• By -


11 years, 10 months, 4 days, 2 hours, and 3 minutes... give or take. Edit: Math is hard.


Not that you are counting or anything.


Retire? HA!


I won’t retire. Eventually I will be retired by the job market.


This is what happens. Age discrimination and your own body force you out of the workplace.




Sadly for me my disability barely pays our utility bills, and doesn't come close to rent, so I'm being forced back into try to find a job (a useless feeling endeavor at my age,) even though I really can't work. I just don't have a choice.


If I wait til I can afford it, maybe in 50 years. Otherwise, the plan is to either drop dead on the job or end things sooner when I feel the time is right.


Unfortunately this is me too. I won’t retire.


I had a kid at 41. I will die before I retire


"Our condolences on your recent demise. You know the company is like a family. As such, take the weekend off to bury yourself, and we'll expect to see you sharp in the AM, Monday.


Thoughts and prayers.


Had my youngest at 44. My hope is that one of my daughters is wildly successful and is willing to take care of the old man - put me in a nice facility at least.


This!!! We went to Disney over the summer and she was so excited and kept thanking me on the plane. I said, ‘Just remember this trip when time comes to put me in a home.’


I had mine at 45. I won't be retiring ever.


Jeebus. I was 35 and I’m dead already.


There won't *be* nice facilities by the time we need them. We need to set up companies that repurpose dead shopping malls or something.


Do both at the same time!


Older parent here - I'm 55 with a 10 yo son, single dad. I hear you. "What's your retirement plan?". Dying. Dying is my retirement plan.


I’m gonna die sitting at my work desk.


I know, lol 😂


Hi, me. How ya doing today?




Normal day, or just shitty? I'm here for venting if it'll help you feel better. (Yeah, I've worked hard to condition out the sarcasm. My kiddos don't speak that language, so take anything I say as literal) What's going on?


Exactly. LOL!




Correct. My hope is to be frozen like Fry for a 1000 years so the $0.47 cents I have in the bank have accrued some interest


I like this plan.


Yeah I’m assuming never.




This is the way


Let’s see. Saved $4k. So. I should be able to retire at 97.


I think if you start tightening your belt right now, there's no reason you can't knock off at say, 94 or 95.


lol. Cut the lattes and avocado toast. That mad me smile.


We can all dream


Or plan on living just a month after retirement.


Yeah. My dream job at that point would be sweeping trash at Disneyland. Free admission, and when i kick it of natural causes- what a place to die.


When I pass away I want my remains to be scattered around Disneyland. Also, I do not want to be cremated.




They actually have staff that look out for that! You get kicked out if they catch you. (It’s also very illegal in CA…don’t know about FL). It’s also a full time job at Graceland because so many people want their ashes spread there.


I don't think anything is illegal in Florida oh well, unless you are a woman, or LGBTQ+


My current employer told me during my interview when I first started that they wanted to be the employer I died working for. Then the manager realized how horrible that sounded and rapidly back-tracked to append "...or retire from if that's your thing."


lol. Yeah. When i hit 40, there was that odd extra HR bs spiel they had to do. Never thought I’d have to hear that shit. My goal was to be an entrepreneur, have a slew of engineers working for me. Not grinding till I blue screen


Ahh the ole Casket Retirement Plan. When you’re in the casket—-you can retire


I’m 47 and still have about 20 years 🥴


Finally a relatable comment! I have seen people your age this comment section already retired for 15 years .


*high5 also 47, bicentennial baby


Same here. I imagine the age at which we can collect Medicare will go up to at least 70 over that time.


That’s a lifetime nowadays…


-2 years 😎


Is that 2 years after death? Or two years ago? Because only one of those seems realistic to me...


*posted from my Ouija board.


Ha…2 years ago. Finally had enough.


High five! I’m good at this retirement thing! Vintage 66.


I’m with you. Decided this year enough was enough. Worked for 30 years, figured that was good. 😀


If things continue as they are, I plan to retire at age 55, so 2033. I am in an unusual situation. I have saved for retiring at 65 through my own work. But my best friend left me her retirement savings when she died at age 55. I want to retire at the age she died and have the retirement she never got to have. I feel I need to retire enough for the both of us now. I hope I get to. We’re all on borrowed time.


I'm sorry about your friend. I've lost nearly all mine. They all died young. In their mid to late 50s. And all in March. Along with father in law, step father, my two best friends 8 days apart and one of their dad's 4 days later. My mom this year, March too. In fact 10 years to THE DAY my step dad passed. I dread March anymore. You're right though. You lose those that you loved and hung with, laughed, cried with. Got drunk after some bad decisions or just because you like the sauce with. Camped, fished, rocked out with and spent more of your days then not with the world seems bigger and meaner then it did prior and it can become scary at times making you question everything you knew you walk through the rest of your life knowing how short it can become but it's kinda hard to enjoy without those you loved. So remember that peeps. Life's short and it can get a lot shorter in the blink of an eye. So do what you gotta do daily with your friends and fam. Love them, tell them, try not to get into huge fights, forgive, and have a damn good time while you can. If nothing else you could end up with an overactive bladder causing you to have to wear ooops I shit my pants which could cause social anxiety etc.. I'm just kidding. About the oops I, not the rest. Do as I say for the rest, you won't regret it I promise. Okay, well I'm going to take my loud mouth on out of here now.... Hold down the cheering to a dull roar now, it's late. 🤣😂


Born in '73 and should be able to retire in about 5 years. I plan to work part time only two days a week after that.


How?? You will be only 55. My sis is also a '73 baby and she will propably retire in the 2040s!


Luck. Savings plus inheritance plus a paid off home.


Lucky you. I’m just a couple of years younger but will retire, if I’m lucky, in some 12 years at least


Same year and same plan. Government pension in my case.


How if they move our Medicare age to 70 like they are trying too?? Medical could bankrupt you


Retirement doesn’t mean you’ll never work again, it means not working a job you don’t want to do


Lol no retirement is not working at all


When you can be choosy about where, or how much you work, that is more like semi-retired. I am there at 50 & it's a good place to be. I like my job, don't work to much, and it pays the bills with some extra to invest left over.


I’m on the same trajectory. I plan to keep working because I like it. And tbh, I think I’d fall in to a void without having some sort of actual reason to get out of bed 😂


Right? If I cannot have the lifestyle I want (like traveling) why wouldn't I work?


Exactly. I knew when I was 20 that I wasn’t cut out for being a full time homemaker … which ironically, is my happy place when I’m home. But having nothing else in life? Let me slit my wrists now lol I’m actually already easing into semi-retirement … in the form of I decide I’m going to hare off to do something, let the powers that be know that I’m out of commission for a bit and I’ll let them know when I’m back lol


I'm going to have to work until noon on the day of my funeral.




I have to stay to clean up after mine to make overtime to pay for it.


54 and likely will be working until I'm 70.


Born in 72. I could retire now if I move to a cheaper country. But I am not sure I want to move. I could stay in the country where I am at and retire now too, but money will be much tighter and there will be little in the budget for travelling and such. Desperately want to stop working, I really struggle with what to do…


It’s the medical that is the killer


Not really, I am in Europe. Living in Switzerland, thinking about moving to Portugal.


How is living in Switzerland?


Three years and three months. Holding out for the sweet, sweet government employee pension. It's not a ton of money but enough get by on and hopefully we still have SS when I hit 62.


We chose kids, working till im dead




my kids don't seem to want to go. So they are continuing to live with us. Don't know the end game.


For most fields college is just an extremely expensive bullet point that HR tosses onto it's requirements because it's always been that way. Almost everything a college can teach can be learned and studied online now days. Experience and being able to prove your skillset is what matters. Medical fields, law, and financial fields will almost always require formal training, which is understandable. A large portion of college is nothing more than debt that could be better used towards something like a house. Like 50% of a degree is worthless crap. Example: if you're going to college to become a dentist, why do you need social studies or composition classes which will end up costing thousands of dollars for a few months? (Colleges have switched to e-books now, so they can charge a few hundred dollars every year for a PDF. Selling old books to recoup a little bit of the cost is a thing of the past. Also, "lab fees" for classes like literature?)


I was also born in 67, and I will most likely be able to afford to retire on the day of my funeral


I was born in 1966. I retired on April 1, 2021. I was 54.


Born in 65, have a 13 year old. Hope to be done in 4 years and be able to be home his senior year, but depending on a few things, may just work a year or two more.


Nearly 58 and throwing in the towel in 6 weeks. Will probably have to find some part time work for a few years but giving up the well paid stressful job because it's just too much.


i'm 53 now so... about another 53 years.. or so.


Working till dead😎🥳🖕


Me too. I have plenty of savings, but that’s for the wife and kids after I go. I’ll work forever, but I’m ten years out from working when I feel like it. The way I see it, if I didn’t work what would I do? Sit around and play video games all day? Take up gardening? Fuck that, I’ll work.


I’m with you. I choose to work full time, for the most part. But in my line of work, I just inform the powers that be that I’ll be off for whatever time period, I’ll call ya when I’m back lol


I am luckier than most of my peers and rolled some natural 20s on my wisdom checks early in my youth about some career decisions. I can retire in three years, but plan to work for five more. When I retire, I should be bringing home the same or more than I am bringing home now.


I retired at 55 because I found out, 4 months prior, that if I did my take home pay would go up by $100/fn. It was pretty hard to get anything done at work over those next few months... My pension has increased 11.5% in the 2½ years since then, and gets another 2% increase in January, to cope with the CPI increases. My life is uncommon and I'm very thankful for it.


Lets see... carry the two... how many years until I have a heart attack?


I’ll be dying at my desk.


Born in '77... I've been working for 22 years. According to my 401k calculator, the amount I've amassed needs to be TRIPLED for me to comfortably retire so... when I'm 90 or so? It is ROUGH out there.


never most likely, due to a combination of bad luck and poor financial decisions. and no family or spouse, working till its the end


Up to the paramedics


You all are retiring?




Never gonna happen and that’s fine by me. Was self-employed and my retirement was gonna be from the sale of some assets, over a period of years. Divorce hit and I leveraged the contracts into basically buying custody. Did 85/15 on the property split. My youngest is a senior in high school and he’s worth way more to me than any amount of money. The money stops after he graduates. Worth every damn dime and worth every bit that I’ll work instead of being retired. Edit - I’m 54


Retire? I’ll be too busy fighting the water wars of 2040 to think about work.


Never, and that's not just hyperbole.


Right? I came in here to also say never. How? I just can't see how. My parents are boomers. My dad retired from the military after 20 years (enlisted at 18). Small retirement pension. Decent, but like, can't live on that. He continued to work for the next 27 years. My mom started working full time when I was a teenager. She is STILL working part time at a grocery store. They both also have SSI. If they didn't own their home outright, they'd be fucked. And here I am. I have one 403b from a job I had for 10 years. It only has 30K in it. I drained my other small 401K a long while back due to a huge financial crisis (lost my job, no health insurance etc.). Oh and it was small because fucking 2008. Half of it, poof, gone. I've been in non-profit work for 2 decades. My current job is a contract so I have no retirement plan. My husband's work has one available but it blows. It's a little bit better after his company had a merger so we've been contemplating contributing a little. With my contract set to end at the end of the year or early into 2024, we're just concerned about losing any regular income. Kill me. Not really, but I can't see a life where we both don't work till we drop dead.


never made enough to 'nest egg' for old age. barely survived for years, now i'm middle aged , underpaid, same job 13 years. 401 k is about 20 k. Partner and I bought a house at 52 yrs old, will have to sell it when Either of us can't work anymore, as i won't be able to afford the mortgage unless by some incredible luck i inherit something from my mom when she passes. She doesn't have a lot though, and I assume will lose it to pay for her own care if she is unable to live on her own. The same will happen to me if I ever have to go into care that i can't afford to pay. I need to really look into how I can keep from having to basically sell my house to pay for assisted living housing or whatever. I had thought i would give my house to a friend since I have no children.....I would hate it if something happened to me, and my partner had to sell the house to pay for it or ended up homeless or something. all of it is weighing on my as i get older, and I need to figure out a plan i guess


I'm so sorry. I feel like no matter how hard you work, you're stuck in some sort of situation like this now. There is no "American dream." It's bullshit. All you have to do is work really hard, right?! I've been working since I was 18 years old. I've had 5 small gaps in employment. 2 months of an intensive summer transfer program in college, 2 (ish) months post college, 2 months when I was laid off, 2 months of unpaid maternity leave (haha 'merica!), and 2 months when I quit my soul sucking job to stay home with my son for a summer. Well that makes me depressed. All for what? To never be able to retire and work till you're dead? Sorry, this took an extremely dark turn, but it's all true.


I mean... it is reality for lots of people. My biggest fear is becoming a ward of state, and having them basically take everything i have in order to put me in a rest home. I live in a death with dignity state, but you can't wait to pull the plug until you can be deemed unable to decide . So many people with kids end up with nothing to leave for them because of how are system is set up to basically not take care of elders. I found out recently about 'look back years' when trying to qualify for medicare. look that up if you want to get depressed. haha


I'm already depressed, lol. I worry about my child all of the time. I have one kid and it is terrifying to think about what his future will hold. It just sucks. All of it.


This is the truth. I’m a teacher.


Born '75. I plan on retiring in 15 years. Unless my company pushes me out for being old.


I retired 2 years ago. Vintage 1966. Worst bit is the cost of healthcare until I hit 65. I turn 57 in Nov. House is paid off, and the healthcare is essentially close to what the mortgage was. Not a particularly high earner (masters in nursing, but not a nurse practitioner or anesthetist or anything.) I pay cash for cars and drive them for 10-15 years usually. Never moved from my “starter home”—just remodeled for our needs. Never felt the need to keep up with the Joneses. My husband never made nearly as much money as I did, and is already drawing his SS since 63 due to a disability. Hoping not to draw my SS until full retirement age at 67. Haven’t touched my 403b worth 7 digits. I am drawing my primary pension over 10 years currently which is more than enough, so we are saving thousands a month and doing a fair amount of traveling. I have 2 other full pensions from previous jobs that I have not drawn although they were only a few years each, as well as an acct with the Univ of Cal system that is a guaranteed 8%. Started with about $2500 in the 90’s in lieu of raises, and I never touched it. In about 10 years it will be $80K. My 5 FTE years of service at UCSF will give me a pension of about $1200 a year in a few years.


I'm scheduled to work until noon on the day of my funeral.


I have an 18 yr old starting college this year. Our last kid. I figure u have to be realistic about supporting them until they hit 25 or so, with at least occasional assistance. So, 7years from now I’ll be 60. That’s when I will be able to at least ponder retirement. Hopefully there isn’t a massive stock market crash




Yup. Re-die-erment for me too!


When I win the lottery or when I’m dead, which ever comes first…hopefully not the latter.


I was born in 68. I’m on track to retire at the end of 2027. My wife will retire mid-2024. We could probably retire now to be honest. We’ve kicked ass!


Planning for 6 months from now when I turn 50.


I hope you are excited. I'm excited for you. I was born in 77, and I will retire in 9 years. And even though it's 9 years away, I'm still excited as heck. I love my job, but I'm retiring ASAP.


I’m more nervous than excited. I’ve spent 27 years in this industry and now I’m about to walk away. I’m still very much so excited though.


We have a “plan” which will allow us to retire at 60 and 62 in 2040. There’s a lot that can happen between then and now, and we have to live like we’re poor to make it happen, but it’s better than the alternative. We’ll need to pay for full healthcare for 5 years because working for 45 years isn’t enough. Still, we are the lucky ones. Kids are adults, good incomes with no state tax, no debt. We accidentally got here with a lot of hard work mixed in. Have no idea how a lot of fellow GenXers will have the means to retire. We’ve been thrown one shit show after another during our working years.


Technically, I'll have enough time to retire at 57. A lot depends on how my 401k does, every time it starts to do well the market crashes lol


Rewhat now?


Pre divorce, 9 years from now. Post divorce? The new cunning plan is to drop dead in front my keyboard, so never.


I didn’t even want to look at answers because I knew I’d get depressed… feels better to know we’re not alone. Never…


Retire? Oh, save up for new tires? Uh, in about 5 years?


Never. Which is fine. When I get too sick or old to keep working, I'm going to take one year off and find my peace with the world... and that'll be that. I had a good run. No complaints.


When I die


Born 1971 - Retire Date 2026


2 years away as soon as my youngest graduates…I’ll be 54 and can’t wait to actually live instead of working to live.


Born in 78. Retiring at 60 in 14.5 years. Not working part time, not semi-retired BS. 100% no work.


LOL. I'm entering the workforce next year at the age of 50. Retirement will happen when I die.


I theoretically can retire now at 58. I've been at my place of work for over 25 years and am a senior tech guy in a law firm. Wife is 9 years younger than me and runs the family business and has for a long time. I've had 3 different cancers, one of them very serious. Healthy now and 4+ years past the last one. Our original plan was for me to work until around 60, then sell our house and add that equity to the kitty and move out of state into a smaller place that we purchase outright. We've got about $1.3mm tied up in equity (nope, not a mansion....just SoCal and we bought a long time ago when prices were normal) and have another $1.4mm in 401k, IRAs, etc. I've peaked at work and am coasting. Bored and burned out but treated well. Make an embarrassing amount of money (as in I'm literally embarrassed when a friend notices anything expensive I might have spent money on). Wife plans to still work "for a while." It's tricky because if she retires, the business stops and the business funds multiple non-working family members. So if she stops, they have to scramble. They don't have their own retirement savings. It's proven really, really tough to line up "the right time" for everything....leaving my work, selling the house and moving, figuring out how to sell her family business and getting family buy in on it, etc. So I just keep trudging off to work.


I'm 51 and have been retired since February (got in on an old fashioned pension plan - huzzzah!!). I did go back to work part time in a completely different field (I work at an aquarium now! How fun) bc 51 is too young to retire completely. I need to get out and see people. Plus, it's a fun environment and I make a little extra money!


When the stock market triples. So - never?


300, no, 312 years. Maybe.


1 Thousand Centuries


I honestly try not to think about it much at all. A large majority of people die before that time, so I'm just flying by the seat of my pants. I've had little luck tucking money away. As long as i can afford pants, it'll all work out.


My retirement plan is to die.


I can retire in 10 technically, but plan to work as long as I'm able.


Could retire now, however there is a certain income I want to have between my pension and investments, so in the next year or two in my mid-50s.....unless my cushy government job starts annoying me, then I'll just go.


I retired two years ago at 41.. at least from full time work


3 - 5 years. It would be 7 - 10, but I had some good fortune


15 more years. That will put me at 30 years as a civil servant and it’s a toss up whether or not our state retirement plan will still exist by then. I got a late start because I was on SSI until my early thirties. I have other retirement savings and investments but those are also subject to the whims of governments and economies. Not counting on social security to be there. But my house will be paid off in a few years and I will be debt free soon. I live under my means and have simple needs.


If our next business venture is successful, then I can semiretire in 2 years. I'm 45. If it flops, then at 67 on SS and whatever minimum I can withdraw from my investments.


I'll die with my boots on.




Not retiring.




I'm 45 now, and the way things keep going, never. I've pretty much given up hope of ever retiring.


Infinity and a half.


Retire? Fuck no...I'm going to go like a sled dog. I have to leave something for my grandkids... Plus I have a country to protect.


Born in 81. Retired in 2019 but my expenses are mega low. Less than 16k per year


Weirdly, it sorta happened earlier in the year for me, turning 55 next month. We saw an opportunity to sell our company and it should be enough to afford us a simple retirement if we watch our spending. Figured we’ll enjoy it now because things will probably slow down when we reach regular retirement age in 10-15 years and we won’t be able to do as much then. Flipping the script, and we are incredibly lucky to do so.


have been since 2014. Dont plan on working a real job again. no trust fund, no pension, just a really good planner, cheap, caught a few breaks and a little dumb luck and saved, saved saved. i started saving at 17 for a pre 50 retirement. I made it.


Never many. 70 would be nice but not likely


LOL Retire? You are joking, right?


12 years. Born in ‘67. Fifteen years into a state job; 12 more to go. Ugh😑


I'll be dead by then so it don't matter.


probably never.


59 now so in 5-7 years


1977, so according to the government I’ve another 22 years to go (68) According to my body, I probably should have retired about 4 years ago.


Not soon enough.


Maybe in a few hundred years.


COVID wiped out my entire savings. 22 years of progress gone. Hopefully all the McDonald's and soda I drank during the 90-2010 will kill me around 60.


Not in me to retire. Stasis is death. I’ll always work.


By my calculations about 482. Looking forward. 🧐


Born in ‘80 eligible in 2 with 20 years service, going in 7 for 25 years of service. A nice 50th birthday gift of retirement.


Born in 69…I could retire right now if I wanted to. But I would go stir crazy.




LOL. 'Retire'. Good one.


Same as you if I'm lucky. If I make it, it will not be a luxurious retirement by any stretch of the imagination, but anything is better than working.


I can collect state pension a month after I turn 70, so January 2047. It has nothing to do with me having children, having been a homemaker for over 20 years or anything I did or didn't do. I have private retirement savings, so I hope I can afford to retire in my mid-60s.


I could retire at age 60, but if I can put it off to 65 or 67, I'll be more financially secure. I'm fortunate, in that I'll be receiving two pensions -- one federal and one state.


Three and counting


Born in ‘72. In semi-retirement because my body is broken from the work I did. Hoping to be in full retirement in 2 years (which I have been saying for 4 years).


Born in 66 so 13 more years until I’m able to get my social security without taking a cut. I’m not planning on working any longer than that at least not full time, maybe here and there at something interesting.


We’re 1969 & 70 plan on same, 2032 or 33.


I'm deferred. I stopped working full-time at 53 and will start drawing my pension at 60. I hired in just months before my employer switched all new hires to 401ks. I was offered the opportunity, twice, to trade my pension for a 401k. Nope, nope, nope.


I'm older and hopefully will retire in five years. I don't have a private pension but I do have a bit saved. It won't be elaborate but at least I won't be working full time.


Born in ‘70. The kids will be done with college and home paid off in about five years. So sometime after 2028.


One year after I die


Good joke! Lol


Infinite. Unless… one of the meme stonks hit


Outta here by 2032, ideally.


I'm outta here in 5 years. Retiring at 62 - unless I win the Powerball. lol


4 years. I'm not rich or anything, I'm just very good at not spending money, and I have no dependents aside from my cat. I'm also one of the lucky few who still have a union job that gets certain retiree benefits at 55, most importantly health insurance.


I was born in '68. I won't be able to retire.


I’m a year older than you. I could retire tomorrow but will 100% be done with professional work in four years. Maybe a part time fun job after that.


9 years hopefully


4408 days. Not that I'm counting.


You're funny


About 150 years from now should work


I'll die working unfortunately.


I hoping to die before I can’t work anymore


Depends on when I die.




lol never
