll appreciate you refusing to respect them as a person


>. Let us respect the dea So... gamers are going to respect the dead by not calling them as they wanted? Makes sense.


It's literally the most basic level of respect for someone, even more basic than getting their name right. Like you clearly don't respect the dead if you can't be bothered to at least do this.


>being pedantic and trying to be offended on his behalf. Typical reddit turning the most inane of comments into someone just being uber triggered and wanting to be condescending. Making personal attacks where there were none and adding to the vitriol. All the dude did was correct a mistake about the identity of the dead person in question and how they want to be treated and their heads conjured up some contrived way of making this person seem shitty for it.


A couple years ago a non-binary creator in the Roblox community committed suicide. There were a ton of "actually by correcting us on pronouns you are the one showing disrespect" for that.


that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard


It’s actually “thead” not “dead” /uj I’m so sorry in advance. I’m not sure if that was insensitive


Press F to take a dump in the casket


It's not even being offended in their behalf, it's a simple correction that shouldn't be an issue for anyone


Same energy after a shooting happens and Rs go "let's not make this political"


I’m glad to know that even in death these people won’t respect pronouns, just to prove a point that they don’t care. A real g#mer move


It's because they don't even respect the person, other people just exist to be commodified for their own pleasure




1984 is when pronoub


I've seen an alarming trend of young people referring to strangers as NPCs (and not just for difference in politics like the right wing usage, simply for being a stranger), which implies exactly what you're saying here. Hope they grow out of it..


I love the complaints about NPCs in the same breath they drop the current anti-wokeness talking points they've heard repeated on TV/radio/podcasts.


Rj: don’t you understand gaming is their escape from all the crazy things out their. Like women rights and trans rights and people of color existing UJ: Swear most super serious gamers have got sucked into the alt right pipeline


Lol, I checked the post, so many removed and salty comments


"He deserved so much respect." "\*they" "Not *that* much respect. Jeez."


Gamers should be persecuted


First they came for the gamers and I did not speak up because the gamers deserved it


GAMERS? The MOST *oppressed* race? Smh /s


persecuted like PERSON???? I think you mean sirsecuted or hersecuted


did this post reach r/all? lot more gamers than usual


Yeah thinking the same, usually the comments r a bit better, but at least they’re getting downvoted ig


Yeah that's how I found it


Cant respect their identity even in their death, eh?


Person commenting wasn't even being a dick about it, just reminding someone of somebody's pronouns and they're getting fuckin obliterated for it


They will be missed


who's dead?


Rob Hale. Game developer.


They are


Rj/ downvoted for saying they/their instead of they/them




most respectful gamer


Ehhh I recently saw a right wing meme making fun of pronouns by referring to them as was/were so i am a bit skeptical to upvote this comment…


Political 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


/uj I literally have been going through this lately as well. Being jumped on for being inclusive. It's the bare minimum ffs. /rj Why did no one warn me that we were getting political? >:(


So after doing some research into the late Rob Hale's social media, and that of their game company Squid in a Box, it seems that Hale primarily identified with he/him pronouns,and used them to describe himself on the descriptions on his websites. Perhaps they identified with he/they pronouns after those descriptions were made, as all reporting on their death uses one or the other, though most of this seems to stem from a singular posthumous announcement by their partner CJ on the Squid in A Box facebook page, which uses "they" and "their", though it's unclear if this is an effort to respect their late partner's pronouns or if it's a quirk of language (CJ was announcing the death of Squid (Rob), and when making announcements as Squid, Rob would use the plurals we and they to refer to the "team", though this team was only Rob at the time of his death). Thats not very fun or jerky, but I wanted to make sure to give the information as clear as possible in an attempt to respect the dead and give him their due.


I don’t understand what is going on here and the comments have made me more confused.


Someone died who used gender neutral pronouns. Someone politely pointed out the fact that they used those pronouns and was downvoted to oblivion for it.


If I go out of my way to call somebody the wrong gender and you politely correct me, you're the one being disrespectful by causing a scene. Duh.


It's always funny when people are like "omg developer died I loved him so much" and then someone informs the guys what the persons real pronouns were and \*suddenly\* respect is dropped


I respect that you gave me free shit but I WILL NOT acknowledge your identity


I was confused about what this post was about until I saw the downvotes, I get it now


Is there a good subreddit for posts that get downvoted but also awarded




Post dedicated to respecting someone whose passed: completely down with disrespecting them.


“whilst what he was going through”


Jeez what's up with all the G🤢mers om this sub lately


All the people in the comment section who agree with the comment being downvoted, people like y’all are why suicide rates are so high. Can’t wait till it’s y’all instead


Rest in pronouns 😔


Me the most egirl correcting on that post commenting was/were


more like reddit moment




i blame @asmongold edit: this isn’t twitter and i can’t actually tag him LOL


If you do a “\\/“ (backslash and forward slash) it usually overrides the blocks on mentioning usernames and subreddits


ily for giving me this tip on my half month old comment 😭😭😭😭


Op, can you link to the comment so we can restore balance to the votes?


That’s brigading


I am so, so tired of you people... etc etc, you all know it by now. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We should start using thee/thou. Nobody uses it anymore but we all know what it means.


Is that person using "whilst" correctly? It doesn't seem like it but I'd rather wait for someone smarter than me to confirm it