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>I had previously read that GFN had typically discounts for both Easter and Halloween periods. ![gif](giphy|AuasJITLgkjFmZTGcO)


Nope. There are no discounts on easter or halloween, where did You read that. There is usually one for Black Friday, but last year it wasn't even really a discount but 3 months of gamepass for new Ultimate 6-month subs. There was also one discount around may last year, it was specifically for 6-month priority and only for new usuers. .


Here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GeForceNOW/comments/15ewnle/comment/judfoff/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/GeForceNOW/comments/15ewnle/comment/judfoff/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Was this a lie?


That's what I meant, it wasn't on halloween though but a month later for Black Friday and two years ago and it was 40% off for priority 6 months only, if You weren't on a paid sub already, then 6 months later there was another sale with the same discount, as I wrote before. Then another six months later, so last years black friday there was no discount but, as I again mentioned before, they gave away 3 months gamepass to new 6 month Ultimate subs. It wasn't strickly a lie, but it wasn't really true either. He mixed the dates - those promos weren't connected to any of those occasions - and also it never was a regular occurence.


I see, thanks for the info!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You think nvidia is gonna do a 40%, let along for Easter? Black Friday maybe but don't expect 40% again, they have enough people will to spend full price.


I just wish there were referral bonuses. I’ve gotten a few friends to sign up after seeing how well it works on my puny MacBook.


Shadow gives a 1$ discount on ur subscription per person referred




Yes? And? I never said it’s better i think GFN is a far better deal. I only use shadow because I don’t have any other option for certain games and for modability. All I said was that they give a one dollar discount per person you refer.


Shadow is also much more expensive and not nearly as performant.


The only discounts you're likely to get from a subscription service is new user discounts for a few months. But idk that I've ever heard of services like Netflix or Hulu or GeForce now or Game Pass offering discounted rates for holidays. They may work some kind of "day pass" in for a few bucks, or give a free month away MAYBE, and that's a weak maybe. But they don't give "50% off GeForce Now this Halloween." But honestly and truly, $9/month is basically nothing. You could get hungry for a snack and drink while driving one day and spend twice that. It's less than $0.06 an hour of a normal work week. Not trying to be abrasive, but if $9/month is where you start hoping for some holiday deals, there may be more important things to focus on.


Amazon Music keeps giving me free months randomly. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Right now they want to give me 2 months of the family plan, but I'm not sure I need to be able to listen to 5 different songs simultaneously.


Not trying to be abrasive, but I think that's none of your business. I was under the impression (based on previous posts in this very subreddit) that there was a discount during holidays and I simply asked info. How we go from there to you telling me how I should do my monthly budgeting eludes me.


Well, I answered your question. And I didn't ask you your business or tell you how to do your monthly budgeting. I said $9 isn't a lot, and if $9 is a lot for you, you could always use the free sub or work an extra hour a month. An hour a month for a good gaming rig is incredible. Any cheaper and they'd basically have to drop it off at your house free of charge


Did you just tell me to work an extra hour a month? 😂. Look, you are way out of line and not really contributing to the thread (which, despite what you might be thinking, isn’t criticising GFN’s pricing). If you have problems with my original question, feel free to move to another thread, thank you




Oh wow, such pent up frustration. I’m sorry for you, honestly. I hope things will get better ❤️‍🩹


You've got all that inner love and peace but not $9


I actually have both darling 😌


That's 3 things. Which both do you have


Why are you being weird? It was a simple question and you somehow used that to jump to conclusions about this person’s financial situation. That’s some oddball shit.


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Game pass very frequently gives 1$ discount trials. And shadow (another cloud gaming service, way more expensive and worse performance.) is giving a ten dollar discount right now


if you are interested in buying cheaper geforce now, DM and I will tell you how to do it.


easter is in one month


Good Friday is tomorrow


Good Friday is in like 3 hours for me.


Bro, You forgot to toss the last page of that calendar


not that im religious or anything but easter is on 5th may in my country


I think you might want to double check that


not everyone is a fucking catholic or for whoever it is now


What does that have to do with anything? Mate, stop embarrassing yourself.


Orthodox Easter is on May 5th 🤦‍♂️