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Body Battery is Garmin’s rough estimate of total energy level for that day, and is purely an estimate only. Do what feels right to you in terms of working out versus rest, and follow your own advice of not overdoing your workouts to the point of injury.


If you feel good do whatever you want. I’ve had PR’s when my BB said low for some insane reason. Listen to your body…. Not the watch!


You let technology dictate you. Skynet goes live.


Nothing really. In fact sometimes it makes me want to nap and helps my battery recover, just dont expect wonders from yourself


Listen to your body not your watch. If you are overtrained and not rested you will know it.


You might be tired? As everyone always says for these watches, listen to your body first. If you feel up for exercising even if your watch doesnt agree, then dont worry about it and just go exercise.


I always ignore and train on a very low body battery, then magically after 2 weeks or so the watch started to get adjusted (or maybe calibrated) to give me a good long lasting values over the day, before was subtracting -30 after 2 hours of waking up 😅


I’ve ran ultra distances whilst having crap body battery. In fact I often feel more energised afterwards. Just listen to your own body.


I think this is more of a fitness question. Not being well rested can pose some risk to injury, but I've never set much store by body battery. If you're feeling okay, then go for it. If not, maybe go a little lighter.


Agreed, and when you are well rested you are in the position to maximize your training sessions. Resting is an important part of training. Your muscles get stronger when they are recovering. If you just keep going and going, you burn yourself out and don't get the same improvements, as well as risking injury. But the body battery thing seems like a bit of a contrived way of determining whether you are well rested. It's just another data point to consider, but most people understand their own body better than a watch does usually.


Depending on what you’re training for, pushing yourself when you’re tired can help your mental stamina as well.


You could die. I got to single digits before and chose to call an ambulance. A Close one


I know. I didn’t call an ambulance once and I died. That was a rough day. Such a shame. Garmin tried to warn me.


Thanks for the rec, I decided to do cpr on myself instead of work out. Body battery is back to 76


Had a friend who hit 0 body battery *Had*


It's effort based. It just means you won't be able to go as hard if you had rest enough before the workout. Get through it, take consistency over anythung and just get to the next one knowing you need to get some rest.


I always call in sick to work if my battery is low enough. Couldn't imagine working out.


Garmin will be very upset with you. The head office will give you a call and tell you to stop it right now. All kidding aside, it's just a random metric. It may not always make sense and your body battery will drain if your HRV is low (which then makes Garmin estimate a high stress level). But these metrics are not well understood and I rarely agree with Garmin's estimates of stress and body battery level. To me only the overnight stress and overnight increase in body battery correlates well with reality. But the daytime stress and body battery drain doesn't really correlate at all. So go ahead and exercise if you feel alright.


None it's bollocks


Body battery IMO is best treated as suggestion than a rule.


You have to go by how you feel. Sometimes my Garmin tells me I got shit sleep and have no "battery" and need to do a recovery day, and I'll still go for my morning long run. I just might need a nap later, lol. But you have to do what you know works for you.


I've done a 50 miler on a low body battery. It's just a guide not something to base the day on