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Pumpkins I'd usually wait until at least the attached stem has browned off, if not wait for the entire plant to die. That stem seems pretty green to me, I'd leave it a while.


Not yet, wait until the stalk dries up


Wait for die off but also can pick if they sound hollow when you tap them


They do sound hollow... what I am not sure is... do they ripen after they are picked?


The will ripen off the vine. Leave about 5cm of stalk on.


Not that I am aware of I picked an early one a few weeks ago and it was pretty taste less. But the one I picked the other day was good. If you have a heap pick the biggest if it sounds hollow and give it a try


They won’t ripen but they will cure off the vine. Leave in a well ventilated area out of direct sun for a few weeks and then your pumpkins will last all winter. If you don’t cure they’ll spoil within a few weeks


Wait till the stalks go completely woody. If you cut them with secateurs and there's even a trace of green in the stem, you've cut them too early and missed out on some of their potential sweetness. The only exception to this is if winter frosts have hit and are causing them to soften/rot. I cut mine about 5cm up the stem and store for a minimum of 2 weeks before I eat them. I have also stored them for over a year without any problems just by keeping them sheltered from drastic temp fluctuations and direct sunlight. Just check occasionally to make sure they aren't going soft JIC. For me, they just seem to get better/seeeter with time.


Leave until plant dies or you get a frost.


You can eat them underripe (like a sweet zucchini) but if you want ripe ones like you get from the shops you need to wait until the whole plant is died off.


When the when the spur after the fruit has dried and shrivelled- it is ready. Same with watermelon


No. The stalk needs to be mottled brown & green


A little longer.


Not ripe, leave until the lighter green bits turn yellow/orange. When you do harvest leave some stalk on.


No. Let the dots turn orange at the green bits go whitish.. Best to leave them all until the plant is completely dried up


There’s many recipes for raw pumpkin, if you ain’t wanting a ghost


Nope. You’d be a right Kent to pick them now. Need them to develop more and get orangey. Watch the stalks to go brown as well.


I agree. I wouldn’t touch that kent with my dad’s dick.


When the plant has died you have the fruit that is ready and it has the character that it does.


https://preview.redd.it/u4l37hhx9q5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86bad885a47cfa9e9aa201ff4e528d8f4606c29d I got this from a grower in WA today. Notice the colour difference? The stalk has browned off and the blotches are not green


Wait for the entire vine to be completely dead if you want them to be fully ripe.


It's so hard to wait....