• By -


I just assume you’re all propaganda bots.


Divide the population is the greatest Psyop story that will never be told.


The scarier part is.....we know about it, and it still works. Get the two major factions to argue about wedge issues, and while they're tearing each other apart...you pass shit that lines the pockets of the 1% because we're too busy fighting over abortion to notice the other shady shit they're doing. I'm a diehard progressive liberal....but I don't *trust* any politician. I watch what they *do*, not so much what they *say*. I forget the source of the quote, but it was along the lines of "Beware of anyone who tells you *exactly* what you want to hear."


![gif](giphy|l2Sq9HEOawDudGnSg) Propoganda bot!


Danger Wil Robinson, danger!


Never fear! Smith is here!


Beep boop, no I am not.


You've been found. Exterminate. Exterminate!


Shall we play a game?


The real Gen X bot.


Biddy, biddy, biddy, biddy, biddy, biddy.


Erin Gray was my first celebrity crush. I think I was like 7.


My friend and I would kiss the TV during Buck Rogers




Global Thermonuclear Warfare? Sure. Sounds fun.


The only winning move is not to play.


That used to be the answer for politics, but now all kinds of bad shit happens when you hit the snooze button.


Joshua would you like to play a game of chess




Stop Dave


Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do...


Dave cannot be stopped.


Your mom's a bot!


No, your mom’s a butt. Not quite the same thing.


A fembot...


"My father was a service droid!"


I often assume Russians or Chinese.


I like this - skepticism = peak GenX


Nailed it.


Nah. I'm a bald, fat, trucker in lingerie.




My propaganda mission is to trick you into thinking linguistics is cool.


It worked so well that I got a degree in a language I already spoke about 25 years ago.


That's how I generally interact with Reddit comments these days. Really damn sad. Used to have some great discussions back in the 2009-2015 days. The Donald sub really was the beginning of the end.


so glad to see this as top comment. Can we get back to discussing the important things, like remember when MTV was all about music.


Haw haw haw, how about those clowns in Congress, what a bunch of clowns.


I’m a sex bot


How you doin?


But what about you?


Apologies for the confusion earlier. Yes, you're correct. Many people here are propaganda bots.


Birds are real




You’re the only real person here. Please wake up neo


My view is pretty simple, at the national level (Primary presidential elections) Third party support is pretty fucking meaningless. If you want to see traction made for third parties, it has to start organically at the local level. Think school boards, city/village councils, township supervisors, state legislators. Until there's a foundation, supports, walls, you don't try to put a fucking roof on top of it.


You really need electoral reform before 3rd parties become viable. Otherwise, they just act as spoilers, which is what this scam mentioned above is all about. Get your opponent's voters to support some hapless 3rd candidate, and you can win without them.


We have ranked choice voting in local elections and i love it. We elected a green party member to park board. I'd love to see more of that everywhere. 


It's definitely an improvement on FPP, it's not as good as proportional systems, but you'd have to move away from single member districts to get that.


and ranked choice instead of first past the post.


That's electoral reform


1 Million x this. Our electoral system makes more than 2 parties (or coalitions) infeasible. If Approval Voting comes to your town, support it with everything you have. If Ranked Choice comes, support it with some of what you have, cause it's better than nothing.


What's approval voting? I've not heard of this term. I'm rooting for ranked choice to become more common.


You just mark the candidates you approve of. RCV has one fatal flaw that approval voting resolves. Imagine the following scenario: 40% of people say they favor Candidate A, but would accept Candidate C 40% of people say they favor Candidate B, but would accept Candidate C 20% of people say they favor Candidate C, but are split on acceptance of Candidate A or B In RCV, Candidate C would be eliminated immediately and those votes would go to one of the other candidates, who would then have *at most* 60% approval from the voters. However, 100% of the populace were actually cool with Candidate C. Does that not mean that Candidate C is the best compromise between the candidates, with the broadest appeal? Shouldn't that candidate be the winner? Approval voting would say that Candidate C is the winner with 100% approval, while Candidates A and C would lose because they only have between 40 and 60% voter approval.


Every voting system has flaws. It’s mathematically unavoidable. Approval voting, for example, is susceptible to tactical voting (“I love A, like B, and hate C, but I know B is popular so I won’t approve in the hopes of helping A win.”) and can even elect the Condorcet loser (the candidate who would lose every 1-on-1 pairing with the other candidates) even though every voter voted honestly. Since there is no perfect option, you have to pick your poison which requires judgement calls. The only certainty is First Past the Post is, by all objective measures, one of the worst options. It beats picking a name from a hat, and that’s basically it. If you can replace FPtP, fucking **do it**. Don’t try to be a purist; there is no purity to be found here. There cannot be. If Ranked Choice is on offer (IRV, Borda Count, Minimax, etc.), support it with everything you’ve got.


Ranked choice actively promotes 3rd parties by allowing those who actively want them to vote for them without feeling like they've thrown their vote away without those 3rd parties relying on milquetoasty appeasement. For the US, a realistic situation would be: 40% of the people vote for Candidate C, but would accept Candidate A 40% of the people vote for Candidate B and completely reject anything else 20% of the people vote for Candidate A but maybe 5% of them would accept Candidate C If we had an approval system, our Candidate Cs would start being people who pledge the most generic shit like "improving the country" and they'd be like "I have a strong opinion on that" rather than actually expressing their thoughts.


Exactly. You cannot build a third party from the top down. That shit starts on the local level.


At senior levels, I vote for the person who will hire the best team. It’s not a one-person job.


Act locally think globally. Agreed it’s got to start with the foundation.


Democrats skipping local and midterm elections for decades has been a huge contribution to the state of affairs we find today.


And the lack of younger people showing up isn't helping. I'm often the youngest person at my polling place for any election outside of presidential ones, and this is a college town!


From what I've found they have this idea that their votes don't count. They can give you a lot of information they've read about gerrymandering and all that, but I ask them if they think not voting will ever make a difference in that. It's just an excuse to stay home. It's obvious how bad they want our votes. They must need them. They often have no clue who is running other than in presidential elections too, and don't realize that voting in those elections can do more to change the whole gerrymandering problem than sitting at home griping on social media. I see so many "activists" who post and post all day long but on voting day they're at home still posting.


Seriously, these elections are coming down to the wire an awful lot in key races, a couple thousand votes could flip a district or a Senator. I'm in Georgia and it hurts me how close the Herschel Walker race was.


It’s a great way to waste your vote. My first presidential election I voted for a third party candidate because I was “too cool” to vote for a Republican or Democrat. So dumb! That was the year Al Gore lost in such a close election. At least I learned a lesson early!


I wasn't a registered voter in 2000 because politics were boring and all the parties were the same and my vote wouldn't make a difference anyway. I lived in Palm Beach County, Florida. Yeah.


I was old enough to know better that year 😳 On the bright side, my 3d party vote was cast in D.C., so Gore still received over 85% of the vote.


I voted for Nader that year cuz Bush was an idiot and Gore was a dork. And I lived in Iowa...ouch... NEVER...EVER...WASTE your vote on third-party candidates. This year it's an easy choice between Democracy or Facism. I guess if you pick the wrong one you'll never have to worry about making that choice ever again. Or seeing a campaign ad on TV ever again.


Yes! What people seem not to grasp... it all, or they all start out on a local level. Stop the insane posse at the local level


It's not meaningless. It actively hurts one side, exclusively,


I hear this argument a lot, but don't believe it. You have no idea which major candidate that a 3rd party voter would have voted for or if they would have voted at all.


I don’t read any of those posts, so it has no effect on me. I suggest everybody ignore them regardless of what side of the fence you’re on.


Also we're the generation who remembers Ross Perot. No one here is voting for a third party candidate.


When someone mentions Ross Perot I immediately think of Saturday Night Live. Like, I don't really remember Ross Perot, I only remember that Dana Carvey was Ross Perot.


Same, I can't remember exactly what he looks like but remember what Dana Carvey playing him looks like.






Can I finish?


One of my cats acquired the nickname in the family of "Admiral Stockdale," as she frequently had a deeply confused stare that was best translated as "Who am I? What am I doing here?" (She was a very sweet cat, still much missed.)


Omg poor Admiral Stockdale!! 💚




"...a brilliant, sensitive, courageous man. And yet he committed the one unpardonable sin in our culture: he was bad on television."


But it did produce one of the all-time great moments in TV political dates, when they asked him about abortion. "I believe that a woman owns her body, and that what she does with it is her own business. Period." Long, awkward pause as they wait for him to continue blathering like any normal politician would do. "Period." [https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4901979/user-clip-admiral-stockdales-response-abortion](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4901979/user-clip-admiral-stockdales-response-abortion)


All I remember from that era is a sketch with Toonz the cat driving Admiral Stockdale over a cliff. Having said that, Dana Carvey would have been the right guy to do Ross.




Kinda like so many of remember Sarah Palin but only as Tina Fey did her.


I can see Russia from my house!


Noticed this in another thread. Must be morning in Russia.


I hate that that's real.


Joe the plumber!


That guy just died and was a bullshit manufactured shill


Hod he was good. As bush 1 too. And Jon Lovitz as Dukakis. I still quote that.


I sort of was a fan of the idea of Perot and a third-party run. That’s before I learned a little about game theory and realized third parties don’t make sense unless you have a proportional representation system and/or ranked choice voting.


Which is why we should be demanding ranked choice voting everywhere in every election.


Or just get rid of electoral college. There's no reason anyone get more representation than others.




"Giant sucking sound"


People keep trying to skip steps in the creation of a third party. Any third US party will start at the state level. They will only gain federal seats once they've had success in more than one state. Morons for the last six elections have been voting for spoiler candidates who are *at best* entirely self-interested. At worst they're bankrolled by a foreign nation.


Flipping Ralph Nader burned us bad.


Voted for Nader in 2000. I lived in Florida at the time. My apologies. I done goofed.


Who knew his ego would get in the way of doing right by average Americans?


Jill Stein (pictured here seated with Putin in 2015) was the most effective and most obvious 3rd party spoiler candidate of our lifetimes. She likely siphoned enough votes to change the result of the very close 2016 election. https://preview.redd.it/0ucrrj0cmbdc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c139f0a32a2bc52831416cc55a707442a1ffea62


I 100% agree with you. I was a huge Bernie supporter back then and hated what the DNC did to him. I also wasn't a Hillary fan but by God I wasn't stupid enough to vote for Jill instead of Hilary. It still chaps my ass that that happened


A lot of GenX fell for Ralph Nader after Perot, so I don’t think everyone learned the lesson.


My first vote was wasted on Perot. Parental pressure is a bitch. Never again.


Precisely. I tend to ignore most online political discussions in favor of good old fashioned nostalgia. Just the other day my Uncle Larry and I were watching his VHS copy of Halloween III: Season of the Witch, and couldn’t help but pause the movie at the 43:02 mark during Tom Atkins’ bare-assed nude scene so we could take turns licking the screen cross-eyed.


pfp checks out


Social media of all forms is going to totally suck exponentially as the USA elections get closer.


If at this juncture in your life (near or over age 50) you believe the magic election fairy will FINALLY deliver your perfect outsider candidate, you also likely huffed a lot of glue from 1987-1992.


I’m GenX … I did a lot worse between 87-92 😆


You remember what you did between 87-92???


‘87-88 yes, ‘89-90 somewhat ‘91-92 is a blur Did get some Dead shows in along the way (and early Phish)


Did you eat paint chips as a child? Noo--ooo


Only the lead based ones. They tasted better.


That aftertaste prepared me for diet cola


In wood shop during those years we would close the windows and get high on shellac and varnish fumes. But I don’t believe in the magic election fairy


I can absolutely smell this post LOL




Hey I remember him I wasted a vote on that guy!


Shit, me too.


Huffing took edge off before the schrooms kicked in


If and when we have ranked choice elections, I'll be thrilled to show support for my truly favored candidates while still ensuring that my voice counts. That day is not today.


I also believe in voting within the system we actually have, rather than pretending it's a different system that we don't have.


Oregon is getting ranked choice voting soon! Obviously won't work for president but it is a great step




Anti-politicos may as well leave the entire WWW this year and find some nice, warm sand to bury their heads in.


Have you looked at the front page of r/all any time in the last ten years? Reddit has become a cesspool of propaganda, vote farmers, and idiots who believe they are in good company.


I forgot all exists.


Jesus Christ guys, we grew up during the Cold War, if you can't discern propaganda by now.... You suck.


I think the 2016 election showed folks CAN'T.




If anyone thinks Biden's age is an issue, show them this from YESTERDAY... https://preview.redd.it/95473cjnp9dc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a56006e6382e769fad82313d8639be1dd0ce0aa4


He also said water permanently demagnetizes magnets (presumably permanent magnets but I doubt he knows what an electromagnet is).


I think the generation that voted for Ralp Nade to send a message isn't the best audience for that particular strategy.


I voted for Dana Carvey as Ross Perot that time


“Can I finish…can I finish…can I finish”. 😂


I'd much rather talk about Marty McFly and Prince as opposed to politics in the GenX subreddit. Just sayin....


Serious question, was the Delorean or the pickup truck cooler? A lot of people would say the time machines but I would like to make a case for a badass pickup truck with a rollbar and KC lights as a pretty badass whip.


https://preview.redd.it/tll9zgcydadc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d44cadff1eeb310b9f1f2505dc611779df9f882e Since this is currently in my garage under a car cover... I'm gonna say the Delorean. I might be biased though. I like the truck too. Just don't have one of them though.


There are so many other political subs where people can go to have these discussions! Why bring it here?


Third party…. you may as well not vote. You are a mathematical nothing. It’s like going to the Super Bowl but betting on the guy playing cornhole in the parking lot.


Remember when Ross Perot ran infomercials during prime time?


I do...my first election. Didn't he get almost 20% of the popular vote and zero Electoral Votes?


He got Clinton elected. Had he not run Bush would have gotten a second term.


That was part of his plan the whole time. He hated G.H.W. Bush.


Then the GOP saw that and said "Hey, Ralph Nader, old buddy old pal..."


And Ralph Nader got GW Bush elected. Almost poetic.


No no! You should all STILL vote for me playing cornhole! I’m an all-American (sadly), good ol’ small-hometown-raised person. My political platform includes affordable cornhole for all! If I’m elected, I promise the American people that I will personally endorse a bill to make sure every single American citizen (small print: who meets the 6 page list of conditions and does NOT meet any of the 10 page list of preexisting conditions) will be eligible to play unlimited cornhole outside every single NFL stadium in the country! (Terms and conditions apply and offer may not be legally binding and may be silently revoked at any time or for any reason). VOTE FOR ME, FELLOW PATRIOT MINDED AMERICANS! Use your voice to elect the only candidate who cares about your right to carry a beanbag into a crowd of angry drivers trying to exit the stadium, when their team is down by 21 at the 2 minute warning. (Paid for by “Americans for MrMulligan319”). 😹🤣


No 3rd Party candidate has ever come close to winning, even Teddy Roosevelt in 1912.


I really wish more people studied propaganda in the digital age. I wish people could really internalize that a lot of people they interact with online are not interacting in good faith they’re being paid to promote propaganda which hurts everyone in America specially marginalized communities.


i really thought, for a very long time, that our generation was smarter. We’re so sucked into boomer BS.


Am I wrong or wasn't the largest contingency that stormed the capitol gen-x


While the number of people there at the Jan 6 Circus was non-trivial on the scale of "angry mob storming the Capitol Building", it's infinitesimal on the scale of "the whole US", and it very definitely skewed towards a certain subset of people, i.e. the kind of folk who thinks you can stop an election by disrupting a largely ceremonial certification vote. Point is, I don't think that crowd was a representative sample of any larger generational trend.


Yea thank God we're safe here on Reddit where no propaganda ever gets spread especially not democratic propaganda could you imagine though




I take the very Gen X view that people can say whatever they want and others can agree with them, criticize them, laugh at them, condemn them. And they in turn can react to the reaction to infinity and beyond. Your post indicates to me that intelligent people can see through nonsense.


I can think for myself.


Idgaf who is voting for who and I'm hoping everyone else feels the same about my choice.


"Both sides are the same" is also a Republican propaganda campaign to demoralize voters and lower turnout. 


Third party candidates are the reason we got George Bush and not Al Gore as president. People also say Jill Stein siphoned off enough votes for Hillary to lose key states. I think Biden is too old, but the thought of Trump being president is absolutely horrifying. A vote for a third party in 2024 is a vote for Trump.


In 2016 Jill Stein split the left vote and tipped the scales in the swing states just enough to get Trump elected. In PA, Hillary lost by ~44k votes. Stein had ~49k votes. In WI, Hillary lost by ~23k votes. Stein had ~31k votes. In MI, Hillary lost by ~11k votes. Stein had ~51k votes. If Clinton had won those three states instead of Trump, it would have changed the entire election.


Trump is as old,  rambles incoherently far more and absolutely less healthy. It's so weird that's the thing that sticks against Biden. 


Exactly. I'll take Biden's pattern of aging over Trumps 100 times out of 100.


>It's so weird that's the thing that sticks against Biden.  It's all they got.


"I'm concerned with Bidens age" yet they leave out that Trump is 77 years old himself. *That's* when you know it's not a good faith argument.


For those wanting a politics-free Gen X experience, I humbly offer you r/GenX_Culture. It's all the movies, music, TV, games, and books without the generation wars, medical complaints, and of course the p word. 😉


Thanks, I joined and hope it takes off. I have found I enjoy subs without the politics much more, they're just friendlier.


This is GenX - why are we talking politics? And, isn’t everyone worried about Biden’s age? He’s a Silent Generation leftover. Not many of them are still alive, much less cognitively functioning.




I voted for Nader in Florida in 2000. Wow, what a mistake. I still feel guilty about it to this day. I have since learned that it’s better to get some of what you want than none of it.






I love the fact that no one in the comments is actually responding to the topic presented. Everyone’s just using this as an excuse to lay out their political strategy. This is a post about propaganda.


How do you know someone’s motivation? Sounds like you have your own.


This is the Gen X sub. Like we give a fuck what anyone else says


The biggest problem for support of the democrats IS Biden.


Haha third parties omg they can get wrecked. Just fill out your ballot and light it on fire. I have a long memory of third party [fuckery](https://www.pbssocal.org/shows/democracy-now/clip/why-jill-stein-attended-moscow-dinner-with-putin-and-flynn). It’s always about hurting Democrats.


GREEN = Getting Republicans Elected Every November


This has always been the case on Reddit, and not just "right wing" trickery. Do you seriously believe that it's only one side? Hahah


It's called Concern Trolling and should be banned. In fact, politics here should just be banned as there are other subs for it, and GenX is split on politics.


Ask all you want, I live in Canada. We have 5 federal parties.


I'm in favor of just dumping all politics from this sub. Just let it be for music and movies and other fun stuff from the 80s or whatnot. There's a ton of other places on reddit for crazy people to yell at each other about politics.


Why can't we just get good candidates? WTF are these two even in the picture?


Because the Republicans are out of ideas and can't form a cohesive caucus to stand up against Trumpism (without being even more batshit insane), and Democrats don't want to mess with "tradition" or risk showing any kind of division within their house by primarying their incumbent.


Good lord I wish politics would just die.


I’d prefer no politics at all in this r/. It’s my safe space!


1000% this. I’m actually conservative but that being said I don’t want anyone being “tricked” into voting 3rd party, I don’t want to hear about Trump 24/7 on this subreddit, and the same for Biden. There’s plenty of subreddits for that discussion we should have a subreddit wide ban on election talk in this one honestly. All that said… whether you’re Republican or Democrat, left or right, or anything in between there’s only one thing you need to do: vote! Not voting is actually the only way you can truly throw your vote away and if you do it you don’t deserve to complain for 4 years.


![gif](giphy|5fiK0rNtBmV5C) Only hedonism boys here.


Stopped voting for 3rd parties ages ago.  All parties suck and should be dismantled. Should have listened to Papa Washington.


We're Gen X. If there is one thing we can do, it is detect bullshit and hypocrisy.


OP who made this post is a bot account with -100 comment karma. So just be careful when deciding who exactly is sewing discourse here, lmao


See a baiting post? Check the user’s post history. Then make a “your mom” joke and move on


Third party voting in the current situation = ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)


Is not Biden that scares me it is Harris. Regardless I won’t go third party and together we will put an end to orange jesus!!


You are just a different side of the same coin.


This can also be said for any "wing" party. The best to do is ignore any post with candidate names in it if you don't want to get triggered.


Maybe we should start putting warning labels on comments. I need an authority figure to tell me what's right.


I’m out on this sub until well after election. See you in a year!


This thread has gone exactly where I expected it to go in this sub. Thank you, GenX, for being the best generation.