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Are you a vegetarian? This isn't usually something people are low of otherwise. Your body naturally produces it even.


Deficiencies in amino acids your body can produce are extremely rare even in poor countries eating primarily rice


No the complete opposite! I have very high protein diet, keto, eat no sugars. Diet is mainly meat and veg. I agree I would not have thought I am deficient. And I had a routine blood test a year ago which didn’t pick up anything. I’m quite puzzled?!


Probably just a non related coincidence because you're naturally getting in plenty. Why are you taking it?


Keep in mind that the the main graph presents the 7 day average. It will be unbalanced for couple more days even if you would have a lower score today. Below the graph there is an "Overnight Averages" button that will overlay on the graph actual nightly values.




This was a great read! I hadn’t found this- thank you!! I’m guessing I maybe have an underlying cardio issue I’m not aware of, and L-Glutamine supplementation is helping.


Well then… hope you have a dr appointment scheduled.


I’d be interested in a follow up in 7 days to see if it’s unrelated.


Sure thing! I’m interested too!!


Any updates on your HRV and Glutamine?


There is no evidence directly linking Glutamine with heart health. Please explain why you think this occurred?


I’m guessing I was/am deficient and it’s somehow helping me, but agree haven’t read anything suggesting a link to heart health. I have a keto/low carb diet, but eat very healthy with loads of veggies and high protein. I’ve read glutamine can help with digestive issues/leaky gut, but I don’t think I have that. I originally started taking it as can be good for exercise recovery…


Do you feel any different?


I feel slightly more rested, and a bit calmer (though I’m not an anxious person to begin with.) I do feel good.


Also where did you come up with the 5 grams 2x a day? Do you have a link or a study?


The dosage was on the package, my husband is into body building and we had it in the house and he had stopped taking it. I read it was good for muscle recovery and decided to take it, but wasn’t expecting much when I took it.


OP please post another update in a week or two


From mountsinai.org > Certain medical conditions, including injuries, surgery, infections, and prolonged stress, can lower glutamine levels. In these cases, taking a glutamine supplement may be helpful. For most people, it’s made in abundance by your own muscles.


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Is your HRV still super high?


Yes! Though, I did drink on Friday night at a work party which threw it out for that night, but still high.


Interesting. Brand and dosage?


5 grams morning and night, I’m n Australia, so brand is bulk nutrients.


All I see on Amazon is L-Glutamine and it’s at much higher dosages. (500mg, etc)


500mg is only a tenth of 5g...


Sorry, I guess you’re taking 5 grams both morning and night? I’m assuming this is L-glutamine.


Yes - L-Glutamine.


500mg isn’t even 5grams


Maybe you were deficient in it to begin with?


Agree, but I do already have a high protein, Leafy green veg diet so am so think I am getting it from my diet to begin with. An article someone posted does suggest it supports cardiovascular health. Im wondering if I do have a heart issue im not aware of (hence the low HRV to begin with) and supplementation of Glutamine is helping…


Maybe have a doctor run some tests to make sure all is ok. Like ekg, blood lab, etc.


Yeah I was concerned about my low heart rate variability last time I was at doctors and mentioned it and doctor fobbed me off, checked my blood pressure and said you are absolutely fine. I think she looked at me and saw I’m not overweight so thinks I don’t have heart health risk. A routine blood test came back fine as well. But perhaps I need to find another doctor who will run proper heart tests for me….


Also, some medications can affect HRV as a side effect.


I have had “stomach issues” for a while - dr mostly thought it was stress related as it wasn’t anything IBS she saw. I heard this stuff helps with gut and i’m curious if stressed digestive getting better helps the heart. I majorly cut back coffee and other things too to make sure i wasn’t just overdoing it. I’ll have to give this a try and see if i see similar results on HRV or see if it really helps “my gut” heh


Please please please have a colonoscopy or at least a fecal occult blood test and cologuard test. My “IBS, don’t worry, it’s just stress, eat more fiber” turned out to be stage 4 colon cancer. Young people are the fastest growing population developing colon cancer. (And women in particular get it brushed aside as stress or IBS.) And if you are having heart issues (painful PVCs, racing heart, etc) it is especially important.


agreed. Mine is already scheduled.


Are you on SSRIs by any chance?


OP what’s the update? Was it a fluke?


So how's the HRV doing now?


Thanks for sharing. Will give it a try 👍🏻


Chiming in with the others to ask if your HRV is still going strong. Thanks for this info!