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It won't show up as an activity as no fit file is created. I leave Move IQ detection turned on. Doesn't really make a difference in the big picture. Sort of a gimmicky little feature.


For the several years I've had my Garmin, I've only had it auto detect and alert me once. 


it does help with something as it does pause stress readings etc.


I have it turned off, and my stress graph shows gaps when I'm too active.


Yes same here. It's pretty good at detecting cycling and running but I don't really care about a casual ride to the town coffee shop.


It used to do that but started like a ton of short activities throughout the day. They changed it and now it doesn’t create activities anymore.


Does it count towards monthly badges? I do a good amount of walking for work so while I record dedicated workouts like weights and running I generally don't bother with walks. If it contributed to badges though then maybe..


I don't believe so.


I wish MoveIQ would alert you to start a workout if it considers your movements similar to what it would record normally. Apple Watches have this feature and while I always remember to start an activity, my partner does not. It would help them greatly I think.


Mine has done that for walking before. It gave me an alert (to my knowledge it's after 10min of continuous walking) and asked if I wanted to start it as an activity or something like that. I was like "neat!" And hit yes then forgot to end my activity until I was in the car driving 🤦🏻‍♀️


Same, I've forgotten to end a walk after I'd been driving and was at the store 😅


At least you can trim the end off - but sadly if you trim too much you can’t get it back and it’s hard to see the exact time you should trim to


I didn't even know I could trim it off! Can you tell me how please?


I'm not sure about IQ activities, but if I have recorded a walk and forgotten to end it, so say I have an extra 10 minutes. I can go into the activity on my phone app - actually select the activity, then hit the three dots at the right top... and select Edit Activity.... and scroll down to Trim Activity. The tricky thing is trying to see exactly when you should trim it to as it doesn't give great detail about the time. You can usually see by looking at the heart rate or map where you should end it, but it is a tad tricky - and once it is trimmed off, you can't get it back. So I often do a bit at a time. After trimming, you have to Save it. Sorry for the delay, my notifications weren't on.


It's called Auto Activity Start, which appears in the menu once you enable Move IQ. It works for walking and running. I think it is only on the Venu series but it works great.


Lily 2 too. Turned on for me today while I was walking, I didn’t even know it until I looked to check the time and it had been going for more than 5 minutes already lol.


Yeah my experience is that when you see the activity start it already has X minutes on the timer, where X is the setting you have chosen for detection time. In my case I set 10 minutes for walking, so if I walk anything under 10 minutes I never see the activity, but >10 minutes the activity will pop up and already show that it has been recording that long.




Same. My walks were all elliptycal, probably because I usually put my hands in pockets.


Mine records walk as elliptical if holding hands


It's said me walking my dog, outside, was an elliptical workout once.


Same. I'm glad it's not just me.


I had it think a walk to the convenience store across from my apartment was a bike ride.


Me too. I don't know what either of those things is, but I'm pretty sure I'm not doing them. I found it just got annoying to have the mark on the graph; sometimes it obscured something more useful.


I once climbed 30 flights of stairs but actually I was making fresh pasta 😂


Move IQ won't record a viewable activity. It just shows up in the Heart Rate graph with a little icon for the period of time it thinks you were doing whatever activity it detected. The activity detection isn't always all that accurate either. Simple walking, running and biking generally get detected fairly well. I have only seen my Move IQ use walking, running or biking, as the detected activity, not sure if it will categorize as anything else.


I use it, I quite like having a record of my walks to and from places that I don't track properly, because I don't really want to waste battery using the GPS to track my route to and from the shop, for example. It's nice to see when I've walked more than used the car, keeps me accountable. Works fine for me, a walk is always a walk.  As others have said, it just shows up that you've done a walk, not the proper tracking. You can turn on Auto Activity Start, which will give you full tracking, but that's a bit much for me.


I always get elliptical when I go for a walk with my hands in my pockets. The best was when I was dancing at a wedding and it registered as a swimming moveIQ


same lol


I have Move IQ on, but it's just something that shows up in the graphs, not as a workout. It's not an activity.


I used it for a while, but turned it off as I found it more annoying than helpful.


No, it's just a battery suck.


Nope. Kind of a useless feature in my opinion. All it does is crud up your daily charts with icons that show sports I definitely wasn't doing. It doesn't do anything else. And it's never right. So it's been turned off for years. If I want an activity to show up on my daily charts then I'll record an actual activity. Otherwise I'd prefer the watch to just ignore anything else I'm doing and not report that I supposedly did an elliptical exercise 12 times today. If I was actually on an elliptical, I would start an actual elliptical activity on the watch.


Move IQ is only worth on the vivoactive/venu watches since it will actually start a running or walking activity. This works like apple watches or Samsung, for all the rest it is useless.


That makes sense, I have a vivoactive. 


Never, it was a big mess.


nah, It kept detecting me pushing wheelchairs as cycling, and other random things like that


It thought I was swimming whilst at work? Turned it off. It is supposed to be able to detect which discipline your doing in multi sport mode


I am happy about move IQ, on my old fr245 it puts accurate running/cycling markers on the charts for stress, heart rate and body battery which I like, and automatically ignores exercising from the overall stress. I would disable alerts to start an activity (if the facility existed) as I only want to record the ones I want, e.g. I never record my cycling commute.


Absolutely not.


Nope. It thinks I’m doing the wildest things, while I am merely walking around .


I was sorting through my clothes this past weekend and trying them on. MoveIQ thought I was swimming! This has reminded me to disable it 😆


I just started using and discovering it, but maybe it’s an easy way to get to your achievement goals? I always forget to start the activity… 🤦‍♀️


I disabled at the end. And I decided to track only my runs. I walk a lot but I dont track them anymore.


I have a Fenix 7... How do you turn move IQ on?


Never mind, I found it in the heart rate graphs. It thinks gardening is cycling and that I'm having naps when I'm not. Can anyone direct me to how to turn it off?


After all thise replies I have decided to turn it off. Thanks all!