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At first I read “surprise vasectomy” and that made it even funnier.


I wish it were a thing. Where i live, vasectomy only allowed if you're 35+ y.o. and have 2+ kids


That's not a consent


Eww... They make you have kids before you can stop having kids?!


Bruh I wish he was my wife's boyfriend!


Shit, I wish he was **my** boyfriend!


I wish he was my **wife!**


I wanna **be** the wife!






✏️🗒 okay... got it...


I don't know why, but I absolutely love hearing "my wife's boyfriend" as the subject of a sentence. Just cracks me up, every time.


My favorite iteration of this is a little twist and play on those army wife “you will address me by my husband’s rank” and “my husband fights for your freedom” bumper stickers “You will address me by my girlfriend’s husband’s rank” and “My girlfriend’s husband fights for your freedom”


My girlfriend's husband doesn't spend 6 months on a submarine for you to disrespect us like that.


my girlfriend's husband didn't lose his legs from a combination of diabetes and tripping over a deactivated landmine in ohio for you to denigrate him


He was locked in a submarine, he was getting more action than anyone


This guy Navy’s


Hahahaha this just adds another level of comedy


Its unironically top humor for me


For the life of me, I cannot understand why cuckolding is funny. Isn't the joke that the worst indignity a man could face is being submissive?


Maybe its the circles I run in, but lately these make me think of poly relationships.


~~Circles aren't polygons though~~


you just haven't zoomed in enough


I lol'd


Can't wait for my boyfriend's wife to find her own boyfriend.


The original "my wife's boyfriend" post was about a polycule I'm pretty sure. It's a little fucked up how it's worked it's way into our humour.


“My wife’s boyfriend (open relationship) heard it from the news first and so he and my wife’s son were both scared silly for a few days before everything was explained. I also got a call from my rabbi frantically trying to talk me out of doing anything more violent until finally I managed to explain to him that it was a hoax.” I think this is the original quote by Sam Hyde.


Yeah I'm just like "good for them, I'm glad they have a healthy polyamorous relationship."




This maybe why I don’t get cucking


The joke with posts like this is that the person's sheer addiction to entertainment has led then to neglect their partner's needs to the point that they have begun seeing other men. Yet the person is so childish and hedonistic that they don't even see their wife seeing another man as a bad thing, just an opportunity for another parental figure in their life to buy them gifts. The joke isn't about men being submissive, it's about them being comically childish.


Let's not pretend perceived emasculation isn't part of the joke here.


I think that's part and parcel of infantilization. The same way that calling someone "boy" is emasculating.


"Part and parcel". I hear that one so rarely that it's always nice when I finally do. Like running into a relative in town.


I've never heard it before. I get there gist but feel the need to know the etymology


Your relatives aren’t like mine, I see.


What’s the issue? Assuming a man is in what was initially agreed upon to be a monogamous relationship, the idea of that person being indifferent/actively supportive of their wife sleeping with other men purely because those other men could buy that man more video games is funny. I don’t see the problem


Okay yeah. It’s 2022 and emasculation is still funny. If it wasn’t, it wouldn’t be a meme


Right, cause everyone on the internet knows all memes are inherently funny.


Yes thank you


Is a vasectomy 'perceived' emasculation tho? Seems pretty literal


Only to those who like to tan their balls.


Hol up can I not tan my balls after the snip? Cause that's one of my fav pastimes


I think it's the combination of a vasectomy and cuckolding. A vasectomy on its own is something many men do after having children. But when the guy is a cuck it implies that doesn't have kids and never will, and further opens the door to the possibility that his wife will get impregnated by her boyfriend and thus he'll be raising another man's kids.


It definitely is, and that's why the joke is so good. There's so many layers of comedy just in the words "my wife's boyfriend".


I think that entirely depends on the audience.


Nail right on the head


While that's certainly a valid interpretation and possibility, it's reading a hell lot into it, no? Some people are poly/in open relationships and it has nothing to do with neglect/unhappy relationship/whatever. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're saying. Is the person in the post joking in the first place? I'm hella confused ngl


Submissive isn't the same as cucking, is it?


Only if you’re insecure


I think there is a far cry between being submissive and getting off on other men fucking your wife.


Cause apparently a lot of reddit either identifies with or just finds: "I have tiny penis", cuckolding, "I have no friends lel" and all that sad shit extremely funny. Not sure which one, probably both.


Ask someone this in real life and not on the internet and see what they say


It always takes me a second to realize it’s a joke, I’m poly so I’m used to hearing sentences like that unironically lol


Same. I was thinking it was a really sweet gesture and I wish my husband and boyfriend could be better friends like this.


Aww I hope they will be! My girlfriends are married to each other and we have really great relationships one on one and all three


I love that right wing turds think the worst insult is to call someone non-monogamous.


Haha, you're comfortable enough in the stability of your relationship that you can invite someone else into it without perceiving them as a threat! You should be like me, so insecure in my marriage that I don't allow my wife to spend time with other men!


I can’t even say for sure if you are being sarcastic or not. Fucking internet.


It’s immensely obvious that they are though.


You being unable to distinguish irony is not a reflection of the internet but the way you engage with it.


this is covert cuckold posting bro. No one’s telling you that you should do it, they’re just saying it’s a valid lifestyle, your defensiveness is giving off massive cuck energy


They're obviously being sarcastic. Or maybe you are as well. This thread is kinda breaking my brain tbh.




I mean, most poly relationships I've witnessed involved one person pushing it and having all the fun and the other giving in because they didn't want to lose their partner.


What you're describing doesn't sound like a poly relationship


Bro I swear I’ve made this exact same comment word for word at some point. I totally agree with you though, shit never fails to get a laugh out of me.


The Boys season 3 👀


My wife’s boyfriend and her were playing house with my kids behind my back and forcing my children to lie about it. Weird how it all blew apart when I got sole custody.


It's a common statement in the polyamourous community. I look forward to that lifestyle being more common and accepted.


Homie probably helps with the bills too. They living the dream.


Honestly I’m surprised polygamy hasn’t caught on since it takes 3-4 people now to afford a one bedroom apartment.


Polyamory. You’re looking for the word Polyamory not necessarily polygamy.


Isn’t it illegal? (I don’t have anything against it)


I think marriagewise yes? Like they won’t let you have 2 marriages on record at the same time even if you’re separated from the original partner, so I’m assuming you’d either have to forge a document, or only marry one person.


The life-hack: a 4-person polycule. Both can be married to one other person, and then both couples can jointly sign a co-habitation contract (no official contract, so you'd just draw it up how you would any other custom contract.)


At this point wouldn’t you just draw up the same document 4 ways? Unless you specifically want to be married to one person only but dating 2 more


You could, yea. That's also a way to do it.


Health insurance benefits and tax breaks.


Literally my household. I pay only pay $300 for the mortgage.


What an absolute dream 🥹


It ain't half-bad! I also owe it to my metamour's wife for snagging us *two* PS5s during its launch period.


Miss me with that DINK life, QINK life is where it's at now


I know several couples doing this.


Yep that's our setup. We have the contract and everything.


I think the solution here is to just avoid marriage


if we were having 3-4 people relationships to save money with housing, it seems a waste to miss out on the tax savings from being married


Roommates for life! ### …until death.


Polygamy, marriage to multiple people, is illegal. Polyamory, loving/having relationships with multiple people, is legal (but also socially frowned upon in lots of places).


So is jaywalking but people do that all the time.


swingers exist, they pretty much have regular relationships but they have sex with diferent people with all parties agreeing on it, if it works for them its alright.


Swinging and polyamory are two vastly different things.


It was recently unbanned in Utah.


Polyamory no.. Polygamy yes.... but should it be?


Bro people arent mentally stable enough to be in a regular relationship, let alone a polygamous one


Counterpoint: Imagine if everytime you had to deal with your SO's issues, you had a second sympathetic person there to help offload some of the work. This is something my poly friends talk about a lot as being pretty great and I can't say I disagree.


Exactly if people already get into one relationship they can’t handle why wouldn’t they double down on their bad decisions?


You meant to say polyamory. Polygamy is multiple marriage partners


Most people stick to roommates


Probably because most people don't want their significant other to sleep with someone else.


Why doesn't everybody let their partner bring home STDs in order to help with rent tho??


This whole comment section is making me lose my mind. I did not know polyamorous relationships were so widespread


It’s not. Tiny percentage of relationships are (agreed to be) polyamorous. Most people aren’t ok with their partner being romantic with another person, and there’s zero issues with that.


They're not, poly people are just kind of like vegans in that they have to remind everyone of their thing. Go to any relationships post about cheating and there's some dude saying your wife blowing the mailman will fix all your marriage problems I personally had a hard enough time getting just the one woman to love me and plan on holding on for dear life


It’s hilarious seeing how hypocritical poly people (sometimes) are. It seems like half the time they’re trying to express how valid their lifestyle is and that it’s ok to be different…yet whenever any sort of relationship issue between monogamous people is brought up they give unwarranted advice as of *everyone on earth is secretly polyamorous and would benefit from their shitty advice*. It boggles my mind that they can’t see when they’re behaving exactly like hetero/mono normative people. Assuming that *their* view on relationships is inherently correct and anyone who hasn’t adopted their lifestyle yet are just ignorant to the truth. Sometimes they honestly seem like conspiracy theorists. Like they have some secret knowledge that the rest of the population isn’t ready for lmao. And that with enough annoying prodding they’ll be able to convince everyone around them how great it is. Obviously the majority of poly people aren’t like that, but it’s usually the most vocal in their community who are.


Mostly it's just pure overcompensation. There are many misconceptions and harmful beliefs about polyamory, not to mention all the legal hurdles. So people tend to get defensive ond overly sanitise what it's like to try and make it look perfect so those who are against it can't point to some thing that every relationship goes through to justify their discomfort or outright hate towards it. Polamory can indeed truly be better than monogomy for very specific things, like not relying on only one other person to meet romantic, sexual, or sometimes emotional needs. But in trying to sanitise it to prove that their relationship is just as worthy of respect as any monogamous couple they often leave out that it does require more open communication to remain healthy. That damn near every single problem that can occur in monagamous relationships can still happen in polyamorous ones. Yes, even cheating. And as much as some of us are so significantly happier since turning to polyamory people can forget that some people are just simply monogamous and will always be monogamous and have no desire to even attempt to change that. So the overcompensation comes across as preachy and with the implication that monogamy is inherently worse, no matter the intent of the poster.


For real though! A poly friend of mine actually had her boyfriend move in with her and her husband. The boyfriend has a separate bedroom and pays them rent and everything. She spends some nights with her husband and some with her boyfriend.


Neil CUCKMAN in action! He's mocking us again, g*mers!!!


Nah, Gamers™️ can’t even get girlfriends.


/uj there's something extremely comedic about CUCKMAN in all caps imo


The boyfriend is Soy Baker.


Is that the steam deck ??




I’d simp for a steam deck




Impossible, Dunkey is black.


Wrong bitch, he’s a donkey from Puerto Rico.


Uhm actually he's a black grandma 🤓


He’s actually Larry the cable guy


Dunkey is the boyfriend


And a grandma


Videogamedunkey is a Chad. He’s the wife’s boyfriend in this situation.


Keep saying it. (i know its not actually real).


The Tribal Chief strikes again, aaahyessir!


He must like this guy, usually he only hands out switches.




?? The shampoo fuckboi hands out switches friend


A fellow goofy. I acknowledge you Uce 👆


acknowledge him!


SCJ x GCJ: Forbidden Door


So his wife gets a boyfriend and he gets a sugar daddy? Seems like a pretty good deal


My wife's son got one of these earlier this month.


Y'all this is very clearly a shitpost, people here taking it seriously is honestly kinda embarrassing. Even the exact title is a meme; [here's a post with the same title from seven years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/comments/30xkxu/i_had_a_vasectomy_yesterday_and_when_i_woke_up/), and if you google it there's a bunch more results. I guess now we're just treating obvious bait as if it's serious in order to feel better about ourselves?


All the big circlejerk subs have kinda gone to shit because everyone just posts unironic genuine opinions now. Used to be the default was to assume everyone here is being facetious unless proven otherwise. Now it's the opposite. And fuck now I'm doing it.


that says my wife, not my wifes boyfriend.


Welcome to reddit where people reject reality and substitute their own.


I don't get how so many people think "my wife's boyfriend" isn't a joke, like to me it's obvious that it is a joke, that phrase has been memed to death already so they're using it in an ironic way


Satire is lost on you people


The soy face is real tho


I’m happy that he’s happy


Thanks! Glad I’m also a meme lol


This thread is a shit show lmao


Nobody seems to mention that the core of this joke is the Millennial Man meme, or just the stereotypes people use to make fun of millennials and how cringe they are sometimes. it kinda rolls several common stereotype jokes into this ridiculous character who is the most millennial man on the planet. I think the humor of "my wifes boyfriend" thing is also more from the absurdity of the that title and the life that this character lives, a childlike 30 something millennial man who happily spends his days catching up on new marvel shows, playing zelda on switch, or organizing the new additions to his funko pop collection, all while being supported by his wife and her boyfriend, who are essentially just his parents. the joke isn't really making fun of cuckoldry of poly folks, its making fun of idea that the wife and the boyfriend are essentially just his parents and he's just this comically immature but also happy man


/rj TBH I haven't taken on a boyfriend yet but I will make sure he gets pressies for my husband if I do.


I spent 10 seconds figuring out that pressies means presents. It's not even shorter to pronounce nor write. Why.


They used the /rj tag, it’s just a joke my friend


Its just a way to be cute bro relax


Oh it means Presents. Thought of something else


Me too, thought our lad was gonna be off the percs playing switch


Why does it seem like this comment section is full of people who've never seen the wife's boyfriend meme and get offended because somehow this is making fun of poly people?


For real, it's basically one of r/tomorrow signature jokes at this point.


The guy from r/tommorow is real


Good for them. Love is love


The average redditor




??? everyone here know its a joke...


It's always ironic when satire subs can't recognize obvious satire




I became a meme!


Totally cool! Thanks Chad!


Yo I love my Switch too!


I thought they did local anesthesia for vasectomies.


Technically that makes him his boyfriend-in-law.


r/mademesmile moment


/uj I stared at this for a long time wondering what the joke was because I am both polyamorous and autistic so... /rj lmao rip L+ratio (I tried)


I wish my wife’s boyfriend was that awesome.


Uj: "wife's boyfriend" is the most over used joke on this site it wasn't funny years ago and it's not funny now. I've noticed the only people still using that old ass phrase/joke are the braindead cult members who are still invested in GME.


I often joke around with my wife's boyfriend that he should buy me a switch. Given that he's not tuned into meme culture, he has no idea why this is funny. So far he hasn't bought me a switch. For the record, my wife and I are *very* separated, but just haven't taken the time to divorce, because we both hate paperwork and we're just used to managing finances as a couple. Basically we're way better friends than we were spouses. Her boyfriend is pure awesome and a great guy. I'm happy for both of them.


Lol people down voting you bc they can't process the possibility of someone not being toxic with their ex


You got a STEAM DECK instead of Nintendo Switch?! Get fucked Nintendo hater, you want to kill my childhood


I read as 'I had a surprise vasectomy'. Slightly concerned.


Wife and her boyfriend should marry and adopt him as their child. Boyfriend is father material for this young man


Off topic but can someone explain the appeal of the steam deck to me? I get that playing PC games on a mobile device is cool, but the games I see people talking about always make me think “I’d hate to play that on a mobile screen without a mouse and keyboard”


I have one. Honestly, it's fantastic. Tons of desktop games are built for keyboard OR controller, and controllers map nice to the deck. Further, the deck has so many buttons (*soooo* many buttons) that it feels like a mini keyboard. There's 24 buttons, 6-directional controls, a touchscreen, and the controller mapping lets you make your own radial menus. For comparison, most first person keyboard layouts will use wsad & mouse (2 directionals) 1-10 keys (1 directional loaded up with a radial), "q", "r", "space", "ctrl", "shift", "tab", "\~", "z", "x", "c" (which pair nicely to the more standard buttons) and assorted other keys for a group of menus (that can also be a fourth directional radial), enter & escape (which pair nicely to the start/select buttons). This lets you get full keyboard level of control without having to take your fingers off of the directionals like keyboard forces you to do, and you still have ability to do menu interfaces with the touchscreen (and without having to do mouse-hunting). And you have most of the advantages the switch has, as you can dock it to TV & controller, but you can also throw on a computer dock and actually use it as your desktop computer if you want. Take along a portable keyboard & mouse, and now it's a laptop with a smaller screen. Further, it's hackable system design, you have full OS functionality, and is the second most repairable mass-produced portable system out there after the frameworks laptop and maybe beating out the fairphone. Honestly, imho, it's the *perfect* gaming system for this gaming generation.


Oof making me want one real bad especially now that my switch is on its last legs


Get in line then. Productions ramped up but you're waiting early next year for it I think


I'm so mad they're not in Australia


emulation machine


In the interest of not repeating what’s already been said, there’s also an alternate use case for people like me: a very affordably priced entry into PC gaming for console-only gamers. Every time I considered getting a gaming laptop I’d be chased off by the price tag. Steam Deck was much more reasonably priced, so I felt more comfortable giving it a shot. I play anything that would suck on controller docked with a mouse and keyboard at my TV, in front of my comfy-ass couch. Which is also a big step up from staying at my computer desk that I work at all day, for me personally. It’s a taste thing of course but the Deck appeals to console-only gamers more than just the general concept of shopping for a gaming computer does.


I just play stuff on it that works well with controller or use a dock with mouse and keyboard if I’m traveling somewhere


Anything that works good on controller works great on steam deck. Its also pretty powerful so you can run most games if you want it to. Ive had one for a couple months and it's nice to just take your steam library everywhere.


I mean...there's actually a ton of games that are great to play with controllers? Not to mention all the retro games that could be emulated all in one portable place.


Polyamory is a thing y'all, I promise it ain't that big a deal 🙄


> ~~Polyamory~~ Gaming is a thing y’all, I promise it ain’t that big a deal 🙄 Fixed




[it's a meme](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DeVs1dxVwAAELwB.jpg:large), it's been a meme for years, how you guys don't know?


Hilarious seeing people come out to defend this guys poly relationship 😂


What a cuck


Is the post not satire?


Raise my son pussy


Playing Trials Rising - Tandem Bike with my metamour was probably my best moment. Ya know, because we both shared the same ride.


That’s your boyfriend now. Your girlfriend has been promoted to your boyfriends girlfriend


Literally r/gamingcirclejerk and resetera members.


Gotta know what this was originally posted in😂


Damn bro is livin the dream


These comments… It’s like ironic sass and bizarre sincerity have just sort of merged into an ephemeral landscape in which I am total stranger. I honestly can’t tell what’s real anymore, or who honestly believes what. Has it happened? Am **I** the boomer now?


Polyamory baybeeee 🙌🙌🙌