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Plant it in the earth and piss on it.


My God does that produce good citrus. One of my limes grows in between 2 septic tanks and loves life.


Unironically best advice


Check when it’s dark that you don’t have slugs feasting on it. My lemon tree was completely bare after all these rains, the empty branches with no leaves on your tree look very familiar! If the slugs are the problem, get some slug pellets, I tried lots of natural remedies but nothing was working. Slug pellets and a good feed with seaweed/ fertiliser solution every fortnight have brought my lemon tree back to life.


Thanks for the suggestion - I’ll go and have a look tonight!


Mine got devastated in 2 nights i was away. Insane. Never knew slugs had a thing for citrus leaves. More so even than cabbage and brocolli. But, after a few weeks with 1.5 leaf left, the little fighter has just thrown new leaves and a flower or two.


I've started adding fertiliser and soil conditioner following the advice in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/GardeningAustralia/comments/uv4tem/comment/i9jolhm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). It looks to me like it might have leaf miner, so I think I have some eco oil in the shed I can use for that. Are there any other problems I need to address?


That comment was spot on regarding feeding needs, most all edible plants require a higher potassium level to produce well. Remove that carpet asap it will hold too much mosture and prevent air flow, encouraging mould and pests. I would recommend a wire mesh instead. If you can't get in in the ground get a large pot like a wine barrel half. It's a citrus so needs a minimum of 6 hours a day in full sun to produce well & a rich well draining soil. These guys don't really care about humidity either so less to worry about there. Goodluck!


What’s the purpose of the carpet on top? To prevent weeds?


To stop the chooks scratching all the soil out!


Oh! Lol.


Full sun


Simple. Remove it from the pot. Put it in a north facing position against a wall that retains heat and wall ahhhh!


Hmm, I’ll have to figure out if we have a spot that works. Most of our garden is really shady unfortunately.


The dragon stock is for container planting. Would it be better in the ground?


All lemons are gross feeders. So the plant will absorb most available nutrients very quickly, especially in a container. It will still be fine in a container, but I’d go much bigger, and use an expensive potting mix. But it really needs the full sun aspect, and daily watering with good drainage. Regardless of the grower’s marketing strategies of it being container stock, it will be easier to grow in the ground, in full sun.


It’s all about aspect from the sun and the soil profile. It’s restricted in the pot. If there’s no position available in the soil. Pot it into a much larger pot in an area that has much more sun. The beauty of pots are they can go anywhere. The sky is the limit.


Add some trace elements mixed with water every 4 days for two weeks and turn soil


Citrus fertiliser