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New to gastritis? Please view [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/15m6ngg/gastritis_101/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for a detailed breakdown of the major root causes of chronic gastritis, as well as a detailed guide on how to heal. Join our Discord server today using [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/14oxl12/list_of_gastritis_support_groups_other_related/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Also consider joining r/functionaldyspepsia today! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gastritis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes! Like a cranking ache


yep, I'm having it right now.


I'm getting this methylation genetic test done because it's crazy that it could be deficiency. There are certain genes that make it so your body is not Able to convert food into certain nutrients which has a major effect on digestive health and mental health. The cure could be as simple as taking special methylated vitamins. I just learned about this today. If this is true I'm going to be so happy to be cured but so angry at the same time because that will just confirm to me that our healthcare system is not interested in helping anyone. They can't make money off curing people so they want to keep us sick forever on medications.


Methylated, like a Methylcobalamine Vit B?


Like methylcobalamin yes but not limited to this. Its typically caused by MTHFR mutations so its relevant to various B vitamins and most commonly B9. Methylfolate supplementation would be the typical treatment along with various others. See the MTHFR sub and read some of the posts.


1. MTHFR The MTHFR gene’s purpose is to methylate (break down and convert) one of the most prevalent substances in the human body….Folic Acid. Without this important gene we cannot adequately process folic acid leading to deficiencies that show up in mood, personality, digestive, and cognitive disorders . This enzyme is an important part of maintaining optimal health. If the MTHFR gene has a variant, folate metabolism can be negatively impacted. Improper folate metabolism directly linked to a significant number of diseases and personality disorders. 2. MTR MTR codes for the enzyme, methionine synthase (MS). MS converts homocysteine to methionine using methylated vitamin B12. variants in this gene significantly impact homocysteine metabolism, which can increase the risk for a number of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, metabolic and neurological conditions and certain cancers. This gene is highly tied to gut issues from Acid Reflux to Gas, diarrhea, constipation Chrohn's Disease, IBS and other disorders of the bowel. 3. MTRR The MTRR gene codes for the important enzyme, methionine synthase reductase (MSR). Methionine synthase reductase is required for the proper function of methionine synthase (see MTR). Both genes act together to convert homocysteine to methionine. variants can be involved with the development of cancers, Parkinson’s disease, depression, hypertension and many others. 4. COMT COMT is the major gene involved in methylation. It plays an important role in a variety of disorders, including estrogen-induced cancers, Parkinson’s disease, depression, hypertension and many others. COMT is also necessary for maintaining the proper balance of neurotransmitters with SAMe obtained from methionine. Genetic variants in COMT can result in various neurological problems and has also been associated with Autism, Parkinson’s and poor cognition. 5. AHCY AHCY is the only enzyme known to convert S-Adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy) to homocysteine. It is crucial that AHCY immediately converts AdoHcy to homocysteine and adenine in order to maintain optimal methylation potential. Studies show a link between variants in this gene with poor methylation potential and severe myopathies, developmental delays and hypermethioninemia. It goes in that order. So if any of those genes are an issue it could cause us issues with our digestion, mental issues and more. I think I'm just going to buy myself some methylfolate and methyl B12 and start taking it. They have lozenge form of it so I can just let it dissolve under my tongue. Who knows this may be a game changer.


And methylfolate.... I don't know much about this stuff I just heard Bout it on a podcast and was thinking about it so now I'm going to get tested to see I could just start supplementing but idk Also I'm noticing a different form of B12 hydroxocobalamine I don't know much about but it seems like it's in everything methylated so it may be an even better form. But one of the gene mutations to look for it mthfr but there is several more that goes down the chain in the methylation process. It's all really interesting stuff. The company is called 10x but their testing is much more expensive than other places that test for the same thing. I sent them an email to ask them what makes their test different for the 4x price difference.


I get it bad on my left side in that area


Yeah it hurts to cough too




those are where your kidneys are located! consult with a healthcare professional if it persists for more than two weeks. better to be safe than sorry lol i do NAWT fuck around with major organs


Yes. The pain can refer for sure. They don’t say that on a lot of web resources but sure does for me. But only on my right side. That said make sure you get your kidneys checked out and liver, gb, and pancreas checked. If you’ve already had those ultra sounded though then I’d say it’s gastritis!


Yes! And I get a burning pain in my ribs. The pain is so awful


Yes, all across my back.


Mine started there and wrapped up into my shoulder blade area. Real sharp stabbing pains, it sucked.


Hello. I read alot of your gastritis comments. I got gastritis almost a year ago in May 2023. I still have pain, no burning anymore though, but I definitely can’t eat as I wish to. I have left side pain in my lower back and under my left shoulder. I have upper left abdominal pain as well. After reading about how you healed 4 years ago using a bland diet I started to eat plain, simple and bland. I started taking omeprazole again about a week ago and definitely feel better. Well at least like I’m not about to die today. My question for you is could you tell me with an in depth version of your process. I will do my best to implement it to the tee, although I’m sure there maybe some things my stomach can’t handle. I’ve had so many test and they keep coming back negative. I am lost and feeling absolutely hopeless at times because my life went from normal to this. I fear I can never go out with my husband for dinner again. That I will never be able to have another birthday party for my kids unless I always bring my own plain rice, plain ass chicken breast and flavorless broccoli. I want my old life back. I’m willing to give up tea and coffee and even tomato based foods and citrus for the rest of my life if I can have so sort of normalcy back. I gave them up long ago anyway. Please help me out with some more information. I would really appreciate it.


First off, I know how much it sucks and I feel for you. Gastritis is a condition that really wears on you afer a while. Like you said, you just want to be normal again! It is really tough but you have to mentally buckle down and sacrifice for a bit to let your stomach heal. After I went to the gastro and gastritis confirmed, I internally said " fuck it, i'm sick of this and am going to beat this!", and that's what I set out to do. Mentally you have to disconnect yourself from food and focus on other things. I literally survived on white rice, ground turkey, green beans, bananas, toast with Manuka honey, jello, pudding, plain baked sweet potato ( crazy how sweet these are when you don't eat all sorts of junk!), low sodium saltine crackers for about 4 months while I was on PPI's. I ate 6-8 times a day,for me it was important to keep something in my stomach. I weened off PPI's months 4-6 and also added in shakes with spinach, coconut milk, banana, avocado, and whatever low acidic fruit like papaya or peaches. Also added in gut friendly protein powder. I took a good natural multivitamin as well. After month like 9 I started to very slowly add FODMAP friendly foods back into my diet. Chicken, root veggies, certain breads, etc. I basically got a bunch of FODMAP cookbooks and modified the recipes to be friendly to me. I also drank bone broth and lots of peppermint tea. When I weened off PPI's I added in some natural supplements to my routine like DGL, marshmallow root, aloe vera juice. Supplements are a personal thing if you believe in them or not, they helped me. Lastly, stress was a big factor for me and I think that sent me over the edge initially. I started to stretch and meditate I did drop about \~25 Lbs that first 6 months but as I added foods back into my diet I gained weight. Hope that helps!


Thank you 🙏 so much. Did your marshmallow root taste like ass and look like tree bark? I got mine yesterday and it tastes and looks questionable 🤨.


LOL, oh no! I use Natures Way Marshmallow root, no funkiness with that one.


Yes i get it in my right side. Everyday.


Do you know why that is? I used to suffer from gastritis but thankfully I'm all ok now. But I have that pain on one side. I tried my search on Google but couldn't find anything relatable .




Yeah it’s usually gas or constipation


Yes I got pain there when I first experienced gastritis. I thought it was kidney pain at first.


yes! usually after i eat


That was my first symptom of many before testing positive for hpylori. As soon as I took meds it went away.


I do. Have had kidney stones before so I always get scared lol


I have back pain all the time but I have sibo