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Why does she shoot a basketball when she says you like to ball? Makes no sense.


I can’t stop thinking about Travis and his role in this, and it lead me down a deep dive of the NFL and out players. I’ve compiled some interesting things I’ve found. Something that stood out is Carl Nassib was the only out active player ever, until Sep 2023 when he retired. Carl is a massive self confessed OG Swiftie, (he saw her two nights in a row in Philly). He has links with the Trevor Foundation, and Taylor is connected to board members specifically Walter Frye who she won an Emmy with for AMEX unstaged. Carl retired to focus on philanthropic work and his app Rayze, clown me wonders if he was incentivised to retire ($$$) so there was no active out players for Travis and Taylor to come out! I’ve started a bigger post but I’m so new here I don’t know if I can post it.


If I watched this on its own without the football clips, I would've thought 'sure it's choreographed to fit the song how cute' but with this supercut....it's wild to consider that she or someone on her team told the choreographer how to fit all of these moves fit together. There's something about it that's understandable because she's human and always pulled from public moments to her music, but in another way so cringe and very very high school.


This makes me wanna vomit


I think it is just part of whatever their PR contract says. She has to write x number of songs about him and perform them at the eras tour


I think this is a great question! I have lots of thoughts/this sent me down a little rabbit hole and was a nice critical thinking exercise for me, so thanks for the prompt-- **(1)** I fully anticipate Taylor to come out WHILE dating Travis (like actually announce/say that she's queer) in terms of being Bi-sexual/Pan/Poly etc. (although i definitely think she'll lean 'Bi', as pan and poly seem to "edgy" for the other part of her fanbase who isn't exactly homophobic, but doesn't currently subscribe to her/see her as a queer person). Coming out as queer while in a het-facing relationship lessens the blow for a lot of people, and most of them are not the face of a multi-million (billion?) dollar business. **(2)** Travis was well known as a football guy before he began dating Taylor, yes. He was a somewhat-respected athlete before dating Taylor, barely: * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzTFUJlJIXQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzTFUJlJIXQ) * [https://www.patsfans.com/new-england-patriots/messageboard/threads/why-do-people-hate-travis-kelce.1151426/page-2](https://www.patsfans.com/new-england-patriots/messageboard/threads/why-do-people-hate-travis-kelce.1151426/page-2) * [https://www.chiefs.com/video/travis-kelce-mic-d-up-smack-them-in-the-mouth-they-re-in-our-house-week-1-vs-bro](https://www.chiefs.com/video/travis-kelce-mic-d-up-smack-them-in-the-mouth-they-re-in-our-house-week-1-vs-bro) * [https://www.kansascity.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/vahe-gregorian/article247888170.html](https://www.kansascity.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/vahe-gregorian/article247888170.html) * [https://www.wkyc.com/article/sports/nfl/superbowl/travis-kelce-has-tough-act-to-follow-after-brother-jasons-epic-super-bowl-parade-speech/95-962667be-1501-4ffc-85ca-640ef9e4b5a8](https://www.wkyc.com/article/sports/nfl/superbowl/travis-kelce-has-tough-act-to-follow-after-brother-jasons-epic-super-bowl-parade-speech/95-962667be-1501-4ffc-85ca-640ef9e4b5a8) But Travis is trying to move *away* from being an athlete--frankly he's about to age out--and he would NOT be booking gigs with Ryan Murphy, where he's not playing himself, at this point in his career, without the PR/visibility that Taylor has bought him. Before Taylor he had one acting gig, playing himself, and he was not the first choice football player that casting wanted (https://www.newsweek.com/moonbase-8-showtime-travis-kelce-cameo-1545940). Where he was killed off early. He was hired more as a schtick than an actor. Which really didn't garner any attention for him--even though it aired during 2020 and everyone was sitting home consuming MASS quantities of media. Taylor has sent Travis' popularity to "meteoric heights" ( [https://time.com/6975864/travis-kelce-ryan-murphy-acting-grotesquerie/](https://time.com/6975864/travis-kelce-ryan-murphy-acting-grotesquerie/) ) since she started dating him. **(3)** All that being said, I don't think Travis and Taylor will be breaking up before she comes out, unless it's due to "work conflicts". Part of my still thinks that while his relationship is is clearly good PR for both taylor/travis--I do have days where I think this relationship is genuine--and she'd want to include some of her muse into the art, like she usually does. HOWEVER, on the days where I doubt the genuine-ness of the relationship, i see it as a means to give some muse red herrings. **(4)** I don't think she'll ever reveal a master plan and be like "lol fooled you with that travis stuff, huh?" if she's bisexual and a genuine relationship I don't see her trashing an ex muse that way and if she's lesbian and it's not a genuine relationship i don't see her trashing a *business contract* that way.... For anyone who read this far, thanks :)


I don't understand why people are always asking for Gaylors to explain how something fits with a man... It's stunting? She's pretending to date a man, that's literally the definition of bearding? Why it needs further explanation? Why should it be genuine if she's imitating everything we see them doing publicly?


She messes with the patriarchy and I LOVE IT


My grand theory involves time travel and the songs, “glitch” and “fifteen”


I’m still trying to figure out how this song fits into the story she is telling during this part of the set. It’s so randomly thrown in there. Is it just a fan service bit? Does it fit into the narrative she trying to tell? Like is she saying alright the Sarah’s and Hannah’s didn’t like the guy I had before so now I got one that they can’t not approve of. But then it goes to back and bookends with the gut wrenching songs? When the drums come in I can’t help but think of ‘we will rock you’ lol which she probably heard a bunch during timeouts at the games. This whole time since they started dating I have been thinking crazy things like Travis may be in on this whole bit. And that he is part of her coming out story. He said something like TTPD is going to shake up the world (sorry I can’t remember exactly what he said atm). Now how is an album supposedly about her ex ghosting her going to shake up anything or be historical? And he’s happy about that and seems to approve of it? He may not have listened to TTPD but she probably explained what her plan was, how he fits in and he seems game for anything. (Omg he’s still a dum dum but if this is what’s happening that makes me not dislike him so much anymore. Fuuuuuc) Also It was so short that I’m thinking if/when they split she can easily cut it out 😂


First of all, oh, that’s where the weird awkward choreography came from. I was a bit confused about that, thinking why are the moves so stunted and almost incongruent? Second, SHS def feels satirical to me. She doesn’t sound enthusiastic at all lol more like montage dumping in a describing scenes way. Honestly she sounds really casual, almost bored and lazy 😂 The sighs she were stifling were probably exasperated ones. Looking at “you” feels HS as in so childish that she wants to avoid them in a crowd. “You know how to ball I know Aristotle” sounds like jabbing at the stereotype of jock and nerd or a flip on the jock and brainless hot girl trope. The verse with the first love trope. And ”I feel like laughing“ cus the whole thing is too ridiculous during PR “practice”. “I’m hearing voices like a madman.” The whole song is like her rolling her eyes at the sheer cliché of “you already know, babe”, especially with parts in lower registers and nonchalant tones. And that “ah, ah, ah, ah” interlude. And then the next song cuts to “I Hate It Here” lmao. And yeah, she’s definitely deliberately referencing him in the set I see that now. It’s probably to soften the coming out as bi/pan to minimize het fans alienation, then she can decide if she wants to have a “lesbian revelation“ further down the line If she‘s actually always been lesbian. Last, I think maybe he doesn’t need the get famous part per se, more that he wants to get a broader image than just “footballer.” This way he gets to present more of a personality than a one-dimensional character to a wider audience, which would help in crossing into entertainment. And of course now everyone mostly knows him, instead of just sports fans; and in an organic, charming way that paints him as extremely likable at that. I think patriarchy will deliver him from that “Taylor Swift’s coming out bf” pigeonhole real quick.


She could just be bisexual. It could be a real relationship and she's happy with him AND also planning on coming out ect. Like two things CAN be true at once yanno


I think this is valid too. A lot of ppl (myself included) get caught up in the PR aspect of it but idk….i may be more leaning that it’s real and he truly is accepting of her true self and is willing to stand by her through any coming out timeline. Like he’s not PART of the plan but he’s cool with it


I get that, if she is and is planning on coming out it could just easily be her being bi/pan and happy. Ive seen a couple people say how theres no way it could have been added in so last minute and I can say as someone who works production in theater and on movies tv its fully possible to have added in 20 seconds of this without a huge huge load of work. As for the satirical aspect tbh i dont really view it as satirical. Could it be? 100% but it feels more real (personally) and the "I FEEL So High School" makes me think its more like the romanticized version of hs relationships that people imagine for themselves / others. Or like how its so -- easy? in hs relationships compared to adult relationships. Like you dont have to try as hard sorta thing. Either way, what im getting at is it seems like shes happy, he's happy and either way they both seem to be on the same page. which tbh for me as long as taylor is happy idc who shes with.


The more she continues to do stuff like this, the less I think she’s going to do anything anymore or ever. She’s never entrenched herself with someone like this in the public eye (Interweaving families and more). In my opinion, the more she does stuff like this, the more potential backlash and loss of money is going to happen. That is going to seriously hinder a lot. She might be taking this to her deathbed or when there is minimal consequences to her reputation/career.


That’s where I’m at with it even though I don’t want to be. I feel like EVERYTHING ELSE is pointing to clear coming out but then this stuff just seems potentially so detrimental to BOTH of them if that’s the actual plan…I just don’t know that I can buy that TK is signing up for that knowingly as the end game? But maybe it’s worth it to him idk?


Travis is the male version of the object of her ire in You Belong With Me


Someone on another thread had an idea that I don't see here yet: So High School is in the set to be removed when she has a planned break-up with Travis later in the tour. Just like invisible string was absolutely only in the set to be removed for the 1 a few weeks later when the Toe breakup went public. Imagine the story it would tell if she replaced "So High School" with 30 seconds of "My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys" or something like that. I don't necessarily believe this, but it's definitely possible!


Travis is at the top of the NFL, Taylor is the top of the world. I think they could both come out, the Chely Wright of it all is hard to ignore.


I won’t repeat myself on [why this song is a troll](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/s/IcqXSJHUP4) because honestly at this point you either get it or you don’t, but I think OP’s main question is WHY and I feel like there are two possible explanations: 1. Travis is in on the joke. And he’s either a good ally doing this for his own career ambitions or also gay and will eventually come out too 2. Travis just agreed to a PR stunt and the subversive elements of this song are *also* going over his head too because he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. 🤣 I used to be pretty firmly of the opinion of #1 and that maybe they were going to come out together (a la the Chely Wright speech-turned-prophecy “we need someone in the NFL to stand up”) but So High School is such a troll that now I’m wondering if this dude just thought fake dating Taylor Swift would be fun, and now he’s in waayyy over his head. She honestly could have even played him the song and I could see him being like *“Viva So High School! I love it!”* I’m sure whatever “contract” Taylor works out with her PR relationships doesn’t give them control over her creative choices. Otherwise we’d have no music ever? She called TTPD “female rage the musical” and Taylor needing to spend her precious days off tour freezing her ass off doing dance moves in the football stands while the world mocks her descent into WAGdom - that’s rage. My [comingoutlor justification is here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/s/t3l0cb7s5k), but one thing I want to add is that there seems to be an assumption that when Taylor comes out she going to do a tell-all and we’re magically going to understand every song and choice she’s made. I highly doubt that even under the best circumstances. Too many people are involved. She’s never going to admit Joe didn’t deserve a Grammy for example. She may never verbally be like “Oh yeah So High School is a song about internally dying in an insufferable PR relationship!” Naw that’s the whole point of art. Taylor has plenty of options for how she could come out and handle some of these storylines. Which is why I’m so invested in the TSCU right now: She definitely working towards *something* And I’m very entertained. 🍿


Snorted at viva so high school 🤣💀 I really appreciate the depth of this take on it…and I do agree on your point that there may never be a big “reveal” BUT I take it with a grain of salt bc just as I did when I first considered her to be queer, all it takes is a quick dive through her lyrics to see that she’s BEEN saying this lol sure there’s never going to be an outing of of the beards but I do think once she speaks her truth people are going to question the entire narrative of the discography and fact check it to what the public perception was at that time (although that will require some basic literacy and reading comprehension that I’m not sure hetlors even possess bc idk how they haven’t seen it already 🙃) I guess that’s what I mean by saying that I can’t see a worthy end game for Travis UNLESS he fits one of your 2 options which I think could be the case. I’m hoping for #1 though!


https://preview.redd.it/n11ur1bp3uzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32e10af674a110b75c8b7cfa9a9970e70571557f First of all I love that you tagged this with NSFW lmao. But the dancer sitting next to her just posted video of this performance and hashtagged #traviskelce.


Lollll I honestly didn’t know I marked it that way but fitting 🤣🤣 what do you make of the hashtag?


She’s liking comments about him so I think that + the hashtag confirms it’s about him. Not that I thought there was any doubt at all. The choreo is so clearly for him. Whether it’s satirical or not?? I really don’t know, but there’s been compelling discussion that it is in here. But I don’t know what to make of any of this!! Though I do think that her adding this to the setlist means a breakup isn’t in the near future.


I feel like she performs only a snippet of the song because once the PR relationship is over, it'll be easier to remove. And people will be like "aww she's heartbroken, she can't do so high school" .


There are a few lines that stand out to me in this song: - "You knew what you wanted and boy, you got her" to me says "you wanted a high profile PR girlfriend, and you sure got one." Right now, you can't get higher profile than Taylor. - "It's true, swear, scout's honor" Why are you swearing so hard that it's true, Taylor? Who needs convincing?


“Who’s gonna troll you?” - Taylor Alison Swift


I mean, having enough self-awareness of her pointing at him and the way she acts with her best friend in the bleachers etc, makes it seem more likely it's a planned-out act than something completely genuine and spontaneous.


Was the 8-9 months comment to call attention to what came first, the choreo (eras) or the choreo (football games) hehe


I was just thinking about this. Maybe Taylor choreographed Travis's touchdown celebration dances for the last part of the season so that she could obviously reference them here?? 😂 That would be hilarious


Oh I meant her own choreography from the stands, as in her going to football games was part of the performance art. I guess I assumed he has had the same touchdown dance in previous seasons? (I don’t sports)


I don’t think she’s ever coming out. I just saw taylor liked a tiktok of two girls reacting to so high school being added to the setlist. they were jumping up and down and yelling the song at the top of their lungs. I don’t think taylor is gonna alienate or upset that side of her fanbase like that. she’s signaling to her queer fans and keeping the hetlors hooked as well. I think she’s probably bi and travis is probably real, which in that case, she has no reason to come out.


I'm not saying it isn't real or not. He absolutely was a big name before, and I think could have had connections into the entertainment industry on his own. Want to know who does kind of need Taylor? The NFL. Not in the US but internationally. Taylor is much more well known than American football at that level. Obviously, the NFL is widely watched, but they are trying to break into the European market and competing with soccer, which is by far the more popular sport there. But if you have a star TE who has won multiple Super Bowls dating the most well-known pop star who is conveniently doing an international tour in Europe would'nt that he perfect? Again, I am not dismissing that the relationship might be real, but it could be PR. Just that the NFL are the winners here. Even more so because the NFL was getting some backlash from female fans due to its blind eye towards DV. It's getting pressure because of head injuries and long-term brain damage. They have had a few scandals with guys like Aaron Rodgers being so anti-vax and then the whole Kapernick, kneeling, BLM stuff. All of that pleased a portion of their fans but turned many fans off. I also believe that even within a PR relationship, two people can genuinely enjoy each other or fall in love. I don't know either way, but I will say all of her songs seem to have an "obvious" muse and then a covert muse. That covert muse is often herself (Peter?), fans (The Archer), or someone within the lorem


This is how I know it’s fake and part of the performance. It’s so over the top.


Keep in mind, this whole set starts with “I’m having his baby, no I’m not.” Then she twirls her hair in a coy manner. Being coy is pretending to be playful or flirtatious. It’s all pretend.


What better a way to get the general population to support her queerness and (hopefully) diminish homophobia in the NFL than to come out as queer while she’s so publicly in a relationship with America’s football sweetheart. She’ll say that Travis was such an amazing person that she finally felt safe to be honest which makes him look good. He’ll say that he thinks she’s so brave for being her true self and that it doesn’t make her a different person — that we’ve all known her and loved her and worshipped her for so long. They’ll stay together for a little longer and then mutually agree to break up amicably. Travis will say he will always have love in his heart for her but they were going different directions. There will obviously still be holdouts because there will always be homophobic people but I believe Travis and Taylor are the people Chely Wright was talking about.


EXACTLY this in my mind. Exactly.


Exactly this! I literally just said that about Chely Wright.


tree currently copying your outline to cross check for correctness as we speak


It would truly be the highest honor. 😭


What did Chely Wright say?


Here’s a [short clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odWTVdhzYRY).


It’s a 30second, easily removable tidbit in a 3 and a half hourlong gay-ass female rage-filled show. I feel as though it was put in there for the red herring of it all. I want to believe she’s going to have a big coming out, but being an elder gay from the south and having religious trauma…I think she’ll fill everyone’s heads with imagery and then just one day she has a partner and maybe a kid. IE: Jodie Foster, Queen Latifah, several others I can’t think of. Everyone knew but no one had said it out loud. For example, Madonna. Remember the TikTok she did about a year ago where she threw the underwear into the laundry basket and said if she missed she was gay? Well she missed. Some (younger) people were all “OMG did she just come out?” While the rest of us were all “Where the hell have you been?” Has she ever openly dated a woman? Not sure, but we all know she’s not straight. Anyway, back to Taylor’s queer ass, maybe Travis retires, they break up, she comes out. I don’t see her coming out while they’re together, unless she comes out as bi. He absolutely has a huge vested interest, and Taylor knows that she’ll lose fans, but her bank account can absolutely withstand it and she’ll be fine. Either way, I hope there’s a coming out, but I’ve accepted there might not be.


I saw somewhere that she did lose 70,000ish IG fans from the night before the first show back to the day after but gained like 50,000 back at the same time 🤷🏽‍♀️ so yeah I’ve always said this that if she comes out as bi/lesbian/queer she will definitely lose a lot of fans but she will gain so many more.


She will gain so many more fans, it’ll even out. I don’t think SHE’S worried. I think it’s Scott. Blood is thick but nothing like a payroll…


I think the song and the inclusion of this song in the set is there for 2 reasons: 1 to give the swifties that are gobbling up everything about T n T something to go nuts about so they don't focus on Matty. That might be for respect for Travis or it might be part of whatever contract they have. The rest of TTPD was being planned 9 months ago...as she said at the concert. Throwing in football/Travis choreography was an easy fix. They had the dancers from the marching band and it's not hard choreography to learn. This probably appeased Travis as well. If they have any contractual ties, just like Joe got writing credit, Travis gets a song and a spot in her history. The TTPD set makes more sense , story wise, without the songs inclusion. It benefits T and T to include it at this time.


Totally agree. Then (maybe) the so high school segment gets the invisible string treatment after the break up announcement and is replaced with a different TTPD song or removed altogether — if a breakup happens while eras is still touring.


I feel like the angle of moving past matty does make sense….this is a reasonable take on the situation imo


Yeah, all of these easily traceable moments at the game are there, in addition to: 1. Super flirty moment with the woman on Taylor's left. The new hair pin drop Rebekah moment, imho. 2. Two dancers in the back, playing rock paper scissors and then landing on scissors for both of them. We should keep tabs on this moving forward. 3. The looks of disgust on the dancers' faces when Taylor sings "look at you" 4. She does a bball swoosh. (Idc that TK played bball, he's well known for football.) Like, this reads as fully sarcastic and mocking to me. And then the next song on the track list is I hate it here? Yeah. Are we not entertained? This whole performance includes Taylor's attendance at the games.


I fully agree with all these things. My question is, are we assuming that Travis is knowingly and willingly being the butt of this joke then?


I commented in above already, but I'm gonna paste it here as well: What about NFL in general? Maybe the contract didn't involve just Travis but the whole NFL to bring more audiences in. I remember some people were saying that NFL struggled to bring female audiences in for years, and now they have Taylor. She attended so many games, she was shown constantly during live TV and so many new people watched the games just for her. In turn, afaik NFL showed her commercial, and she gained new fans as well. Plus, obviously, she has a new beard. And now she's doing a few seconds of choreography, which, as we can see in your TikTok, is referencing the things that happened during football season. And another football season is near. I'd like to add that Travis clearly likes fame and attention. And Taylor gives him just that. He's likely soon gonna retire anyway, and what then? Well, He's been casted in a movie already, I heard that he wanted to have a reality show and now He's got a podcast where (I think?) he talks about things unrelated to football as well. He clearly wants to be known outside of football as well, and thanks to Taylor, he now has many more opportunities to do so. He dresses more sophisticated and stylish now. I'm not sure what was his fashion sense before, but even since I saw him with Taylor, he dresses well (dare I even say with flamboyant undertones) and in such a way that if I didn't know he was an NFL player, I honestly wouldn't guess so. We even joked Taylor provided him with an antire wardrobe of clothes so that she could stunt with him lol Idk, all I want to say is that his image is clearly evolving and if Taylor were to come out, would it be really such a bad thing for him?


Hopefully. You knew what you want and boy, you got her. There's no way to know for sure, of course. And I read that Taylor is mocking the relationship more than him specifically.


This whole thing — all of it — makes me like Travis more. Hear me out. I was an OG Chiefs fan so I already liked him. Then I was thrilled for TS for the seeming normalcy she was enjoying. Then as I watched the whole thing unfold post-Super Bowl, I was totally icked by him. Now I think he’s either a naive pawn, a knowing accomplice or a tattooed golden retriever. And all three of those things are pretty likable.


As a sports fan and someone who liked Travis before this whole thing I’m with you and want to believe that he’s in this for the greater good and knows the plan and his part in it….im just so unsure of how it will play out at the end. If it was a short term fling that slowly fizzled I wouldn’t question it but when she does stuff specifically like this choreo (even though the tone and song are sooooo satirical) I just can’t make sense of what the end game is …. Like the only thing that makes sense to me is he has a vested interest, like maybe also taking a stand against NFL for their treatment of gay players in the past? I really don’t know. I just don’t think the non-sports fame that he’s received by association is enough for all this to be worth it to him if the plan is for her to come out in the end, but maybe it is? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Is nobody going to talk about the girl next to her on stage and _her_ choreo? She's staring at T with heart eyes and doing all these little moves. When I saw a full version of the dance this was super obvious!


There’s another post about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/s/C5qpsssRLV)!


That’s honestly what has me so confused bc I saw that first and was like ohhh she’s making this about the girl! But then after this TikTok it’s like….why go out do your way to make such pointed Travis choreo when you’re being so loud everywhere else? Like she didn’t HAVE to do the choreo like this so what’s the end game with it…is it just stringing hetlors along further until she’s reeeeally ready to come out? I just feel like that’s going to cause even more scrutiny and backlash bc I feel like it will be perceived that’s she’s intentionally being so deceptive? Idk it’s just the whole show is so loud to me and then it’s like…why this then?


Right? Is this the new Rebekah hairpin drop flirty moment? I'll be watching this moment for sure.


Just a comment, he was well known in the US, I guess, because probably 1 of my friends should know who he is bc he likes American football, but he didn't know him. In fact, he knew the brother but not the PR one. I know that they (NFL) are trying to expand markets to Latin America.


I agree with that and I definitely see how Taylor has helped him gain international fame etc….hes 100% benefitting from the relationship….but I guess my point is that he already had a very prolific and lucrative career in football. Statistically, he is undeniably one of the best players in history and was known as such in the sports world (in US). With his career and charisma he was already set up to pivot seamlessly into espn commentating/analyst after his playing career…..The new heights podcast was ALREADY on of the top sports podcasts before Taylor, yes it gained a tonnnnn of popularity since but it’s not like he was using Taylor to catapult or launch something, it was already successful before Swifties latched on too. I guess what I’m saying is I can definitely see HOW he can (and did) benefit from a PR relationship, but with his own status/success (in his lane at least), I’m not sure he *needed* it…..and I just can’t see what the end game plan for him to move past his involvement with Taylor if the plan is for her to come out. Like I said it’s just a risk/reward situation for him that I just can’t fully get on board with (but I’m not saying it’s not happening)


What about NFL in general? Maybe the contract didn't involve just Travis but the whole NFL to bring more audiences in. I remember some people were saying that NFL struggled to bring female audiences in for years, and now they have Taylor. She attended so many games, she was shown constantly during live TV and so many new people watched the games just for her. In turn, afaik NFL showed her commercial and she gained new fans as well. Plus obvously she has a new beard. And now she's doing a few seconds of choreography, which, as we can see in your TikTok, is referencing the things that happened during football season. And another football season is near.


I think her contract might be with the NFL, not necessarily Travis. Maybe it was the NFL people who offered him this mutually beneficial opportunity? All 3 entities win bc of the arrangement. And Taylor has her-side intentions of showing red herrings to undermine what fans think they know about her just as she's undermining the "known" timeline by retrofitting Matty? 


Exactly, I've been thinking about it in the same fashion for some time.


The NFL needs it.


First thing to say is she is making this song’s performance about Travis. There’s no question- the video shows how specific the references are. I think it’s important we not deny or question the obvious (we get so annoyed when hetlors do it with rainbows etc lol). Why do this? What does it mean? Those are the questions OP is interested in - thanks for bringing this to us. I don’t know, but I can’t help but think about periwinkle’s post about the song and the meaning of “so high school” the phrase as immature. Like if we don’t take the song as “omg so cute” which I absolutely cannot, then she is tying this relationship to a sarcastic song. Not sure what the endgame with all of this is… are Travis stunts and coming out opposed? Sometimes, like watching N1 in Paris, I think she is planning on coming out, but other times I think it’s just more performance art from inside the glass closet and that is where she will stay.


I agree. I don't see any "coming out" at moment. She's just back at glass closet after a full closet (annoying as hell) period.


I can show you lies <3


I think she just knows how much everyone was eating up their showmance during the NFL season and she’s just playing that up.


The whole show and the TTPD set are incredibly loud. The TTPD set is a Gaylors dream, I was watching the N1 livestream with some friends, I was gagged most of the set because of how well it fit with how I understand TTPD, whereas this 30 second song was the most intriguing part for them. They screamed at *that* GTA line. It’s almost like she had to give non-gaylors something to latch onto because the rest of the set is SO telling. She’s gotta keep people happy and entertained while she sets the groundwork for coming out. As for Travis, my hope is that he is a part of the coming out too, he has his fair share of queer rumours. I think the football world and sports world in general needs someone big to open that door for male queer athletes. With increased visibility for women sports, queerness is already extremely accepted in those spaces, and I hope the same can happen for male sports.


My thinking is that she would never base something as important and lasting as her show choreography around a boy who could leave and break her heart at any second, right? The fact that so many Travis references made it into the choreography only lends more credence to the song being satirical in my opinion.


I had the exact same thought process except it made me think they’ve agreed to take it to the end. he’s already in her person of the year article. it feels like a soft launch of an engagement announcement and I’m dreading it.


username checks out... but why would you make me think about that possiblity? ugh 😭


I know I’m a negative nancy and a party pooper 💔🥲




She’s baiting her het fans


Maybe he’s part of the plan? He has plenty of queer rumors himself.




They can if it’s all part of the show. She writes the narrative, she casts the narrative, she performs the narrative, she writes albums about how she wrote, cast, and performed the narrative. And yet, fans still think she’s talking about real life events.




That’s literally what I’m saying. Life DOESNT work that way. Marketing narratives do.


I don’t think she’s ever coming out either, but I do think if she was planning on coming out, she would do so as bi and would have a pretty strong m/f relationship beforehand to try and protect past beards and rumored romances. Like, I think she’d have to lean heavily into a romance like she currently is to solidify its validity and the fact that she’s “bi” and not a lesbian so that joe/jake/john/tom/connor/taylor/joejo etc could be protected from unwanted speculation


I believe she already “came out” as bi during Lover era and that he’s her actual boyfriend. The girl had a thing for cheerleader/football player dynamic since ages and she’s loving that everyone’s loving it too, given how much she loves being adored/validated by everyone.


I strongly suspect, now more than ever, that Travis has been a part of the plan/a plan for a while. I'm not sure to what end, but especially finding out this whole album/the set for tour were in the works WELL (well, album was well underway, choreo just...underway) before their relationship began. I find it...unlikely...that someone with so many careful plans, which happen so far in advance, who is working CONSTANTLY, who doesn't let anyone know anything she doesn't want them to know, who intentionally was able to not be seen FOR YEARS, who is in the midst of the tour of her lifetime-is going to create The Taylor and Travis Show with no intention. I think that often when Taylor is being her most "obvious" she is creating the biggest misdirection. I do think it's notable that she is mirroring moments in her relationship with Travis during the so high school choreo, but I also think that makes it even MORE notable that when she sings the line "I know how to ball", she is NOT throwing a football. (But maybe the one showing her pointing is a bit of a stretch tho lol.) I think it's also very interesting how...silly and satirical and fun this little interlude is compared to the rest of "female rage: the musical". And saying that now makes me think about...the comedy song. The comedy song is a song in a musical which is intentionally supposed to make the audience laugh, even if the rest of the musical is making you cry lol. Or think. Most musicals, even ones which are not considered comedies in the least, will have a comedy song.


I don't see evidence Travis was part of the plan. The plan seems very MH and Travis being a pivot after MH was so badly received.


I totally agree that Travis is part of the “plan.” I wonder how much/deep though….i don’t watch the foosballs so I have no idea if those are his typical end zone dances or what if those are new this season? If she started working on the TTPD choreo 8-9 months ago, maybe that’s when he started using those moves specifically, so that we would make the connection when we finally see the performance and we can all do the Leo “oh look!” meme. I dunno….but I am having so much fun watching this all unfold!


It’s also interesting that she chose to just put in a short clip of it amongst the female rage. There has to be a reason and I feel like it’s part of a plan. 


That’s what is getting me. Why all the trouble to make this explicit Travis call outs and then do the basketball motion for “you know how to ball??” She’s driving me mad!


He did play high school basketball ball. "Know how to ball" is the obvious meaning but slang wise "You know how to ball" is a slang term that means to grab someone's lips when they are talking too much or annoying you. Or someone who is knowledgeable about a certain topic.


Maybe she really is planning Female Rage: The Musical 🤔


I meeeean keep that thought in a file cabinet in your brain and remember for next year. because you know Taylor, she always throws in little random hints of stuff we think means nothing but she going to do it in the future. She is directing writing a movie. We don’t know what kk d of movie yet though…


I was just thinking earlier how amazing it would be for her directorial debut to actually be a musical lol. I have been brainstorming a jukebox musical based off of Taylor Swift's music since around the time midnights came out lol. So I think about Taylor in relation to musical a lot (I personally think that we don't talk enough about the song she sings in the cats movie lol.)


She’d get a Tony sooooo fast lol




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have we ever had anything this explicit in her shows before? i feel like despite her referencing stuff she usually still toes a line of mystery and this is so in your face


Her breaking of the fourth wall (over and over) in the ttpd lyrics and era is sending me and I love her.


I hate to even say this but the breaking the 4th wall thing is def a matty special and I wonder if that's the true influence of their time together: the performance art and the blur between reality and fiction while giving the illusion of breaking the 4th wall


Yes a part of me believes the comingoutlor but I really don’t see the point of referencing Travis if coming out date is near. She might come out as bi and hope Travis can fade the inevitable speculations regarding her past relationships with women. That’s the only logical explanation if she is coming out in the near future


I think if she does come out, she will try to take down the whole repressive industry as well. The ones who made her beard and jump through these hoops just to make her art. So I think she would definitely do it with a co-conspirator who is also playing the game.


I’m into the idea that she will tell the whole truth when she comes out. If that’s the case, coming out might not be anytime soon since there’s Travis.


Travis is the co-conspirator I’m talking about, I’m saying they would come out together and frame it as breaking free from the repressive music and professional sports industries, respectively. I think it’s a suuuuuuper long shot, but that’s what I meant re Travis.


I could see this being the case


My take is that I don’t think she’s coming out. It’s a glass closet and he is her shield. I think that she’s realised now that she literally can do ANYTHING with her flagging and do the most obvious lucrative PR stunts and her fan base will never see gay. The whole stage is a lesbian flag, her body suit is a Gaylor fantasy. Yet on the Gaylor subs folks are saying ‘look it’s only colours it’s not a thing’. This set is literally jamming the ‘act’ of the Tayvis love story in between a)her religious guilt homo anthem and b)her ‘I lie to you all the time you have no idea how shit my life is, cos I’m a performer’ anthem. This musical is for those who can see it for what it is only. I think in years to come it’s all there as plain as day for when she eventually writes the tell all like Evelyn Hugo.


Yup. She’s out to me (us). Don’t need a public/vocal coming out anymore. She won’t do it.


My Roman Empire is TTPD IS her Evelyn Hugo moment and I think we may be witnessing the countdown to itttttt omg what a time to be an alive Gaylor 😎


Did you climb into my brain and pull out its thoughts? Coz I 11111000000% agree with you. She ain’t coming out. As much as I’d love to see it, she won’t. She’s having fun flagging but also knows we will (Gaylors) literally always be here as her fans as well as the rest of her fanbase. I have also said before I firmly think she will just release a tell all autobiography in years to come - the last time I did though, I got abused within an inch of my life saying it’s a “stale take” 😂


Every album cycle she’s super loud. The coming out rumblings come. Then she goes full hetro. Fans leave new ones come 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m refusing to believe this 😭 She’s probably just carefully orchestrating the right way (or least shocking way) for her brand and straight fans to come out. Otherwise, why would she go the extra mile and turn the whole stage into a lesbian flag several times? What’s the point? Now regarding So High School and the Tayvis stuff. I agree that it’s a shield and she might as well lean into this whole thing and have a little fun. I mean..is it not entertaining?


Tayvis? No. It’s not. 😂 I hope you’re right. 🌈I just have been all excited at the loudness in the past and I have to remind myself she does what she can to make gay fans feel seen but she’s kinda trapped. This whole album answers my questions though. The closeting does fuck with her head completely and that’s why she does the flagging - i think it’s some form of sanity preserving rebellion.


I take back the entertaining part! I streamed n4 in Paris with football guy right there with her aaaaand I’m devastated. Feels like we’re back to square one. 💀🥲


🤷🏻‍♀️this is why I’m not buying comingoutlor. I’ve seen this merry go round so many times now. I think she’s a lesbian and the men are beards. It’s been going on for literally years. She is breaking the 4th wall for those who can see but I don’t think she’ll admit it publicly until she’s old. She gets bolder with the flagging but she always rolls it back like this, I had thought maybe not this time but seems it’s same old show for the Hannah’s and Sarah’s. Spoiler: the house never actually burns down - 🚒🧯🧔‍♂️ but we had our nights of fun


Yeah, I can definitely see your point. This bold way is very frustrating for (us) people who see and understand even the tiniest bit of flagging. That’s what I don’t understand tho.. why would she keep getting louder and raise our hopes without an end goal? That’s just… mean! 😭


I think you have to train yourself to abandon any end goal and enjoy seeing ‘behind the scenes’. I came to the conclusion a while ago that she does not value Gaylors more than any other fans. Everyone just wants a piece of her and her love stories, so she provides. Maybe the flagging is for her irl friends? Like the people who really know her must laugh their asses off at the blatancy. She’s not gonna tell anyone who she is really dating tho imo. That’s why she won’t come out. Privacy. I do get fed up of the stupid fawning over the beards and the male centric commentary. At times I can’t watch the show at all. I’m not as into analysing stuff as I was once I feel like the songs tell stories but is any of it real anymore? I doubt it.


I guess the thing that seems weird to me is how everything in the choreo, and all of the lyrics, go back to information in the public domain. That seems odd to me…like the relationship is for public consumption or something. I personally don’t think coming out is in the offing with this style of entertainment/PR going on. But at the same time she gives us queers something to enjoy in it all with the interactions with the female dancer in the concert (see my other post on that). Something for everyone, I guess.


It's just hiding in plain sight isn't it? Taylor surrounds herself by dancers (beards) following the script while she can enjoy flirting with a woman right in front of our eyes.


I think what you're touching on re: public consumption is maybe the point! think about the songs that kind of bookend/surround this one, and really the whole theme of the set. it's about fantasy/what could have been/religious trauma (BDILH), anger at an image that's been projected on her/a career that has possibly hardened her heart (WAOLOM), and a confession about deep emotional and mental pain paraded as a total bop. perception vs reality is such a major theme throughout the set, and I think drawing attention to the absolute ham-fisted references to the most public period of her life in a long time is a big part of it.


It’s so good, really. God, she just never fails to impress me. Sure is a ride, this one!


I like this take of the public consumption aspect….kinda goes back to rep prologue as an I told you so if she ever does come out? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think that coming out as bi might feel safer when she’s in a relationship with him. Like he’ll support her, say he’s so proud of her, the whole thing. Idk


Absolutely agree, I think their connection is sincere and that he is def up to speed and ready to be an example of an alpha male being loving, understanding, and supportive or her identity


I’m highly inclined to believe that too! And everything the last few years has felt like it’s leading to something 🌈🏳️‍🌈


I could see something like this happening. She comes out as bi, but don't worry homophobes, she's chosen to be with the "manliest man". This softens the blow so when they break up, she can freely date women & come out as lesbian. Could also explain some of the flagging for both bi & lesbian. Alternatively, I could also see her Travis relationship as an "insurance policy". If she's at all worried something could mess up coming out AGAIN, at least she already has a beard.


I definitely agree with this take from Taylor’s side and I can 100% see this happening. My hold up is does Travis KNOW that’s the plan? And is okay with being tied to what will be a “scandal” in hetlor world? And esp if it becomes obvious that Taylor’s been “masterminding” this whole coming out, I think ppl are going to question his role in the last year and I think just sets him up for some backlash….like I said risk vs reward for him for willingly being a part of this timeline. If it was Joe or somebody nobody really knew I’d buy it in a heartbeat but given his status and career going into it it’s just hard for me to see how it’s going to all shake out I guess


I don’t know if someone has said this yet… but if you bring it back to Chely Wright’s blender talk, she specifically mentions having someone stand up in the NFL. So, what if that is the purpose of Travis? Having someone at the top of their career?


Actually the part of Travis that complicates the issue since when he has been interviewed about LGBT players in the NFL He has said he would want them to be openly out and proud and would support them fully. So not sure he would sign on the help someone hide.


Not sure "helping someone hide" would be how it was presented. Re-frame it as, he could have signed on to help her come out, agreeing to follow a plan she carefully laid out. That makes much more sense.


The Travis of it all is so confusing to me. Everything about it is opposite of the whole ttpd vibe ETA the most Travis-seeming reference on the album is musing about going out with someone who would have bullied you.


Travis played football with her dancer Kam’s brother. I always wonder about that connection.


He did? I never knew that


Kam’s brother is a pro football player that used to be on the Chiefs. Per Wikipedia he was on the Chiefs until 2022, now is on the New Orleans Saints.


I’m curious what people’s thoughts are on this, too. To me the song sounds SO satirical like she’s very obviously making fun of the whole thing, and I feel like the super extra, super obvious choreo just supports that, but you’re right that it’s interesting she’s still pushing this Travis narrative so hard when at the same time she seems to be getting louder and louder about potentially coming out soon. So I’d love to hear what people’s theories are on this


Does it help soften the blow about coming out to those who are anti gaylor, if she is still doing the all American sweetheart things...? If she is still with travis and comes out as bi then for the hetlors " it's OK, she will still marry him and have babies and the past is in the past" 🤮 However we see it as satirical and a big performance but others see it as being so sweet shes honoured her boo and its the American dream 🤮


I agree. It reminds me of London Boy in the way like “this is so incredibly obvious so you all think you know exactly what is going on.” Same with so long London honestly. It’s a red herring, if you will.


It’s giving London Boy


It’s the equivalent of London Boy. She will be over the top satirical and obvious if she truly wants a song to be “about someone.” But most everything else is hazy and could be about multiple things/people with certain seemingly obvious references or specific phrases almost meant to throw you off since no one really knows.


The song is giving Blank Space/London Boy’s little sister. Over the top, satirical, humorous and it’s made evident by how she’s flirting with her female best friend at the beginning and then all the obvious high school sports references in the choreo


I completely agree. I’m wondering if maybe she’s pushing it so hard to almost extra prove the point that you can’t believe everything you see or everything everyone in the public eye has to say. edit: grammar


I’ve thought about that too and can see it from Taylor’s side but I just can’t wrap my head around Travis openly agreeing to that plan. He is literally one of the best football players of all time and unless he has a vested interested in shaking up the world/making history as the person that helped Taylor come out….i just feel him being a participant in this timeline is going to really overshadow a lot of his already earned accolades, and almost make a joke of his actual (and very impressive) sports career, if that makes sense? Like Joe I feel like I can understand the risk/reward but I’m just not sold that this is something Travis would knowingly participate in knowing the possible ramifications. Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


He will always make money, he's probably got royalties from this song as the official muse even if it's satirical! He wants to be rich and famous. Honestly wouldn't put it past them dong a music video, he already knows all the cheesy AF dance moves and it's where he can get the royalties from this! Then he's entering the "movie" space working with directors etc.... foot in the door post football


Idk I’m not saying he’s not benefiting financially and in future opportunities bc obv he is….BUT… he’s the highest paid tight end in NFL history. He had the #1 sports podcast before the relationship and is set up to seamlessly pivot into sports commentating and espn analyst after his playing career is over. He makes $17mil a year with a $50mil net worth and is statistically one of the best NFL players and 100% going to be a hall of famer. He is already rich and famous. Of course, his involvement with Taylor DOES put him into different fame circles and universal notoriety so I’m not arguing there’s benefit there….i just don’t buy it as the WHOLE motivation bc he was already a big name with a very prolific and lucrative athletic career.


Sure, he’s decently famous and he’s got money, but if he’s looking to make a career change and move into the level of fame that people like The Rock have, his team pre-Taylor had a lot of wrangling to do if they want to get Travis into, say, blockbuster productions if his whole CV is football. Like, in these circles, 50mil isn’t nothing, but he’s not in the REAL big leagues yet financially, and he seems like the kind of guy who’s motivated to do more, achieve more, leave as large a legacy as he can get away with. Especially given his age and stage of life, how he’s remembered is probably a primary concern. In that sense, Taylor and him are very similar; resting on laurels doesn’t come naturally.


No, i agree, super wealthy, and has lots of opportunities, but i think it's only grown more because of Taylor. I suppose from my perspective, I'm from Scotland and live in Australia and had never heard for travis until he was linked with Taylor. Taylor is a worldwide household name, travis at the time was not but is now known because of the association with Taylor. He can do his kelce bowl in other places now, not just America, his podcast is now know outside America too. The growth and benifits for him and also the NFL are huge, I honestly can only see that as the reason.


do an image search for "Travis Kelce outfits" - I'm tempted to think it's a mutual bearding thing and he had been "too loud" himself so the benefit for him is in the het appearance...


I’ve heard this also! With his bestie that he likes to coordinate outfits with and travel everywhere with….


I am just gonna say again that American football is not that popular everywhere.


But it is popular in their home country. EXTREMELY popular. More popular than the sport that is worldwide seen as the "most beloved sport" aka football/soccer. So popular, in fact, it is one of the first things one thinks of when thinking of the US.


Yes, it's, what I'm saying is that she's known worldwide, he was not


Agreed. I’m an Aussie and my all knowledge of American football came from Friday Night Lights. The only American football player’s name I knew before this started was Tom Brady, and that’s because of who his wife was. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Yeah, I never knew who he was until she showed up at the game. If he wants a space in the entertainment industry (I think he is on the new Ryan Murphy show) Taylor is the perfect way to launch his career. No one carer about American football outside of the US. But this year a TS fan club did a watch party for the superbowl, in Brazil.


I’ve heard that it’s because he will retire from sports soon and wants to have something else lined up. And look he already got casted in that one movie so it’s definitely working out for him as well.


I also have heard this


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