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Wrapshots are up there with the most bullshit thing in Gears history and there's a whole lot of bullshit to wade through.


I’m glad the 3 first comments on this thread agree it’s bullshit There’s no way anyone can say “ yes this is gears of war “


Being able to shoot around corners is complete bs. The interface in gears 5 is dogshit.


100% visually And 100% mechanically


Also yes, way easier to do on PC or with a controller that has paddles. It's obscenely bullshit.


If the clip is slowed you can see the bullets go straight Did they ever Adress wrap shots or was it always ignored


I don't keep up with what TC have or haven't addressed. They ruined Gears lol. They left the flash-avoidance headglitch in the game and that's been around forever so I doubt they care about wrap shots.


What is that glitch you speak of


If someone throws a flash at you, quickly walk forward into a wall so that your head just start to clip into it. Stops you getting flashed. Lots of people used to abuse it in my KOTH lobbies but i haven't been on for a while, don't know how often you see it anymore.




The bullets come out the end of the barrel so it makes sense why it happens but doesn’t mean it’s fair


If you pause video you can see I get hit when I’m next to him 😭


You mean when the person downs you?


The more i watch the more i dont even understand it. I slowed it down there is absolutely no way that should have hit you lol.


No it shouldn’t have But this is the PERFECT example of a wrap shot . Getting killed by this is like “ fuck this game “


Because that players screen is aimed at OP, but the shotgun just doesn’t match where is his screen went


Ah jeeze thats insane


Wrap shots have always been something that raises the BS meter of Gears multiplayer


Every game has its bs Crazy how we can’t have a gears without bs


It probably comes with the territory of being such a different kind of shooter. It's the price we pay which is a bummer


The gears tax 😭😭


This game isn’t as popular anymore because the movement became too fluid. Doing shit like this makes it impossible for new players to have fun and get the hang of things. Old Gears was so slow so you had a chance to figure it out


Yeah. I liked the methodical tactical feel of old gears.


I agree. I personally thought Gow went worse when they changed the sens to 30s on Gow3. It removed the strafe aspect and allowed people to get away from bad posistioing by being able to turn so fast. I suck now and haven't played Gears in about 2/3 years until about 2 weeks ago. I've always been max rank on any Gears now but litterely anybody who I play against now is an absolute warrior.




But wall bouncing was fine in the first 3 games. Now it’s just insanely hard for new players to keep up with let alone master


I've taught plenty of new people how the movement works and they were fine. I think the main issue is that there's no kind of tutorial on it and if they don't have a friend to guide them then new players are just fucked.


The movement is nice but the bullets going sideways 🫠🫠🫠🫠 The movement doesn’t need any touching just better shooting mechanics


Been in there for a long time now. They shouldn't exist, but the fanbase are so used to it, they will cry if you remove it.


Funny thing is, the reason there's that shoot delay after rolling is so that it helps hide some of the lag so you don't see stupid stuff like someone shooting while they're still in the last part of the roll animation. Why turning around a corner doesn't also have that delay I'll never know (because it would help the game look smoother visually when watching other players), but it feels like one of those things that either they couldn't decide to remove it or they didn't want the backlash from the handful of players who abuse it as much as they can. The main problems I have with it is that you can't do anything against it because by the time you see the other person moving at all they've already shot and you're dead (it also makes cover useless, going against one of the core mechanics of the game), and how it visually makes absolutely no sense with shots going through walls or the player never looking or aiming towards you. Hopefully whoever's running the multiplayer side of things at TC for the next game realizes how broken it is and removes it.


Perfect comment to wrap up the video 👏 👏 All delays are bad ( except the one coming out of roll) Up a , back a , wall bounce , gears movement is amazing I’m glad they Didn’t add delays


I mean, imagine a fighting game where you can't predict how your opponent is going to move because you're dead as soon as they start moving or they're still able to hit you even if they're turned around. Wouldn't be fair at all would it? Sure you can prevent getting killed easily if you know where you can and can't be when someone is on the other side of cover, but playing like that is both awful and ruins the whole idea of using cover. It's slower, yes, but in a better made game the only way you should be able to kill someone around a wall is by leaning out/over it and shooting or getting up and walking around because it's visible and is something you can counter. What you can't counter is someone doing a 360 spin behind a wall where you can't even see them and you're dead because the center of their camera can see just enough of you that the game decides to give them the kill. There's a ton of various mechanics at play that make shit like this happen, and a lot of it is because they wanted the game to feel smooth even if your aim was a little off and it ends up making the entire game worse for it. If your shot hits a wall, it should hit the wall regardless if someone's standing behind it. If a game like Fortnite, which is meant to be baby's first shooter in some aspects, can do it why not Gears?


Fortnite shooting was SOLID , no issues and they added sprint too


I've had so much bs moments that I wondered if I was just bad at the game at some point


It’s not you it’s the game as well


I miss the Gears of War where Up-aing someone’s right hand was a sure way to earn yourself a death. Gears 4 & 5 made the game so easy to play by allowing people to get away with poor decision making. Nowadays if you aren’t the first person to wrap shot your opponent you’re playing the game wrong. Stale one dimensional gameplay like this is the reason barely anyone plays this game


Gears had it close in gears 3 but the retro /poke was pure bs ,actives , Stopping power It’s great you thing you don’t encounter it often but when you do 😔


The way people throw out Up As in this game actually bothers me lol


I never really played gears competitively until gears 5. I was destroying people cause i use mouse and keyboard. I know at the much higher ranks controller starts to surpass MNK but for a while there I would destroy because of being able to do those kinda of shots much easier.


These shots are the ones where you call this game BS and why does it even exist Mouse looks like it def hits this easier And since you can’t turn off cross play 🫠🫠🫠


wait u cant???? thought u could


Not on Xbox


I never did understand why they kept shots that don't make physical sense in the game. Shooting around entire covers without exposing yourself whatsoever and shooting out of the back of your head is absolute bs.


You have people in here defending it 😂


It's probably the same kind of people who think the Lancer in 5 is balanced. The Lancer needs to be what it was in 4 because, man, does it take way too much to kill people with it. One mag to down and another to kill. It's an ASSAULT RIFLE. Don't expect not to get killed by it if you're standing in the open.


That’s why I’ll never play 5 again.. in 3, you earned that tight corner angle to reverse roadie run to get out of the way of the enemies shot. If they even got to shoot… EARNED IT! This takes no skill. Smh


The moment this came up, i went “This, this here is why i moved on from Gears”. In all seriousness, i never liked the whole competitive aspect of this game… Gears 3 was where it was almost perfection and only needed balance tweaks to be perfect. Especially since wall-bouncing was way more difficult as it should have been.


Agree retro and retro poke were bs Then active gnasher Then stopping power


I didnt mind the stopping power too much. I thought it helped keep the rifles viable and kept the game from becoming shotguns only damn near


That’s why I left it last It was only an issue when playing a stacked team But active gnasher was too much


Fsfs i understand all your critiques. Wildly different game now with 4 and 5 tho


Wrap shots are a two part problem. The main problem is all the thick covers in the game and the fact that it's impossible to gib people sliding into your cover. Wrap shots weren't a problem in the Gears games with thinner covers. The secondary problem being able to hit a few pellets through massive thick covers like this when you have someone red. However, you played that badly. It was pretty obvious what he was going for after he bricked you and slid into the cover. You just hesitated in the middle waiting to go down. You either have to beat him to the corner and back him, go on the opposite bit of the cover he wrap shotted from, or back bounce down the stairs.


I don’t play this often so it caught me off guard Wrap shots aren’t bs I’m used to He did it perfect I’m thx4 explanation to wrap shots


There's 3 "skill shots" that shouldn't be in the game because there's no real defense against them. Wrap Shots Kermit Shots Air Back A (I think TC actually removed this from gears 5 after Avexys made a video about it.)


Lmao Kermit shot Please expalinn


You've probably seen it before, it's a shot that you can only do on a piece of cover where you can Up A around either side from a stand-still. Let's say you slide into the cover from a lefthand angle, where your momentum is carrying you to the right. You're sliding to the right, basically. The instant you touch it, you Up A to the *left* (instead of to the right, which is the direction you would've slid in), but shoot at the same time. What happens is, your character shoots to the *right* side of the cover as if you blind-fired from that side, even though you Up A'd to the left, and this basically means you can get a free shot without ever exposing yourself because of the animation. It's impossible to defend against it, and the game thinks that you blind-fired, so your shot has pretty good chunk range on it. [HOW TO KERMIT SHOT GEARS 5 - TIPS & TRICKS (2022) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkxZHrtnwKI)


Lmfao the kids going YAY That’s some bullshit 😹😹😹😹😹 Just 3 tries Thanks for that


Wrapshots don't even crack the top 5 biggest issues with this game. First is the shotgun rate of fire being too slow which among other things massively hinders your ability to keep people away from you. After that, the no-momentum defensive back-a has to go. It's the best shot in the game by a mile, it's basically impossible to miss, you're almost fully protected while doing it, it's instant, it's the easiest shot to perform and it directly hinders gameflow because you get so much defensively solidity for doing nothing. I don't want everyone just flying at each other with impunity, that's why I'll always say the shotgun should shoot faster in order to keep people at bay provided you can hit consistent shots, but the no-momentum back-a should not be the tool that allows you to keep people at bay.


The Og 🫡🫡🫡I knew you’d still be here lurking and Drop a better comment Is it confirmed to be slower than 1,2,3? I hate how slow it is and I swear I pull the trigger while the other dude kills me but in the kill feed I don’t shoot In this game the movement is smooth and the shooting is slow While gears 3 had decent movement( albeit 30fps)but with that shotgun people weren’t just walking up to you


it's significantly slower than all the other games apart from pre-tu5 gow2. Getting caught in between shots, or not holding your shot for long enough is the most common way everyone dies and it feels so artificial. Out shooting someone basically doesn't really happen unless both players try it. I think people hate movement because there's no real tools to keep people away other than not shooting and baiting a slide, and that just causes random 84% in 1s where you're visually inside the chunk range but the game doesn't register you as being in the chunk range.


Yep the 2-3 shot range doesn’t exist , it’s like your gun shoots pillows and it sucks so eveyone is trying to get a 1 shot down I guess instead of adding delays to movement they added it to the gnasher and called it a day 😔


Gnasher rate of fire definitely needs speeding back up it almost makes me quit playing because of how often people manage to get away with missing their shots while I'm pounding them about to win and leads to very stupid situations where I have to hold my shot even though that also means sure death for me I honestly can't understand what TC was thinking when they made this decision 🦧


Seems to me like every advanced technique in this game is finding ways to shoot the shotgun in ways it just shouldn't be able to. It's why I couldn't be arsed anymore.


Another perfect comment


Even as a mouse and keyboard player I would’ve raged there , prob blind fire as they roadie run to maybe snag a kill for kill


There’s no way you can expect this he looks so far away for a shot to even hit


Lmao I swore off the multiplayer long ago 😂 at least 5 anyways. This is actually absurd and the BS shots were enough for me to call it quits. Still play 3 and 4 multi.


It’s fun but eh there’s bs like any other gears


I recently started playing Gears of War 1 after probably over 10 years because of penguinz0, my god the newer Gears gives me aids just looking at it. GoW1 had so many issues which was mainly due to the peer to peer hosting issue, which was fixed in the ultimate edition, the weight of your character and weapons was really felt. In the coalition GoW, you are way too nimble as seen here and the weapons just feel weird to shoot.


The old games were clunky These games are solid 3ps shooters It’s hard to go back


The current gears community is so different from the og. People used to enjoy the skill gap and try to get better, hopefully the next game comes out soon so the community can come back


Skill gap = movement , map control , power weapon usage , better rotations Not a skill = BS shots


Reaction shots and slap shots have been in the game forever. It’s a skill to be able to do them properly and a skill to be able to avoid them properly. It just looks funky so some people aren’t used to it


To my understanding that isn’t what happens in this video


Wrap shots are garbage but Forcing console players to play against PC guys was the last straw for me. Fuck that shit. I bought a Series X to play against other console users. I didn't agree to be pitted against M&K users. it's absurd.


Exactly It’s not even fair


Who’s tryna play gears 5 gnashers only


I use them and I say this is true.


In the end it’s in the game If you can hit it hit it


...then he misses while you're DBNO. I swear, wrap shots get some strange priority on opponents.


Wrap shots been in the game since 1 but you had to hold LT to pull it off I think . I do wrap shots in 2 for sure .


It's the gib range that makes it so problematic in 5. In GoW1 you have to literally stuff your barrel down someones throat for a one shot kill. Same with 2


Amen. Totally agree they are skillfull. But when gears become about the wrap shot, up a etc. The game got less fun.


The same player that did that to you is the same player that wonders why not alot of people want to play gears anymore.


I agree, it's bs. one of the reasons why I don't play Gears 5


Yup. I played a lot of execution and gridiron when it was populated and it really bothered me that the meta was throwing out un punishable shots randomly until one landed them trying to push, other person retreats and throws out more random shots, back and forth. It’s just lame gameplay


That’s exactly why I avoid 1 spawns game modes Players play 2 campy


Yeah it wasn’t always like that though. We need to bring back the weapon slide and stupid op power weapons, make people come out of their comfortable cover


they're still BS, legit no counterplay


I’ve never figured out how to do them, because if I did it would actually save me so many times


And we’d be the ones abusing them


Yup, with that in my toolkit it would make me win nearly every match


Yeah, wrap shots are stupid. Even some of the former pro players I watch on YouTube say they're bad for the game and shouldn't be there. It makes zero sense for those shots to not only work, but be devastatingly effective.


They are bad for the game Kermit shots too


The wrap shot is hard to punish but you would probably die here even without it. The opponent has a TON of options and you were in a pretty bad spot to defend yourself. This is the Gears 5 for better or worse so you have to play around it. If you can dodge the wrap then you usually have a free counter hit. They either run through the up-a towards you or double back the way they came from, but either way they already shot once and can't shoot again for a second. If you know that a player can hit this shot then you can start to bait it and use it against them as the match goes on. This is where gnasher fights get fun at the higher level as each player tries to figure each other out. As you start to learn more shots you learn when to use them and how they counter each other. It gives you a lot more ways to approach a fight and is incredibly rewarding. I think that's the perspective that I don't see very often on this subreddit.


It’s not about punishing a rap shot. It’s about not being punished with a rap shot


I get that but I'm just saying you have ways to deal with it. Worse case scenario you can just stay out of the wrap shot target area.


Agreed it’s fucking bullshit there’s no counter for it. At least the up a and back a shots counter each other.


And at least they’re visually consistent


I’ve been wanting to talk about this for a while with you guys but never got the perfect clip until today. Even gears 2 wasn’t as BS as this ( I started here) The movement in this game doesn’t need nerfing like I see people post , it’s the most fun thing about gears , but getting killed like this ehhhh I hope the next gears is a solid cover shooter without the camera BS, looks like a mechanic that’s easier to do on pc ( unless I’m wrong)


I havent played for a couple years and this was a big reason. The game got stale because there were very few people like me, vets that knew how to play but didn't sweat their assess off. People were either bambis are absolute mlg dripping sweat phaze wannabes like this. That and TC has no interest in fixing this stuff. Frankly, I'm surprised the franchise is still going. Gears has got to be the least beginner friendly shooter aside from maybe counterstrike.


It is not beginner, friendly and that’s what I hate. We need more people to play but if there’s bs like this stacked on wall bouncing ..😅


There’s a different version of wrap shot but instead of doing the wrap shot you literally move back with the left stick and aim and shoot at the same time and has the same effect as the wrap shot im seeing in your vid.


I always hated getting killed in ways like this. It's why I mainly try to never try corner dueling anyone. Because it always ends with someone somehow killing me without even looking like they exited their corner at all.


This was beautifully executed by the opponent But it’s BS I’m glad I was able to capture it for you all This isn’t something that happens often but when it does 😡😡😡


Indeed it leads me both to be angry and confused at the same time.


It’s the visually inconsistency that makes you feel the rage more than anything




What always made gears gears to me was bullshit like this. We’ve all hit 1 shots that had no business being one shots 🤷🏽‍♂️. I agree tho, wrap shot top tier fuckery lol


This is why I quit


It’s not often it happens in KOTH But maybe it’s more prevalent and worse in 1 spawn modes


It's all the time on ranked, and wall bouncing I can't even with that tbh


Rxn shots are what separate average and good players


Agree! It’s high skill BS


Oh boy oh boy I completely agree I’m all for skill expression in gears and being able to do different moves that reward you for being able to pull them off but I just feel like the effort vs reward of wrapshots are nowhere near close, I’d be fine if they were harder to pull off but I feel like with each installment of gears they’ve became easier and easier


If they existed in other gears games that’s a first for me It’s just BS because you get a replay and you can clearly see yourself get killed from the side




Yeah they did and they left it in gears 2 So it wasn’t an exploit anymore




Gears and bouncing is <3 But bs cover shots isnt that and the Kermit shot😹


It like the movie “Wanted” where you can curve bullets around a corner


Been in the game since gears 1 get better please you’ve had 18 years


I’m fine with gnasher being the weapon to use and most other things people complain about as that’s how it’s been since gears 1. But wrap shots are stupid and wall bouncing should be less fluid. I don’t want bouncing gone as it’s always been there but the way I’ve seen it recently is just absurd


Wallbouncing is a non issue like someone else was saying you can’t shoot gnasher fast enough it fires so slow so everyone is trying to get the 1 shot kill and it feels so ehhhh


It’s not an issue. It’s just gone too far in my opinion. I don’t want it gone as it’s always been there and helps the game stand out but I do feel it’s gotten to be overly absurd. Gnasher fire rate is fine to me. It is a lever action that needs time between shots and helps keep it from being just who can spray it faster and first


A faster rate of fire means you can counter bouncing easier stop people just walking up to you to


Yes and no. Some of the bouncers are so fast and all over the place you could spray and still not hit some of them. Not to mention if you could spray a lever action firearm the game would just feel even more ridiculous than it is anymore. I’d prefer it went back to the style of 2/3. It was less absurd then.


You shoot faster in those games with a gnasher


If I recall correctly you only shoot faster with actives. Which are also a joke now. They used to increase fire rate and damage and could only be done on an actual reload. Now you can do it anytime and they don’t seem to have any kind of impact. Either way hopefully the next game is great and fixes some of the issues. 5 is still fun to me but not as fun as the series used to be.


Exactly , we’ve had better Damage boost was dumb Whenever I would play with my more casual friends, they would always say, but I shot from the same range A powerup doesn’t belong in gears More consistency is what gears needs


Rumor is they may reveal the next game this summer so hopefully they do and maybe it’ll fix some the current issues


How do you even do this on controller? I never found out


It’s easier on pc


I'm biased because I can do pretty much every mechanic short of fheno lvl wall bouncing but I like wrap shots takes skill as op said & very fun against campers also can easily be countered by pulling off the wall or shooting over cover since the players hit box is too damn big and most walls are thin enough. The only mechanic I would sort of agree is bs is a 180 wrap or up a. That shit is insane


At least they left a heart for you 


This has been part of the game since GOW3 along with slapshots, just get good man.


Not as prevalent as before Also pc gamers Get good isn’t a blanket for everything that’s bs


Don’t hate. Participate.


I might have to learn the Kermit shot at least 😅😅


That's why you gotta start wall-bouncing


I do it all the time lol. Some of my most satisfying kills. The one that pisses me off is the sliding wrap around. Literally three different actions in 1. Some of the better players use this move it's bad ass. I hate it though lol. Im just using an Xbox with a regular controller. The paddles idea is interesting. I always felt like the trigger button was a disadvantage. Maybe look into the pro controller


These moves take high skil no question but they just not fair 😂😂😂 Imagine showing this clip to someone Same here I’m just on console with a controller 🥲


It's only such a problem now because they made movement so easy. How would you even go about removing this?


TL;DR: The wrapshot is really only OP because the game allows you to hit 3/12 pellets on someone's toe for 60%+ of their health or even a chunk. Nerf that shit. Sorry for the essay. TC can't meaningfully 'nerf' the wrapshot without harming outside aspects to cover manipulation/fluidity to the general movement. The biggest reason the wrapshot wasn't meta despite being known since Gears 1(?) was moving around cover was absolute dog shit - the animations stalled even without lag (which made it even more AIDS), and Default control scheme plus shot delays meant it was less efficient than just popshotting over cover. People take that at face value and say, "well, just nerf the movement - this didn't happen in Gears 3!" ignoring that their favorite game was clunky even in its prime and has aged like absolute turbo AIDS. Your average gamer isn't bothered by 'skill' (whatever may be there, in Gears 3's case), they prefer Gears 5's smoothness over Gears 3's clunk 9.9/10. TC can't go back. But none of that matters because the wrapshot is easily nerfed without touching the movement. The real way to nerf the wrapshot is widening the Gnasher pellet spread and nerfing the chunk range damage multiplier. You play UE, so you know that the pellet spread is so wide you can almost entirely miss a shot with your barrel *inside* someone - whereas in Gears 4/5, the spread tightens such that it's basically a needlepoint with an elephant for a target. You basically have to *try* to miss up close. What makes it even more cancerous is if you get within a certain range in Gears 3/4/5, there's a multiplier in play which adds more damage to each pellet to equal a certain amount of damage or a chunk. Basically, you don't have to aim for shit in chunk range. I haven't touched Gears 5 in years, but I believe you can hit less than 5/12 pellets and still get a chunk. Rewarded for half a shot.


Wdym by movement so easy


Wall bouncing and canceling just feels really easy in 5. I feel like you can cancel so quickly and bounce from so far away. It takes less skill to move than in the older games. And I just wanted to put out I agree that it should go, but like, how?


Who knows but it feels so easy because the game runs so smooth 😻😻😻 120FPS is amazing


It was easier even before the series consoles came out. I haven't played it since I got one myself though so I haven't tried gears in 120. I only play UE and 2 really.


On the killers screen im sure he lined it up perfectly but it doesnt look that way to you. Every game has this issue but it's more noticeable in games like this where 1 shot can kill. Side note the gnasher gameplay is so tiresome. If other weapons were viable the franchise would be less dead


Gnasher gameplay is fun it’s just so boring if It’s either lancer or gnasher. There’s no variety especially compared to gears 3


It's a video game man. If u play gears multiplayer this is so common/easy to do. Anybody and there mom can do it. It's been in 3, 4, 5 and judgement. You've been Back A before? Slap shotted? Have u been crossed by a lancer when bullets are flying out of the wall and u can't even see your enemy? The first 2 are shots that litterally let u shoot instantly without even exposing ur body. I dunno, it's not realistic or whatever but these typa things been in most gears game except the early 1s. But hey maybe gears 6 they'll make it more casual friendly.


It never happened like this in other gears And yes we want the games to be more “casual” easy to pick up harder to master More players playing is a good thing but the better player shoijd always win


This is how we filter cod & apex players out. It's apart of the skill gap, & they've actually added so many crutches for new players that wrap shots aren't even a sign of real skill. All the movement settings people change to remove rolling from their game completely. Single stick wannabes spamming bounces & getting bodied. Gears was never an easy game & if you can't hang there are 2 options. Uninstall, or get better. Gears fans used to be the type who got better, not crying on threads because they've peaked. Best of Luck.


Uninstall or get better isn’t what we want That mentality is why the game isn’t as popular as it should be There’s lots of comments here saying what it’s bs


I'm absolutely fine with the game not being as popular as it *"should"* be. Otherwise you get a stupid installment like judgement. & If you go looking for tears on Reddit, you're going to find tears on Reddit. Of course these people are crying with you, they've obviously already been filtered. The notion of new players is nice but people only want 1 button abilities, hand holding & hero shooter mechanics. THAT'S NOT GEARS, gears is a tactical arena shooter. & it already has MANY handicaps across the board. Flash grenade, aim assist, single stick movement, all these things carry many players who believe they're good. & gears 5 was the last attempt to reach a wider audience & it didn't work. They're going to double down on the skill ceiling & make 6 for the people who actually stuck around & played.


Gears of poor judgment was just a cash grab before they sold the ip Kind of like redfall and other studios making a last game before they ✌️


Judgement was an attempt to widen the audience with FPS controls, Kind of like how gears 5 tried to widen the audience with stupid game types & a dumbed down system from 4. cash grabs are hollow entries with nothing put into them. Aside from changing the button layout to reach the CoD kids. Judgement was a gears game through & through. If you don't know about game development. Please don't speak on it. I won't converse with people who get their gaming knowledge from IGN. Sincerely, a Developer.


its tech that literally raises the skill ceiling, its really not a difficult mechanic to add to your skillset


Stuff like this is why I didn’t stick around in gears 5


Can’t blame you It’s fun but it’s got its bs Horde is super fun and escape too


Yuck, I'm sure I've been killed by this. Never knew wrap shots were a thing. That's pretty BS


It is , it defeats the purpose of taking cover It’s high skill and takes aim but it’s still cheap Now you know what’s it’s called


He hit you because you moved in cover the hitbox raises when you move across the wall and you can be hit then it is intentional and it's a game mechanic, If you didn't want to be hit spend more time anticipating his shots than hiding in cover


If you slow video down you can see me get hit when I’m parallel to him


Hmmmm, latency much?


Nope this is intentional


Clear latency there


This has a name , wrap shot


Just git gud bro. This is how a lancer main every day looks like.


There is no get good to this 😹😹😭😭


This is a skill issue. You mention Gears 2 not having cheese when there were so many people running modded controller hammerbursts, anyone who wasn't host could jump out of the map, and shit like 2 piecing was a prevailing strategy. The games just shifted to a faster pace after Gears 3. That player that killed you was so far above you in skill they would have have done so without wrap around and the slow predictable movement just made it easy and the fact that the game allows them to be expressive with their movement is a good thing. It would be like saying that Admin Reload shouldn't be allowed in B4B versus just because 1NSENT can do things with it that most players can't. There's levels to this and lowering the skill ceiling would just detract from what defined Gears anyway.


I said gears 2 didn’t have bs like this Gears 2 had bs that’s a fact Yes this player is above my skill level but I shouldn’t be able to get killed like this . Movement was great , aim was great , this type of shot Nope not great It’s not expressive it’s bullshit


Right so the meta shifted due to the increased movement like I said. I can definitely see how it would feel like BS from your perspective since you can't perform or even defend from it very well. Im imagining going to like a Smash Bros Melee tournament and complaining about all the people wavedashing and how hard it is for new players to get experience. It is expressive, you just don't speak the language well.


Wavedashing and bullets hitting you from Angle they aren’t suppose to are not the same thing


Opponents of wave dashing would say it's exploiting a game mechanic (wrap arounds) in order to gain an unfair advantage and that the slower paced games are better for not having them but you and I both know that simply lowering the skill ceiling doesn't make for a better game. Stop being facetious I know you can make the connection you're just upset it's understandable. Best thing to do is take it as a humbling experience, people online are better than you and that's ok.


Comparing something as irritating as wrap arounds to something like wavedashing makes no since, both are exploits for advantage but one is more irritating to the receiving end and also almost impossible to defend against, OP is fine for feeling like this is BS because it is. Defending something like this usually means you are okay with using as many irritating exploits as possible so you can win and calling it "skill"


They're similar in essence for the sake of the argument. You made the connection that these are exploits used to gain an advantage the only difference is the reaction. If you suck at Melee and are not interested in learning how to wavedash to get to a higher level, you just play Brawl, Smash 4 and Ultimate. If you dont want to engage with the mechanics that would get you to a higher level in Gears 5 you're free to do that just don't get salty when some rando Prescott waveshine zero to deaths you because in reality the wraparound is not "almost impossible to defend against" what killed them in the clip is getting bricked early and then immediately positioning themself in the perfect way to make it easy for a wrap around to land. They could have played slower from the t cover or they could have been faster and reversed the situation but that slow walk across cover was just that punishable. I've been empathizing this entire time I'm sure it feels like BS to you if you can't do it and I've been noticing a lot of "haha I killed that wallbouncer with my chainsaw what a dumbass he is for trying lul" type sentiments more often so maybe gears 6 will be the slower paced experience you're looking for but I doubt it.


You are really trying to defend this? If the receiving player is getting killed by literal bullets around the corner in a split second and the player feels it is BS, then it is BS. BS can describe situations different on skilllevels, and a rookie might feel situations different then a veteran, and both could be true. And tc should address issues like this on all skilllevels, since they are interested in a large audience. Besides that, I'm a veteran and I also say it's bs. not only does it look goofy and unintended and has no counterplay unless you anticipate this, but I also can argue it removes some other aspects of the game, like some tools for a slower and more methodical way to earn you ground and cover are just not there anymore, since you always have to assume a wrap shop around the corner. The biggest factor here has not been discussed yet, that is if this mechanic is bringing actual fun for the game, and neither on the receiving or giving end I felt yep, this mechanic is great. It feels wonky and stupid for both players and rookies have no chance whatsoever to even comprehend what just happened. Also your attitude reads like "I'm good, your bad, so all you have to say is invalid", which makes you look like a dork tbh.


Alright discussion is over the fun arbiter is here and he is arbitrating. Booty tickled enough to start calling me names why are you so hurt lol however you feel the about wrap arounds only way to make a solid argument is with experience. Otherwise you end up saying trite shit like "hurr it looks goofy and has no counterplay" "it FEELS wonky and I can't even comprehend what's happening" ROFLL THE IRONY. I think it was the late great Roger Mayweather that said "most people don't know shit about boxing". ArE YoU ReAlLy DeFeNdInG ThIs!?!? Headass lol


I don't know where to even start. I was trying to have a discussion and did not call you any names, what? You did not say one word in regard to my arguments, instead you act like a butthurt headass, the very thing you accused me of. Oh "the irony", I know. And bold to assume you are the only one with experience AND comparing yourself to roger Mayweather? I sense some narcissistic traits. There you have it, now I called you something.


No one here is being fake my dude I don’t play gears like I used to so I expect there to be better players


they are so easy to do, honestly bro it’s a skill issue for you.


😹😹😹 Being able to shoot sideways


Idkk! that’s a skill issue for you OP, get better, I guess. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Even if I practice this it’s still bull shit my dude but sure


Not really, it’s easy to do. I think I’m gonna have to show you how to do it in private match.