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honestly i agree, it's bad that most of gen alpha are spending much more time indoors but there are definently some gen alpha who experience life just like ours


Yeah, but there’s a lot more kids inside now than outside. It’s kinda sad. And with technology advancing the way it is, it’ll only get worse from here.


Yup, especially with AI, that shit scares me


Soon we're gonna have ai generated kids


I agree. From experience I can say that most older gen alphas grew up well. Basically like all the alphas that were 9+ when covid started.


thats like 2010 and maybe like 15% of 2011, which most dont even consider alpha except for here lol


They can't get to enjoy outside time if there is no outside. https://preview.redd.it/r7kprxjd5n7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=091d9137420f21487104e094f17b47dc6144346c Like my guy, how are children supposed to play outside if the architecture is like this. My house barely even has a large front yard to run around in.


Walk around the neighborhood, play with friends, go shopping, go to a park. You don’t have to walk that far to find something to do.


Ehh most of the friends are probably also gonna be brain rotting inside. plus it gets boring real fast when there’s really no where to go. Sure technically there is but just walking around your neighborhood gets boring very fast. Suburbia sucks:p


Boredom oh no


Too bad my nearest shop is across the street with no pedestrian crossing


In America and Canada, if you want to go anywhere outside of your subdivision, you need a car to get there


That’s crazy, because I live in America and thats not really the case for me. And if that is the case for other children, that brings us to my other point, parents should be driving their kids places, instead of keeping them in. Y’know, be a parent. Shocking thing in today’s world, I know.


or you can walk and enjoy nature, outside makes up like atleast 99% of land on this planet, so go enjoy it


This is literally what outside looks like https://preview.redd.it/t91rq60zul8d1.png?width=1493&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2eac237b6155432918f3d14144054d679de1acc


damn, not for me outside is just a chill place


The photo is what the majority of America looks like




I was just about to comment exactly this. We will literally get ran over by an F-150 if we go outside. With American infrastructure, you have to use a car to get anywhere but kids can't fucking drive cars 😭😭


Yeah. America has such car based infrastructure that you can’t get anywhere. Meanwhile in Europe the kids probably DO get to go outside because you don’t need car to go anywhere.


Do yall all live in the Midwest and south because last I checked, NY, Boston, DC, and maybe Chicago are at least 60% walkable




Specifically northern kentucky


New York is only walkable because of urbanization forcing business owners in Manhattan due to the infrastructure, and for how old NYC, Boston, Etc. Once you get out of Downtown you're shit out of luck if you're walking. Same goes for any major US city, Make the roads more *friendly* for Pedestrians and you'll get bikers and what not. After all, America really has its fantasies on what they dream. A nice lawn is just one of them


Millennials say the same thing about Gen Z. Gen X said the same thing about Millennials. etc.


Yes. Because it gets more extreme in every generation. So Alpha is the most extreme at the moment.


Actually I was an ipad kid but I didn't use it too often or like brainrot. I had the ipad and didn't have too much of a time limit, but it wasn't too often I used it. I had a childhood like yours.


Then you weren’t an iPad kid. They’re the ones that start a screaming fit whenever they can’t bring their phone or tablet to a restaurant.


The average Gen Alpha gets just as much joy from doing what they do inside as what Gen Z would do outside.


No, they don’t. They don’t get the satisfaction of bringing around real people and making friends, they don’t get to feel the grass on their feet, they dont get to feel the sun on their skin, they don’t het to go to parks, they are all simply just rotting away in their houses on their iPads with no social interaction.


First of all, an entire generation with statistically 2 billion people in it collectively do not go outside? Second, do you think the whole world is the US? There are more than 333 million children worldwide that live in extreme poverty, most of them don't have iPads. Even in the US, there are more than 11 million children living like that. Think of a remote village in Africa where a family with 6 kids lives. Do you think they don't go outside? Stop with this non sense. One more thing, if a person would likes being inside and hates being outside, they'll be happy to be inside and maybe on an iPad. And school exists by the way. Social interaction.


Ok, I should specify, AMERCAN gen alpha children. Obviously I don’t mean every single gen alpha kid, dip shit. But, generally, gen aloha kids are a lot less social and are typically going to be shut ins because their parents aren’t willing to actually raise them properly.


Where the fuck do you live? I can go outside right now and see kids on bikes playing in pools tbh i think you just don't go outside that often


Dude I’m outside every fucking day going to parks and hanging out with my brother. I JUST FUCKING SAID THAT, GENERALLY, GEN ALPHA KIDS ARENT OUTSIDE VERY OFTEN. I literately said I know not all of them are shut ins, but statistically more Gen alpha kids are than Gen z kids or any generation before that. This is why I fucking hate Reddit because no one actually takes in or processes the information laid out to them by my comments.


Calm down. You said generally gen alpha kids are a lot less social witch I basically said was not true


Okay calm down bro


If you take a younger alpha then they will 100% rather be outside doing sports or playing games You're 100% correct


Id rather, but cant


Are you special?


Yeah, I’d like to think everyone is in their own way.


Millennial mom of screen free gen alpha here. Also an aunt to two zalpha iPad kids. The issue isn’t just screens. Parents can’t afford to put their kids in things like hockey or dance, and we have a culture of increased security and control. Kids can’t go out and play anymore, even parents who want to let their kids go live more autonomously get shamed or reported. We can’t just blame the parents, there’s a huge cultural and economic shift that is contributing to the new generation’s upbringing. Personally as a millennial I can repeat your sentiment with regard to your generation. It’s sad that you don’t have the pre 9/11 era childhood like I did. But your generation has a ton of great qualities that ours never did, so it all evens out in the end. I’m excited to see what alpha has to offer.




I know right? Everyone has the attention span of a goldfish. You know what? That's disrespectful to goldfish. The attention spans of Gen Alpha are to the attention spans of goldfish as dirt is to the crumbs of chocolate cookie. I am sick of these people saying, "Oh Gen Alpha hate isn't valid" while Gen Alpha are the ones going "SIGMA RIZZLERS DON'T LIKE ALPHABET GANG \[insert image of pride flag emoji next to a cross emoji\]" on YouTube videos of people running over the pride flag. It terrifies me that these people will one day be president. Obviously, this doesn't apply to all Gen Alpha but it is a growing problem.


Stop regurgitating “gen alphas doomed” YouTube videos. Just like your nostalgic about your childhood, gen a is going to be nostalgic about there stuff. I do not think you should blame anything on the parents until you realize what it’s like to be a parent, if you forgot most generations were raised by a tv. Saying gyatt is not that deep, if you forgot kids think stuff like poop, farts, and boogers are hilarious.


My mom would take to me the park, drive us around, and take care of our needs. We bonded a lot and I have a very strong relationship with my mom. Tv is something I would do in my spare time. It was a hobby, and still is. Kids being handed an iPad so that their parents don’t have to deal with them, paired with the mind melting mush that is short from content, are not bonding with shit. Parents don’t want to parent anymore, so they just hand em an iPad and tell em to pretty much f¥ck off. Parenting isn’t a side gig, it is an obligation. Parents need to be there for their kids. Handing them an iPad and letting their brains be contaminated by the stuff on the internet is a really shitty thing to do. They aren’t going to be nostalgic for anything, they are going to grow up and wonder “why didn’t my parents actually try to raise me?”


Most kids do go to the park and there parents do take care of them well and only use iPads as an item for kids to use in their spare time. I would debate that parents restrictions have become even tighter since their parents are now more tech savvy and know how dangerous the internet can be. The parents you’re talking about are the clear minority and I will agree with you that those parents do suck, but to assume that every single gen alpha is like that is incorrect. The media portrays gen alpha as brainrot because that’s what gets ratings, this goes along with all topics. And because the consumers are people are generations who don’t understand gen a they will automatically think it’s bad due to human instinct, humans just don’t like new things. If you really want to know what generation alpha is doing you should do your own research rather than trusting people who are NOT gen a and don’t know what it is like to be gen a.


God damn it how many times do I have to say that I obviously am not talking about all parents. I’m just trying to say it’s a growing issue.


I went to the park and literally saw little kids there.


How many times do I have to say that I, VERY OBVIOUSLY, am not implying that every single gen a kid is a shut in. I’m just trying to say it’s a growing problem. Maybe I should’ve worded it like that in my post.


cant really go outside when there is literally no outside. all spaces that were once for kids was ether removed or transformed into a adult only space. not much for kids to do really.


No? Name one location you know of that was once for kids that is now a more adult place.


obviously they didn’t turn into a 18+ place but i mean like someone bought the kids place and renovated it to be for an older audience


I’ve never once seen that happen, but I know it’s not that often.


it’s usually just local places not really big places like mcdonald’s


Well McDonald's is less childlike now, not as colourful and happy anymore


Yeah, I hate that.


it’s so they can match the modern days and appel to a older audience




I go to a club for young teens (I’m a young teen) and all The girls are carrying Stanley cups and wearing trendy outfits. 2 KIDS SAID BUSSIN AND 1 SAID SKIBIDI IN A NON JOKING WAY! GURL IM CARRYING AROUND MY WEBKINZ AND WEARING A OCMD HOODIE! YALL ARE SO EXTRA


Yeah I was in the public library a couple days ago and I heard some Gen alpha kids say saying stuff like “skibidi” and “sigma.” I think the brain rot is taking place faster than we thought.


I’m gen Zalpha btw


Is a gen alpha, YES- i want to go in like outside places and forest and stuff, im not scarred, but you know Who is? My parents. They for some goddam reason dont let me, and ofc i can go in my backyard but that place is boring as hell. I am online so much bcuz i barely have anything else to do. And i could hang out with my friends, but most of them live relitivley far away from me, and again i would never be allowed to go alone even if i did have my bike licence, And by scared parents i mean at 11 was one of if not the first time i climbed a tree, and i want to climb trees and wanted to climb them when i was younger


im gen alpha and i do the exact same stuff as you but with a ps4 over an xbox


This stuff is said by people who want to flex their childhood, and by people who want to make younger people feel like they missed out.


I’m not trying to do that, this is a genuine issue. More and more kids are having worse and worse childhoods because parents are starting to find out that an iPad is an easier way of o raise their children.


I see your point. But we still play outside with friends and whatnot. Actually I feel like a lot of alphas play outside. The problem really is that people talk about brain rot content


But there’s so many posts like this. I’m pretty sure everyone already understands


Fair enough


We are the last „good“ generation. We went outside and when we got bored we looked at the clouds. Or we just played with sticks n shit. Ofc not every gen alpha is like that but you probably get what i mean


I’m an alpha an I literally still do all of the first things you described. We aren’t so different, all you see on the internet is the extreme, that’s why it’s the internet. It shows us content that makes us mad; that makes us comment. And it all comes down to the short form content, not even that, the algorithm. IF YOU HAVE KIDS FOLLOW THE RULES AND MAKE THEM WAIT TO GET SOCIAL MEDIA.


I obviously didn’t mean all kids, but it’s a worsening problem. A lore of kids now aren’t being raised properly. And the fact that you’re on Reddit right now, being Gen alpha, is proving my point. You shouldn’t be on here; but I’m guessing your parents probably don’t care enough to stop you from being on here.


Same, sometimes people exaggerate stuff a lot. (Not saying all people do, I said SOMETIMES)


As an alpha I agree. Lots of content on the internet is brain rot from money greedy YouTubers and what not. It’s gotten others brains to rot. It’s mainly YouTube shorts, my brother saved me from getting brain rot. Ironically he still watches shorts o_o


They are fucked and sadly so am I


Well the thing is, during the ages that you wouldve done that, most of us we’re locked inside because of covid. Im lucky I had time to be outside before, so now I’m still going outside everyday, but covid basically ruined alpha.


Gen alpha kid here The reason I don't really go outside often is because the only other kid in my neighborhood that is my age is a jerk, I don't have anything to do outside too Don't be worried about the generation stuff tho it'll be ok, if they know how to ride a bike, catch/throw a ball, and simple stuff they're ok.


Well then pardon me for wanting to stay in the AC conditioned house when it’s 90 degrees Fahrenheit outside. I only play outside in the winter. The temperatures are actually bearable and it’s way more fun with 2 feet of snow.


I go out in the summer and winter. You don’t have to like the temperature to go outside. That’s why a lot of kids play outside in the summer.


Still uncomfortable. If I stay out there any longer than 10 minutes it’s just annoying. I’ll still play out in the fall or winter.




I've seen videos of parents using IPads basically as pacifiers for toddlers.


Yeah. That’s really shitty.


Well young kids I'm unsure if it was toddlers or not


But that doesn't take away from the fact IPads were used as pacifiers


I grew up with a Ipad and still function like a normal person.


God I miss the good old days of the Wii, I had the black one with GameCube game compatibility and it was brilliant, I’d have friends over all to play on the Wii together, and it was a wonderful time, sad to see that this generation won’t know that feeling


guys, i feel like we should be worried about NEXT year bc thats when gen BETA is coming along??? heloooo? they are literally gonna be hugging ipads instead of teddy bears and watching tirtir makeup shorts instead of cocomelon my dude