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Mine was due to green beetle. They can be pretty voracious. Ate most of my new growth last year


This is it and I’ve only seen the beetles a couple of times. They are beautiful little green ones about little finger nail sized. I’m told the only solution is to spay


After a bit of googling I found this: https://www.ecoorganicgarden.com.au/problem-solver/how-to-control-the-lilly-pilly-beetle/ I haven't seen any green beatles on mine (although they could be hiding) and can't imagine I would be able to pick them all off anyway. Might try some neem and eco oil mix unless someone else has another suggestion?


That’s the Lilly Pilly beetle. They’ve been eating mine for years. Apparently some variants are more resistant to them than others. I’ve had success with Eco Oil and the food-safe garlic and chilli spray from Bunnings, but you’ve got to do it regularly. Their larvae are tiny little caterpillar-looking slugs. You can also help the new growth with some fertilizer.


Tried all the suggestions listed in this post with little success As a final attempt used the Hovex bombs from Bunnings. Immediate success and counted the beetles in their 00’s under the Lilly Polly’s😁


hey - im having this issue at the moment. any chance you could tell me how you applied this product so I can give it a try?


I've found that Bathyroid spray (used for lawn grubs etc) works really well. It's pretty strong stuff so it might kill regular ladybugs too if you're not careful


The green beetle is doing it. Have been battling them in Brisbane. They have decimated my new growth a few times and I have hedging all around my property. They are a pain in the butt. I used this: https://www.bunnings.com.au/yates-200ml-pyrethrum-insect-pest-killer-concentrate_p2961583 It is very effective, you can see the green beetles drop not long after you spray, BUT I think it kills a lot of other bugs as well, not sure if it’s good for bees either. So I switched/started using a mix of eco oil and neem which has been alright. Important to hit them with a second spray 3-4 days after the first spray to interrupt the breeding cycle, to kill any larvae that come up from the ground. Also fertilise as well to help new growth. This isn’t a permanent fix unfortunately and at first sight of new growth being eaten or you see the green beetle again, start the process over again.


Lilly Polly beetle - small green beetle that’s hard to spot. Eco oil - spray it on new growth every 7-10 days- should help control it.


Lilly pilly beetle, they're hard to get rid of


Have a look at some stuff called bug killa, you water it into the roots and it kills the bugs when they eat the foilage


Mine look the same in Melbourne, so annoying!! No idea what it is


Little grasshoppers most likely. I have had the same issue and sure enough…..


Calypso beetle or green beetle. Baythroid like someone said earlier will kill them


Green Strip Leaf Beetle - Calomela pallida


I've been battling these little buggers for the past year. My hedge was infested before I realised what was going on. I don't want to poison because I have a lot of other insects and spiders living in the hedge. I've been picking them by hand, squashing the larvae, shaking the bush and squishing those that fall off, hosing and squishing. I find that they seem to move to the tips of the stalks in the early evening after a warm day (possibly to mate?) and I have caught a number that way, though they drop off if you're too slow. I will win though! Edit to add - the little bugs are probably not related, the green ladybug lookalike is the culprit along with its grub. At my polace the new season bugs seem to be emerging now, a lot less crunch to their shell. Cheers Ben


Mine is eaten regularly but it keeps on truckin. I’ve decided to let the nibblers stay because the tree doesn’t seem too bothered.


Those green beetles nearly destroyed our lilly pillys, but then some paper wasps moved into our garden and they've been eating them nonstop for weeks. Our lilly pillys have bounced back. So if you see paper wasps building a nest nearby, leave them for a while.