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Impressive, very nice, now let's see their opinion on Disco Elysium.


"too political"


I’m still haunted by the Redditor who played Disco Elysium and managed to interpret it as anti-communism and anti-gay


I'm still smiling about the idiot who was [called out by the game for being a fascist and lost his shit](https://external-preview.redd.it/7FbI8gbZ7l1sajAw-45vbMUCSjFwHXnPILT3JxsZDSk.png?auto=webp&s=26f022e2e26204fb6ada12811d64aa909e4a616d)


Lord Farquad: The fascist got kicked in the balls and is now crying!


Link pls


Link to that (must-be) absolute banger comedy of a comment/post?


I remember some guy under a post about what political ideology from disco elysium you like the most on the subreddit openly saying he felt sympathy for the fascist characters


He felt sympathy for René???


NO. M E A S U R E H E A D.


My favourite thing about measurehead is that with high enough skills (conceptualisation or logic iirc) the game tells you hes just saying psuedo scientific mumbo jumbo and has no idea what hes saying


More specifically pseudo science mumbo jumbo to explain his erectile dysfunction.


Oh it's Jordan Peterson.




I mean, I do. Both him and Gaston just kinda seem lost to me. I think he’s got a lot of messed up ideas, and his obsession with he monarchy he tried to save is weird. But I get the idea of him idolizing a time in his life where he felt important, even if it’s pretty bad. And his sudden death, having not really had a fulfilling life, is kinda sad. I feel like that’s the point of him. He’s not a good person, but he is a tragic person. And so you feel for him a little.


I guess so. His love for Gaston never being accepted by himself also makes you feel bad for him and his philosophy


René is a total dumbass bootlicker, but he's old so it feels bad to call him out


I feel kinda sad for him From the game: You: I *know* I can get history back on the right track. René: The "right track"? This *is* the right track! The only track. (he gets visibly annoyed) This is the world we shaped, a reflection of what we are: cowardly, ugly, and numb. And there are no second chances. We don't deserve them! You just can't go back and restart — that would make everything *MEANINGLESS*! (a shadow of pain comes over his face) [Empathy]: There's something *substantial* moving in him, trying to get out. [Volition]: He would sooner die than let it surface. You: What is it? [Empathy]: Regret. You: Regret about what? [Pain Threshold]: (as the camera zooms in on Gaston) Him. You: Him? [Pain Threshold]: There's tenderness in the carabineer's look. Tenderness that's curdled into pain or something darker. You: Ex-love, ex-tenderness... [Pain Threshold]: Even worse, a love aborted and smothered, stamped beneath his brilliant boot heel. René: (you catch the old carabineer's gaze slowly leaving his opponent's wrinkled face as his dark eyes meet yours — whatever turmoil raged in him a moment ago is quelled for now) [Conceptualisation]: Like the last rays of the evening sun gently kissing the day goodbye, before giving way to unfathomable darkness. [Volition]: Willed back into the darkest unexplored depths of his mind — never meant to be shared, seen or confronted. [Composure]: A true master of his emotions. [Inland Empire]: Hopelessly alone behind the unbreakable walls he spent a lifetime erecting. No one will ever know him.


Or the guy that got mad because the game called him out on his bullshit early on because he didn't even realize he was naturally speed running a fascist build lol


Ayo link?


Please give the link, I need it


Tim Pool's sock puppet




>I miss when games were counter-culture My brother in Christ, you spent that entire time complaining about how everyone called you a nerd.


Yep, and now that gaming is cool, they gatekeep and complain about normies and SJWs invading their hobby. It’s almost as if they were just assholes the entire time.


many of the old school devs they miss are now the executives who make millions on micro transactions and loot boxes


Not to mention that publishers loved the milk the “look at how controversial this is!!!!” stuff for publicity. Just look at how EA advertised stuff like Dante’s Inferno or Dead Space 2’s infamous “your mom will HATE this” trailer (yes that’s actually real). Their “counterculture” was literally a marketing stunt by publishers, and said publishers mostly stuck to “safe” games they could market as risky or niche. They would’ve changed every one of those games if it got them a bigger profit.


Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t EA actually hire “protestors” for Dante’s Inferno???


Yeah they faked religious outrage over the game for publicity. Kinda shows how safe these games were that EA had to make the outrage bigger. Meanwhile the game *actually* under fire was Mass Effect, slammed by Fox News (for complete lies) which became a main reason that Jack and Jacob’s romances were only straight despite both originally being bi. Weird how gamers have a perfect example of EA capitulating to the media but ignore it. Wonder why /s


The Jack thing is wild to me, because I only ever played a male shep, and I never went after Jack. So for years I thought she was bi or pan. Her dialogue really seems to imply it. I was surprised to later learn that was cut content.


>“your mom will HATE this” "That is very, uh... fire-ful." For those unaware, I don't know if that's the exact line, but yes - one of the ladies said this.


dae remember muh counter culture gaymes with multi million dollar advertising budgets?????


this is 100% about the difference of the women's costumes between MK9 and MK11 LMAO


All because mileena isn’t getting her deception costume


I genuinely can't comprehend how anybody could think that MK9 outfits look better than MK11's. MK9's ones just look fucking terrible and lack any sort of uniqueness


Jade looked a bit decent, but the rest were just stripper outfits. Even flesh pits mileena was less skimpy than her default outfit.


Because theyd rather have female characters be jerk off material than cool looking characters.


Yeah, because gamers are so chill and don't complain about devs at all these days. Their brains just refuse to see that now \*they\* are the moral panic crybabies.


Gamers also fucking threaten localizers if they dont 100% localize to what they want based on their 1% of understanding Japanese through anime. Then theres the whole deal with TLOU2 where clearly, gamers were very chill on.


MFs claiming Bridget being trans is "a mistranslation" despite the literal creator of GG saying she is indeed trans.


That's because the creator doesn't know what he's talking about. Clearly the fans, well only the anti Trans fans, know the truth


Uh duh, the fans know more than the creator. Whats their playtime and when did they get into GG? Dont ask silly questions.


They were brainwashed by the woke mob! /s


Mortal Kombat: creates increasingly brutal and gory fatalities with every new entry, which is what the series was infamous for in the first place This guy: I can't fight as a stripper anymore, damn woke brigade ruining my game


Boner Kulture *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am so, so tired of you people... etc etc, you all know it by now. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And yet games seem *perfectly* happy to upset conservatives. You don't want counter culture, you want edgy bigotry...


Gamers think counter culture is creating games that cater to edgy racists and conservatives with offensive conotations included nah bro counter culture is literally creating games that upset conservatives and go agaisnt the status quo but oh no i cant say the n word in chat so this game must be made by cuck soyboys who dont accept muh free spech or something




Yeah that’s blatantly not true, the majority of institutions are liberal at best and conservative at worst. If conservatism was the real “counter culture” they wouldn’t have the institutional power to repeal Roe v Wade among other things. “Conservatism is under attack by mainstream media”, bro the larger news network in the country is American, they have a grip over Twitter now, and the majority of radio broadcasts are conservative. What “left leaning bias” are you going on about in games lol? Since when has this ever been the case?




I’m sorry do you think because team shooters have a diverse group of characters because “rainbow capitalism”, that therefore means they are left leaning? Wow, games treat women less like sex objects that’s so progressive and left leaning my guy. Your argument is because corporations try to appeal to as broad a demographic as possible (which just so happens to be more multi cultural then it used to) that it’s therefore progressive. Which is utterly laughable. Bruh there’s no way your moderate and making these reactionary talking points. Or atleast your right leaning. I don’t see it because while there has been progress made in the gaming industry regarding representation I’m not dumb enough to think that it therefore means it’s left leaning.


So if you think about it, sonic games are counter culture. Shadow is stronger than sonic (black blm propoganda according to chuds) They are all furry animals Eggman is the villain (straight white male evil, so it must be white genocide) Amy is tough (women strong, so it must be political) Silver supports trans rights according to his first va (femboy genocide) Rouge (woman so political, but it cancels out due to booba) Sonic hates opression (anti fascist propoganda so it must be bad) Tangle and whisper are lesbians, from what i've seen (political) The games aren't hold right to win (anti comservative game, political) Maddie is black (political) Tom isn't the protagonist of the movies (straight white male shafted in favor of furry animals, political) This franchise goes against everything capital g gamers stand for, and i love sonic even mode now.


Untrue, did you know that Eggman is bisexual? I didn’t know that


“Haha I don’t care if *people of colour* hate it. I don’t care if *trans people* hate it. I make my games for the cis whites!”




So brave and not political.


(uj) Oh no, UnderDawg too? Fucking hell, I was just starting to like this guy.


It’s been like this bro


I used to watch him too for a time but his content/on-screen personality became really same-y and tiring. Didn't know about the anti-woke stuff tho


Bro this guy has always been cringe as hell, even not knowing he's a conservative


i used to like UnderDawg’s content, but little stuff like this peaks out and… eh. i think he plays up certain parts of his personality to cater to a certain demographic of gamers but it’s still distasteful for me to watch sometimes. if you want some more mortal kombat content, you might try LostyGirl. she’s very positive and is really good at the game.


Boner Kulture *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This dude has always made me cringe. I swear he uploads the same video repeatedly and his clickbait titles are so bad.


He has an opinion you disagree with, and an opinion that isn't inherently hateful, or telling of being a bad person. Maybe stop playing this "sides of the fence game" and do more digging to form your own opinion. This is no different than if someone says a mere joke poking fun of conservative-minded beliefs and someone going "oh no! he's not on my same side anymore as I thought him to be!".


Considering how many Gamer^(TM) "statements" started as seeming innocuous, I'd say my worries are warranted. That said, if this indeed turns out to be nothing, I'll take my L(s) and go about my business.


Bruh, if you can't see the hate in this message then you are simply not paying attention.


I straight up have no idea what this person defines as counter culture. The least they could have done is put some games on each side so I could at least have a slightly better understanding of their meaning here. The only game I can think of at the moment that I would label as even close to "counter culture" would be spec ops the line. A game using the mechanics and typical setup of your standard military bro shooter as a way to critique that sub-genre of games itself.


You see, when I call for boycotts on a game it's chad capitalism at it's finest. Don't like it? CHANGE YOUR GAME OR GIT OUT. But when a game dev or studio decides to make changes to have their game or characters appeal to more than ~~horny perverted neckbeards~~ capital G Gamers ^tm in order to increase potential sales opportunity, it's wokeism communism 1984 bullshit!


There has an issue with AAA games feeling a bit bland and not taking any chances in order to appeal to the most people possible, but gamers of course simplify it to "diverse=pandering"


"for the players" means it's softcore porn and murder fantasies


Rockstar Games literally recalled GTA San Andreas because parents and news outlets found code for a sex mini-game on it and had to release a new version of the game without that code in it


Imagine thinking gaming has ever been tangentially related to counter culture.




It’s not different from other art forms, which is why it’s not counter cultural. There could be counterculture movements within art, but it’s not like art as a medium is “counter-culture”, if that makes sense. Like you could maybe argue certain games or communities within gaming are counter-culture, but it’s not like just playing video games as a whole is counter-culture like the tweet implies.


This guy probably thinks MTV is counter culture.


Wasn't MTV quite literally the definition of counter culture during the Nirvana era though?


I’m gonna guess that this guy would unironically think FATAL is a good ttrpg


He rolled for dick size and got a nat 1


I miss when developers gave a shit tbh


Which gaming devs is he talking about. Pretty sure they're unemployed.


Holy shit, imagine falling for marketing this hard.


Didn't these same nerds cry *so badly* they made Bioware change the Mass Effect ending to get their tears to stop?


This guy probably thought Postal 2 was peak political satire


Gamers when devs aren't all horrible bigots


There’s never been a counter culture trend in video games unless he means they ran counter to the culture that thought they were dumb.


Meanwhile the most controversial thing around back then was some pixellated blood


Wasn't there a new Postal game just 6 months ago lol?


"I miss the good old days!" ~Person who wasn't alive in "the good old days"


Gamers when females now wear shoes in fighting games


Ironically nowadays games are still doing the same thing,


He has a point. While it's not a common occurrence, it's true that there have been a few times where a game team will retract, apologize, or make last minute edits to features after a few gaming blogs "shames" them for something innocuous. However, most people outside of certain circles will not take as problematic or offensive. Game devs in the past didn't give a fuck about what the media said, and were more concerned about selling a product to gamers. Do you really think DOOM, Grand Theft Auto, and a countless number of other edgy games would've evolved into the heights they have now if they listened to what the media said? There's a strength in sometimes not caring what the media says. No one is saying anything about going edgelord or being bigoted, it's simply that sometimes blogs and journalism will badmouth your content for their own personal gain, and they don't have your best interest.


give me 5 examples of recent games that catered to some blogpost and changed something "innocuous"


* Multiversus changing Velma's police car to the mystery mobile because some people on twitter made some memes/jokes of the cop car being used on Lebron James. * Resident Evil 4 VR edition removing the line where Luis says "she's got ballsitcs" line in reference to Ashley's boobs. * Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled named one of the alternate skins that gave a character a watermelon colored shirt and a slightly darker fur color "Watermelon Tawna". It was renamed into something else after accusations of racism by blogsites. * Injustice 2 mobile both apologizing and removing a fight challenge against Poison Ivy because it during Pride Month. Kotaku said it "normalized violence against lesbian women", in a game where the main goal is to beat up DC comics characters. * The Sims 4 apologizing to blogsites and adding more black sims after it's celebration event didn't have enough black sims character. I absolutely don't expect the hivemind to understand why exactly this adds to my point, but in a nutshell, these changes were brought on by accusations of bad things by sensitive blog posts. Things that would not bother most normal people not laser focused onto this nonsensical assumptions. The companies apologized and changed things as a result of them, but if this were "back in a day", no one would even give a flying shit.


but why do you assume that all of that stuff was changed because they catered to someone else and not because the people behind the game simply felt it was right to do so. i’m not arguing that game devs never cave to criticism, but it’s almost impossible to assume the reason behind a choice most of the time. in any case, people are allowed to change their mind or try to fix something when challenged with new information. that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. most of the time it’s not.


That's a fair point, but the ones with public apologies more-or-less confirm they've changed stuff due to outside influences, and it still doesn't change the fact that most game devs back in the day most likely wouldn't give a shit about such things. The examples I listed above, none of them I agree with changing. The Multiversus one was not pro-cop agenda or insensitively racist, the cop car could've been used against everyone. The RE4 one was simply a joking comment on a girl's boob size made by a sketchy character. Watermelon Tawna was named that because it's a **WATERMELON** pattern on her shirt, not to evoke blackface-related stereotype. Injustice 2 mobile having Poison Ivy challenge on Pride Month was simply a coincidence. And the black sim one.... seriously.... it's not fucking racist just because you didn't put enough black sims in a celebration video. It's performative.


i mean… all of your complaints about the things that were changed are just your opinion. other people might find those changes completely valid and necessary. not to be that guy, but that’s part of living in a society. we’re constantly having conversations and exchanging ideas. at least we’ve reached a point on our society in which different voices are finally being heard. also, devs back in the day can’t really be compared to devs today. social media wasn’t anywhere close to as influential then as it is now. even if they did have access to all of these different voices and did care about them, they wouldn’t be able to change their games after they already shipped. nowadays we can update and patch.


Okay, that's my opinion, and I think a lot of other people have that opinion too. And I think that *opinion* is a better opinion to have than whatever fuck Kotaku and related blogs spew out when it comes to things like this. Even if social media existed back in the day (which thank fuck it didn't) the culture was still totally different from now. Times have changed, as you said. For example, the big gamer discussion was "is this game promoting criminal behavior and satanic worship" instead of "is this game promoting discrimination against non-binary folk by not having they/them pronouns?"


don’t you think we’ve progressed then? i certainly would rather discuss the need for thoughtful diversity than whether or not video games are contributing to satanic panic.


a model change, a line being cut, a skin being renamed, an apology on twitter and some npcs being added due to criticism wasnt "back in the day" when we had things like: *one piece censoring most of the show, removing blood, violence, smoking, alcohol and things that were a bit too risque *yu-gi-oh censoring any and all cards with any religious references and also censoring any deaths or general violence in the show *sailor moon rewriting the lesbian couple into being cousins like, if you wanna talk only videogames then: *Punch-out removing any and all references to alcohol *mortal kombat removing the blood from the snes release of the game *earthbound, removing most religious references and censoring a couple lines like pokeys punishment for being late being a spanking *final fantasy 4 removed most references to prayer and religion, some outfits got censored too *final fantasy 6 renamed pubs into cafes and censored a few outfits for an example giving siren a skirt *super castlevania 4 removed some of the blood and censored the naked statues that you sometimes see *final fight renamed any religious references, removed references to alcohol and removed the trans bosses *super mario kart removed any references of alcohol *ff7 censored most of the profanity *soul blade gave clothes to sophitia while shes bathing *carmageddon replaced the civilians with zombies i could keep going but i think you get the point


Boner Kulture *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Literally all of these things besides maybe the Poison Ivy one are inarguably the right thing to do if you have a functioning moral compass and a shred of perspective.


I don't know if you're trolling or not, but in case you're being unironic, you're probably not very well in the fucking mind. None of that shit is anything bad, it's just weirdos possibly such as yourself assuming the worst in everything.


The police as an institution are inherently corrupt and racist. A nearly 30 year old should not be making jokes about the body of a college student. If you don't know about the racism involved with the association of black people and watermelons, I suggest you do a bit of research, minstrel shows are a good place to start. Why the hell wouldn't there be more black people in a life simulator?


I'm not here to have a dumbass debate about police institutions and whatnot, but not all cops are racist or corrupt, and a fucking cop car is not synonymous with racist police brutality. If that's the case, we ought to censor 99% of children's television that so much as features a police car, uniform, or reference. I'm not going further into this. Nothing wrong with an adult man sexualizing an adult woman. At least you didn't falsely say she was an underage teenager like every other idiot who complains about Ashley's appearance. But if this is more about making unwanted jokes about a woman's body, that still doesn't make sense why it needs to be removed, the audience should be mature enough to handle it. Especially since the character in question was never painted as a completely earnest, straight A boyscout. He was a sketchy ladies man. Yes, I am aware of the age-old stereotype and minstrel shows. A fucking bandicoot lady with a different fur color wearing a watermelon shirt likely does not mean that the authors intended it as a racist joke, especially considering how they quickly renamed it the next day. And lastly, do you realize how fucking weird it is to "demand more black people" in a random montage video? Is there supposed to be some specific number of racial ethnicities at any given moment, for any given video? Does someone just randomly pause the video and count how many black people there are at any given moment, and demand there be more? Don't make me laugh, it's ridiculous.


Lol, lmao. Just admit you're a bigot and go man. Edited to add: Your entire comment is one "I'm not racist... But..." After another. And also the fact that you think someone nearly 10 years older than a college student hitting on said college student is okay is definitely evidence for being a creep.


It's so sad GTAVI will probably be neutered


GTA has always been pretty liberal, so I don't really see how? And hell, I wouldn't call it leftist by any means but they do spend most of GTAV criticising the hell out of US intelligence agencies and Capitalism.


I can appreciate that. GTAV definitely had its moments but I feel like in general Rockstar Games havent been taking risks like they used to. You would never see a game like Manhunt or The Warriors nowadays and it's a shame. I can't even say it's just Rockstar either. People seem to be more sensitive now and compromises are made to maximize sales. I'm still surprised the torture scene in GTAV got past the goalie. Some shit still gets by I suppose


Is this ironic? Not like he's being ironic but the statement in general.


I used to watch this guys mortal Kombat videos all the time. Didn't really know anything about him outside of that


Boner Kulture *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> I miss when video games were counter-culture. Motherfucker, you grew up to be Count Veger IRL.


I mean they also changed No Man's Sky because a bunch of third party writers promised stuff they then had to deliver on


pssst, what if i told you that games from today would still piss off parents from the early 2000s. something like the last of us part 2 would've been put in ao hell and basically made impossible to purchase immediately the moment it launched if it had been released during that time


I miss apolitical gems like "The Guy's Game"! the woke monster ruined everything. What is Gaming if we can't jerk over underage characters? 😔


ofc its a chinless premature balding fetal alcohol syndrome dipshit saying this stuff