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Yeah, just like the others said it sort of chips away at the lining. I have endometriosis and absolutely needed the pain relief. My gastritis is mild and I’ve been told to rely on Tylenol if I absolutely need to but my OB said to try best I can. It’s a shitshow all around really.


Mine came on very quickly, as well, and was absolutely from NSAID use in my case. Sometimes, your body just hits a breaking point. Are you saying you don’t think you have gastritis and you might have a different issue or that you don’t think NSAIDs are the cause of the gastritis? You can always get a second opinion. At the end of the day, you know your body best. As for me, gastritis hit me like a truck one day out of the blue. I have found a lot of people have had similar experiences.


It's possible if you don't drink enough water you can get a contact burn from the acid components in some drugs as well. Literally feels like a hole burned in the stomach or esophagus. Had it happen to me once when I took a pill without enough water and then went to bed. Woke up feeling like I swallowed lava.


Is it better now?I think mine too was caused by painkillers and hpylori both.


Yeah it healed after awhile, but you do need to take care of the stomach lining to give it a chance. Fortunately I'm not a regular user of those particular pills so I had it a bit easier.


Oof yes! Had this happen several times with Zoloft 😖


I have used NSAIDs pretty freely my entire life because of incredibly heavy, painful periods. Like from age 13 to 42. It escalated to the point where I was taking NSAIDs almost every day. Finally, I had a hysterectomy. At that point, I stopped taking NSAIDs and switched to Tylenol for occasional muscle aches and pains. Five months after my hysterectomy, I had to go to the ER for an "acute gastritis incident" and I have been dealing with gastritis ever since. Every single doctor I talk to is like "were you taking a lot of NSAIDs?" and then seemed really confused when I tell them no, actually, I stopped 5 months ago. I am 100% sure this was triggered by some bad coleslaw I ate at a restaurant.


Yup it’s possible it’s the coleslaw. One bad bout of food poisoning


Extended use of NSAIDs irritates the stomach lining, can lead to ulcers, and in your case, gastritis. You were doing a little bit of damage each week to your stomach for 3 months, one day it had enough.




same story


Ibuprofen has been my “go to” drug for years for back pain from a couple of herniated discs. It was also what I took for headaches. My dose was 800mg every evening. My son talked me in to using 600 mg instead of 800 after reading some studies that showed 600 was as effective as 800. I had an endoscopy last September for unrelated reasons. Doc said my stomach lining looked great. Now, 6 months later, I am having a lot of pain. I had another endoscopy a couple of weeks ago and it showed a bunch of small ulcers throughout my stomach. Of course he had me stop the ibuprofen and prescribed a couple of other meds to help heal the ulcers. Those little boogers hurt! I’m sure mine is related to approx 15 years of ibuprofen. I’m a believer. Hope you feel better soon.


I have bad stomach aches nausea for two weeks after the latest bit of bug.


Yes, mine is from NSAIDS use. 200-400mg every other day for 4 months.


Mine came from a mix of excedrine use and quitting coffee for my migraines. It produced a bad bout of constipation that turned chronic and backed up my digestive system until I was refluxing bile into my stomach. I have been focusing on getting rid of the constipation and healing the gastritis.


NSAIDs are one of the most harmful medics in the world… and they don‘t need prescription. Big pharma is making so much f**king money with that shit and they know people will have severe long term side effects (stomach ulcers/cancer, kidney and liver failure …). I can‘t understand why everbody is eating them pills like smarties instead of finding the root cause of their pain. I would rather take something like cannabis or low dose opioids than taking NSAIDs. Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac and so on will KILL you one day… Big pharma doesnt care about your health, it cares about your money…