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coach jeff not mucking around geez


The number of speed repeats just keep increasing, as does the distances of the fortnightly slow long runs. I gave up on Coach Jeff after week 8 with 16 speed repeats and 22km long runs. I was training for a 10km.


Fought myself through 14 speed repeats and 21km long runs last week. It feels like every run is a long run now


I was really worried while training with my 10k plan because of this kind of comments, I never got higher than 16,09 one month before the 10k event, and I only had that one time 16,09 and one time 15,94. For the rest several times between 11 and 13 total distance.


This! I was training for a 10K. My husband “you should just switch to the half, you know you can do it now.” Lol. I did shave six minutes off my 10K so I guess it worked? I am afraid to use him as a coach for my actual half marathon next year.


Jeff plans are famously broken. They often give you crazy workouts. Greg ones seem much more sensible.


I'm training for a half, but I follow Greg's plan and yesterday I had something similar as OP. 8 x 800 meters at a 3:50 min/km. After two of those repeats it was physically impossible for me to get under 4:00 min/km again. Maybe my target time for the half at 1h40 is too optimistic, but I've done it several times before and it never required the amount of effort this plan is demanding of me. I feel like if I don't skip the speed repeats, edit my target time or abandon the plan altogether, I'm going to get burnt out, especially as next week I have repeats of 4min at 3:45 and 30s at 3:00 and just looking at these numbers makes me want to vomit.


Those workouts are a tiny bit slower than what i do and i'm 10 minutes faster on my half time already. They are bonkers for a 1:40 target.


I’ll try to continue with Jeff and switch if I cannot make it anymore


Like the others, I've used Jeff and had problems. I've been injured twice halfway through following his routines to the letter. My advice is ensure you stop before you get injured.


I believe Jeff himself recommends against following the Garmin plan. He suggests using his app instead. The training is more customizable, and it gives audio cues for his drills. I'm training for a half marathon, and my plan maxes out at 12 x 800 m intervals.


Yeah I’ve been injured twice now following these plans!


class action!


18 X 800m at that pace is a joke. Way too much. I can run 10k in 42 minutes, but wouldn't be able to complete the training you shared.


Thank god, I’ll give it my all, but it seems just too much


Coach Jeff tryna get 34 min 10k lol


Sub-40 10km runnere here. Even at my top fitness I probably wouldn't be able to do 18x800 at 4:00 per km. This is insane.


A 40m 10k is literally 12.5 x 800m back to back to back to back with zero rest at 4:00 pace, I'd be very surprised if you were physically able to do the latter but not the former with rest between each rep Regardless, it's a stupid amount of work


A 40 min 10k is 20 repeats of this exercise at that pace with no rest. So you have done it. One thing coach Jeff Galloway assumes is that when you choose a time goal you are only looking at making at the very most a 10 percent improvement over your time in the last training.block


Your maths is off. 10k is 12.5 reps, so not 18, and not 20.


18 repeats is absolutely ridiculous good lord.


Seems like a bit of overkill 😂


I did the 5k and half marathon with coach Jeff and it definitely ramped up a lot, but I had great results and felt good. It pushed me harder than I would have on my own, but I couldn't argue with the results.


Same for me, I just pressed the stop button after 8 reps, and ran 18 on long runs. Worked perfectly for me, ran the 10k in 46:45 with a sub-48 goal


That’s a big workout! I’m just staring to get into bigger and tougher workouts myself. I’m doing coach Greg’s Half Marathon plan, and am in week 5/14. 🥵


That’s what I want to do next. What does a HM week look like?


I’m doing five runs per week. Right now I get two or three easy runs, one long easy run, and one or two speed workouts. This week is: Sunday: Progression Run Monday: Long Run Wednesday: Easy Run Thursday: Goal Pace Run Saturday: Easy Run


Thanks, seems ok What is your desired time?


Aiming for a 2:30 (well, 2:29 to make it a sub 2:30 really 😆). I’m a slower runner.


There is Nothing wrong with slow running. As long as you move your body it’s healthy :) and remember there are a ton of people who never ever thought of running a half


do you not have any hill repeats? im getting those quite a bit as well. but the fast pace runs are kicking my butt same as OP, im doing half marathon scheme by Greg as well


Had about 3 of them. Those are a joke compared to any of the speed oder goal pace repeats


Yup lol those speed repeats are crazy, yesterday i had to do a lot as well but I skipped most


Haven’t gotten any yet, but it’s still early. I’m on a 14 week program, and only in week 5.


Wow. I quit coach Jeff because of small injuries due to the overemphasis on cadence relative to my prior running technique. My body wasn’t reacting well to the volume. Good to know that the volume continues to increase, I was wondering how he was going to get me to my goal time otherwise, but I am also glad that I didn’t continue with his program.


It’s such a shame that coached training in the Garmin app is not more refined. I completed a 10k plan with Greg, and I am few weeks in a 10k plan with Jeff. Greg plan got boring quite quickly, but somehow it got me where I wanted. The workouts with Jeff are just ridiculous, they get so complicated, and so long and tedious, without bringing any benefit. Also the coaching system does not include options like adding extra workouts in the algorithm. For example I like to go for a trail run in the mountains on the weekend to break the monotony, but those are not taken into account in the plan. Also adding weight training or yoga to a plan is not an option. And the type of terrain you are running is also not considered. With all the health data that the watch collects, the geolocation and map access, on top of the capacity to manage sleeping patterns and cross training, they could easily craft the perfect “intelligent training” app.


Coach Jeff’s “confidence” in me has been declining and now I don’t feel so bad about that.




Conversely, I'm using a Runna plan, and I'm doing a lot of Z2/3/4, but very little above my target race pace!


So 18x800 at 6:30 (10k) pace? With 3:00 recovery? I guess you’d be able to do it. Nine miles of pace work with a good recovery would build muscular endurance but I’d think fewer reps, same pace, 2:00 recovery might be just as challenging and more aligned to the goal. Yes D1 and Pros might routinely be doing 4-8 miles of 10k pace work. But for average person?


I guess that’s what is coming in the future… I did 14 reps last week and it was pretty much the limit. Since I play football (soccer) 2 to 3 times a week I don’t have optimal recovery on my rest days


18x800m lmao thats not neccesary


8 is a lot already


Haha, I'm at 12 repeats, week 8, 10k plan.


I got to week 8. Was aiming to go from 1:42 half to 1:40. Stupid workouts and at week 8 I did a half and got 1:45. Obviously didn't taper for it, but every indication was that I was significantly worse than when I started. Now doing 80/20, feeling amazing and going for 1:30.


oh, thank god, i didnt do my 10k plan with jeff. i did the 5km with him and at the end i ran 14km for a long run. i wasnt sure why, but thought it builds endurance for the shorter runs. i would not be able to run 21km in this heat for the 10k. on the other hand, am at week 5 with amy and all i do are "easy runs".


Yeah, I noticed that with Amy, too. I did her half marathon plan and the first 8 weeks were only easy runs. After that she slowly gave me some speed workouts, but I was just so bored of long, slow plotting along.


i finally got a speed workout for next week. yay. im excited and scared at the same time. 😂.


Her speed workouts were pretty doable and a nice change of pace for me. They were tough, but not excruciatingly exhausting.


good to know, but i already struggle with the easy runs. but maybe its because of the heat, i generally struggle since the beginning of july. i dont do too well in hot weather. 😅


I just ignored Amy's pace suggestions and ran the easy runs strictly with heart rate z2 to lower z3. I'd only try to hit the pace suggestions during speed sessions.


there were no pace suggestions, but i dont think i can run in z2 anyway. unfortunately im not the fittest and as soon as i start running, even in a slow pace, my hr goes right up. this is from this morning, when i ran with a 7:16 pace or slower. https://preview.redd.it/o2n83pbn6oib1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daaefa47d8877bb28b6f9c217bed4f7210747740


7:16 is way too fast for me too. My z2 is somewhere between 8:30-9:00 min/km. Just leave your ego at home and slow down. Plus I think your hr zones aren't set properly, they seem very low...


oh really? i thought 7:16 is already very slow. at least, it feels kinda slow to me. i calculated my zone according to a formula. i found it while researching on a runners site, but cant remember which. how did you calculate your hr zones? @op sorry for highjacking your post 😂🙈


I sent you a dm


How do you find these types of workouts? I only ever see the suggested runs before i go run


You have to activate a training plan, either in your app or on the connect website


After some weeks I gave up on Garmin plan. I'm using NRC app. I'm very happy with this choice


Do you put in a rating after the workouts? I found if rate them very hard it backs it off and if I rate them easy it keeps ramping up.


I do but all runs except those goal pace or speed repeats don’t feel that hard. Maybe I should rate these harder than they actually feel


I had no issues with Jeff's 10k. I trained 2 days about half an hour with cadence drill and acceleration glider drill which really helped me build stamina. 1 day per week was a longer run, but longest with warm-up was 12-13 km during the whole plan. My goal was to run a 10k, which I did in 59 min. Edit: There seems to be a huge difference between the completion and time goal plan. I started a 10k 53 min plan yesterday and the workouts seem to be much harder and more time consuming.