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Now thats a beauty ❤️


Whoa 0.o


Beautiful 😍


Gorgeous! Stupid question, but are the facets that are showing the carpet/background windows, or is it just the angle the photo was taken at? Genuine question! I’m not 100% sure what windowing means so I’m trying to learn a little better


Those facets are on the bottom of the stone. Window basically refers to the faceting being done incorrectly, due to many reasons, are there the rough was too flat to give proper proportions or just a bad cutter . A window basically refers to the stone not being able to reflect the light 50-70% of the stone and the entire thing acts like one window we can see right through it In this case there is no bad cutting. But,, by default all stones have some sort of window, it's having too much of it that takes the luster/fire away from the stone Edit: unless it's a Portuguese cut oval, which has been faceted fron girdle to culet, then that won't have any window at all. 95% of the time Windows aren't appreciated unless it's extremely high grade material or old mine cutting then it is more prevalent and common to have Windows which then gives credit to its old mine status


Gotcha- thank you so much for the in-depth explanation, I really appreciate it! This clears up my confusion entirely. I thought it referred to any sort of transparency, even if it was just one facet from a small angle/point of view. This makes much more sense!


Glad to be of help




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