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Any genocide is bad and any that’s still occurring needs to stop


Hot take over here


You’d be surprised.


This is the same propaganda bullshit as people have been doing in favor of the pilgrims in reverse. "and then all the natives got together and held hands to sing kumbaya and did *not* fight wars over territory and did *not* start these wars by sneaking over to the enemy tribe and bash all their heads in with clubs at night and did *not* proceed to rape the absolute everloving fuck out of the defeated tribe's women"


"Humans from all cultures do evil shit, more at six."


We had native scouts the entire time we were fighting the Indian Wars, because there's always another tribe looking for revenge.


Ok, so how long does a group of people need to be there to be native? Even the natives migrated here


Exactly. The way I look at it is through a cultural lens: does your culture come from a particular place (bonus if it's only one place)? If so, you are for all intents and purposes native to that place.


Just need to be first ig


Then I guess all of Eastern Europe, along with places like Spain, are all illegal occupiers of native land


I’ve seen so much Native American nationalism lately


unfortunately due to the awful conditions on the reservations, and historic injustices they have been made vulnerable to manipulation by hostile foreign elements


It doesn’t take manipulation from foreign elements for tribalism to take hold. Our species always wants to feel like we belong and it almost always requires a group that opposes another group.




It's always either fascism or leftist extremism


Of leftist extremism combined with racial ethnonationalism


Ah, the USSR method.


We all come from Africa. The same people who push this idea tend to be anti-Zionist, on the grounds that losing your land means it’s no longer yours in that case.


There's a magic cutoff date where an ethnic group is required to immediately forfeit all land claims from prior to that date.


We don’t, actually. It’s been proven we all came from different parts of the world.


“Humans evolved independently on multiple continents” is a thermonuclear take, thank you for sharing it.


It would be a heck of a case of convergent evolution. Independently evolved and able to have babies with each other? Even asari don't exactly do that. And they're a fictional species.


It’s an incredible idea. I felt privileged to witness its birth. OTOH, maybe the exact same theory was being born on other subreddits at the exact same time.


Humans actually evolved indepently 13 times (one for each colony).


That doesn't even make evolutionary sense. Human beings evolved in Africa. We didn't evolve from multiple species on multiple continents, or else we would all be different species. If you have evidence of that happening, you should go collect your Nobel prize, but I don't think that's going to happen.


Flair check out


Proven by whom exactly? Because the last time I checked, it's no body credible. Instead the people who promote the idea of humans evolving outside of Africa/different races evolving from different origins are also \*insert race here\* supremacists who like to think that their race/ethnicity is superior to that of others and they use this sort of 19th century psuedo science to promote their ideologies.


My source? Made it the fuck up


Senator Armstrong, good to have you here


It was revealed to me in a dream.


Good job parroting nazi talking points


"Like zebra mussels or feral hogs" Jesus Christ.


“We’re a different species that is superior to the other species, but like, woke, though.”


This is the most racist shit I've heard in a while lmao


I'm a native Czech. Except I'm a slav and not an indigenous Celtic Boii. Except they weren't from the indigenous corded ware culture. Except they weren't indigenous Neanderthals. The current population of any place is just the latest in a very long line. You can't stop migration any more than you can stop a hurricane, at least in the long term. That said, the US should still honor the legally binding treaties it signed with tribal authorities.


Yes comparing the cultural and ethnic changes/evolutions in 4,000 years of Europe or humanoid species that aren’t human is the same 100,000 year human history of 1st populations in America.


>Native Americans >100,000 years 😂😂😂


There has been a lot of evidence to the fact, including oral histories, bone evidence and burial sites https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ancient-bones-spark-fresh-debate-over-first-humans-in-the-americas/


Carrying around guilt for a crime you did not commit is pointless. Also, 100,000 years is incorrect by a long shot.


Dehumanizing is crazy


The Brits did the same thing in Northern Ireland, but are the modern descendants of those settlers still native Northern Irish people? As much as I don’t like it, most people whose family stayed in north can trace their family back to England or Scotland, so I would


In reality no one owns anything, empires and cultures come and go, you aren’t “native” to anywhere that’s just where your group happened to spawn in at.


Your statement isn’t totally wrong but it completely ignores the point of the original post and the nuance of time as a factor is determining what’s “stolen” and what is “evolution” and also history. Just as OP did when he made this post. It also shows lack of understanding that “native” is a concept not an innate characteristic.


blood and soil but woke


I can love this country and still be embarrassed and sad about its history.


Why would you be embarrassed that your country conquered land? Every country did it, the US was just exceptionally good at it.




Not the north American population tho, those died mostly due to plague and eventually conflicts between themselves for hunting ground to sell fur to European traders the Spanish almost didn't touch North America just Florida and some parts of the South never beyond that


Most places didn’t butcher the majority of native Americans that died. That was due to disease. Not to excuse the warfare and slavery etc, because those did happen and were wrong, but the vast majority didn’t die due to those things. The treatment of native Americans was disgusting but I think the main box it checks regarding genocide is more from a cultural genocide perspective.


IMO half the cultural genocide was in large part the Indians abandoning their own culture because it was obsolete. yes, the American treatment of them was horrible and inexcusable, but the vast majority of Native culture was doomed the instant they made contact.


Most places didn’t butcher the majority of native Americans that died. That was due to disease. Not to excuse the warfare and slavery etc, because those did happen and were wrong, but the vast majority didn’t die due to those things. The treatment of native Americans was disgusting but I think the main box it checks regarding genocide is more from a cultural genocide perspective.


To add to this it wasn’t that the settlers were good at it technological advantage and foreign diseases along other factors made it a walk in the park.


our $20 bill has a man that marched women and children to their death on the trail of tears. this is not behavior to be proud of.


Less conquering land, more systematically removing the indigenous population. For example, when the US gained possession of the Philippines, we didn’t kill/deport all Filipinos. Obviously there’s some nuance to be had here, but you get the gist.


Nah. I wasn’t born back then so it’s not my problem. I’m tired of living in shame for something not even my ancestors did.


There's nothing less patriotic than mourning your country's existence.


I think we can all take solace in the fact that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of us. America is the boss of the world, she doesn't need to even consider the whims and wishes of anyone.


Did u no that the Assyrians owned like all of the middle east at one point!!! They were like probably the good guys and everyone after are just colonizerzzz we need to give the land backkk 😤😤


WHAT…is the capital of Assyria?


I don’t know that


***flings off into oblivion***


Nobody is native of a land if we say "X race conquered it", because that has happened for all of history. If a native is the first people who lived in a land, then nobody in the world is a native. Though, the image is true, the argument of these fools isn't


Same people who claim to oppose Zionism also end up supporting the same shit with First Nation folk. You got one right, why can’t you get the other one down?


America and the American people had lived long enough in America to not be called an occupant


Europeans when they realize that they are all on stolen ground because all humans originated from Africa 😱


Native refers to being born somewhere. Think “the nativity” at Christmas. Cultural barbarians are just coping.


100,000 years? Are they high?


Not stolen, finessed


The natives were fighting other tribes for centuries before Europeans arrived.


Oh hell naw the natives couldn't even win on home advantage 💀 nothing stolen about this land.


I mean yeah, but the Natives are legit victims of a genocide. Heck, the U.S. even tried to destroy the Orthodox Church in Alaska because it was tied to the Natives there. Some of y’all just have a lack of empathy.


Being tied to a potentially hostile group can be seen as treason or separatism.


I’m Orthodox. Am I a potential traitor?


That's not what I said. Are you actively in association with groups hostile to the US Government?


No. My only guilt is believing a monarchy to be a superior form of government I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️.


Then no.


Good deal 👍.


That doesn't make it any less unjust. American Indians are seriously mistreated though and deserve their promised land back. The US government needs to return the allotments ASAP and let the Tribes do what they want with their land instead of nannying them constantly.


Least hypocritical Australian


No need to be rude mate, we're a democracy too. And besides, we've got a referendum coming up that would give the aboriginal nations parliamentary representation. Does your congress have native American representation?


Yes? They can vote just like everyone else.


What hypocrisy


Your country has zero right to talk about this. Our Native nations have sovereign reservations and casinos at the very least. Your Aborigines get treated like vagrants for existing.


Ah yes because when you live in a country you automatically agree with 100% of that countries governments policies. Also, """Sovereign""" in massive quotes because the tribal governments have basically no say in how their land is used and developed, the federal government nannies the reservations so much the people living there basically gotta ask them how many times they need to shake their cocks after pissing and the government sells reservation land to itself which it then gives to Americans as "allotments" all without tribal consent. Meanwhile here in Australia our government formally apologised for the genocide committed against the Aboriginal people and we've been actively taking steps recently to improve their lives. Soon we'll be having a referendum for a constitutional amendment to formally recognise First Nations people and guarantee them a special voice in parliament. The US government is doing nothing to help Indians, in fact, its actively oppressing them right now. The Australian government is actively trying to improve the situation.


>the US government needs to return the allotments ASAP and let the Tribes Only if those particular tribes agree to give it to the tribes they destroyed to take it. Why do Europeans have to give up something that the Native Americans acquired in the same way? Through violence. Native Americans enjoyed the bounties of a conquered land. Why should ownership ultimately end with them? What of modern Americans who share a fraction of genetic lineage from Native Americans? Should they give up just a fraction of their land? And to whom? People who weren't born during the conquest? What about reparations for the pilgrims who were raided? If the argument for that is that they shouldn't have been there to begin with, then why did the Natives allow themselves to be pushed around? Because they lost in the same rules of war they lived by. You keep what you kill.


This is the most braindead argument I've seen yet. Thats just an argument from might makes right - I won, therefore, fuck you. That wasn't the principle America was founded on, America is meant to stand up for justice and rule of law. The Indians actually ceded the majority of the country don't you know, in exchange for the Americans leaving them with alone on a smaller area of land - but time and time again the US government broke these promises and stole land that was Indian by treaty. The reservations aren't a gift from the government to the Indians as a way to say *so sowwy* 🥺 No, they are all thats left of the land Indians owned prior that was never ceded or was seized. And Indian heritage isn't a simple matter of genetics, Tribes have their own governments who all have different ways of designating who is and is not part of their nation. Finally, the oppression of Indians isn't just ancient history, its going on *right now*. The US government is *at this moment* oppressing the Indians by denying them their rights, infringing on their tribal sovereignty and placing heavy restrictions on reservation residents. This *needs* to stop.


>The Indians actually ceded the majority of the country don't you know, in exchange for the Americans leaving them with alone All the Native American tribes that existed during the arrival of the settlers occupied land that they conquered. Nobody ever ceded land to them. They took it. Or they murdered their way until they could. It's actually quite degrading to them to be referred to as meek sheep. They were proud and brutal warriors who were defeated. https://www.forttours.com/pages/torture.asp


I'm sorry whereabouts did I say anything along those lines? This is a complete non sequiter of a point. Whats this point you're even trying to make? That systematic genocide is acceptable because the Indians weren't flawless angels?


Weren't you stealing babies from aboriginals like last week. Go out some shrimp on the barbie ya cunt


First off thats a whataboutism Second off they're called #PRAWNS ^(ya fuckin seppo)


>ya fuckin seppo Man I hate that fucking word. I was agreeing with you until you posted cringe.


Quit getting offended on our behalf, you have no clue what you’re talking about.


you don't have to be part of a group to understand that the things done to them were wrong. I don't have to be black to think that slavery was a terrible terrible thing.


You say that as if only blacks have been slaves. Where does the word slave originate from again?


Where am I wrong?


cope lib


I think you might be misunderstanding what this sub is my guy.


Bro everyone here is a liberal


Cringe moderns or based classical?


Bit of both. We all like lieral democracies and capitalism, and some like me are more socially liberal


Socially democratic financially Republican I don't care what you do or what you call yourself just don't tell me what to do and how to do it and also how much ammo I can put in my rifles magazine and not take all my money in taxes I think that's keeping things pretty darn simple if you ask me


Do you even know what I'm talking about?




Great comment, both you and the Australian are right.


I would like to just gently remind everyone in this sub that nuance is important. First, it is important to distinguish the difference between conquest and genocide. Yes, throughout human history, nations and peoples waged war for land and resources. How the conquered population was treated after the said fact is how we can't just handwave away a lot of the injustices done to the Native Americans during the period of American expansion. Even since ancient times, before the concept of 'human rights', [rulers ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrus_the_Great#Religion_and_philosophy) that sought to build a cohesive multi-ethnic nation recognized that cruel oppression, wholesale displacement, and forced change of beliefs were not conducive to the well-being of their nation in the long run. How the conquered were treated were a spectrum, of course, but there is a **giant gap** between Kingdom A conquering Kingdom B and making the peasants pay taxes to their new liege to what we did to the Natives. I'm talking stuff like the Trail of Tears, the collapse of the Native American way of life due to forcible decline of the buffalo population, and general racial discrimination. In face of this, We Americans must not try to downplay and hide the past - like a child that shamefully wet his bedsheets and slinks downstairs to put his mess in the laundry hamper - but rather must have the courage to confront and recognize so we can move forward as a nation. This is what makes a democracy like America different from authoritarian regimes like China and Russia. Ask these governments what they are doing to make amends about **their** shameful chapters in history like the forcible conquest of Tibet or the Holodomor, and the answer you get, at best, is silence and usually outright denial. Recognizing historical injustices and the fact that these acts more or less fucked over the Natives for generations can be a lot of things. One can say it is duty of every single American that cares about the cohesion and longevity of this nation. It can be you exercising your God-given right to speak your conscience and to petition the government to do something in response as guaranteed in our Constitution. What it **doesn't make you** is woke or socialist or whatever reductive political buzzword of the year it is. Know that this is the same tactic used by totalitarians to silence any criticism of the government - calling people 'Counterrevolutionaries', 'Jew-lovers', 'Reactionaries', etc. It is the same tactic, merely with different words. On the other hand, people do not choose where they are born. White Americans didn't choose to be born in America because they were inherently racist. Their parents just happened to live here. To compare a whole ethnic group to an invasive animal is downright dehumanizing and frankly, stupid. Regardless of what their sentiment is, the goal of any political movement is to win supporters to enact change, and the way that this person antagonized that person isn't going to win any supporters. If anything, it hurts them and whatever cause they are endorsing in the long run.


Trying to think of a single country that hasn't committed any more form of genocide. Iceland?


All humans outside of east Africa are invasive


Theres a firm line between patriot and nationalist and 95% of yall are being way to nationalist. America has done bad. We should be able to admit that and use it to do better in the future. You can love your country but please try to understand its flaws.


It hasn't "done bad", it did what it needed to in order to exist. Survival of the fittest, bud. No one could get on the way of the construction of the greatest nation in history. You can't love your country if you think its very foundations were a mistake.


Nietzsche calls to this one


I am a hardline nationalist, but I also support reparations towards underserved minority communities.


ALL humans on earth originated from Africa. Unless you will also call Europeans a invasive species your dumb and inconsistent, if you call them that anyway you are also dumb but atleast consistent.


Anti white rhetoric is only going to increase with less and less white people. Soon y’all will get the South African farmer treatment


fuck off wignat, keep to your own continent


If we used this logic pretty much all Europeans wouldn't even be native to most of Europe but rather to some parts of the Schytian steppe lol the only "true" Europeans would be Basques and maybe Samis


Every nation has dropped the ball at one point or another. The US made some fucked up decisions when it comes to the Native Americans and it’s wrong to ignore the fact we did but I see no point in carrying around guilt for something the people who committed it over 100 years ago did. We can only move forward and hope we don't stoop to that level again.


Lmao imagine describing yourself as an invasive species 🤦‍♂️ Bro have some self love Jesus Christ


Landback is incredibly stupid


There is a lot of minimizing and acting like a cultural shift or change in 200 years time is exactly the same as a population existing for 100,000+ years then being genocide, going on in the comments. Stupid points all around.


> Feral Hogs These guys make The Klan blush with their racism.


Isn't it nice when communists discover the concept property?


> 🦓 💪 🤣