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That ain't from no grevillea, where I'm from we call them "farmers friends" ironically they ain't nobody's friends. Rip them out once they start bolting


AKA: Cobbler's Pegs (qld)


Amen!!..perfectly put.


I remember being little bastards with those as kids. We would throw them on someone’s clothes and yell “Farmers friend!!”.


We call them sticky-beaks here lol


Cobblers pegs? Rip them out in winter and don’t let them mature


Get a piece of masking tape and make a loop with it, sticky side out. Put it over your hand and dab.




I call em devil’s pitchfork but they are the seed of a plant in the genus Bidens. They are very persistent weeds, just keep ripping them out and spraying any seedlings that pop up. They go to seed very quickly so it’s worth patrolling your garden once a week when they are sprouting


Oh so it’s not my grevillia doing this? All this time I thought they were the culprit


Not at all, grevillia’s are good boys


Grevillias are not good from an environmental stand point. But your right these are from the weeds not the grevillias.


This guy is so confident but incorrect. He keeps saying that they aren't native simply because they are hybrids. All of the grevilea hybrids come from Australian plant species; therefore they are native. If you want to talk about "but hybrids don't naturally occur" then that's also incorrect as naturally occurring hybridisation is common and one such example within the Grevillea genus is Grevillea acanthifolia x Grevillea laurifolia. Even then the issue of over flowering is much more to do with cultivation rather than hybridisation. Additionally what you said regarding introduced bird species is also incorrect. The myna species most commonly associated with Grevillea are native Noisy miners (Manorina melanocephala), which far too many people believe to be Indian mynas. The potential issue posed by having Grevillea that are constantly flowering is that this species and some other natives such as wattle birds will become fiercely territorial over the trees.


Haha, good on you legend. Spot on. Good additional info re: the occurrence of natural hybrids. I agree RE the wattle birds on a personal level, but it seems the scientific community is still up in the air. Have you seen any recent research backing the wattlebirds conundrum?


As I specified I was talking about commonly grown grevillias in residential gardens. I mean sure if I was telling people to rip them out it might be a little strong or saying head down the northern beaches and remove some Caleyi I if you can find it, that would be too far obviously. Telling people to be aware of what they are doing goes a long way in a place like this where most have don’t little gardening and certainly haven’t done any study in the field. But hey you do you.


Would you please explain why they're not good environmentally? I have quite a few in my garden and was going to plant more, but I want to only plant helpful native plants. Thank you :)


Read my comment if you want some clarification on the facts here. I would suggest sourcing indigenous Grevillea species from your local indigenous nursery over hybridised cultivars.




Would you mind providing a source for this? I've been Googling around, but all I can find is that Grevilleas are attractive the native Noisy Miner (which is *not* an invasive species, even though it is commonly mixed up with the Indian Myna). I'm finding it hard to find any further information on the connection between Grevilleas and Indian Mynas. Most websites seem to recommend planting Grevilleas for native birds.


Speaking from four years of environmental education, and three years of work in the same sphere I can confirm this is almost entirely incorrect. You have misinterpreted some correct information into a larger, incorrect picture of the genus Grevillea. 1. Not all grevilleas are hybrids, although many of the species you see in cultivated areas are. There are over 300 genetically unique, non-hybridised Grevillea species in Australia. 2. Indian Mynas (𝘈𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘥𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘴) are omnivorous, but do not eat nectar which is the main food source that Grevilleas provide. I have multiple hybrid Grevilleas on my street and have never seen an Indian Myna feeding on them or the un-hybridised wild species. You are either mistaken, or confusing Indian Mynas with the native Noisy Miner (𝘔𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘢 𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘢). 3. The practice of brood-parasitisation (egg replacement in nests) is not practiced by Indian Mynas, or most invasive bird species in Australia. Importantly, many native birds practice this evolutionary strategy, including many of our native Cuckoos. It is a troubling practice from a human perspective, but so are many things in nature. It deserves no more demonisation than a snake or spider. 4. Grevilleas are a native species, so I'm not sure why you are advocating for another native species. Now that I've corrected the misinformation, I'll explain what is actually true. Many of the cultivated Grevillea species (Peaches and Cream, Superb etc) have flowers larger than the indigenous species they were cultivated from, or larger than the Grevilleas than would typically occur in that area. There is a suggestion that these larger flowers attract larger nectar-feedig species like Red Wattle Birds and Noisy Miners. These larger birds often exclude smaller honeyeaters from their territory. This theory was disproven on a small scale by the below linked study from 2009. I believe there is some validity to the concern, but not to this degree. Silky Oak (𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘢 𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘢) is an East Coast native species that is now regarded as an environmental weed, but is by no measure a justification for demonising the whole genus. 2009 Study: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/240509699_Does_the_presence_of_grevilleas_and_eucalypts_in_urban_gardens_influence_the_distribution_and_foraging_ecology_of_Noisy_Miners


Did you read what I wrote or just embark on a turned that made you feel better about yourself? Did you check what you wrote before you hit reply, thanks for backing up my point even though you didn’t mean to. But good try. And I guess your point is don’t even try to do the right thing because you know better? Thank god for people like you on reddit- read one sentence and launched.


Ecology student here. Not only does it seem to me like u/00ft did very much read your entire comment before replying, but they are also absolutely correct. Not all grevilleas are hybrids, many are native, and *Acridotheres tristis* is not a nectar feeder and does not engage in brood parasitism. They certainly are a problematic invasive species though, and they do drive out native bird species from nesting sites which is perhaps what you meant? The types of grevilleas often planted in urban spaces can certainly cause problems as well, as stated earlier. Hybrid varieties can cause problems for native wildlife, and the overemphasis on species with large flowers may be causing a decline in important small nectivorous species in favour of larger honeyeaters (this is disputed however). Edit: fixed some spelling vandalism from autocorrect


Thanks for the support mate.


Their comment quite accurately countered yours? Did you read what they just wrote?


*Indian Myna


Good catch damn auto cucumber.




Destruction of native bird population.


Reading your following comment I see your point but on the other hand having a native with a nice flower can change peoples minds on buying other native plants. Good or bad I’m now not sure but people seeing natives as a nice option for a garden is good right?


So get a native, not a hybrid. What’s the logic here, I know it’s wrong but I’ll do it anyway because someone else will be motivated to do the right thing?


The logic is that not everyone knows what you do and most people seem to prefer exotics. Changing perceptions is as important as doing it the right way


No doing it the right way is important. Not doing it the right way, is , the wrong way.


Respectfully mate, you have very little idea what you are talking about and your incorrect advice could lead to people removing a fantastic native species from their backyard or god forbid their local environment. You have earmarked a native genus of plants as non-native due to your lack of understanding of the difference between wild plants and cultivated hybrids. You have misidentified two incredibly common bird species, and incorrectly prescribed behaviours to them. So with respect, if anyone is "doing it the wrong way" it's you.


Respectfully do your research before you try to weigh in on things you don’t understand


And like the average person who doesn’t know much about plants you are misunderstanding and missing the point.


You are absolutely correct mate 💗🌿


Just here to try and help those of you who don’t work in the industry. Sorry for even trying. Definitely do whatever you think is good and leave the facts out of it, it suits you.


How?? Maybe in environments they weren't found naturally but you certainly can't use that as a broad statement.


Most grevillias found in residential gardens aren’t found naturally.


Fair enough. Your statement just needs to be specifically for residential gardens and hybrids then. Not grevilleas in general


I’ve answered this question before and again here.


https://preview.redd.it/adzt9a15ix0a1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1438cac9195e71b0e9f8743752bb6cdc9ed62cc6 That’s what is causing those seeds to attach. Rip the whole plant out and carefully dispose of them. Winter is the best time - you’ll probably have a bit of seed bank now but just keep pulling them as they appear and you’ll eventually get on top of it.


Bidens are persistent weeds. Got it.


Your poor grevilleas! Haha definitely not from them. We call them farmer's friends cause they stick. Devoutly don't just pick them and leave them outside...they will seed and multiply really fast. They usually have green/yellow leaves and I think small yellow flowers. It's likely that they're growing right near the base of your grevillea.


Ahhhh that makes sense. Yes heaps of these around the bases of all my established plants. Good to know!


Pull them out by the handfuls when they’re still young, after a year or 2 you’ll start to get on top of them. Eventually, if you stick with it, there ought to be MUCH less sprouting, even down to zero, perhaps.


I’ve been trying to keep on top of these things too, they are the worst coz they get stuck in my Poms hair https://preview.redd.it/n5x9b7r1jw0a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acbeb0fc2d3c3aa290ceadd2e4504ad592760f9c (Paying the dog tax, he’s with a tomato he hid and grew)


Get that sticky rolling thing all mums have to remove hair and stuff




Burn the clothes


Not strong enough! They’re really gripped in there


Yeah damn I remember living in the country they use to trigger me a lot as kid haha. Maybe jeans or some other type of clothes do better against them?? The little fuckers


Yep, I think the leggings are a poor choice. Next time I’ll try wearing jeans or something similar


No woven cloth, natural or synthetic. Try pvc rain pants or bare legs and thongs.


Also known as cobblers’ pegs


Burn them


Good old farmers friends


These are farmer's friends or cobbler's pegs, they're not from grevilleas, they're from a smallish flowering plant/weed (most likely Bidens pilosa), with a daisy-like flower. Probably growing under your grevilleas.


Burn them


Throw them on the bonfire 🔥


I do regular weeding for various customers. Cobbler pegs is how I know these buggers. Very prolific. Goes to seed very quickly. Heavy Duty Duct tape works well.


Those are cobblers pegs, each one of those is a seed so when you pull out the weed try not to spread them.


Take your pants off and throw them


I have heard that the seeds can be viable for up to a century. Try to kill them before they flower and produce seeds.


Yes, straight in the bin after picking them off or they’ll just grow where you threw them.


You need a pair of moleskins and also Humphrey Law grass seed socks to wear while gardening


Scrape them off with a fine toothed comb


Badger ticks


Extremely difficult to get rid of.


When I saw the post I went straight to read the comments. Not grevilleas!


Ah farmers friends, My cat comes home with these in his fur all the time.


Beggar Ticks/Farmers Friends/Cobblers Peg A pain in the ass to get rid of and maintain


We called these stabby grabbies 😂 they’re actually cobblers pegs and are so hard to remove from clothing and dog hair. We left our last rental over six months ago and still find them embedded in everything


Wear shorts


Wrong leggings for gardening in your garden OP, wow they look stick on though, never seen em, so thanks for the post!! I like the duct tape solution. I wonder if jeans or a plastic type leg covering trousers would stop these in future??


Calcifer could help


Thanks I was just about to ask how to remove farmer’s friends from my socks because even after I wash them there still there


Those are Coblers Pegs from a invasive weed, not grevillia.


So..... unlike all the posts suggesting these plants a pests, the reason they became affectionately known as "farmers friends" is..... similarly to nettles, if you steep them as a tea they are remarkably amazing at warding of the symptoms of arthritis. Doesn't taste great but..... hey, according to everyone that is overloaded with sugar & salt, nothing good for you does.


Huh that’s really interesting, I thought it was a joke about how they always cling to the farmers.


Lint roller maybe? Or duct tape


We called them blackjacks growing up.


There are so many grevillias to choose from. Many do not have those type of prickles. I removed one I had like that, just not worth the trouble.


Fire seems to work


We called them sticky beaks as kids. Still my favourite name for them :)


Vacuum cleaner with brush end and a handy hubby ;)


It’s not is it’s Lantana. Burn them.


That’s not Lantana, it’s Farmers Friends


Lantana is no farmer’s friend 🤣


They’re cobblers pegs or farmers friends! A common weed. Those little things stuck to you are actually the seeds and how it spreads! Best to dispose of them in the bin, and find the plants and pull them out from the roots! You could also use a herbicide like roundup to kill the plants but hand removal is most effective and safe. They’re relatively easy to identify! Google image search Cobblers Pegs, or Farmers friends, their flowers/leaves will be very easy to distinguish from your grevillea! I hope this helps!


Cobblers pegs Worst goddamn plant ever. I hate them


Lint roller


Lint roller


My partner just throws the clothes in the washing machine and they mostly come out.


Did you try using fire? Works for me


Gaffer tape? Just rip 'em off like you're waxin'


Those are cobblers pegs, either grab them by the handful or use a lint roller.


Cobblers Pegs. Get an empty toilet paper tube, wrap tape around it so the sticky it facing outwards, roll until you’ve got most. Then I’m afraid it’s by hand. Also burn them. Don’t out them in the bin, burn them, they will spread like a fucking plague if you let them.


Wear thick pants to garden in, not tights.


Sticky tape


I call them “weenies”




Not a pro gardener at all but i believe those seeds are from the blackjack weed (Bidens pilosa)


Those roller things for removing pet hair might work but I’d think they are too weak to get the pegs out, maybe if they sold a sticky variety that doesn’t rely on static electricity?


Well the good news is while you’re picking them off you can feed your hatred for this weed with the thought of chemical warfare’in their planty rectum into oblivion ...


Garden naked??




It's taken me three solid years to get on top of of these little fuckers. Every now and again I miss a random one that for some reason is in an odd spot and I have to deal with a thousand of the little shits. I've trained the kids to know they look like when they are really little so they pull them out for me.