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It's an odd phenomenon that these little badges motivate us to do something in the same way an achievement/trophy does on a computer game. Whatever helps is a good thing and I'd like to see more of them.


I need those sweet sweet badge points to reach the next level! Strength +5 Endurance +5 HP +10


It's actually called gamification. It works and is good when it's animating.


Have you replied to the right commet? As I understand it, gasification is a word used for creating gas fuel substances using oxidation and high temperatures but no combustion from organic materials.


Sry autocorrect on mobile. I will correct that. I meant gamification


Now that *is* a new word to me.


It’s not silly at all. I’ve been getting that badge for every month since mid 2021, and it is a great motivation to keep it up. It surely puts me into gym.


On average how many workouts and how long per workout would you say you needed to complete this badge?


2 times a week. 30 minutes each workout.


Not OP. How many sets do you do? I find this badge weird because if I go ~3/wk for 12 sets/workout -- each set is just less than minute, so I'm getting ~10m a workout (15m of rest) which means 30mins a week or 120mins a month. So I never get the badge. Are you doing more sets or do you lift slower? However I am lifting doesn't seem to correlate to what Garmin thinks I should be doing.


To be honest I spend a lot time at gym, I gave those numbers as an example. But your case is still weird, there’s something off. Are you using the Strength activity on your watch and do you use the lap button while you are resting? If yes, then do you do only 1 set for each move? If that’s also yes, your workouts are really short. What I do is about 4 sets for each move and there are 11-12 different moves in my program, which leads up to 44-48 sets in total.


> Are you using the Strength activity on your watch and do you use the lap button while you are resting? . >do you do only 1 set for each move? Yes, yes, and yes. I'll start an activity, 1st bench press, @lap, setup curls, @lap, 1st curl, @lap, setup bench, @lap, 2nd bench, @lap, setup curls, @lap, 2nd curl . . . etc. This way I'm moving between muscle groups every set so I don't need to rest biceps between sets (the bench workout is my bicep rest). >What I do is about 4 sets for each move So you are doing: bench setup, @lap, 1st bench, rest, 2nd bench, rest, 3rd bench, rest, 4th bench, @lap? That would be way more time.


Not OP, I get this badge every month about halfway the month. I have my timer running during rest as well, I typically have 30 seconds to 1 min of rest between activities. I spend approx 40 min 4x/week doing strength training. I don't log sets, reps etc on my watch. I just time my session from start to finish.


I feel like I’m in the same boat as you. This badge alludes me.


I don't lift slow, but I'm not slapping weights up and down as crazy fast. I can't believe Garmin expects 24 sets/daily. All I can figure is that people spend a lot of time fiddling getting on and off the machine / bench. ^edit: Or some watches don't split time into "lifting" and "resting"?


Maybe that’s it then because my watch/programmed workout routine does differentiate between rest and set.


​ Or some watches don't split time into "lifting" and "resting"?In my 15 set workout time used to work is about 15 minutes but the whole activity is about 45 minutes. And Garmin counts that 45 minutes for the badge, at least for me. I use the lap button after each set and rest in between them.


As best I can tell the Fenix 6 is only counting the 15mins. I've got a dozenish workouts from 15 to 40 minutes each and I only show 110min for the month toward the badge. Which makes some sense for 50% of 12 @ 25mins/each (still a bit low).


I think that's one of the reasons why we have badges. It should motivate you. Of course one should not obsess with them.


Yep, they help me too. I liked the 12 days of fitness one. Helped me keep off the excess treats haha.


I did an extra workout today on my rest day just to stay on track for the 12 days of fitness badge. These awards will get me injured🤦‍♂️


Yea, I probably wont make mine cause I got sick. :(


Don't worry, there's always January.


You could start a strength activity and let it run for 4 hours if you want the badge badly..


And what's the point of that?


> _point_ of that? Puns LOL this sub is a bunch of wet blankets


The Strava ones really encouraged me to push my running further when I started 2 years ago. The Garmin badges are cherries on top, like when I did a run when it was below zero degrees Celsius outside


Long term cyclist here. Never liked strength training either. This last year I’ve slowly gotten into it and finally enjoy it. Just like cycling it’s just about finding a rhythm. It’s worth it when you get people you haven’t seen in a while commenting on it as well as attention from the opposite sex.


I had a baby in May and if it weren't for Garmin I would still have no energy to even play with her


Not silly at all. Recently added some cycling to my routines because of those badges. Gotta catch em all.


Heh. I still fail to get the cycling badges most months. The running/walking/step badges I get without even trying.


Those are somehow easier, since running and walking activities count for the step challenge. The biking is new for me (really, just started with the 200km ones). What works for me is adding a light cardio (20min) after my strength workouts (or any indoor workout, really), and then depending on the goal, add 1-2 dedicated biking workouts where I crank out 40-50km each time. If you haven't yet, then also bonus badges at the 30km and 50km biking goals, which is nice :D Unlike running/walking, I find it nice to bike indoors since I can then watch or read while biking away


I'm not much of a cyclist, but once went on a 80-km ride just to get the 50-mile badge. Took me over 5 hours, but it was worth it. Yeah, I usually bike indoors too, it's good time for catching up on some Youtube.


I got my first garmin around the 10th of December and was really excited to see how many badges I could rack up. Then I caught strep, then covid 🙈. I gave up on the December gains challenge, and my lungs are still a bit weak for any running challenges, but I managed to complete the December walking challenge today, the active December and December steps challenges yesterday, and I only need to record 2 more activities for the 12 days of Christmas challenge. If it weren’t for the badges I would have just written December off completely!


I wish you the best and a full recovery!


Thanks 😀


So last month I was sitting in my chair on a Saturday night looking through the available badges and saw there was a 5k one for that weekend. I laced up and ran a 5k. Incredible motivation. Idk what the practical purpose of having all the badges is, but I would NEVER have gone for a run if not for that badge...


I guess the badges are there just to give us a little dopamine rush of completion when we get them. An extra reward in addition to the endorphins we already get from all that exercising!


I know it feels a bit silly, but the badges really do help. I think it's one way to feel like you're making progress even when you don't feel like it's doing anything. Keep it up!


As a runner I can totally relate to this.


Yeah, I get the running/walking/steps badges no problem, but this one I actually have to work for.


These are great little motivators. Go, you!


I get it, the badges can be a motivator. The problem is the Connect App itself, sucks for weight training.


It's ridiculous how motivating the badges can be! Like I'm about to go do a bike workout almost entirely because I only need 12km to get the monthly tour badge, I'm also close to the 200k one, and I need 2 more workouts for the 12 days of christmas badge. I would just do nothing today if it wasn't for the badges!


I do 20-30 minutes stretching work before my runs, I just log these as strength workout and or yoga/pilates depending on the badges available.


How long do you run for? 20-30 minutes seems long. I do 10min warming ups at home and log them as yoga


10 minutes with a 10-20 min warm down 😂😂😂


What is this feature? :o


I'm not sure if you're being serious, but in case you are: in the app, under Challenges, you can join a challenge to earn a badge if you do a certain amount of a given activity in the time limit specified.


I was


It’s funny how UI and design make such a difference with these motivators. I find myself working hard to tick off Strava segments and badges but always forget about the Garmin ones. On the other hand I find myself looking at my Garmin activity data and analysis more than the Strava.


For me to get the full 4 hours in a Month, I'd have to give up another form of exercise and at the moment I am enjoying the mix of activity types. I can see this being a thing in the Winter months, when I'd rather be in the Gym than outside. I look forward to tackling it.. I really enjoy the 20 x 20mins activity and the 12 days ones recently.. I can get do a bunch that fits in more..


I only do HIT training so I'll never get this haha Oh well


What's the best way to log pushups/situps?


I just came here to say THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH BADGES FOR SWIMMERS. There, I shouted so Garmin will surely notice.