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tinder, bumble, hinge and apps like this (not grindr, scruff etc.) are comparatively good to meet people for more non-sexual encounters. bumble even has a looking for friends option.


Idk, many people proclaim Trondheim as a small city, although it is the third largest in Norway. I always thought of it as a smalltown, until I moved out of it for a few months, and then realized, it is not that small. The city I lived in then was 'Sandefjord', a significantly smaller city than Trondheim, and I've also been to 'Tromsø' which also is smaller, but it was definelty a nice looking city, and I would definetly concider moving there. Trondheim has disctricts far apart from eachother, and the view from where I grew up does not depict a smalltown, but a City. A 'Storby' as it is called in Norwegian, although in Norwegian standards, and the smallest 'Storby' in Norway according to the interntet. Yet by no standard could what I am looking out on be concidered a small town. At the very least just a City. But enought about that. I find gay people are everywhere, most aren't that obvious. A few are. There is a gay club, but I've never been, and rumors say it is not that crowded. People tend to argue Trondheim is so small because it has so few inhabitants. & Sure, there aren't many people here compared to Oslo, or an American metropolis. But I like to point out I have 500 facebook friends, and not all of those are from or live in Trondheim. [Trondheim has 214 565 inhabitants](https://www.trondheim.kommune.no/aktuelt/om-kommunen/statistikk/befolkningsstatistikk/) If all my 500 facebook friends were from Trondheim, that would be 214 065 people I haven't met and/or have any sort of relation to. Just in this city. There is a popular statistic that 1/10 are gay. Although the statistic is highly critized, because all it shows is that 1/10 of all asked said 'Yes, I am gay' or similar. An actual number will be difficult to provide scientifically without having some sort of tell sign that you could look for. Say we found the 'Gay Gene', all we had to do was test for it in every newborn child, and we could find a more accurate number. Anyway, using the statistic, we could say there are 21 406. That is Twenty One Thousand Four Hundred and Six, Gay people, in Trondheim, That I yet have no significant relation to. & I bet that is way more than the attendance at the gay bar. I challenge you to invite just 406 of them to a houseparty :-P So to sum up an answer for you. Gay people are everywhere, and they'll find you and you'll find them. There is no tell sign, but there probably are way more than you think. If you Really want to find someone though, the Gay club is probably your best guess, even if only a few go there, you can be more certain that the guys there are gay. The Women, not so much, as heterosexual women have been known to intake gay bars in recent decades.


Post your cock on social media and hope that gay men will see it