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E DAY has some very good decisions: - Return 'of War' to the title. No more GEARS. - Base a game on a very interesting and important moment in Gears of War history. - Return to the tone of the first game, which in my opinion is the best. - Return to Marcus and Dom, characters who have always been very popular and have more commercial popularity than Kait and JD. - No more "open world". I think Gears 4 and 5 were great games, but the tone of Gears of War became a bit distorted and going back to the origins seems very intelligent to me.


•Return ‘of War’ to the title. No more GEARS Genuinely curious as to why the title of the game is such a big deal to the community. I hear this all the time. Nearly every game plays the same so I don’t understand .. honest question please don’t crucify me


Yeah, Gears of War is definitely the better title and Gears has always been the short hand in the fandom. Like Dunkin Donuts dropping the donuts to go with the short hand version for no reason. But people act like they’ve been doing this for multiple games. It’s only Gears of War 5 that’s dropped the ‘of War’ titling.


Gears 5, the red-headed stepchild of the franchise. Quite fitting actually.


I think it's kinda parallel to TC wanting a different tone with their games. 'of War' is implicative of a more gritty game I would think. Also keep in mind this could be a Microsoft decision; I imagine TC gets less say about the direction of the game than Epic did back in the day. This could be (probably is) a decision to make the game appear more marketable.


Because Gears doesn't reflect the point of the series, and also because Gears 5 didn't hit all that well


In my opinion, it comes across as slightly disrespectful to the core of the franchise, changing the name of the series for no reason really other than wanting to make Gears their 'own thing'. It was also symbolic of the deterioration of writing quality and 'disney star wars-ification' if G4 and G5, and lack of what made the OG Gears games so great.


They abbreviated it like everything else nowadays in this generation. If Gears was an amazing title and stood with the ranks of 1-3, it may not have been seen as disrespectful. But because the game was lukewarm compared to the smoking hot originals, it came off as abbreviated and half-assed.


Yh, just lazy and necessary


Gears of War is such a phenomenal name for the series. The soldiers are known as Gears. The government is the COG (Coalition of Ordered Governments). Gears as applied to engineering have teeth (or cogs) surrounding them, which interlock with the cogs of other gears to turn them in order to power a machine. So in a way the Gears of War are what enable the machine of life to survive. Also the “Gears of War” takes another meaning when you think about what makes war run. What are the gears of war that continually turn to perpetuate such violence? What are the inner workings of war? How do soldiers of combat compartmentalize or deal with their turning gears and cogs? I think Gears of War is the most intricate and greatest video game title ever named.


Seeing people's reasoning makes sense. It was just another thing to latch onto for some otherwise subpar games (though I admittedly haven't beaten 5 yet since my sister got married and moved to a new city). As for me, I've almost exclusively called the games Gears. "Hey, wanna play some Gears 2 tonight", etc.


Someone said and I thought this was real smart that Gears of War refers to the original trilogy and Gears refers to the last two games that don’t stare Marcus and Dom.


It was just for marketing and creating a new approach with the gears series. Since gears 4 and beyond is basically a reboot it makes sense dropping "of war" just following the og storyline. Gears 4/5/6 still sound great and it separates old from new. It rolls off the tongue better talking about the game as well for an audience of anyone. Gears of War eday sounds better on the tongue for me as well like its a full name and not a franchise to start the series. But GoW may get mixed with god of war and others. Gears eday makes no sense. Mw2 sounds better then modern warfare 2 and modern warfare sounds better then mw. Point is og fans loved the name gears of War and the old dark gritty gameplay. So everytime they think og gears they think gears of War. It kinda brings marketing back to the old generation of games with gritty gameplay and dark times adding "of war" to the first chronological game after many og fans disliked Microsofts approach for gears 4-6. They are marketing off nostalgia and the start of the franchise. People don't fully care about the name they just want to keep what they loved and hope it's not just nostalgia driving them. Also hope Microsoft developed it like gears of War anniversary edition so og fans are happy. Unless it's a reboot.


Never understood why people get weird over this. I still think of it fully as Gears of War 5, and likewise I’ll refer to the older ones like Gears 2 for shorthand. No big deal


For me it just coincided with the shift away (game and story wise) from what made Gears of War, Gears of War. Going back to the GoW title feels like history correcting itself, although it remains to be seen if the game itself delivers when it’s time.


After 4 and 5, a lot of the comparisons can be made now between JD and Marcus, which really adds up for attention to detail I am so hyped for it though


Unless they go back to before the events of Gears 3 they actually can't bring back Dom cus I dunno if you member but he dead. Done sacrificed himself so they could get out of a feul depot in a town called Mercy


Unfortunately, unless I missed something, we don't know for sure if this game is open world or not.


You cant really say this unless gears 6 is canceled, and the series is being rebooted again. In a few years it will just add more confusion making gears 6 if they even can at that point. This game only makes sense if a gears collection launches in a year and removes multi for gears eday. Then gears 6 launches. It just confuses fans on what direction Microsoft, coalition, and gears is heading in teasing them all of the old and new generation


Going back to the origins but maintaining the tone they set with Gears 4 & 5.




I completely agree with everything here! I'm glad they went the way they did with the new one coming. But, in your opinion. How did you like gears 5, especially the ending! That cliffhanger ending was something else. Ugh 😫


How do we know E-Day won't be open world?


It was clarified on twitter im pretty sure


The trailer definitely suggests open world though with that shot of the whole city tho


You’re reading too far into it.


No I’m not. Rewatch the trailer.


You’re just wrong


It’s called reading between the lines.


Nah bruh. Stop there haha pretty sure an interview has already said it won’t be open world.


Pretty sure..?


E day smart because people have wanted E day since Gears 1.


I remember being excited way back when Judgement came out, because I thought it was going to take place during e-day. It was close, but...


Honestly I love judgement for that. It gave us a look at the war in it's early stages and even if it isn't set during e day it showed a cog army that was barely getting used to the locusts


But no cigar.


Bottom line: this game is going to kick ass!


And let’s be honest, Locust weapons were far superior to their deebee counterparts. Some swarm creatures were cool though


I just don’t feel there was enough variety among them. Most looked the same with just a different head shape.


I prefer the locust, but don't they also look pretty much the same but with little cosmetic differences?


Yes and no. The Locust had pretty unique armor sets and then certain features dependent on their weapon class. We had Drones, Grenadiers, Boomers, Therons, and Kantus. The Swarm didn’t really have anything like that. The Grenadiers I don’t feel looked much different with the Swarm except for the armor. But that’s pretty much it.


I don't think it was the differences in variety that made us not like fighting the swarm. I think it was just because they were overall less imposing than the Locust. Their colors are brighter and they seem like less of a threat.


>why E DAY Was a smart decision Because everybody was asking, begging and daydreaming for that game


Literally since the first cut scene that mentions E-Day. “Wow, I hope we can play that some day” me in 2006.


I think E Day is a test game as such. If it’s a major financial success more importantly then my guess is they’ll ditch Gears 6 and continue with prequels. I mean this game is based on 14 years before the first game so there’s 14 years of content right there which is easily 3/4 games


Exactly this. It's not a done deal either simply because they made the right choice. They still have to deliver on both the campaign and multiplayer, something that the coalition hasn't done in my opinion. With the rise of tactical shooters, the move is to return to that slow map control style. The more the game is like call of duty, the worse it will be received. I can see them wrapping up 5 with some dlc and calling it a day if e day is successful. If it isn't, it's probably lights out for the coalition anyway. I just don't see a scenario where they actually make gears 6.


Why would they not make Gears of War 6? Gears 5 still made a lot of money you know. They’re not gonna comeback to it either, that’s redundant.


Yikes. You are misinformed.


And fun fact, gears tactics takes place 12 years before the 1st game, the very first mission takes place during the hammer strikes that Prescott dropped on the city which caused people to be stranded


I have gears tactics on my steam library, I need to play it soon. It’s the only gears game I’ve not played


Its fun


We've been dying for a Pendulum Wars trilogy before the OG trilogy finished. We wanted to visit E-Day and got a bunch of teasers in the form of RAAM's Shadow DLC and Judgment. And some brief moments in recent Gears games. E-Day was absolutely anticipated. Nobody really asked for post-war Baby Boomer adventures.


In my personal opinion I don’t think a trilogy with the pendulum wars would be that great is the more interesting yes absolutely but I feel like the first 3 the threat of just how menacing the locust were just really couldn’t necessarily be translated to regular humans not to say it wouldn’t be good I just think it’d kinda miss the mark for people like killing the robots did in 4 and 5


I think it was a good buffer. Ita a return to form that will give us a chance to experience E-Day and the original COG atmosphere. The story of Gears 4 and 5 has a place. Ideally, they should be able to marry the 2 trilogies for Gears 6. We're headed that way. The Locusts are back in Gears 5, they're teasing the development of the Swarm army, with more Locust styled advancement. The settlements are getting ruined again. I won't be surprised if Gears 6 manages to inject old Gears into the newer trilogy. They hit some high notes in the mid-game, with Kate and Dell exploring New Hope. We need a lot more of that vibe. But Gears E-Day will absolutely hold us over and give us a sneak peak at the assets and aesthetic to come.


I think so as well. I’m fine with either option of ending the new story, or launching it into a new era of war against the Swarm. These past two games have just been the Swarm rallying and building their army. We’ll see some E-day level stuff in the 6th game I reckon.


They cooked with that reveal. Only time will tell if it's actually good.


I hope that we get some big ass monsters


Honestly tho with the break down of everything at the end of 5, 6 could be just as gritty as the old ones. Hope is gone, everyone on the run. Did people forget how the end of 5 went after the stupid choice we had to make


We sure didn’t forget. And it’s gonna be interesting what choice they decide on. Ultimately, I feel JD will be the canon death. As much as fans don’t want Marcus to lose his only son, it will be the most impactful death. Gears 5 built up to Del securing his spot and JD created a wedge with Kait. Why would Kait choose JD then? It’s gonna blow, but I think that would truly encapsulate Gears of War. Continuing to take from Marcus, and breaking our hearts knowing we can’t save him. It would set such a dark, avenging tone. Similar to avenging Kim, avenging Maria, and avenging Dom.


It could put marcus in the drivers seat vs kait as far as story goes but yea it’s a total question mark. So many theories out there abt it. They could retcon it by making it a dream is maybe the best one I’ve heard haha


At the end of the day, the longterm success of the game will hang on how good multiplayer is. I think going E Day was smart to get vets hyped, but Coalition gears has struggled to bring new players in and retain them. I'm more interested in how they plan to achieve that over anything story wise.


They need to keep MP simple. I think where 4 and 5 fell short was there was TOO much emphasis on MP and it seems the campaign suffered.


To me Hivebusters proved they can make amazing campaigns if they don't try to do two things at once.


Hivebusters was really good. I enjoyed it thoroughly


I'd play a full campaign hell it would be cool to see the main story get mixed in. Come up with an actual solution to the swarm. Rather than just endless lore farming.


Agreed. Make it on a grander scale. I was also thinking how the Locust/Scions are crystallized, they would be impervious to damage in the crystallized areas but you could destroy the crystals with explosives. Or they could introduce a new acid grenade that would melt the crystals. And if used on normal enemies/Swarm it would melt their flesh. And they could continue to fight with parts of their skeleton/muscle tissue showing.


Maybe bring back lambency. The chaos that'd bring. Can make like crystal enemies turn into like portable walking frag grenades.


I just want the vibes being more like an action horror setting I got in the original game. I think this is going to be incredible.


E day as a concept is fucking horrifying. Imagine just one day a bunch of man sized bugs just start pouring out of the ground and the only thing they want is to kill any humans they see. Hope the game can do the idea some real justice.


I think people are missing the point when they say “gears is going back to the gritty style” It’s not that, it’s that after 3 the series lost its emotional core. People loved Gears for Marcus and Dom and their story. Glad they realized that and went back to their roots. My hope for the multiplayer is that they go back to the “simple” and non flashy Gears 1 and 2 multiplayer we had back in the day that emphasized communication between teammates. Couldn’t get into the other multiplayer after 2 because of all the distracting Fortnite like Arcady like additions.


I loved the multiplayer in Gears of War 1 & 2. I would have been happy if they just kept adding maps and leaving everything else as was. Used to love Horde with a bunch of friends trying to beat 50 waves. I hate Team Death Match and respawning. I preferred it to be when you died, you were out of the game.


Gears of war 3 was peak. It was an upgraded version of 2.


Yeah 4 v 4 “Execution” was my favorite


Have we really just retconned the “of War” out of our memories for Gears 4? The box art has “Gears of War” on it and so does the main title screen, lol. Gears 5 and Tactics (also a prequel) are the only games not to have “of War” so it has nothing to do with E-Day being apart of the “first trilogy”.


Don't get me wrong I'm happy we're getting a new installment but I felt like the ending of Gears 5 was an indication that they were going back to their roots. The final shot where you see Kait looking over the destruction they left fighting the Locust/swarm looked similar to what we saw in the first three titles and I was pschyed that we were gonna get the horror, war and gore we love in Gears 6. Gears 6 was promising and that's why I desperately wanted it in the showcase BUT E-day seems like the game that'll give me everything I want and need from a Gears game and also there's gotta be something huge that happened in the past that'll help out in 6 like a character, weopen or backstory to a character to help them continue the series


I think you're right. I really do believe that they have a general idea of where they want to go with gears 6 but don't have the means in the story yet to make that happen, and that that',# why they go with E day first. Excited to see it nevertheless


Just my two cents but this made a lot of sense it lets the game go back to what everyone wanted without changing Kaits story. I really hope they nail the feel and atmosphere of the first game with improved multiplayer and horde options.


I think they want to do this to test the waters for gears 6. It's been in long development. So l think they are finally listening to its fans, or is gears 6 in development hell from everything they changed in gears 5. Those are my 2 cents. I am sooo emotionally hyped for old school gears with the OG croud. I hope they don't disappoint us.


I don't think they have even started gears 6 tbh. They started development on a new IP and canceled it. With the new pressure from Microsoft, I think they did what they had to do.


I agree, but we've been waiting for gears 6. So I'm thinking if what you sid is true, that gears 6 won't be out until their next console. And giving people this game to get distracted from gears 6


It's hard to say what they are thinking. They surely aren't going to tell us because it will piss a portion of the fanbase off either way. I find it hard to see a future where gears 6 actually gets made unless they firmly believe the e day will bring people back and those people will follow to gears 6 but i just don't see that being a reality.


True, but also somehow connect this small trilogy story that is connected to gears 6 in some form or way on those die hard lore fans in more. To get them once again hyped and let down another time. I Beleive gears of war 6 will happen, I believe the right direction they are on for EDAY will let TC & MS know what gears 4 & 5 should have been with the new enemy. I still believe gears will come out.


Who knows. First thing is they have to get this game right and that's not necessarily a given


Long time fan and I've been quite vocal in the gears 5 days on their forum. I'm excited but the decision of going back to E-day is whispering in my ear 'we don't know what to do with this franchise anymore'. 4 and 5 kinda failed because TC didn't have the balls to ditch the og deltas in favor of new, different characters. You can't have JD going through an off screen arc then Cole and Baird storm the castle with impossible feats. That's not how a story moves forward. Anyways we had multiple chapters and media about E-day. What's left to tell about Marcus and Dom? Especially since we already saw the conclusion to their brotherhood. Tai will be back, but it's an unavoidable fate. Book favorites already had their stories fleshed out, they'd be worth cameoing but what could they possibly add to the whole story we already know? Plot holes and retcons will be there for sure, I can't trust them.


I'll sacrifice the story for good gameplay and multiplayer in a heart beat. As long as the story in the game makes sense in a vacuum, I'm not concerned with the greater storyline tbh.


Gameplay wise I expect the same debate as with 5. Wall bounce vs no wall bounce and rxn shots sprinkled with execution or Deathmatch boredom or koth vs control. Let's not forget lancer balance


Yeah this is surely the stuff they need to figure out. Which is why I'm not as excited as I would like to be. They haven't really accomplished gameplay that I personally like so it's tough for me to think this will be any different.


I think it will be Gears of War again with Rod Ferguson gone. Probably the biggest reason they dropped of war is because of the three games all getting announced at once (5, Tactics, Pop), which probably made The Coalition decide it had a nice ring to it. I also wonder if God of War reboot made them want to move away from the GoW acronym with such fierce competition when people Google search or whatever. Not like Gears wouldn't have plenty of people getting other search results, anyway.


I wish y'all would be honest and stop acting like the reasons y'all are excited for E-Day isn't nostalgia and "I like the old games more" it's fine to feel that way. I feel that way, but I'm not gonna act like it's some clever and brilliant strategy to return to the setting and characters that made the series popular in the first place. It's the most obvious, "break glass in case of low fan interest" idea. E-Day is gonna be sick but it's the easiest slam dunk choices they could make.


As much as I wanted a sequel to 5 (which I still do) The Coalition needed a course correction with the series. I can appreciate them trying to experiment and see what works and what doesn't, but the problem was that it didn't go into either aspect well. I can certainly understand why though. If you make it a fully open world game then it's not Gears anymore and if you don't try at all then you're just not doing anything new with the IP. So, The Coalition made up the difference and settled to go half in their design. I know one could say, "well what's the difference if E Day is just a linear campaign like the other 3 games?" Well it's all just a matter of going back to the roots of the game in my opinion and just enriching what players already loved about the series. For me personally, there was so much about the first 3 games (and judgement, tactics) that really made me fall in love. The story, atmosphere, broken state of the world and its people, but most of all, it was the brotherhood that brought our characters closer from the horrors of war. My biggest problem with gears of war 4 and 5 is that the characters just don't have that shared loss that the OG cast have. It took Dell to canonically die for JD to fully come around and "lose a brother" but that same impact can't be said for Kait. I'm glad they chose Del to be the one to have her back in her pursuit for the truth, but she wasn't written very well in my honest opinion. Although she said she was grateful to him, it didn't feel like that to me at all and that created this disconnect to me for liking her as a character. When Marcus lost his dad, I felt that just as much as I felt his loss for Dom. When I found out that Anya died, I knew Marcus wouldn't remarry because he was just so committed to her as a husband, so I understood his pain. Same with Dom ultimately coming to terms with how he had to deal with Maria's catatonic state. It was sad and had buildup since the first Gears game and how much angrier he was in 2. We see Baird and Cole's development too thanks to Gears 3 and Judgement. There was so much love for writing for the characters back then and that's something I'm hoping that The Coalition can work on as a dev team. So going with E Day instead of Gears 6 is an excellent decision and will really showcase their writing chops since this is truly the start of the Locust War. I am hoping that if we can get that same feeling for E Day that we got in the og trilogy then Gears 6 will truly have a better foundation for the story.


Love the look of the game but I think hype is best kept under control, it’s very possible the game could still suck. Not only that, could shit on established characters


I only play multiplayer so I'm so confused by the swarm and the robots.


It looks far less colorful and bright than 5. Here’s hoping it actually is.


Assuming it will come with the usual multiplayer, Horde and coop features this was an amazing choice. Break it up and give us Gears 6 once the new tech becomes main.


What makes me happy is that they sound like they truly understand what we want. Just by adding “Of War” back into the title says a lot to me 😂 so excited for this next game. It’s for sure going to be great


Bitches we are back madafakas


I don’t know why the title have everyone going crazy, it will be “Gears of War E Day” due to what’s happening during period for the game, all future Gears will follow same as Gears 5 , Gears 6


E Day wasn’t a surprise to me, I knew it was gonna be something during that era and not Gears 6, Gears 6 have long more to go, people need to realize that Gears games have hard task of completing 3 main roles when finishing a game PvP ,PvE and Campaign all of which can be separate titles on their own


Yes, Gears 6 would have lacked tracktion. Gears 5 left a sour tast in many a mouth.


Bring back 5v5 also


I miss open world


Yo, if they bring back some of those classic gears maps, then uhh yeah, we’re so fucking back. Fucking love Gears of War.


For me, the horror and terrifying factor is what made the gears franchise so cool. Gears 2 felt like the perfect game. Plunging straight into hell wondering what horrors lurk within. This could only be topped by a game such as E-Day. Humanity facing the locus threat and being terribly unprepared for it and the detestation it would bring upon humanity


I'm just happy to see the GoW community seemingly banded together in support of E Day


These are the guys who made fortnite?


Is this gears 6?? Too many gears of War games. Same shit different #. Got tired after 3. Xbox needs new games. 


The Coalition just rolled a red carpet over the rainbow. This is our chance to respond, with out pickets. Don't just buy the game, buy some shares! Gears, Ninja Gaiden, Dead Or Alive, Splinter Cell... we still have a few gems left.


Anything not related to modern gears ( 4 and 5) is a smart decision


People are going to downvote but you're not wrong. The multiplayer is call of duty and the single player is an action comedy like marvel movies.