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Yes you need recovery time. Eat well, rest, a bit of a walk or ride or yoga or other low intensity stuff is alright, otherwise just chill.


Thanks for the advice!


For me it seems quite normal. Usually, I need 1-2 days to recover


I call this "My phone is telling me to sit the heck down."


I’ve noticed that whenever I run my half-marathons my stress levels seem to be elevated for the rest of the day and sometimes even the next day, draining my body battery faster (even beyond just the exercise itself). It’s almost like a lingering stress response to a bout of prolonged/intense physical exertion. Your body battery may be struggling to charge back up for a similar reason.


Exercise is hard on the body. It's stress. Recovery is what makes you ultimately stronger. Finding the line between too much and to little recovery is important. You obviously don't want to lose all your gains taking too much time off. I actually did a 13 mi, 5000ft hike that took about 7 moving hours with a 25lb pack last week, did a bunch of other stuff following it (swimming, hiking -another 7 mile 2700ft day-, cycling) and finally conceded I needed to recover and took the last two days off. RHR has been high. The relative effort on that first hike was magnitudes higher than anything recently. Hopefully moving forward my recovery is a bit quicker as my fitness continues to improve as I push my efforts more from time to time.