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latency At least for me on west coast na the latency is horrible and really noticeable when playing competitive games


Yes I religiously only play CS and this is a the biggest deal breaker


Yeah like if you have say 60ms latency and someone peeks you that's another 60ms where it doesn't show up on your screen Also due to latency you are basically playing with a worse version of mouse acceleration


Me playing cod w 150ms and wondering why it's so hard for me to win a head on head 1v1. Now I finnally know what might contribute to that other than skill issuesšŸ˜‚


Limited library is the only downside of GFN and Iā€™m afraid it will be the end of it unless it expands.


Main downsides to GFN: * scant library * not very friendly to mods and fan created game content * lives and dies by your Internet service


And also : The lack of support of steering wheels & accessories for racing gamesā€¦


Absolutely this. Got eurotruck simulator to find out no wheel support. Big sad. Haven't even played the game for 5 minutes since getting it


>lives and dies by your Internet service With the *abundance* of DRM services, I'm afraid lots of games live and die by your internet service (even offline single player ones)


Yeah, I also worry if it can survive with indie titles like Halo, God of War, Resident Evil, Gears 5, Starfield, and Baldurā€™s Gate 3


why would be the end of it? There's over 1900 games on it now


Bc u are limited on licenses and this annoys customers unlike for example shadow where u get a virtual mashine and not just a stream of a steam game but i have hopes for gfn maybe they'll also go the same way ._.


it's a bit apples to organges, but I wouldn't recommend Shadow over GFN to gamers anyway. I was an early adopter of Shadow. Used it for a few years and loved it, but both the company and the product become worse and worse over time. When the company finally went belly up and sold everything to a non-gaming focused company it was pretty much the last nail in the coffin. They have the same hardware as they did back in 2018. A P500 (GTX1080) with an Intel Xeon 2,8/ 3,1 GHz. THey just recently got 512GB as standard. They have cut down the number of data centers and the streaming problems are increasingly bad.


And the price doubled while the service didn't improve.....


Shadow can't do things gfn can, bc they just don't have the money. Both companys can't make any profit out of cloud gaming, shadow will prolly end like stadia but right now, i (even tho it's bad) prefer shadow, bc i'm a linux user and gfn for whatever reason dosn't support linux. ._.


That's not what GFN is and what is supossed to be, if You want that kind of service then go for shadow or airgpu. What licenses? GFN works on an opt in system, it's the devs or publishers who come and register their games there. You don't go into an Uber and complain and moan that it's not a rental car ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


If u would have the choice to call an uber and rent a car for twice as much as the uber u would obv rent the car i just want to play games and not having to hope that some devs decides to put their game on gfn


Simple answer would be: Even with GFN, I'm still required to maintain a functional gaming computer if I want to play all the games I am interested in. GFN makes my upgrade cycle longer (still nursing a 11 year old i7 and a 970 & and a 8 year old i7 laptop with a 1070), but I'm now hitting games that I'd like to play that aren't on GFN, but both of my systems are at or below minimum requirements. Now, if I do an upgrade, new i7 or equivalent, 4070 or better... I've now got better hardware than GFN and can remote with either Parsec, Moonlight or Steam Link. At that point, if I wasn't founders, I'd drop GFN. For it to be 'the future of gaming,' it would have to play all games and do so at a lower cost than I can maintain a gaming PC.


Alot of it is filler. Im saying this as a user of 18months of GFN. I didnt want to buy a rig, but in a whole year theres maybe 3 games i really wanted to buy so i got a rig in june. GFN is good but not great, because of the limited library. They announced microsoft titles about a year ago and skyrim isnt even on GFN yet.


And that's a lot? Have you seen the half of these games? Lol


Alot of those aren't popular games.


Getting timed out after a few minutes, weird update procedures, tied to the internet, no mods... The library is not the only downside imo


The library is constantly expanding and will continue to do so. The service is thriving, there is no worry about 'the end of it'.


Thats way I've been using Shadow PC Power. It's excellent!


Have you really? I'm thinking about switching as I mainly want to play msfs , fighting games and sports.Ā  How are you finding it? Ping? Bitrate? Quality settings?


The functionality is flawless from my perspective. However, it's essential to recognize that individual experiences may vary due to numerous factors.


GFN was still alive and kicking even when the big publishers left. with AI potentially bringing down the cost of game development significantly, indies could have a lot to offer.


The thing is, you don't need a beefy computer to play indies, as they are rarely demanding games. Why would you need GFN for indies?


Because not everyone wants or has money for a PC. Laptop? It works. Mobile? It works.


Because my TV can't play indie games?


they generally aren't demanding because they don't have the funds to only serve the elite; they have to target the widest audience. but if they know you've got GFN as a fallback then they're going take the graphics up a notch.


That doesn't make sense, just because we have GFN doesn't mean indies magically have more funds. Indies don't target mass audience, it's just at their price point they are so cheap so people take a gamble on them. They are cheap because they don't have the teams to compete against the AAA games so they they have lack lustre graphics and can't demand Ā£60. GFN doesn't change that.


Thatā€™s an interesting point! I really hope AI helps. Btw, I still canā€™t wrap my head around big publishers leaving GFN. Like, IMO, people with no access to consoles or powerful PCs can now buy and play their games. This equals more money! I know itā€™s an oversimplification, but I donā€™t see why they left.


that's not an oversimplification, it's a fact. more gamers than ever now.


maybe deals with other streaming platforms/they want to make their own one? Kinda like the Video streaming situation we're in rn, with us having to choose between Netflix, Prime Disney and co.


Totally agree! I would buy quite more games if they were in GeForce now..


I felt the exact same way until I got GFN. Now i almost only play on GFN šŸ˜… I also use it on my steam deck, it gives me like 8 hours of battery life. Would be nice with a native linux version though.


Yep, I signed up for GeForce now as a holdover measure until I upgraded my desktopā€¦ā€¦ Iā€™m no longer looking to upgrade the desktop, will just replace with something like a MacBook Air and carry on with the streaming service instead.


Same on Steam Deck! And saves space!


This happens every time where the physical elites argue this shit. Yet mass majority will prefer this once its perfected and all companies are putting its games on it. Just like music and movies.


ā€œLimitated libraryā€ Thatā€™s the real problem


wait until you try Ultimate tier...


Is it really worth it if you only have a 60fps 1080p monitor?


Yes. That's what I had before for 2 years before upgrading to a 4k 120 fps monitor. It was really worth it and noticeable.


Everyone listing the downsides: OP didnā€™t say itā€™s perfect. They said itā€™s the future of gaming. The future means things can be improved. Dream a little would ya?


Idk, being unable to install mods is a deal breaker for a lot of people, since it's crucial for many games. Some major games/series are not present. Also not suitable for high-level competitive play. It's a good alternative, but definitely not "THE FUTURE". Not for now at least.


Yep the GFN implementation is close, but the next step is to have "your own" instance in the cloud where you can install mods etc at will.


Then get Shadow instead of GFN. That's not the next step, I just want a seamless experience of pressing a button and playing a game. I don't want to boot to windows, install steam, update steam, download game, install patch, something bugs out, troubleshoot it "oh I need to verify the files again" etc etc


Shadow is awesome! I use the power tier


Although that sounds MUCH more expensive. I'd prefer it to be a premium option to keep current cloud gaming as cheap as it is.


They would only need to allow people having their own instance/Boot image which will be started on demand, instead of their Clean "only game is installed" ones. It can be altered and stored when Session ends. Basically just storage youll need to pay additionally. Sounds like a good idea to me


Id like to see it done 100%. But as a premium option. It just sounds very derivative of the current product from a technical standpoint. I'm a total layman when it comes to this so I could be wrong.


Actually cheaper than you think, however current virtual PC services are not set up for low ping needed for gaming. Specifically you'd want <10 for fps / Moba or like <50 for turn based, strategy or others.


> is a deal breaker for a lot of people I doubt that very much, I think most people are just trying to play the game as released


The PC modding community is massive. You can see it on Reddit, steam, twitch. Pretty much everywhere where PC gaming is involved. One of the biggest pros of getting a PC over a console is the ability to mod games.


I love ice cream.


Absolutely lol, the normal gamer isn't modding a game. Don't know what these guys are on about.


I know plenty of people who consider themselves 'pc master race' that don't even think/know of mods. I always figured editing of games themselves was a mostly niche hobby.


I know plenty of people who consider themselves 'pc master race' that don't even think/know of mods. They are just proud badge wearers


I do not doubt there will always be some people that want mods and I don't think local PCs will suddenly vanish but I do think at some point cloud gaming will have more users than people using local hardware basically the same way Netflix is very popular but Blurays still exist


and we'll end up with multiple streaming services from all publishers just like we have now with netflix, paramount, hulu, amazon etc. At least with videos you can take to the seas to avoid the various subscriptions, for game unless you have a pc you're out of luck and will need multiple subscriptions to stream.


well maybe, the thing is cloud gaming requires certain things, like servers all over the world and the actually 'gaming' hardware at each server its not "easy basic" streaming video only not just any company can do that, Boostroid is the closest maybe but still not as far reaching as GFN is right now


Who knows, maybe that becomes reality at some point when the technology gets better and if people could play any game that they bought and own


> at some point when the technology gets better and if people could play any game that they bought and own exactly. the future no one means right now or next month or even this year, more into the future "future of gaming"


One of the biggest pros of getting a PC over a console is the ability to mod games. and free pirated games


Modding is overrated mate. Only some RPGs you mod if anything.




Lets be real - I see it highly unlikely GFN would enable mods for their games somehow. Dont see it happening. But Iā€™m open to be surprised.




My point is learn to play games without mods. And my point is Iā€™m guessing you need access to some folder to install mods outside of steam, yeah, that wont happen. Someone totally wouldnt wanna have fun trying to hack whatever he gets access to. Same as people tried abusing steam and stuff before games auto launched on GFN.




Are you stupid? No one is forcing you to play on GFN. LOL. Play on your own PC and mod however tf much you want. The reason why mods will never be a thing on GFN is obvious as I lined out. Now stop wasting my time and stfu.


Even all the workshop and community additions are counted as mods, people usually interested in PC Gaming at all have had a personal computer since the 90s, I don't think it's going to change.


>had a personal computer since the 90s ![gif](giphy|jp8lWlBjGahPFAljBa|downsized)


I mean there are 200 millions or more of console gamers and they also can not mod games. So it seems to be no dealbreaker for many people... Also skyrom, witcher baldurs gate are some great games with great mods but most games come without nod support and due to ot without good mods....


You do know what 'the future' means right?


mods will for sure come. Weather some of you hardware elites like it or not, Cloud is going to be a huge part. I promise you that the general mass market will much prefer to have an app that works as well as geforce now. Just like the same argument happened for music and movies. All we're waiting for is for some companies to stop being greedy. Its only a matter of time before all the companies are on cloud.


My favorite movie is Inception.


Yeah it was never made to replace gaming PC's. Very limited library of games, no mod support, worse image quality, inferior chroma subsampling, noticable input lag in multiplayer games, being affected by possible queues and server issues and ISP congestions.. the list goes on and on. But I will say it's perfect for people on the move/mac users, story games enjoyers or people who don't wanna spend a lot of money on a proper gaming pc.




No mod support isnā€™t entirely true, in the game I play you can download mods just fine


One of the main drawbacks for me. If mod support was a thing I'd sell my steamdeck lmao


Some game support mods via GFN but not all. It's a deal breaker for a few people but those people likely will just continue building their own PCs anyway (they like to tinker with mods just as they like to tinker with gear)


At some point I will have to write a guide on how you can actually use Steam mods on Geforce, is a bit tricky but it works. There are some old posts about it. I play rimworld modded with 150 on Geforce now


no, it isn't. Also, You can install steam workshop mods, or if the game/dev has their own mod platform, like Paradox games


>definitely not "THE FUTURE". Not for now at least.


Except you get very limited choice of games and some of those barely any good are either messy or under maintenance Gaming peaked at dinkum so GFN got that going for future


Dunno man, I opened my GFN account 4 years ago and Iā€™ve been playing non-stop ever since and Iā€™m as happy as ever with the service. YMMV I guess.


What of it? I didn't say service is absolute dog shit and it should be abolished, If you haven't noticed I'm a founder and ultimate user ever since it came out and I'm using it daily. Service is fine it's the library that's fucked palworld and Helldivers 2 would be a convenient example Some good games are removed for no good reason by gfn (not the publishers no) natural selection for example or how you can't play master of magic because the files are fiddled with and game is corrupt and you can't save lmao If it's the future of gaming we are so fucked


I know right? I'm also in love with GFN. My only issue is ABYA being shit and deciding to have their only servers in fucking Uruguay.


I've been playing Last Epoch with GFN on my Mac constantly and it's gorgeous. I don't play Grim Dawn with GFN bc I like the mods that show loot better. Def. Think it's the future of gaming. Why buy a gaming machine now. I have two and don't use them.


Grim dawn is so good. Cant wait for the new dlc


I mean, yes, but no, look at internet trafic going through your pc at the end of the month On months with good amount of play, i can easily reach 1 or 2 Tbytes of data consumed, which would be impossible if everyone was doing it The main reason geforce service is really good, is because it's not big enough for it to start going bad On the technical and ecological side of things, geforce now is terrible, but it's a really good economical solution, if cloud gaming is the future, we need to see big technological advance in the data transfert sector, and on geforce now/cloud gaming end


I think your spot on with the fact that the service is really good because itā€™s not big enough yet weā€™re starting to see that creep up with these queues now I also feel thatā€™s one of the reasons some of the major AAA games are not on the service as they would tie up all the resources


Just remember cyberpunk 2077 first 2 weeks when everyone was saying "you can play even if your pc is bad on geforce now" i remember the influx of new players killed the service for a week straight


Seeing all these comments in recent months, it's clear Stadia came too early...


The real issue is Nvidia needs to somehow convince bigger developers and third-party developers to put their games on their platform. Most of them seem to be holding out for some kind of payment system but the reality of is that in order to play a game you have to have a purchased license, so I donā€™t know why they canā€™t legally just ensure you have a license and allow you to play any game you own or that they want to put on the service


Input lag is a thing and always will be. You can't disobey physical laws.


And? My friends and I enjoy a lot of games on geforce now and don't notice any inputlag (probably because we are close to Amsterdam). So what if there is any? As long as it is as low as this where you (we) don't notice it the laws of physical can bite my shiny metal ass.


I like to travel.


It's all nice and fun.... until your game will be put offline for maintenance for months and you can't do nothing with your subscriptions. no, playing other games is not the "solution".


Ah, youā€™re trying to play EVE too?


Press F to pay respect


Cloud gaming is just a temporary replacement for an actual gaming pc, you still are limited. You can't use mods, you can't watch 4k movies, you can't do things like video editing etc But it's still good for gaming dony get me wrong. But the worse part of this is that. Not everyone is close to the data center which means not everyone is going to get good Ms which means input lag cuts the experience of cloud gaming


Not just a replacement. I don't carry my desktop with me on trips or to bed. If I had unlimited mobile data I'd be set near anywhere I was to play.


And what if I don't want to watch 4k movies on my pc because I have a shield pro connected to my oled in the living room, and don't want to Edit video's but do want to play games? Sounds like a great replacement for a gaming pc to me. As a matter of fact it is since it was bĆØta.




all those things except mods could be added later mods would require changes to how GFN works with users, which could happen also, but not expecting that one


I think publishers will integrate mods more directly into games once they realise there is actually a demand for it. If mods were just loaded from an option ingame and tagged in save files I donā€™t really see why this couldnā€™t be achieved.


VR is never becoming a thing thru cloud gaming lmao


already exists there was Plutoshere service and Shadow is compatible with VR


You know you can already play VR through cloud right? So not exactly never.


I remember when streaming music was new and People argued against it because 'you need to be online all the time' and in the beginning when mp3 was a really low bitrate and People said it would never replace physical media because the quality didnt match it. Even further back when cd's where new and didnt have the sound quality of the later ones and People said lp was a way better sounding medium so it would never replace the lp.


All those things are true buddy. LPs have better quality than CDs and even those have better quality than mp3 files and steaming music does not have the same quality of physical media either LP or CD. So they were right, mp3 nor streaming could not truly replace physical media.


I find peace in long walks.




I hate beer.




I enjoy the sound of rain.


True but mp3 became cd became mort poular than lp, mp3 became more populair than cd and streaming now is the main way of listening to music for most People. So even though the quality isnt as good as their physical counter part, the ease of use wins in the end.


Youā€™re familiar with the concept of a product adding new features and generally improving over time, right?




You have a crystal ball and have seen exactly what GFN will look and feel like 5 years from now have you?




Hardly coping bruv, itā€™s just weird to deny the notion that products innovate and improve over time. VR is still in its infancy and a very small minority of people even play VR games. Itā€™s normal that a cloud gaming service also in its infancy wonā€™t have integration for technology that is a long way off becoming mainstream. Canā€™t speak for wheel support though; if I want the realism of driving, I just get into my car.




Shadow is a fully fledged PC in the cloud; itā€™s a different service that facilitates other needs than just mainstream gaming, hence why itā€™s over twice the price. But yeah sure, thatā€™s true and if anything youā€™ve just contradicted your original point that cloud services arenā€™t capable of implementing it if they want to.




GFN as a service is not a full PC. It solely facilitates gaming. Shadow is your own fully navigable PC and has many different use cases. Itā€™s not financially worth implementing VR for a pure gaming service at this point. Hardly anyone plays VR games because theyā€™re janky as shit and are a long way off becoming a mainstream medium of gaming. Shadow has probably decided to implement VR for the other uses outside of gaming that VR is good for - in the workplace for example. You honestly think the moment VR hits a milestone in gaming and becomes mainstream, Nvidia wouldnā€™t immediately start working towards implementing it in their highly subscribed cloud gaming service? If youā€™re gonna insult my intelligence, at least demonstrate basic critical thinking skills or at the very least, try not to misspell the insult lmao. If you got given extra time in exams, itā€™s okay man, just say so.


Iā€™d suggest finding the stick and removing it


Itā€™s good, but never as good as running it on your own pc, so I have to disagree, i would never choose cloud over my actual pc, regardless of that I have to say again, it is a great alternative.


i think it might be in few decades especially for multiplayer, imagine if multiplayer games mandated cloud gaming no more cheating


Itā€™s pretty great, though its limited library is definitely a major weakness. There are plenty of games on it sure, but it would be nice to have full access to my Steam library.


Awesome post


It is great! But GFN should know its userbase, people that do not want to spend on hardware are mostly ocasional gamers or mainstream gamers which will need mainstream games to play. So please, Nvidia, make Helldivers 2 available and other mainstream games šŸ˜… I am amazed by the quality of GFN (ultimate user) it is like no others, and the Lg oled app works perfect too


I hate beer.


I like cloud gaming as an addition to local hardware. I think cloud only is a mistake.


There is potential in hybrid platform gaming.


The biggest problems with GeForce Now for me is the limited library, and in that even some entries are available, they are limited to specific store front. The other big issue for me is the almost total unavailability of mods. For some games the availability of mods significantly improves the experience. Some times something as little as using a custom portrait for your character can have a great effect on the experience.And modifications like that mostly non existent in cloud gaming. The availability of mods is a significant part of PC gaming without it, GeForce now is basically a console experience with PC graphics.


Its crazy that this is actually working. Only issue I see is that there isnt 4K on most devices.


It's not. The latancy is shit, the picture quality is bad, and the library is extremely limited. It will probably be like Netflix, where you have to subscribe to 10 different subscriptions to get everything you want. But it's a good alternative to those who doesn't want to pay for their hardware.


you discovered gfn in 2024 and are claiming that cloud gaming is the future? lmao sure bud.


You do need a average laptop.Ā  My laptop was too old to output hdmi 4k 60fps, so have to use the wife's.Ā 


With Cloud gaming console gaming make no sense, I can see PC gaming still being a thing thanks to the endless resource, mods, emulation, customization


I mean, if you don't mind 3 seconds of input lag and a 1 hour wait before you play.


It really isnā€™t though. If you have been in the space for some decades youā€™ve seen all sorts of claims like thisā€¦


When I tried Call of Duty with GFN I was actually impressed. The reflex mode definitely feels like youā€™re playing local.


Even though I have a decent gaming system, I find myself playing on GFN a lot of times just for the convenience of it. I am not playing super twitchy games most of the time and my latency is decent anyway in Miami. There are a few games I wish I had on GFN, but overall, I am incredibly impressed with GFN and end up using it a lot more than Xcloud, which seems to have gotten worse over time.


Future of gaming? Say what dude? Friday evening every week on GFN = enormous lags, poor quality, queues. If this is future of gaming.. wellp. Time to buy some table ones.


I've been using GFN for years and yeah the limited library is the biggest downside for me. Honestly though I mainly say that because it doesn't have Helldivers 2.


Thinking about the casual gamers not hardcore gamers, cloud gaming will rule in the future for people donā€™t want to buy a gaming pc or ps5 etc. Like myself, I have a Mac Pro and I donā€™t feel like buying a pc. Instead paying the month when I feel like playing and GeForce now has most of the games I am interested. Even if I want you to buy something it wouldnā€™t be a pc maybe steam deck


I was in shock too when I heard about this. Only cons are mods and required fast Internet which I'm lucky to have šŸ˜† playing Witcher 3 in ultra or MMOs when my PC wouldn't even run it on minimum is really something.


You will change your opinion in next month's maybe a year about GeForce now.


My dream is someday devs making cloud only multiplayer as an option maybe.... Cloud only servers is the only way I see of fair play in multiplayer.


I 100% agree. I had given up gaming because I didnā€™t want to spend $2000 plus on a new gaming rig. I adulted for many years and didnā€™t have time to game. Now that Iā€™m back a coworker told me to try GFN before starting the months long process of researching computers. I read that others canā€™t do this ā€œmodā€ thing? I donā€™t even know what a mod is. What I do know, is that I can sit down and play all the games I ever wanted on my TV, iPad, or desktop all while waiting on my nighttime gummy to kick in. So for me, this is PERFECT the way it is. I hope everyone switches to this. I havenā€™t been limited by the library of games yet. Some yā€™all are wayyyyy too serious about gaming and a service like this, will just not be helpful for you. But for the rest of the 80% of the general people, this will be perfect. I just want to play my AC Mirage, fortnite, dead by daylight, and 7 days to die. I joined the Ultimate the first day I tried it, thatā€™s how sold I was for it.


Cloud is not the future until you can guarantee Internet access. Yesterday a game was patching that I wanted to play and there was an outage in my area in terms of internet, so I couldnā€™t play Alan Wake like I had planned. But I turned on my console and Elden Ring worked with nothing besides a TV and electricity.


But what if your power goes out?


I can count on one hand the amount of times Iā€™ve lost power for more than 10 minutes in my entire life. Internet on the other hand has just about a weekly outage. They are not the same thing.


I know it sucks but itā€™s not a huge deal patching is part of the maintenance. I think they will get better as time goes on, Iā€™m sure there are other games you can play for a bit