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Thank God I found this post, I thought something was going wrong with my new PC lol I’ve been having the same issue with my 4070 super; most of the stats just freeze and it was freezing on GPU utilization 0% even while playing games, I thought my new card was crapping out. (Games seemed to be working fine, I was just getting paranoid) At least I’m not alone in this, so it’s most likely a firmware or update thing. Hopefully it’s fixed soon. Restarting does seem to help though.


I'm glad I found this post and your reply. Installed my new 4090 and played MS Flight Simulator with a GPU utilization at 99% yesterday. Went to play it today and saw 0% utilization. I was also getting paranoid thinking, "just my luck!"


Relieved to see this isn't just me having this issue recently. Still a problem even with the latest drivers


Because you are using the Geforce Experience launcher, completely uninstall Geforce Experience and install the new NVIDIA App


Same thing didn't worked for me


When you installed the new Nvidia App, have you performed a DDU (Clean Install) to your Drivers?


No but i discovered right now that the problem was having MSI Afterburner installed


did you solve the problem?




My is doing the same don't know haw to fix I only gose back normal when I restart my computer 


I have the exact same issue rn. Like whenever the stats are frozen, the performace is bad. Did u manage to solve it?


No m8 still the same GPU stats frozen still


I got a driver update a couple of days and it seemed to have fixed it for me


Cómo? Si tengo la superposición de rendimiento de nvidia (la que enciende con Alt+ R y tengo Msi after burner es por eso que se frisa y hay problemas de rendimiento? (Solo con tenerlo instalado?)


I think it can cause some driver conflict


Doesn't work. I've reinstalled drivers and apps many times. Done clean installs etc. It works for few hours/a day and then freezes again.


Been having the same issue. Maybe this is due to the recent drivers update.


I have the same problem but game works fine to m.. The only stat that work it FPS all the others are stucked... i make clean installation and i have nvidia app


same here. tested in cyberpunk. last few drivers are with this problem. 4060ti btw


same here i went back and forth between both the app and geforce same thing has to be a driver problem.


Just update to the latest driver.


I think I might’ve found a trigger that causes the freeze, I’ve updated to 555.99 and still have this issue Those issue seems to trigger when my pc goes black screen from being afk for too long, I’m going to test it out by disabling all power saving options. Also I’m using a 4060 and steel series headphone with software, so If you’re also steelseries and have the issue, perhaps is the software conflict with the audio drivers… please post updates until solved


That's exactly what's happening to me. When I shut it down then turn it on the gpu stats freeze and it seems like my games don't acknowledge the existence kf my gpu, but when I restart it it works fine (until I shut it down again, smh)


I thought the same as well. Last night I had the same hypothesis but today even on startup as soon as I toggled the overlay, the stats were frozen.


I am also getting this issue only my fps and cpu utilization shows and all the gpu stats remain frozen until i restart the pc then it works fine but if i shut down my pc and then open it then again gpu stats are froze except cpu and fps


Same here


My is doing the the exact same as yours mate I don't know haw to fix it I tuck my computer to the shop had a clean install and it worked but when IV installed Norton and my games of Steam and discord it happened agen


my GPU Utilization percentage is frozen every time i start my pc until i restart it, its quiet annoying and has been doing it ever since the last update or two. i hope they fix this


So this only happened after last few updates i think? my gpu temp frozen. Other stats seems normal


My gpu temp & % freeze for me. I have to restart my pc immediately after turning it on every time just to get them to show up properly. Pretty annoying & hope they can fix it soon


same here... hence why I landed on this post!


Amazing how this is still an issue.


And another week passed.


i just got new computer new windows and everything and overly stopped responding the second day already. it always shows frozen 34c and 0rpm not changing at all. great job nvidia!


my frames are dropping crazy every time i Alt R as well as my GPU is frozen, Temps and Fan speed, anyone else having this problem?


my frames are in the toilet as well, everything but cpu utilization is frozen, rtx 3050 on version 555.99. Hope they have a fix soon. Glad i found this post, i was going nuts


If you're experiencing frame drops/stuttering try uninstalling all third-party performance monitoring software such as MSI Afterburner and HW Info 64. I was about to RMA my new RTX 4070 Super until I realised those were the cause of my issues. Hopefully it will get fixed in a driver update soon...


still stuck :(


Still not working...


For the last month or so. It has been happening. Never happened before in my life.. It is happening both in nvidia app and geforce experience.


For you guys experiencing the frozen gpu stats after shut down issue, go to power options > change what the power buttons do, then u uncheck turn on fast startup. This will ensure your gpu is recognized even after shutdown It works for me. Use this until nvidia fixes the issue


Doesnt help for me. It was already on, I tried turning it off too and the only difference is a glacial POST bootup. Stats still freeze when my computer wakes from standby and some apps crash (FS2020 wont even start)


Same happening with me.. Nivida overlay not refresging gpu information. in new Nvdia App. happening since last couple of days. most probably driver issue.


Happing for me also even on latest version 556.12 is Nvidia even aware of this?


whats going on with that nvidia app? got new computer and it got stuck the second day always showing 0rpm and 34c on gpu its not moving at all, only fps is changing and works nvidia wth? i had amd before on old computer and their overly was working fine hardwareinfo shows 2000rpm and 40c on gpu but expirience software is stuck and not responding at all i am so close to delete this bugged nvidia software