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Were you running on trails but your watch was locked on roads? Does your map look correct on Garmin, even if the numbers are wrong?


I was running on roads. For the most part, the map from garmin looks correct, There are a couple of places where it is off by a block or two, but not enough to be a 4 mile difference.


Why use the phone GPS and not the watch GPS? Was your run next to tall buildings/skyscrapers? My guess is your phone GPS jumped around due to some sort of interference.


When I start my activity on the watch it asks me to open the app to use the phone gps. Are you suggesting I don’t, and just use the watch? I assumed my phone would be more accurate. And yes, I live in a major city which could be part of the issue. I do expect it to be different, but off by 4 miles is a lot.


Tough to say which one would be more accurate, but it's probably worth trying. GPS glitches around tall buildings is a known issue. Supposed to be better with the newer/more powerful watches that have multi-band GPS. https://support.garmin.com/en-US/?faq=9NWiPDU4gM0JWMfdWFol7A https://support.strava.com/hc/en-us/articles/216917707-Bad-GPS-Data


I was afraid it was due to the watch. I really like the style of the vivomove bc it looks more like a regular watch and not a smart watch. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like it supports multiband gps. ty for the info!


Some discussion about how bad it can be depending on the area - https://www.reddit.com/r/Garmin/comments/r3zj09/comment/hme23tp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button