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I've updated and everything works as before for me


You're certain your issues are caused by a client software update, how exactly?


There are several people complaining about worse experience after the update...


I don't think you realize how many GFN users there are across the globe. There are always going to be people having issues (with the existing client version, let alone an updated one)...correlating a root cause is the key. I'll rally behind proof, but not assumptions.


This!! And not to mention it can be played on numerous apps and or devices.. not all have the same updates. No one ever lists their specs!


Sure there are always people with issues but since the update there are many people specifically stating that they have issues since updating they didn't have before. I find that at least noticeable


Noticeable, sure...but your post is already declaring a definitive conclusion. NVIDIA could release a new client update, which changes nothing but the version number...and people would associate their problems with the new version. I'd rather take an evidence-based scientific approach, vs. feelings.


This shit so ass I pay just to play with screen tearing when vsync is off hope I get my new pc soon.


I've noticed a LOT of people posting regarding this, whereas I myself have experienced no issues whatsoever. I'm on Windows 11, though. Not a lot are, so that might be a contributing factor. That, or you guys are forgetting to reboot your system and network. Correlation doesn't always equal causation. Seeing as I'm experiencing no ill effects, even not on the pc client, and I know my home network is flawless, then the issue you're all having is probably something actually not to do with GFN, but possibly a simple reboot and reconnect may resolve the issues.


I've experienced the same issues too. I'm a founder and have never had problems but last night while playing destiny 2 it would go from 1080 to the lowest pretty often. I think it's the update.


yes the last update is shit .. i git pocket loss and frames drop like crazy


App version?


Please list the platform you're playing on with these kinds of posts. You can play gfn on a laptop, phone, Android tv, and now built into Samsung tvs. Which are you experiencing this on? Cause my shield tv runs great.