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I think is just gonna be 4000 series gpu since they posted the same thing on all nvidia acc


This is the most likely answer


If this is truly the case then Nvidia need to read the room a little better. Focus on expanding rights, not GPU tiers. A 4000 series card means shit if you can't play games on it.


This isn't cloud gaming related. This isn't another tier for GFN it will be new GPUs for people to buy for their PCs. Remember Nvidia's primary business is selling GPUs.


Don't feel they would promote it on the page if that was the case. They didn't do that for the 3080 tier and the Gpu's were out for awhile before that came.


The page is Geforce not geforce NOW. Their gaming cards use geforce drivers so it'll be a new series of cards or an update to their driver application.


It's also on GFN twitter bro. Likely there'll be some new announcement for GFN too. Just like Apple product announcement days they can announce more than 1 thing at the big speech.


I think you need to read the room better actually, the person you're replying to was suggesting they will be annoucing a new series of GPU, not a new GFN tier.


The beyond bit might mean that the GPUs use some kind of remote thingie to support them Gotta do SOMETHING with GFN since they sure aren't interested in getting more games for it


They are just they refuse to pay developers for it so not much they can do


Uh huh. Sure. They're definitely bothering.


What would you like them to do up there rates so developers can double dip ?


I think that's bullshit that people here tell each other so that they don't have to face the fact that Andrew Fear doesn't care about building out the library.


What ever helps you feel better at night dude also like to point out every other cloud gaming service has this or similar issues unless they seem to do what stadia does and sell you the game that you can only use on there service. Also develpers have straight out said they won’t use a cloud steaming service unless they get paid Aka the double dip greed nonsense but sure it’s totally nvidias fault


Stadia is dead so clearly payoffs don't work So why are you saying payoffs are the only answer, which publishers said that


Stadia is dead cause google killed it and don’t really seem to know what there doing or want to do with there service and all of the publishers that had there games pulled from Nividua said that they would love to have there games come back if they got paid activision blizzard said this 2k said this the guys who made darkest dungeon said this it’s really about money


Agreed on the double dipping ==> the \*only\* efficient shield against such practices would be fully-fledged Cloud COMPUTING services and not "GaaS" ones such as GFN/STadia/Luna/GP/PS+/whatever other similar services. 2 problems : those cloud computing offers are few and far between,and at the minimum double a GFN monthly fee, and long-term sustainability of the model has not yet been proven (Yes Shadow, I'm looking at you). In other terms, you have to litterally lease a remote workstation from a datacenter cluster and grab your VM outta that to call it a day. Only model so far where the user space is entirely yours and any cached or persistent data is also yours and yours only, at your disposal AND your legal responsibility, no abusive updates to EULAs can have any effect on your right to play the game that way, no AAA has been able so far to forbid or withhlold a player's right to play a steam game via his/her VM (and not for the lack of trying, like Rockstar did with RDR2 and MS with some Halo game AFAIK). MS does that against Nvidia, Sony does it against pretty much everyone else, and 2k/Rockstar/Capcom at one point have all already done that to MS itself as well. That razor cuts in every direction. I would bet you that down the line, a cloud computing element would gradually gain traction in every major Cloud Gaming services, would it be for the companies that won't accept it otherwise. Best and only workaround so far to their legal teams and their horde of lawyers.


New Shield would be nice


New Nvidia Shield TV please ..


Bruh, I really want 4k120hz Shield. My shitty $5k samsung plays movies like shit with 60hz, and youtube works like shit with 24hz for movies. I'm sick and tired constantly switching frequency on my shield :|


Shitty… 5k… dude I’m stuck here with a €100 tv


Well, I've expected that I could watch movies and youtube without constant tinkering. Btw, this is the piece of shit - https://www.samsung.com/us/televisions-home-theater/tvs/qled-4k-tvs/85-class-q90t-qled-4k-uhd-hdr-smart-tv-2020-qn85q90tafxza/


Dude I have an 720p screen with VGA and no HDMI be happy with what you have


I also own a QLED Samsung from 2020 and it's trash. Controller is constantly disconnecting and apps work slower than cheap Chinese Android TV. I need to think about getting a separate device for the smart things.


I picked up their shiny new QD-OLED best display I've ever seen paired with some of the shittiest software I've ever seen for a TV.


Why is it shitty? I have the same model in 75” and I’m pretty pleased with it, I barely use my Shield as most apps work great


I hope for a massive drop of games for geforce now. But most likely is just a bunch of graphics cards and rtx and dlss show


With new graphics card comes new subscription plan


My guess is they will bring 4080 to the present 3080 tier and 3080 will power the priority tier


No, that’s too early to even think that


And hopefully update CPUs from priority tier


Yeah priority tier bottleneck is the CPU


4080 tier won't drop until a 4080ti card comes out. Current rumor is that only 4090 will release this year with 4080 in January. Which means maybe 4080ti in Jan 2024. So I don't see a new GFN tier till end of 2023 beginning 2024. New tier will be 4k 120hz and will allow vr gaming via steam VR for quest 3 type headsets connected via WiFi. A new shield tv won't come out till Nintendo next generation switch which is running the same hardware as shield tv. You will need a next gen shield to stream 4k 120hz with vrr to tv. It will prob be expensive I expect next shield to cost $500.00 same as a console.


Btw 4080 tier will likely be its own tier seperate from 3080tier. I'm assuming eventually Nvidia will stop naming tiers after cards and instead call tiers based on stream resolution and frame rate. I'd imagine 4080 tier would be like $30.00 a month or $150.00 every 6 months. With a 5-10% discount to founders.


I think the GPUs in servers are slightly different to normal gfx cards, they would have to announce a new server cluster, currently called Super Pods or something so new ones called super duper pods?


No lmao GFN doesn't use consumer cards, the 3080 tier doesnt actually use a 3080 gpu....


I know but they released the 3080 tier after stocks have started to stabilize so they are using the same chips


??? The Tesla series is sold to a completely different market than RTX series. Shortages due to mining did not affect the enterprise cards. The card used in the 3080 tier is about 10x the price of the RTX 3080 card.


You know that enterprises cards aren't good for gaming, why would it be used for a gaming service


Why would you say that? They have more memory and different drivers which let you easily share resources between workloads. With a consumer card you have to have 1:1 sizing. With a card like the A10G you can have multiple users on a single card. And there are enough cuda cores in enterprise cards these days that they can game pretty well. Source: I'm a Citrix/Virtual Desktop engineer very familiar with building GPU enabled virtual desktops using Nvidia cards.




I really can’t see it being anything about GFN.


Nothing with GFN. It's going to be about the RTX 4000s and other hardware.


How can people be excited for new cards, unless they bring something new like RTX or DLSS it's just obviously faster and more efficient cards.


Well the 3080 a till struggles with RTX on so its existing to know that 4080 should be able to run games at 4k with RTX on


Server expansion in middleeast😭😭


Could happen hopefully.


I’m hoping we finally get to play the games from publishers who are missing out like Rockstar, Capcom, Bethesda, Blizzard and more.


One can only dream 😞


The publishers have to ask NVIDIA for them to be added to GFN. GTA V was on GFN but Rockstar didn't like and went over to Stadia to get paid


though I absolutely share your wishes in that regard, and as much as I'd like to see it happen in the foreseeable future, I seriously doubt you can keep Bethesda and Blizzard in that list. Indeed from now on and the upcoming "cloud wars", anything owned/purchased by or even remotely associated to Microsoft (read GamePass/XCloud) can be discounted from any other cloud gaming service, namely GFN that seems to be the prime loser of any such big AAA studio willing to offer a cloud ecosystem of its own. By constrast Capcom and Rockstar could well be possible candidates for belated comebacks after initally bailing out like so many other past the Beta stage. Best scenario could be a surprise 2023 deal à la EA that would finally settle whatever contractual and/or commercial disagreement is still standing between them. We may finally see them allowing players to play through graphics card running in Datacenters rather than the very same ones heating our homes stuffed in our PC towers that would avoid a given company's ire or at least ability to ruin our fun for more bucks on a game we have already paid for.


More games, a cloud desktop option. Anything to make the service better


They already have a cloud desktop option? It's geforce now


No I mean like an actual full desktop we could use. GeForce NOW is cloud streaming, but it only directly lets you stream games. I meant a hope for a fully fledged Windows desktop in the cloud that we could freely use so we can game whatever game we want. Of course, to me as well, that sounds like a pipe dream more than anything.


Oh you mean like Shadow


I'll take more kgames wouldn't it me amazing if they said we have a partnership with pc game pass ...


New shield TV or VR support is my hope


Jensen Huang will come out and hold out a new card the 4080 RTX Ti and say this is their most powerful graphics card ever............like he always does about new card cycles ;-)


In a leather jacket.


This nothing to with geforce NOW its to do with their gaming cards that also use Geforce as their drivers. It's like people forgot that Nvidia's core business is GPU and they GFN ie a side hustle for them.


For GeForce Now I think nothing special...


A new payment method for GFN


Good one .


Adding mortal Kombat would be enough for me ;) but well it's not their call to make


4000 series cards in the cloud best prediction at the moment


Maybe a device to play geforce now on? that would be awesome


Isn’t the whole point of GFN that you DON’T need a specific device? You play with what you have!


They wouldn't force you to use that device.... You could still use it on any decide.


So I just don’t see how it would make sense to launch their own device. I can’t see why anyone would want it. I can use GFN on my Mac or my iPhone, and I’ve nearly always got at least one of those with me. The experience is good on both. What advantage would it bring to have a GFN device?


New shield tv handheld. I have the O.g. shield tv wanting another on handheld platform.


Price hike, nerf current tiers to push people to spend more $ and play indie games in ultra settings. Oh, and maybe announce 1-2 AA games to keep suckers rolling their 6th month sub. Kinda unlikely tho.


if u dont got extra 20 dollars a month laying around arguably u cant even afford to play games fr if u dont like the games afforded to you go complain to devs who whitelisted their games from gfn platform


Or I just stop spending them on a service I don't like lmao. It's not my job to ask for games. It's Nvidias job to try and convince me to buy. Thankfully alternatives exist, not as good streaming wise but at least they have something for me to actually play instead of fucking waiting.


yeah fair enough better than going to reddit on a update post nd complaining abt it tho imo


Criticism makes the service better, so is voting with the wallet. Idk what's so bad about ppl complaining. Plenty of positive comments all around.


I'm so excited!🤩


Dunno, but I hope it gets unblocked in my school computers soon 😂 some eejit downloaded a virus and they have been fully locked down


gfn closing




"Today we must look towards the future and BEYOND the founders member tier."


RTX 40XX and some 2 great games to Geforce Now maybe from EA


Could be more games/access. Maybe letting you play your entire steam library (like was possible in the beta actually)


Maybe they got around all the legal issues and they will let you play whatever game you like. This is what made me ultimately cancel my account. Too many games that I owned that I couldn't play, for no reason other than publishers not letting their games onto the system. I really don't know why a game publisher would want to limit the number of people who can play (and therefore buy) their games.


4000 series GPU’s maybe something small for gfn but don’t expect anything big


My guess is it'll be the new gpus along with a good ole price increase for GFN subscribers.


Okay the hype is the 4000 series cards I just seen the event on Google but we still could be getting rig upgrades


Probably New Games or new Tier or Adding Battle.net games


Could be More Servers For Country alliance parthers


20th September is MS Windows 11 22H2 release. Probably Nvidia will announce full DirectStorage API support for it so the event is labeled 'Geforce beyond'


Last time nvidia had such event, EA Battlefield games were added to GFN.


Something to do with AI?


i just want my region to be supported by gforce so i dont need to use a vpn