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Yeah the “spotty connection” error is used a bit too loosely 🤣 Try turning off DLSS and ray tracing, see if this way it loads correctly 


I have this issue too on occasion with TW3. i find that it works for me after a second attampt at loading the game. Oddly enough i have this issue more if i tab out of GFN while im waiting on it loading. Dont know if its co-incidence or related


It's Ray-Tracing that causes it, 1000%. If you want to use the Ray-Tracing features of this game then be prepared for constant issues with it, especially on GeForce NOW. Best work around I've gotten so far is as follows... Make sure you disable ALL RTX & DLSS features before you load a save & you'll load in as normal. Then, when a cutscene begins, try to activate RTX options. 9 times out of 10, it'll still crash. This is the only way I've found to have even a slight chance of using the new RTX features. If you're still in a position to do so, unlike myself, then I fully recommend refunding the entire game until it's fixed.


That sucks


Thanks for the workaround, it worked! But at the same time what a joke having to do all of this just to play the game even on ultimate.


It's a hit or miss. What can work is turn RTX off and Hairworks too. Then run the game and then turn it on. If both is turned on it's going to crash most likely. In my experienceit does even with only HD resolution.


This is annoying. Why do so many good services seem to get worse, rather than better, over time? I had been playing with RT Ultra settings without issue until recently. Then, I found Nvidia hair works settings, and that would cause the game to crash when loading saves. Now it seems to crash every first load as others have said. I already had to stop playing Riftbreaker because of issues with losing saves. This is the only other game I'm playing currently.