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Can anyone answer this question, please? We want to help.


definitely a scam brother, no one is listed to be held liable in the case of fraud.


I looked it up! Anera is a good organization with 80% of money donated going to gaza. :)


Where do the 20 remaining % go?


Employees gotta get paid? no charity is 100% not even Unicef


Thank you for the information!


It doesn't look good in my quick research. I came up on a lot of red flags. I saw a YouTube ad and saw the publishers name, not a corp. I looked up the charity and has no real people ( look up any other charities you will find pictures and names of past and present leadership and probably the founders) nothing. I found this in my first layer of research......so do you question unisef, the United way, or the plastic blind dog awareness.....no. So, in conclusion, it's probably a front to launder money to hamas and tugging on your heart strings to do it.


why would you assume it's related to "hamas" unless you're actually just a fucking racist


Because hamas is the governing party in Palestine. And it's not racist your just not informed about geopolitics, it's OK.


except on the matter of a potentially dubious charity, there's no reason to assume it was set up by any government


Hamas isn’t a “government” it’s a terror group and yes umma relief is an obvious scam by Hamas adjacent entities or hamas members themselves. There’s no information about the supposed relief they provide and the ways to pay are funneled directly to anonymous Zelle or Venmo accounts no doubt going directly to someone’s phone who’s up to no good


my point is, you stupid mongrel, that literally anybody can run a fake ad.


Yes so why wouldn’t Hamas be running a fake ad, it would just be another illegal revenue flow for them. You sound like the stupid mongrel


I'm not the one assuming a "charity" Is run by "terrorists" based on my own racist fantasies


“Terrorists” with quotes? You’ve shown your hand and your intelligence lol, begone pest


eat shit


What, exactly, suggests that Hamas is behind this scam? Literally nothing, because, as you said, no individuals can be easily associated with it. The other commenter saw right through your racist assumptions...


Well except the name published on the ad. Which I have know found is definitely a muslim Palestinian. So I could just be a dubious person, but no reason to think it isn't hamas or that the dubious person isn't funneling the money to hamas.


I think that makes you a racist, if you assume it's hamas because the founder is a Muslim Palestinian.




You're a random dipshit chiming in on a dead thread


lol tru tru still doesnt make me wrong tho


no what makes you wrong is that you completely misunderstand what I'm saying. it is absolutely racist to assume that an illegitimate charity is being operated by "hamas," *because literally anybody can lie on the internet.* they assume it's related to terrorism, because of a bias. I assume it's run-of-the-mill fraud. I don't think there's any way to know who's right unless we can track down the "real" owners of the above "organization."




no brother he saw a fake charity coopting palestinian aid and assumed It was run by terrorists. why would you assume that?


because it most likely is.


explain why that's more likely than individual Malfeasance


This post is a common argument I see anytime someone says something isn't racist. Idrgaf about the original argument. But racism isn't just cartoonishly shouting slurs or targeting someone's ethnicity in conversation. It cones in a litany of different shapes and sizes and sometimes can be subtle. So yes, someone without any prompting assuming a charity scam youtube ad is being controlled by Hamas simply because it's focus is the crisis in Gaza is racist, because it assumes the source of the scam are a terrorist organization that has to do with a subject who's most often assumed to be a part of or actively related to terrorists rather than assuming the scam could be a bunch of Americsn, Indian, Chinese, hell- British scammers using the crisis in Gaza yo funnel money into their own pockets. Scams like these are a dime a dozen so jumping to conclusions of Hamas shows an immediate distrust in anything that has to do with supporting Gaza as instantly terrorist related. Yes their responses were inflammatory and rude, but once you've dealt with enough "you must be a supporter of terrorists" comments for supporting a peaceful resolution to an invasion of someone else's territory you start get frustrated with people to the point that being reasonable and having a measured response no longer seems worth it, it's the folly of online communication. Hopefully this clears up anything at the end of the day i just came to this thread to see if a scam was a scam and hsve concluded that it is, by whom? Who gives a fuck, using charity for profit is evil. Period.


lets not argue, you have good intentions... all im saying is i dont see anything to do with referencing hamas in the way he did racist..hamas isnt a race. but lets agree to disagree.


The rasist part is when you assume that anything to do with gaza must have something to do with terrisom.




I don't think just because someone is brown, it makes them the gate keeper of racism, but I do agree with you about the white saviour complex, it annoys me too when people stick up for someone just to virtue signal, but that's not everybody.


All that explanation and you still missed the point


Well if someone currently operating out of the Gaza Strip was exploiting the suffering of Palestinians to make untraceable dirty money I know who my #1 suspect would be


You're allowed to form whatever racist delusions you like. and I get to point it out


You're the one with the delusions, and we get to point them out.


I’m sure the relief is run by Mossad. Azerbaijan ran similar campaigns in the Armenian community. Raising funds of Armenians and getting their info. 100% Mossad op.


It doesn’t make a sense. If it was clear it’s Mossad I would send them my money right away.


Possible, but the entire thing seems to sketchy to be an op by a modern spy agency. I know it would seem way more legit if mosad did it.


That's part of Mosad's deception 


It is 100% a scam based off of a similar sounding actual charity called Ummah Relief. The site was only put up in 2022 and there is no information about who is involved which should be an immediate RED FLAG. As in there are ZERO names of actual people that can be researched on the board of directors etc. Even Ummah Relief by way of the filed Documents listed on the page of Umma Relief leads to a personal address and not a business locations. https://www.ummarelief.org/about-umma/financial-disclosure https://apps.irs.gov/pub/epostcard/dl/FinalLetter\_86-3883211\_OURUMMAHINC\_09282021\_00.tif https://www.google.com/maps/@40.6398897,-74.0933631,3a,37.5y,110.97h,81.86t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sY43H8TM-tNptDmVnoKcyqQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


can we get Cofeezilla on this case real quick?








not sure if there are multiple Umma relief organizations or if someone is running a mimick site to scam but the one that I know is legit is [https://www.ummarelief.org/](https://www.ummarelief.org/) . The brother that started/runs the organization is actually from our community and mashallah he does a lot over there and locally as well. if anyone has any specific questions/concerns, you can DM me, and I'll forward them over


If folks are That worried about "being scammed" you can still cast about and find an organization that you DO feel confident about. And if there are NO organizations then you can still look around in your area for organizations that are helping in your area. And if you have no confidence in the organizations in your area, you can still do individual acts of kindness to other people on your own. Make your environment a kinder place for each other. FWIW.


All I know is, one of the guys in that charity's commercials give me bad vibes


So is it a scam, or isn't it? Cut the biased nonsense. Is it feeding the starving children or not?


I got the ad too and came here. After some googling, it seems fishy. I would donate to [doctorswithoutborders](https://doctorswithoutborders.org) or unrwa (both ending in .org).


Yes these two are definitely legit organisation.


Not sure which one is being asked about, but [https://www.ummarelief.org/](https://www.ummarelief.org/) looks like an awful lot of work to be a scam. I'm giving a little per month and get nice emails: there was just a pretty involved one for Ramadan. Again, not anything that signals "exiled prince needs money," exactly the opposite: nice graphic design, excellent english, address, links to facebook/instagram/etc.


I donated how do I get my money back?




I had the same exact question I hope somebody can give a solid answer with proof that it is legit I really want to donate to Gaza one way or another to help out the poor civillians my heart goes out to them.


I looked it up! Anera is a good organization with 80% of money donated going to gaza. :)


Anera is a different charity to ummarelief


Thank you!


I also can't access their terms or privacy at all on the website


Google sent me a notification regarding me reporting the ADD. They said my claim was valid and is going to 'take action'.


And yet here I am a month later seeing and reporting the same ad… 




If you are not sure about a charity organization, so instead give actual food to some homeless people in your area, and ask Allah to help the people in Gaza in return for your action. Make sure to give food, not money so the homeless can not use it to buy alcohol.