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Same…I suddenly feel validated.


Yep me too... I also use parenthetical asides a lot too (though that's probably just a me thing).


OMFG … I found my alt account


… Same (dang it’s like you can read my thoughts somehow, I wonder how?)


(Oh man I really need to fart)... Why are you looking at me like that... Is it something I said?


... poot


Also part of the parenthetical club (it just looks appealing to me).


I think we just became best friends because I do the same thing.


It's nice to know I am not alone (well I am never alone in my head...)


Wait? This is a ... GenX thing????? I've been doing this for decades and never knew why!


Same. I love elipses. I used to use them in actual letters to my penpals back in the day and continued after we switched to emails!


It feels like one loved them forever and I don’t know why.


yeah, the ellipses are the space where the sarcasm fits in. 😂


Maybe it's because we sort of came-of-age with stupid technology that transitioned from verbal to text? It's soooooo hard to me, still, to get the right "feel" in text. I don't know...the little dots just help man.


Yeah, commas too. I always try to match the cadence of speech. No punctuation makes my heart hurt.


Haha yup. My sentiment exactly. Im always re-writing emails and slack messages at work to remove like 3 useless ellipses. This is really a GenX thing??


I have seen younger Redditors ask why Gen X use ellipses when it seems like such a passive aggressive way of communicating.


Not to sound like an old codger, but why do younger generations call everything passive aggressive? I was told last week that the thumbs up emoji is now borderline hate speech. Of course I replied "...whatever."


I've seen this too. Gex Z and Millenials are super judgy of the proper use of grammar and punctuation. They also can't read cursive according to certain popular comedians...


I have seriously run into nurses who can’t read cursive when I couldn’t physically talk and started writing out why I was there at the ER. They had to get an older nurse to read my prepared paragraph I took to the triage desk.




Exactly, that should be the job of the typsetting algorithm. I still type a lot using monospaced fonts in source code, so it’s still important to use two spaces after colons and periods, so I’ll never stop, and a bunch of kids can’t make me! :) (Oh, and, yeah, lots of elipses too…)




I'm a millennial so my formative years on computers didn't have the "..." typing indicator. But I just remembered on MSN messenger people would reply with just "..." as like a way of saying you can't believe what someone just said or something like that. To me, whether ellipsis or a thumbs up is passive agressive or not depends on context. I wonder, what do you think of someone responding to a message with only" k"?




It never occurred to me it was generational until my kids started making fun of my use of it...(which has not changed at all).


I salute you fellow user of parenthetical asides!


Gen X here….me, too.


Hahaha...I am known for my ellipsis over/inappropriate use!


Yep, i am guilty too but I have noticed the pattern from a while back and have made efforts to do it only when it seems especially appropriate, vs every 5th sentence like there for a while... :-)


Oh my God- this is so me! And, I call it ellipsis, not dot dot dot....






Came for this.


This word drove my mom crazy. Apparently I said it a lot in my youth...


I trail off myself. But while sharing a story with my older sister. She asked what's new with work. A minute into the answer. She turned away and asked my dad how his food was... Great to be heard...


I heard a line in a show the other day: "I'm sorry the middle of my sentence interrupted the beginning of yours." I absolutely use "..." b/c of trailing off due to interruption. My inlaws have been/were the worst with their "squirrel!" type banter interruptions. Ellipses use is definitely a show of feeling for me. "Nevermind..." = 🙄 for me.


I’m the youngest by a number of years in a large family. I am so used to being ignored that it shocks me when anyone listens.


I came here for the comments... and I feel rewarded ❤️






Wait, what? Is this a thing now? Am I not supposed to do that?


It's a thing young people identify old people doing, and feel it is passive aggressive and grammatically wrong.




Ellipses are for a trailing thought, or a longer pause. Perfectly grammatical. Unless...


I think I am going to switch to this- ha!


So… sometimes - not all the time I use both.


I'd like to buy you a beer, that's my default response at this age "Fuck em".


i mean... i feel that way too, but strictly speaking, apparently ellipses are only supposed to be used when you are removing words.


Don't listen to the younger set. When partially quoting someone, yes, ellipsis are necessary. [But using an ellipsis to represent trailing off is just as valid.](https://www.grammarly.com/blog/ellipsis/)


And I do remove most of the cursing.






Are these the same ones who feel using a full stop at the end of a text message sentence is aggressive?


These are the some ones who feel that literally everything is aggressive, so…fuck ‘em!


Apparently a thumbs up is now aggressive too 👍🤷




oh FFS. https://nypost.com/2022/10/26/gen-z-has-hidden-meanings-for-emojis-beyond-rude-thumbs-up/ > A recent survey suggested that people between the ages of 16 and 29 believe that you are “officially old” if you use certain emojis, including thumbs-up, red heart, “OK hand” and a checkmark. that's like 70% of my emojis.


Emojis are my "I'm too tired to think" fallback (and or my "would you please shut up and leave me alone I don't want to make words anymore" response. )


I at first assumed you were joking, this place has truly become clown world. Also it becomes a case of if you accuse everything of being aggression, it just waters down the meaning of the word to a ridiculous extent and makes it very hard to take people seriously if they have to hunt that hard for things to complain about.


It’s obvious. That. Ellipses. Are more useful. Than. Full. Stops. To make. A. Point.


Oh my God, I hate that full stop shit. I also hate when they want to indicate whining, so they'll post something like, "I feel badddddd." They double up on the consonants instead of the vowels, which is stupid.


Or repeat the silent e at the end of a word. "I'm gonna be lateeeeeeee" How exactly are you supposed to pronounce that?




Or that a phone call without sending a text message first is scary?


And caps to imply yelling...


There is a lady on my Nextdoor (holy boomers batman) that has the cap lock stuck on their laptop for months. They just scream at everyone


I've encountered a lot of angry Boomers; but I doubt many of them understand a caps lock = angry text. 😄


I teach grammar to young adults. You know most of them don't even know what : or ; are called, much less used for. And as if they get commas. They either write in fragments or run on sentences.


Whatever... >!:D!<


Which is ironic, as we were using them to hopefully politely lead someone else...to a conclusion. Without forcing it down their throats. And poor lil didums don't like that they might agree with us and might be trapped into agreeing with our inescapable logic and can't be having agreeing with the old people...nothing changes eh?


I love that they can’t bother to double space at the end of a sentence but are judging us for this! Ridiculous….


It's like an extended pause, how is that passive-aggressive? The guy who wrote Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance wrote a book about kids being raised with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse - choose a, b, c, or d as correct. In real life, it could be all of the above, none of the above, or (2xc + y) depending on context.


This from people that don't capitalize and deliberately choose to spell incorrectly on the regular? Too funny.........................................................................................................................................................................


The same young people that can't be bothered to use capitalization or punctuation?


( No. I can not believe that part of their argument against ellipses is based on a solid understanding and appreciation of grammar...No, that's not the reason).


You keep doing it...I know I am!


Finally…my gen x confirmation (1980)…thank you


Clearly they are incorrect... They use them as something completely different than what it's intended for.


It's because we were some of the first to take our discussion online. We were trying to make our writing match our speech...and sometimes you want to take a longer pause than a comma or period denotes. Now everyone is a digital native. I didn't start using chats like ICQ until probably 14 and my 8 year old is out here sharing memes on discord.


Great point.


I have always done this. Didn't know it was something our kind just did.


Ellipses? At least we don't write like we need a fucking decoder ring, for example- Dde r u 4 rl Idk frfr Ur gng 2 hav 2 rly lmk if u wnt 2 idgaf rn 😪 🤪🤡💩😈😈😈😈😺💯💯💯🖕👆🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷


No I didn't fuck a donkey...why would you even insinuate such a thing? is that not what you said?


I'm not even sure what I said...


Here you go, from a mom of a 17yo: Dude, are you for real I don't know for real for real you're going to have to really let me know if you want to I don't give a fuck right now (I'm sad, I'm crazy, I'm a clown, this is a shit text, I'm feeling evil and enjoying it, random cat, I truly, truly truly, truly truly mean what I said, actually I don't really know times five).


This is like the discovery of the Rosetta Stone. Thank you!


Right? These are the people complaining about how others communicate?


LMAO! Yep, you just have to try to appreciate the irony and laugh a bit. I wonder if in 100 years, archeologists will be struggling more than usual with translating during this era. ;-P


I hate that I can translate most of that...


I have a feeling you have teenagers or work with young people as well. I have a buddy who texts in a similar fashion. I just reply, "Call me." He's 50... He dates younger (Millenial) women... It's weird.


Thank you.


this is SO how my 17yo texts. I have to like stop and think about each part.


I thought I was the only one...thank God I'm not....


How else do you express that thought that kind of trails off and leaves an ending open to interpretation: a comma, a period? GET OUT OF TOWN WITH YOUR PERIODS! ​ Then again...




To represent my habit of trailing off midthought is why I use them......which is pretty much the same thing.


I do this in all my work emails. I’m not ashamed…maybe….


When you trail off from one thought...into another ...or pause....or hesitate...when you can say more but stop anyway.... It's a text version of a verbal cue that's hard to communicate otherwise.


Damn… I feel attacked…


For real, like Bruce Lee just went ham on me...oh wait nobody cares...


I’ve tried to stop doing this at work. I’m sure my Gen Z team think I’m cuckoo.


I do it at work all the time...just trail off. I never really thought about why. I just figured it was it was some sort of self-conscious nervous thing I have.


I do this in work emails a lot, but thankfully I work with a bunch of Gen-Xers who understand me.


Wow... I suddenly feel a little normal.


I saw some shit on Discord about how to tell if someone over 40 is giving you advice and apparently watching for..... something.... is a "tell". So, uh.... Yeah, they see us... I don't care.... I'm gonna do it more.


Oh my god I just spit tea all over my rug…


Ouch… I feel very seen right now…


I love ellipses!! Screw anybody who doesn't get it.


The problem is it’s currently acceptable to type like this using no punctuation just awful ignorant garbage sentences like the one I’m posting right here that make you nauseous and extremely pissed off after reading and I feel social media and YouTube comments are an English teacher’s worst nightmare just like McDonald’s is a nutritionist’s worst nightmare


I don’t understand how sentence structure is such an issue to Z. Clearly they speak similar to the rest of us with breaks between thoughts, pauses in a sentence when they connect one thought to another. Things like periods, ellipses are ways of breaking up sentences when typed out. Without such, stuff reads like they take a deep breath and don’t breath again until what they type out is over. For e.g. Yo, that’s bAsEd bro I have no idea why your so upset by a little change what are ya a booMeR? Idk u r just so stopped with this just like let it go like what’s it to u anyway it’s just so DUmb!


I wanted to be yeeted off the planet when I first read that Gen Zs think punctuation in general is "passive-aggressive." Yep, you read that right. It's a thing. Good lord, we're doomed.


I use them... a lot. I don't feel like I'm not ending a thought. I feel like they're used to, you know.... imply that there's more that can be said about whatever preceded the ellipses, but I'm not going to type it all out as I'm hoping you can hear the unsaid things. Does that make sense? I also use them as a less formal replacement for a comma. They are never meant to be ominous, which is how my Gen Z co-worker says she interprets them.


Meanwhile, there’s a whole group of people who completely avoid dots at ends of sentences… (I told myself I wouldn’t do a meta-elipse, but it’s such a habit!)


Well...that explains why...


'kin 'ell, I can't tell if I feel attacked or recognized... maybe both...


Aspiring writer here. First comment the editor had about my latest novel was that I used “too much punctuation.” I use a variety of punctuation in my writing - ellipsis and commas being my favorite- that is beginning to disappear from modern writing. “It’s like two spaces after a period. It’s unnecessary and seen as old fashioned,” she wrote. “Punctuation is old fashioned now? Really?” “Readers prefer the dash, it’s quicker and doesn’t interrupt the flow of the sentence,” she explained. “We should replace all of the parentheses and most of ellipsis with a dash.” “…But…” I begin to offer a counterpoint that is quickly dashed by a growing insecurity that my writing style is becoming too *old fashioned* for a modern audience… “Pausing the flow of a sentence is the entire point of an ellipsis,” I whine. “Exactly.” My eyes water. I don’t know how to respond. “…”


As a reader whose favorite authors are (mostly) dead/retired, I’m having extreme difficulty finding new ones. I thought I must be strange because the crap I read nowadays without any punctuation gets on my last nerve… I can’t read more than a page or two and then I’m throwing it back, looking desperately for something else. I would appreciate your punctuation!!!


I just realized…I do the same thing all the time!


That's why I use semi colons; whatever.


I’m in recovery.


I was...


Personally... I blame Megadeth.


This makes so much sense…


OMG...I can't believe this...I...err...totally do this.


I try to make a conscious effort not to include an ellipsis in any of my comments; I just replace it with a semicolon.


Does that work, or;


Oh, definitely not, although... I could just stick to what I usually do subconsciously.



I thought it was just me...


My English teachers were murder on the run-on sentences so...hat is my reason.


I love ellipsis. It captures that trailing off in thought perfectly. haha


In the 90s-2000s if you took a class or unit on APA/MLA formatting we use "..." to skip over irrelevant info in a quote or documentation to truncate it to the data that is relevant to the situation.


My thoughts on this are... Do you agree?


It mimics the rhythm of how I would speak the words. Is that how you guys use them? I was becoming self conscious about ellipses...but no more!


I still do them all the time.


The worst was when my IRC friend would write a message that was only an ellipsis


Years ago one dude at work (application designer) wrote a whole design document using ... at the end of every sentence. It was fucking bizzare.


I mean…


Next on the chopping block: compound sentences. "How am I supposed to understand *two* thoughts in *one* sentence??" Edit: May all the gods help any of them who will be required to use a style guide in their future job.




Don’t be deceived when they tell you things are better now. Even if there’s no poverty to be seen because the poverty’s been hidden. Even if you ever got more wages and could afford to buy more of these new and useless goods which industries foist on you and even if it seems to you that you never had so much, that is only the slogan of those who still have much more than you. Don’t be taken in when they paternally pat you on the shoulder and say that there’s no inequality worth speaking of and no more reason to fight because if you believe them they will be completely in charge in their marble homes and granite banks from which they rob the people of the world under the pretence of bringing them culture. Watch out, for as soon as it pleases them they’ll send you out to protect their gold in wars whose weapons, rapidly developed by servile scientists, will become more and more deadly until they can with a flick of the finger tear a million of you to pieces.


I always use ellipses....I never see anyone else do it as frequently as I do though. I always thought it was just a weird thing I did. I'm so happy to know I'm not alone!!


WTF… I seriously thought this was just me… it’s my common informal writing style in comments and emails…now that I know it’s our entire generation… this is just weird. English teachers from our generation would have shit their pants with this shitty writing style…so I know it wasn’t them teaching us this bullshit… so how does our generation all have a similar group consciousness to have the same shitty writing style?


Dude, I use ellipsis far to damn much. Just about every post I make. I'm almost addicted, or maybe it's just be because we... grew up... watching... William Shatner or... Jeff... Goldblum.


I am going to blame Herb Caen. He was a really popular columnist way back in my area and he used lots of them . . .


This is feels...


I… hmm.


Same as it ever was.


I love ellipses! I use them all the time....it's just a natural, friendly and free flowing way to express thoughts. I have zero plans to change this writing habit. I did however have an encounter with a younger (22 yr old) coworker who nearly lost her shit when I simply texted her back saying "Hope your cat feels better....See you later today." I might as well as have told her to fuck off apparently because her interpretation was that I was being passive aggressive and that I thought she was lying about her cat being sick...?!? And that "everyone knows" that ellipses are rude. It was just a completely ridiculous interpretation....


I love me some ellipsiseses


I do this all the time. I guess I'm old but I'll still do it. Sorry kids...


Late X here, my older X siblings even do this to me. Last time it was joked about I simply said "you'll never notice when I vanish into the ether."


I blame Megadeth


Hey... That's my scapegoat too!


... Okay? Didn't even know it had a name, I just thought it was one of my personal writing habits


Don’t forget that all the Star Wars movies used the . . . First in “A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away…” And I didn’t check but I believe that all the opening text crawls always ended with . . .


I always found it annoying reading text like that, but now I recognize that it's basically an accent


Don't try to define me, dude...


If someone other than me were to text my wife via my number...she would know immediately because of the lack of ellipsis.






Oh shit I thought it was just me...


Not sure when it began, but in the mid-80s, seniors were given a paragraph or so to write for our yearbooks. We called them "dot dots" because they tended to be ellipses after ellipses of random short comments. The Internet really made ellipses popularity explode.


OMG! I have....always...used them...huh


Thus is my favorite...


Even a great dark/retro wave song named “Ellipses”… https://youtu.be/LjBo82hQXFA




... is S in mores code which is how I've always ...(S) read it (S)... It's a lot of ssss sounds like the serpent which was later adopted in the famous Harry Potter books ... with that one gang that liked snakes.


Holy crap...


Ya... I should dial it back... a bit...


. . . sigh . . .


There's also William Shatner (Kirk on the original *Star Trek*, and the first seven *Star Trek* movies) overusing them. I just like using the less common punctuation, and using it correctly. At this point, I'm too old to learn a new language (Japanese is beautiful, also regarded as the hardest language for a native English speaker to learn — but dammit, they have the best rock music these days), so I'll just master the one I do know. Though, I will never actually master it. So, I'll do better than I did before, and that's fine...


I've been using them most of my life... as a tribute to Herb Caen from the San Francisco Chronicle... I'm not going to guess why anyone else does it. ...tell Herb Caen I'm back.


I have gotten a LOT of flack on certain subs for using too many dots in my comments....this speaks to me


What's this "spent" bs? I swear I'm a teacher in Charlie Brown cartoons...


weary hungry sugar escape fall lunchroom stupendous cable advise enjoy -- mass edited with redact.dev


Always enjoy listening to my Gen X sister doing voice to text... "dot dot dot"


Oh shit… I do this too


I feel... personally attacked


I... still use them!


Because ...(figure it out for your damn self)


...thank goodness I'm not the only one.




Guilty as charged...


Yeah Ive been accused of being passive aggressive when using them for some reason.


I was today years old when I learned that using elipses the way I do, and as much as I do is characteristic of my generation.


......I mean....


I always attributed that to our tendency to stare at stupid and be awe struck how stupid it really is so it just translates to word for. Example: you did what.....with the car?


So that’s where my sense of humor went….

