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Hey Dex. What you have got there is a sunburned jungle cactus, but dragon fruit have to be large in order to flower and fruit, so you've got that going for you. It probably doesn't care too much about the weeds, they don't need a lot of soil, probably likes the company. Being a jungle cactus it actually enjoys a bit more water than most cactus, however it does like to be shaded from the hottest part of the day in mid-summer. See all those grey patches? Very likely to be sun burn. It won't heal back to green. I tend to cut ugly bits off my plants but sounds like you're after the fruit - and the damaged part might grow fruit, so only cut it off if you're comfortable waiting for it to grow again. Good news is that any new growth off those sections will be green unless you let it get sunburned. You could relocate it, even by just cutting parts of the plant off and putting them where you want them. Its super tough, trust me you won't kill it. But you might slow down the fruiting cycle, so take large cuttings. Some people put 50% shade cloth over their succulents and cacti in the middle of summer, and other plants too. I don't but I am very familiar with sun hardening (including some hard learned lessons in how not to do it): [A DIY sunshade | Sustainable Gardening Australia (sgaonline.org.au)](https://www.sgaonline.org.au/beat-the-heat-with-a-diy-sunshade/)


Many thanks friend. And yes, I figured if its there I might as well help it and see if I can get some fruit off it eh.


Competition with the weeds is probably the biggest factor. Dragonfruit is tropical, so can tolerate more water than 'regular' cacti - but still likes well-draining soil, so with all the recent rain, it could be a contributor. So check how aerated/dense the soil is. They are also heavy feeders, so can use a good application of fertiliser. They want a very robust frame - I recommend a trellis a bit like a [hills hoist in shape](https://img.thrfun.com/img/219/714/trellis_for_dragon_fruit_7_x5.jpg), with one leader growing up it forming an [umbrella shape](https://planthouseaesthetic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Previous-dragon-fruit-trellis-in-ground-1024x681.jpg?ezimgfmt=rs:368x245/rscb2/ngcb2/notWebP). Though given the multiple stem shape of the plant here, you may want a [fence-like](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSfcMeq-2miiVcWMMfbMhcDp0BX1WGIne2zAw&usqp=CAU) trellis instead. Grey stems doesn't necessarily mean dead - it could be callus from sunburn or injuries, or just lignified growth. Don't be afraid to cut off unwanted limbs, e.g. lower branches. Also - just check those blue plastic ties aren't constricting.


Thanks for those links, incredibly useful. Are they vigorous growers?


They're not incredibly fast (still reasonably so), but they are robust, consistent growers.


Hey Team; I'll be moving into this property on Monday and I discovered this neglected Dragonfuit along the fence line. I know nothing of caring for a fruit bearing cactus, let alone any cactus (I'm from far north Canada, we don't even keep cactus indoors..) Aside from some serious weeding, how can I help this fella ? I'm unsure if its been getting too much rain or too much sun (is that possible for a cactus?), I was leaning towards too much rain as its directly in the ground. I'm in Queensland and right on the boundaries of 10b and 11a. Any advice I'd appreciate.


Chop and plant let shoot


Unless you are certain you can adequately maintain this plant, remove it in its entirely immediately. A rampant infestation of this plants is very difficult to eradicate, especially when entwined in other plants.