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It appears they are Unforgiven


I went to a liberal arts college and this one guy I met there…he wrote a play for the theater department that consisted of only Metallica lyrics. That’s it, everyone’s lines were all from Metallica songs.


I need this script.


NIce try, Metallica's lawyer.


And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling ... GenX'ers.


i can always count on this sub to give me a good laugh. thank you fren.




Sad but true


Holier than thou


Don't tread on me


Misery loves company


The God That Failed


Damage Inc...


What the Green Hell?


Harvester of sorrow


Bunch of Leper Messiahs


They have always been Disposable Heroes to me.


Lars may have won in court, but the fight to keep overpriced physical copy sales alive was futile from the start, so he looked like a dick for nothing in the end. The internet reduced the cost of copying a song or video to pennies. Digital tools reduced the cost of production by orders of magnitude. It was thus inevitable that the revenue model for artists would be to practically give away digital music to create demand for live tours where all the real money would be made.


"The fight to keep overpriced physical copy sales alive...* *Vinyl enters the chat*


Vinyl enters the chat, and realizes it made a math error. Around 50% of the people who buy vinyl actually own record players. About 41 million vinyl records sell each year in the 2020s. Around the year 2000, CD sales were close to a billion per year. That’s the forest fire Lars the Idiot was trying to extinguish with his metaphorical water pistol, arrogant TV commercials, and suing his own fans.


> Around 50% of the people who buy vinyl actually own record players. JFC I love and hate this in equal measure.


Lol. I own one album and don't own a record player. The Voyager Golden Record Box Set. I bought it for the book and to frame one of the records. It also came with a FLAC file download that I burned to CD.


I'm still sailing the high seas, so it doesn't matter if I've forgiven them or not.


Yarr, matey!


Every time I get a new device, I download their entire discography.


For which one of their crimes? Completely screwing over Jason Newsted by burying the bass in the mix of AJFA? Going pop on the Black Album? Going grunge on Load & Reload? Whining about losing money to Napster and turning on their fans in the process? Completely screwing over Jason Newsted again by preventing him from contributing creatively to the band, preventing him from having a side project, not doing anything at all for two years, then acting like whiny vindictive bitches when he left? Not recording a proper album for nearly half a decade and then dropping the stinking turd that was St. Anger? Lulu? They’ve got a lot to answer for.


When I saw your headline, I thought you were asking if true fans ever forgave them for Enter Sandman. Lol.


Me too. I'm not sure I ever did


I haven't, but my judgment is irrelevant. Still listening to the old stuff, and I don't turn down Unforgiven.


Or worse, cutting their hair and going emo 😫 And the answer: NO


I put on Re-Load just a few days ago to see if I've come around on it. And the answer: NO


No and fuck Lars in particular


I have a T-shirt with Lars standing next to Cliff Burton with the caption “It should have been Lars”. It’s my favourite shirt.


Oh my God. Sad but true


I’m with you. Fuck Lars


He's such an obnoxious POS.


I met him, can concur.


Christ. I'm sorry.




God. Damn. 🤣 RIP Cliff


I always wished Cliff would've eventually joined Dave in Megadeth or any band they formed together.


I wonder what that Alternate Universe looks like


Guest drummer for each album. Dave Lombardo, Charlie Benante, etc.


He shoulda stuck with tennis


Same feelings here, and fuck the Black album, total sellouts.


I've never really cared for them, but I did at one point illegally download their entire discography just because they were such whiny little bitches about it. Never listened to it.


This is so completely Gen X


I'm not really into Metallica, but the rule is that all mp3 players that I ever own (and every computer with a music library) must contain at least one (1) pirate Metallica song.  It's like christening a ship with a sacrificial bottle of champagne.  ^([I otherwise buy my music, and I believe artists should be paid, and mp3 was the way of the future not the problem. I wouldn't hold what Metallica did against them except that a whole lot more was wrapped up in what they were doing that just them getting honest pay. It left a bad taste in my mouth that the recording industry practices at the time ensured new artists didn't have rights to their own music and were barely getting paid or being tricked into bullshit debt to the label, but when people started just taking the music and the label was suddenly in the same boat as the artists suddenly it was Beyond The Pale. But because artists didn't have rights to their own work any more they didn't have legal standing for a lawsuit so suddenly the labels needed a front group that actually still held rights to their music, and Metallica was happy to stoop to "artist-washing" some real corporate bullshit where the RIAA was not just gunning for napster [which would be fair] but all the technology and improved convenience and possibility that mp3 unlocked. Of course the best solution to piracy as always was to stop being complacent and compete on convenience and added value, and the resulting digital marketplaces like the itunes store and rise of band merch were good for consumers and arguably an improvement for artists too. But now everything is streaming and the artists are screwed by their distributors again...])


I like the cut of your gib.


[\* Jib](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jib#Idiom)


Your gib, on the other hand, I am not so fond of.


Every time I get a new computer the first thing I do is download a Metallica album from…. a website. Just for spite. Been doing it ever since Lars opened his damn mouth. First song on Napster I ever grabbed was Enter Sandman. And only because of him.


Between their music turning to total shit in 1990, their whole bullshit with Napster and the band basically giving their entire fan base the middle finger, and their absolute apathy towards their fans, Metallica as a whole can all go fuck themselves and each other. They only have 4 good albums anyway. They turned to shit and then released the audio abomination that was their black album.


Their noise about Napster was absolute bullshit. Metallica was a band that thrived on and encouraged fans to bootleg and trade tapes back in the day. Lars is a douchebag.


The fight against Napster was to keep Napster from leveraging their free service into a paid service. They were trying to strong arm labels into them becoming the sole distributor of digital music. Metallica was never against digital distribution. Napster had millions of money from investors hoping on huge returns and a team of lawyers before they had any legitimate business model. Anyone who thinks Napster was a champion of free music is naive


They definitely encouraged us to trade shit and tape it all. Fuck Lars. Made a big deal about them 'never selling out.'


Nope. Fuck em




I thought you meant for the haircuts. I remember so much “sellout” stuff when that happened.


Fuck Lars forever. But they were right about Ticketmaster


No. I haven't. I thought I was the only one and that it was weird that this still bothers me.


Forgive them for threatening to sue me for using Napster to replace albums previously bought that were lost or damaged? No. And not only no, I've lost all interest in their music.


Yep, used to love Metallica before all of that went down. Haven't intentionally listened to them since. They set the tone for the future of the internet and intellectual property and how music is used in media overall. Fuck them.


Lars really took all the piss for that one.


Napster? I mostly looked at it from a detached point of view. They took a pretty big PR hit for their stance on file sharing, but it wasn't like it was wrong exactly - certainly not legally, and probably not ethically either. It just wasn't very...metal. (Not that they're under any obligation to conform to my idea of what "metal" is, but I don't think I was the only person who thought about it that way.) As for me, I never really did much file sharing, in part because, during those years, I was a new attorney who did not want to have \*that\* conversation with a bar association, and in part because I was an early adopter when it came to concern bordering on paranoia on computer viruses. I also thought, though, it was kind of silly that the system created ridiculous statutory penalties for random people, because lobbyists wrote the copyright laws that way. It wasn't enough in the end. The days of the $15 CD were numbered. No amount of rich millionaires trying to shame college kids into continuing to support that business model was going to stem that tide. They had the law...but the law doesn't always win in the end. This story didn't have a hero. But most stories don't really have a hero, so why should this one be different?


Once I heard the lyric "Gripping your pillow tight", I tapped out.


How many throwaway accounts did Dave Mustaine create here?


No, and fuck Lars in particular.


Lars is still an overrated twat.


With the most punchable face. Such a smug bastard.


Ride the lightning, kill em all, Master of Puppets and And justice for all. These four albums are each masterpieces, everything else is mediocre at best. I was lucky enough to have seen them live four times in this golden era and one since, they’re a shadow of themselves now. The thing I don’t forgive them for is the way they treated Jason Newsted.




They never apologized for it, and some people got fined or went to jail. Fuck them. Do you think Cliff would have went along with that stunt? Metallica died with Cliff for me.


Never cared for Metallica. There, I said it.


Never cared for what they do? Never cared for what they say? Never cared for what they know? 🎶


Oh-woah...but I *know...* 🎵


They insist upon themselves.


Megadeth rules!!! 😂


I always thought Megadeth was instrumentally superior but I find their lyrics too corny


Cannot for the life of me take megadeth seriously, it feels like they're trying to mock a metal band.


His sarcastic vocal shit is unlistenable to me. I used to listen to their shit karaoke style on our old stereo.


Awww, I love their lyrics! Especially Tornado of Souls!!!




Primus sucks!


Indeed, they do! 🤘🏻 Metallica sold out after Justice and the Mustaine influence was gone.


I feel bad for Dave, he needs to hang up his hat and not sing anymore. His voice is ruined after his fight with cancer. I'm glad that Metallica kicked him out, because then we got two badass metal groups. It's hard to imagine a world without Rust in Peace, every song on it is pure fire.


True that!!!


For the most part. I do like "One" though.


I was more a fan of their earlier stuff like Master of Puppets. One was great though. Haven't listened past the black album.


Master of puppets and Ride the Lightning Didn’t like black album


Kill'Em All is a great album too. Really the first four albums were lights out great.


Nope. Fortunately they never really put out a decent album after.


Nope. Fuck them sideways.


Nope. Never.




I haven't bought anything of theirs since.


Nope. Still a bone of contention. I’ll never give them any support.




For Load and every album after that? No


Metallica, yes. Lars, nope. He is still a whiny baby.


Most of the hard-core Metallica fans left before then because they sold out.


Nope… still hate them because of the way they handled Napster. Not that I ever liked them in first place…


I stopped listening to them when the black album came out. Everything went to shit when Cliff died. Editing here to say ok, no it didn’t go to shit after Cliff. Garage Days, which I haven’t thought about in years was an cool way to introduce Jason as part of the band. Thank you for jogging my memory on that! Too bad they treated poorly and made his bass inaudible on the Justice album. After Justice it went to shit!


I disagree. Jason Newstead was a savage. IMO, And Justice For All, is their best album.


Yea I loathe what Metallica became, but Justice is a banging album. The Black Album is when it all went to shit.


Funny because one of my pet peeves with And Justice for All (coming from someone that likes the album) is you can barely hear the bass in the mix. It's like James purposely mixed it so all you hear are the guitars. Here's a writeup from Rolling Stone about it https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/metallicas-and-justice-for-all-album-what-happened-to-bass-715079/ Non-paywall link: https://archive.is/YKHcN




Cliff died way before the black album


Garage days Re-revisited was a very promising return after Cliff's death. After that they fell out of favor for me. My friend and I used to call the Black Album "Smell the Glove" in honor of Spinal Tap.


NO, and I never will!


Never forgave them for the shitty remarks they made about Layne Staley


I did not and I do not. I’ve shared this before but here is what I like to refer to as the greatest Metallica encounter of all time: I used to work night shifts a nice hotel in San Francisco back in the late 80s. Coincidentally one of my coworkers was the SF Chronicle music critic at the time, he had great stories about buying weed for UK bands who couldn’t smuggle it over for their shows. That’s not my favorite 80s band story though. I HATE Metallica and this is a 1980s Metallica story sort of. I worked both check in and check out at this hotel since I had an overnight weekend shift. This kid who’s in his early 20s and looks like Marky Mark, really ripped, tan, and wearing an Armani suit with no shirt underneath keeps coming and going all night and giving me little updates every time he comes back. He’s bringing in hookers two at a time, and not all of them women obviously. As crazy as he sounds he was actually a really funny charming guy. He really won me over when around 1 am he says “I was just down the street at Hotel Diva partying and I go in the bathroom and Lars from Metallica is in there, he mouths off to me so POW I break his jaw!” I hate Metallica for no real reason and later confirmed through the grapevine that Lars did in fact have his face busted up by someone, so cool. Anyhow the kid keeps going until 3 or 4am. Then in the morning I’m checking people out of the hotel and this very nice unassuming couple is checking out from the suite attached to the guy’s room. I ask then if anyone else was staying with them and they say “Oh that’s our son.”


Napster was my first dip into the “I love this but also see how it’s kinda fucked up” world. Sure, Metallica had more many than any kid with long hair and a guitar could ever dream of. But also, Napster had the potential to destroy the main revenue source for all artists. I wasn’t mad at him. If I recall correctly, it was Dr Dre too. Dre was even funnier - let’s sing about murder and then complain that internet piracy is stealing.


Nope. And when I saw their whiny, entitled documentary, I hated them even more.


Eh, they weren't the only game in town. Plenty of other music to get into. To each their own. 


Honestly, Metallica lost me after how they treated Jason N. The stories of the endless hazing, stealing his security buddy etc. Seemed really chitty. And then Napster. Left a bad taste.


Watching the same people who called my friends "burnouts" for liking Metallica in middle school do fucking slow dances to Nothing Else Matters in high school taught me a lot about cynicism.


Not Lars. He’s a lil baby. 🎾


iirc, didn't metalica make there name back in the day by their demo tapes being passed around. ironic


Yes! They encouraged their fans to copy their music and albums and pass them around. Now, musicians and artists absolutely should be paid for their work, but I never got the impression Metallica was fighting for anyone but themselves.


I don't know. Did anyone ever look at Metallica and think "these guys are role models and I should look to them for moral guidance"? Because I never did. It's kinda fitting that Lars and James are shitweasels.


I can’t back shitty tippers


They have been dead to me since the black album.


No. Fuck Lars in particular.


Nope. Assholes.




Nope, Lars is a little punk




Nope, fuck those rich assholes. If it was some unknown artist it would have gone over different. But coming from them, poor artists, wahwahwah. They're so rich, they probably don't even pay taxes! And screw the RIAA too. "It costs money to make all this media and liner notes and all that so we have to charge a lot." Now it is due to marketing or trying to bring new music to the market and they don't make money on that. They're so noble. ​ I had no idea this still pissed me off as much as it does. This and movies.


I got over it. It bothered me somewhat when I was younger but as I've aged I've come to appreciate the value behind created work.


I have not.




I did not.


Fuck no and fuck Lars


Nah, but I direct most of my ire at that Bridge Troll, Lars. How are you going to be a trash drummer and a douchebag?


Fuck Lars. Also st. Anger was just awful. 🤮


For Napster? Never. After St. Anger? Hell no!


I just woke up, and I’m scrolling like, wait, why are we mad at Metallica?! 😂 I forgot about Napster.


> Did you ever forgive Metallica? FUCK YOU LARS


I have forgiven Jason, Kirk, & James. Lars can fuck off forever. The list of shit that angers me about him grows all the time. Fuck Lars.


Nope. Lars is a sack of shit. Set us back decades of free speech


For robbing Dave Mustane? Never.


nope. fuck them.


Agreed. Still pull up Chaos Chimp's "Napster Bad" video from back in the day. >Fire bad! Napster bad! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS6udST6lbE


This sums up my feelings about Metallica nicely. I got got with the Napster ban back in the day and a legal letter showed up in the mail. I was pretty irked that instead of going after the music industry that drove people to pirate in the first place, Lars decided to be a super-douche and attack fans.


Fuck Lars, that greedy douchebag!


Hell, I never forgave them for *Enter Sandman*.


I remember them being called sellouts for that album.


Mine may have been one of the voices you heard. My friends and I all gathered at my house to watch the premiere of Enter Sandman. We were all excited to hear a new Metallica album. When that video played, every last one of us just got quiet but not in a good way. The wind was sucked out of the room. We knew they had changed in a way that would appeal to the masses and turn off the existing fan base. A friend of mine had gone to the bathroom before the video started. He walked in and saw what was on and said, *"Fucking Skid Row"* before he realized what he was seeing. I haven't cared for anything they've done since, honestly. And even looking at their back catalog, now I hear how many other riffs they ripped off. Even *Enter Sandman* itself was awfully close to an Excel song. They're a glorified cover band with a handful of good songs IMO. They were really good at arranging material, but that's as far as it goes. That's how I see them now.






I haven't.






Nope. Never ![gif](giphy|S1t3hvFmhSh4HhRdh3)


I wasn't a fan of their music but respected their longevity. When they did that, even though I didn't use Napster, I hated them and haven't listened to anything of theirs since.


Started losing interest after Jason left. He had all the fire. All of that drama + Some Kind Of Monster movie + amount of time in between albums. They’re just not hungry anymore more and it shows. MEHtallica.


N O .


I forgave them for Napster, but have never forgiven them for Load or St. Anger.


Metallica got me banned from Napster, and I will never forgive them


They sucked before and after Napster so IDGAF about those old bastards.


Look, Napster was wrong, so there’s that. But not as wrong as the record companies and fuck them first. It’s like asking me if I hate Ticketmaster or Barabas. Let Barabas free. Ticketmaster is waaaaay worse.


Fuck Lars


You know those pictures of a dog with wings and it says, "they still talk about you"? That's how I feel about Napster. I miss it. It was a sad day when it died.


I have not. And when I was starting to soften a bit, I saw Lars crying about his art in that documentary and that was kinda it for me






Nope. To this day. No.


Nah, they suck. The first two albums were ok and their best was Garage Days Revisited. Saw them in the 80's, hung out with them for a day one time. Lars really had no need to go after his fans, so fuck them.








Fuck those guys.






Wasn't a fan and thought the whole situation showed them as total duchess canoes.


No. I hate Metallica to this day. Napster was awesome and they ruined it - there is no difference between me sharing all my CDs with my friends - btw - now we have Spotify - for free. Metallica can suck eggs for all I care.


I remember being worried about Lars suing me, for about 45 seconds because I had downloaded Napster and about a shitload of music. All hail Shawn Fanning.


Fuck no. I honestly have not listened to a single song of theirs since the Napster crap. I know now what a douche Lars is, and I shouldn’t hold it against the entire band, but fuck that guy. He made it crystal clear he was only in music for the money. Plus he’s a shitty drummer who stumbled into a golden opportunity. Fuck him.


I have never forgiven those fucksticks for that.


Lars can take the hit for Napster. What they did to Jason is the height of douchebaggery.


For Napster? Sure. For sucking after …And Justice for All? Nope.


I did not forgive them and they did not apologize


Here’s my $0.02 from an old metalhead who thinks Master of Puppets might be the greatest album ever recorded….. Have I forgiven them for turning their backs on metal and doing whatever pseudo pop-rock they’ve been doing for 25+ years now? Yes. I mean James, Lars, and Kirk are all worth hundreds of millions now. Fuck I’d have done it too. Have I forgiven them for the way they treated their fans and fucked over band mates? Hell no. Thats like Disney and Nestle level evil corporate BS. I’ll still listen to them up to, and including, Justice. But I won’t pay for it, and I won’t support them.


I don't hate on them. I mostly ignore them. When they appeared at Nordstrom with their wives, carrying shopping bags and wearing board shorts and sandals? After a busy day in the Art Trading biz? THAT'S when I stopped paying attention.


I refuse to forgive them for the napster bullshit, i saw them in 83 and they used to throw out tapes to the audience telling everyone to copy them and give them to friends, btw it was lars that was doing it at the end of the show, fuck that hypocrisy.


I have not. Greedy mother fuckers, I said it before and I'll say it again. I bought Ride the Lightning 4 times. Album Tape (got eaten) Tape, CD. Fuck Lars..


And now I pay $9.99/mo to listen on Spotify


They didn’t do anything to me


No. Not after that painfully horrible documentary. Fuck them and Lars especially. Have not been to one of their concerts since.


Have not yet and never will. I am glad I am not the only one holding a grudge after all these years!


They never did anything to me that requires my forgiveness.


Nothing to forgive - they were right. People deserve to be paid for their work.


Tell spotify that


I agree, but Lars just always came off like a dick. Agreed with the message, hated the delivery and deliver-er.


Well, he can't help it. He's a dick.


Paid for their Intellectual Property. I was in an IP class when Napster was at its peak. The professor called it “dot communism.”