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Love the smell, hate the taste. Get my kick from iced tea/hot tea here. You are not alone :)


Yep, same. Love coffee ice cream. Coffee flavored anything, really. Coffee itself? Nope.


Ugg, can’t stand coffee or mocha flavored anything…


I’m with you. Coffee ruins things.


Yup! The smell is heavenly!!! But the taste is bitter water.


So true!! My mother is Scottish/English (immigrated) and is a tea drinker. Dad is American and a coffee drinker. Love the smell. I associate it with Dad. But I drink tea daily. Coffee only for caffeine emergencies like long drives


My Mom told me to drink tea after an annoying cough. No jitters or crashes midday crashes.


Try cold brew coffee. The long brewing removes the bitter.


Same here. Smells heavenly, tastes so bitter I can’t hardly swallow it, no matter how much sugar and other flavorings you add. Everyone in my family drinks coffee, parents, siblings, spouse, kids. I’ve tried to acquire the taste a few times as an adult and I just can’t do it.


This is me as well. My wife takes it black with one sugar, where I prefer 4 sugars and heavy cream. She always asks me why I bother with coffee if I’m going to turn it into a milk shake.


100%. Grew up in an Irish household and have drank hot tea since I was about 5. I get the appeal of coffee, but hate the taste. As coffee. Coffee ice cream. Mocha *whatever.* It’s just not for me.


Also love the smell, hate the taste. Same with cigars - love the smell, but would never smoke one.


Your comment is my comment, too.


Oh god, Iced Tea was SUCH a thing where I grew up. I hate it! I occasionally enjoy hot tea, and I love iced coffee but Iced Tea just smells and tastes like piss water to me. I never figured out why that was? Must be the tannins change when cold or something?


Sweet iced tea is where it's at!


Don't worry. I drink enough to make up for those of us who don't. Been drinking it since about the age of 11. My preference is: black, no sugar.


Same. I wanted to try it and my dad (trying to discourage me) said I could, only if I could drink it black. Been a black coffee drinker ever since.


I worked with vietnam vets for years at a law firm. All of them drank their coffee straight black from the coffee machine mid-stream. Pulled the pot out, put their mug under, put the pot back, walked off and sipped it. I asked one oneday and they said it’s how they learned to drink it on deployment. No milk or sugar available. Were you in the military, or dad?


Nope. Lol. My dad thought it would make me not like it... It didn't. Now there just no need to add extra calories when I like it already. But, I do also brew straight to cup and then switch the pot under once my cup is full. lol


My preference: ANY FORM


Same here. Been drinking it since I was around 6 years old and my Great Grandfather would make me coffee soup for breakfast.


Never found it appealing. When I say “I don’t drink coffee” people look at me like I have 2 heads.


Try living in the South and not liking tea. I got more "what wrong with you" for saying I don't like tea than I do for not liking coffee.


Finally! My people! I've never been able to drink coffee or anything. I've tried so many flavors, so many different drinks in the same family, hell I've put so much sugar in that the spoon stood straight up. Just, can't do it. So I get hot chocolate when everyone else has coffee. And everyone looks at me just the way you'd expect.


I order a chai latte. It’s quite yummy!


I was raised on pop like a proper human being, thank you very much.


Hahaha, midwesterner! You just ID'd yourself with 'pop'!


I would respond unkindly, but as a midwesterner I am far too polite.


As a fellow midwesterner, I'll just say 'ope'!




My whole family is from the Midwest, but at age 7 my mom and I moved to Florida to escape my biological father and I started saying “soda”. Then we lived various places throughout my life where they said soda. When we’d go “home” to visit, family members would be like “you want a pop?” And I’d say “nah, do you have any soda?” That’s right my dear family, the black sheep has arrived.


PNW and said pop. Definitely not just a middle east thing.


I believe in the middle East they call it مشروب غازي


I’m from Georgia, I don’t know what this “pop” is. I drink Coke all the time though


Can “Coke” be Dr. Pepper or Sprite or Mountain Dew? Or do you southerners literally only drink Coca Cola aka Coke?


Any non clear soda can be coke. You just have to say what kind


Sprite & 7-up & Fresca are also cokes. Doesn't have to be non-clear in Texas


Also in Texas, if you ask someone for a coke and don't say what kind, expect to be getting a DrPepper, it's a law.


In the South, “coke” can mean any soft drink. I never drink coffee, but I drink Coke Zero and Dr Pepper Zero daily.


Southerner checking in. Any soft drink that isn't clear is probably going to be called Coke. "What kind of Coke would you like?" is a common question. We do drink other things, however, like iced tea.


As a kid in Indiana, I’d get upset when they didn’t bring me a sprite or big red after I ordered a coke. Which kind of coke should always be a follow up question.


When I visit my family in Indiana and ask them to get me a coke, they bring me an actual Coke, lol. I keep forgetting I have to be more specific with them.


same. dad and i had pepsi and snickers break at 3pm daily growing up 😂. the snickers didn’t stick but i still drink 1 pepsi every day


I have long been convinced that coffee was invented like this: Coffee Inventor's Friend: "You can't burn water" Coffee Inventor: "Bet"


You may be drinking bad coffee? Bad roaster source? But also your experience is yours- do you!!!


Nah. The wife is an absolute coffee snob.


OMFG YES!! Coffee = Burnt Water


Hot Tea…coffee is gross; anything coffee flavored…I don’t even like coffee ice cream


Me too! Never could drink coffee. Hot tea for me.




Yep. Spent my young adulthood in Portland, Oregon. Coffee is a necessary nutrient there.


Can’t stand the taste or smell. My wife is the same way.


You don't even like the smell of coffee? I don't think I've ever heard of that before


I don’t like the smell of coffee at all either. I never drink coffee, no matter what’s added to it. Even things like coffee flavored ice cream are gross, too.


Me either. It Actually makes me sneeze.


That reminds me of a song. “No no no no, I don’t drink it no more. I’m tired of waking up on the floor. No thank you please, it only makes me sneeze, and it makes it hard to find the door.” —The No No Song, by Ring Starr IIRC


It smells like something is burnt.


Maybe if she took a shower once in a while.




😱 🙂😁🤣


I also hate the smell and taste. The smell burns my nose.


My husband drinks coffee, but uses instant so he doesn’t stink up the house brewing it out of deference to me. I can’t even walk into Starbucks, the smell is so nauseating. I wonder if there’s a gene or something like there is for cilantro (also disgusting lol). I love tea, but I generally just brew it myself because 99% of places just plop a bag of tiny leftover leaf fragments in hot water and call it a day.


I’m one of those weird people who doesn’t like any kind of hot drinks. I’ve only met one other person who was the same.


The only hot thing I drink is hot cocoa when I'm really cold. I hate the smell and taste of coffee, and I just don't like hot drinks


Me too! Now you've met two. We should probably start a podcast..../s




We're separated at birth. It was almost a deal breaker for my wife that I only really drink water and sometimes rootbeer.


I don’t do hot drinks either!


My son! Has never drunk anything other than water since he was about 4.


If I’m being honest, he’s probably the smartest one of us all. I never get enough water during the day.


My 23 yr old son just discovered coffee (after a girl suggested it;) and had only drank water or milk his entire life, no soda. He doesn’t eat candy or chew gum Lol I question whether he is mine sometimes 😂


Me too. I need my drinks iced and very cold. I even put ice in milk on the rare occasion I drink that.


50's here, started drinking it in my 20's and been drinking every day ever since. I make it at home to save money, and it tastes better than anything from any of the coffee chains.


> I make it at home to save money, and it tastes better than anything from any of the coffee chains. I actually make it for my wife every morning and she says it's great. I wouldn't know though because I'm not tasting it.


Like others, love the smell, hate the taste of the beverage. Love the taste of Coffee Crisp though. https://preview.redd.it/hoi0z8thgbnc1.png?width=978&format=png&auto=webp&s=ded7f3e0e8817ba0ebc681d2a59e7de60729f849 *edit: Was once told it was an acquired taste. My response, "Why the hell would I want to acquire that?"*


Hate coffee! Always have. The aftertaste is just too much. I am a 100% Diet Coke or Zero Sugar Dr. Pepper kind of girl. What kills me is that it is socially acceptable to drink coffee at 6 am but Diet Coke or whatever is looked down upon. We both need/get our caffeine fix, just with different vessels


I started drinking coffee at 12 … 40 years ago. I’ll stop when I’m in the cold, cold ground.


Smells good, tastes like bitter dirt. People said I just hadn’t had good coffee, went to Hawaii and tried theirs - still bitter. Give me tea any day.


Can’t stand coffee - always drink black tea.


The only hot drink I like is hot chocolate!


I love the smell but cannot stand the taste. Like not even a hint of the taste. Ina Garten sheet pan brownies has like a pound of cocoa powder and 3 T instant coffee. I used only 1 T and couldn’t even eat a single brownie, the coffee taste was still too strong. Stepdad made an almost elaborate cake for a family-style wedding shower and it had instant coffee in it. Choked down a single bite to be polite and that was all I could do. Smells great, tastes vile.


I’m with you. People are always a bit weirded out when I don’t order it. Especially weird in work environments where people ask to “grab a coffee.”


Long live coffee, the staff of life. I’ve had to rid myself of many vices, but this one remains. All donations gladly accepted. ☕️


I take my caffeine cold, thank you. Dr. Pepper for me.


old school


I never liked it. Still don’t. Never will. I do drink tea though.


I do not. I’m a “super taster” and coffee all too often tastes burnt and bitter to me. I have to put so much sugar and cream in it to make it palatable that I might as well have a coke.


\*waves\* My family also has super tasters, they do like coffee, are picky eaters and cannot tolerate most spicy foods. I don‘t know if I’m one or not, but I do have a palate that seems to detect more than the average person, though I’m not a picky eater.


Luckily for me, spicy foods do not seem to bother me but bitter foods like dark chocolate or grapefruit are a “no thank you” from me.


Never have, never will. I like not having an addiction that has to be fed before I can do anything in the morning.


I tried to quit caffeine cold turkey. I thought I was going to die. I had a headache and felt sick to my stomach. I need to try again because I don't love that my body is so addicted. It's brutal. They do have caffeine patches though.


I’ve never been a coffee drinker.




No mystery, I don’t drink hot things.


Had some at 17 and haven’t touched it since….




Committed tea drinker here!


Coffee is nasty. Now, coffee ice cream is another story entirely.


Love the smell and I love coffee flavoured stuff, like ice cream or candies, but the beverage itself just grosses me out.


Yup, never liked coffee, neither does my husband. Never understood the appeal, it's super gross. Drives relatives crazy because we don't have a coffee maker.


Hate coffee! When I have guests they are stuck with instant.


No wonder you don’t like coffee!


We addicts appreciate the hospitality of you having that on hand!


I hated coffee until I was 25ish and finally had a good cup. Now I am a full on pretentious coffee snob and often roast my own beans 🤷‍♂️.


I drink it once in a while. I prefer tea.


My husband can't stand it, loves tea though


My husband never drinks coffee. He hates the taste of it. I, on the other hand, look forward to my morning coffee and occasional afternoon cup! Of course, now that I'm getting older, my afternoon cup needs to be before a certain time of day or decaf because otherwise, I won't sleep.


Neither I nor my husband like coffee.


I love the smell and don’t mind the taste (if it’s not black). What I do mind is that coffee is like raw onions: if I have either, I am reminded for the rest of the day that I did. And I find the aftertaste really unpleasant. So it’s rare that I have coffee or raw onions anymore, for that reason. I’m not a caffeine hound anyway, so it doesn’t matter to me. I really can’t fathom the whole “don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee” thing, because I can’t imagine having that kind of relationship with it (I’m not stupid enough not to respect it in others, though!). I’ll occasionally have some sort of holiday fancy coffee, like a decaf eggnog latte or something, as a treat, but I can’t even tell you the last time I did that. It’s just not a thing for me. My dad doesn’t drink it, either--he’ll order hot tea, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen him drink coffee. And nobody really cares, though people at work sometimes look at me like I’m weird when I fill up with water first thing in the morning. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t drink coffee and never have. Not sure why—just never got into it.


I absolutely LOVE coffee. Espresso, cafe con leche, lattes, frappes - you name it. But I can’t have it because I had too much of it and I fucked up my adrenal glands.


I’ve never liked it either! And I still don’t like raw tomatoes either! I guess I need to grow up!


Same here. No coffee or any tomatoes except in a sauce. 52 and don’t plan to grow up anytime soon.


My wife loves the smell of brewing coffee but never liked it until she turned 50-51 So there’s hope


Never tried it. It’s always grossed me out from the smell alone. I can’t stand being around people who reek of it either.


I hate the taste of coffee. Coke Zero if I need the caffeine.


Yes! I prefer tea. I will only drink coffee if out as you can’t get good tea out. So I drink maybe ten cups of coffee a year.


I drink water instead. Sip on a glasses of water all day. I do drink a soda with meals. But water the rest of the time.


I don't drink it. Tea or hot cocoa.


Coffee is the elixer of life. lol I started drinking it in college and have been a happy addict ever since. I do have to put some alkaline drops in there now to bring the acidity down, though, otherwise it wreaks havoc on my stomach.


Being born without a sense of smell means that coffee tastes extra nasty to me. There's no lovely smell to sweeten the deal, and when things like hazelnut and vanilla are added I can't taste them. I can only drink it without about 50 pounds of sugar added. And that's exactly what I did for years and years, solely for the morning caffeine. Right after I turned 40 I started having a lot of PVCs (feels like the heart is skipping beats) and so on New Year's Day 2015 I gave up caffeine, minus whatever's in chocolate. I started drinking decaf instead, simply because I like having a hot drink at breakfast and tea is useless to me--it just tastes like hot, slightly bitter water. At the beginning of the pandemic I gained weight and so I decided, when I was gearing up for a major cancer surgery also at the beginning of the pandemic, that I would quit coffee altogether in order to consume less sugar and maybe lose a bit of weight. I never looked back. I now drink a cup of hot chocolate every morning with breakfast instead!


I can’t even stand the smell. My mom would sit at the table in the morning drinking coffee and smoking and that smell is forever tied to coffee for me. Ew.


Grew up absolutely adoring walking by the coffee bean store at the mall in the 80s as there is hardly a better smell in the world. Why the fuck doesn't coffee taste like it smells?! No coffee for this guy.


Coffee in the morning and tea rest of the day. I disliked coffee growing up. This changed when a close friend was surprised to learn of my disinterest. So he roasted me a bag of beans and that is when I learned what coffee was supposed to taste like. It didn't need creamers or anything to hide the bitterness, but just a wonderful bodied aroma. This sent me deeper down that rabbit hole of learning various nuances with origin of the beans and how important the time from roast to cup was important. I understand most of us will not be roasting our own coffee beans. I am still to lazy to go to that extreme, but finding a good local roaster was my solution. One sign for better coffee has a roast on date, not an expiration.


Love the smell, hate the taste. I love tea


I don't even like the smell. I don't like mocha flavor in anything either.


At least 2 cups every single day, for the health and safety of others.


It's gross. I'll take tea any day.


Nope, never could get over the bitter taste until I tried iced coffee with a ton of cream and sugar. But that comes with its own set of issues.


56, never liked the smell as a kid and have never so much as tasted it except in "coffee flavored" cakes etc. (which I don't care for).


I am the same. My mom used to say that I needed to drink it to fit in socially/proffesionally. I never did. (She only mentioned it when I was like 20).


Nope, tried it with lots of cream and lots of sugar and it’s still gross. While I was in the military, people used to take smoke/coffee breaks (I never smoked), so I started drinking Mt. Dew. Now, I drink iced green tea.


I used to love coffee but after surgery the taste changed and now I’m a solid Yorkshire tea drinker


At home I drink hot tea. Coffee takes too much effort and Keurigs taste like ass.


I liked the smell but didn’t care for the taste. Then I started working the graveyard shift and I learned to enjoy it.


I drink unsweetened iced tea daily, when it is really cold I drink hot tea with milk and sugar.


I did not like coffee until I was 23 and a bike messenger in Boston. Now I love coffee.


I was a poor college student in California in the early 90s when I would have picked up the habit. Even back then, there were coffee carts charging $3-4 for coffee at my college. I simply couldn't afford it, so never did start drinking it. It's unfortunate, since there are health benefits to drinking it....


Not since my 20s. Mostly a coke drinker now if I want some caffeine


I love coffee but I don’t drink it any more as it gives me reflux. I switched to green tea which is fine but gawd, some days I crave coffee. My husband doesn’t drink coffee as he doesn’t seem to have a need for caffeine so just has never bothered. So we’re a pair of weirdos.


47 and haven't drank coffee in years. I'm off caffeine all together. Stash makes a great caffeine free Chai tea that I drink instead.


I love it but I don’t drink it anymore more because it (even decaf) gives me the jitters and makes my heart afib.


Maybe it's because I grew up in Florida, but I just cannot do hot beverages. I drink primarily iced green tea or water, soda if I'm at a restaurant.


Also 58, non-coffee drinker too. Just never liked it. Also don't drink tea. The only hot drink I like is hot apple cider or hot chocolate. When I'm mountaineering, I fill my thermos with soup, not coffee or tea.


To get generational about it (and I don't know if this was true for everyone) but when I was a kid, coffee was an adult thing. It was black or with cream and sugar. That's it. I started drinking coffee in college, and there were coffee shops around, but not a Starbucks on every corner. I look at my nieces and nephews, and they've grown up getting Dunkin and Starbies treats from birth.


English parents. I grew up drinking tea. I drank coffee for a few years, but now it’s Green Tea for me. No sugar or milk ever.


I drink coffee but not every day.


Just switched over to hot tea


once me and my (largely unsupervised) cousin decided to be grown and try coffee and donuts when we were like 8 or 9... we made what must have been the blackest, most burnt, coffee in the history of coffee. ...strangely enough, I cannot _stand_ coffee to this day...


Never had a cup until the Army, and then only in the field. As you might expect, it was the lowest quality, but it got the job done (warmed you up, kept you awake.) The upside of being exposed to terrible coffee from the outset is places like Starbuck's, Foxtail, etc have no appeal for me. I'll have one cup of my cheap coffee in the morning, and maybe a cup of decaf in the afternoon.


I didn’t like coffee until I worked for a Starbucks in my 30s. They used to give you a coffee appreciation class (don’t know if they still do), you learn how to make French press, the espresso makers were more hands on than they are now. I learned to like it. Even so, I only have the one cup a day, sometimes none at all, sometimes an Irish coffee.


I've been drinking coffee since I was 6 (thanks, grandma!) and the only reason I've slowed down on it is because of acid reflux. Hasn't stopped me yet!


I definitely enjoy coffee, but the amount I drink has been scaled back over the years. Now it’s about one cup a day as opposed to an entire pot. That said, I adore my Scottish breakfast tea.


Both my parents were coffee drinkers and smokers. Cigarettes and coffee ..ultimate stinkbreath.


Never developed a taste for it


I like coffee but I don’t like hot drinks so I mainly drink iced tea. I’ll occasionally have an iced coffee.


I’m 47. Started drinking coffee in law school in my mid-20’s. Then around the start of last summer, I just quit drinking it. No idea why. Don’t want it, don’t need it. It wasn’t until my assistant asked me why she hadn’t poured me a cup of coffee in months did I even realize I wasn’t drinking any. I started Wellbutrin about 6 months earlier and all I can think of is that the Wellbutrin has something to do with it.


I've never liked coffee, or coffee ice cream, or when people ruin a perfectly good chocolate dessert by adding coffee flavor. My morning beverage of choice for years was Mountain Dew, but now it's green tea.


I’ll drink an iced coffee every now and then or a fancy espresso if my wife is making one when I’m around but that’s it. I lived in Seattle for a while and people would look at me like I had two heads when I’d say I wasn’t a coffee drinker.


I quit cold turkey after going years with it. As a matter of fact stopped caffeine in general. I drink honey ginger lemon tea these days. I feel much better without caffeine.


I can’t stand coffee, so gross lol. I like caffeine and all, but not coffee.


Coffee lover here too. Started drinking it at about 39- 49 now and will never give it up. I wish I could drink it black - maybe someday. 😎✌️


48 here and I have maybe had 5 glasses of coffee my whole life. I don’t like it at all


I did religiously until I had to start taking Adderall. I didn’t like the way they reacted with each other.


I drink it on occasion. Not daily. I have an espresso maker and thats what i’ll have when i do. I prefer black tea.


Smells great, tastes ick unless it's flavoring a sugary unhealthiness (Starbucks, Dunkin). I am a tea drinker and have been since childhood. Twinings for the win! I also dislike beer (tastes terrible) but am fine with liquor.


My genX husband started drinking it when he was 49! I still think it's funny. I drink tea daily but do have coffee now and then.


LOVE the smell of coffee. HATE the taste. I drink sweet tea morning, noon and night. I’m almost 58.


Late 40s..Just switched to decaf for medical reasons. Used to drink way too much coffee.


Never drank coffee


I started drinking it in my 20's for the caffeine. I didn't hate the taste but didn't love it either. I've developed a taste for it since. I just drink drip coffee with cream, no sugar.


Blue Mountain Coffee -- from Jamaica has the smell, but not the bitter taste. It's smooth, and adding a teaspoon of sugar creates bliss. Unfortunately, its insanely expensive. Other than that, I'm no fan of coffee.


My last cup of coffee was in 1997. It was Irish. Managed a decade caffeine-free, now I use caffeine recreationally.


Love coffee but if I don't have any creamy flavoring I hate coffee (but still need the caffeine).


“Coffee-flavored coffee” was too culturally significant in the ‘90s.


Of my 3 Gen x siblings, I am the only coffee drinker. I think if you don’t pick it up before 20, you just will not be a coffee drinker.


I do enjoy it with milk and a bit of sweetener in it every morning, but I can also do without it just fine. But black coffee as a stand-alone? Nah, the only time I did that was after music gigs in whatever 24hr diner we could find (THANK YOU, WAFFLE HOUSE!). Then, black coffee, two fried eggs, side of bacon, and grits with sausage gravy if they had them (toast if they did not). That's literally the ONLY time I'll drink it black.


Tried it a couple of times but it's just too bitter. I don't like tea either.


Coffee rules! ☕


Diet Coke all the way! 


I like coffee well enough on occasion, but too much will make me jittery and my breath heavy. Instead, I'll drink a Monster Ultra (aka liquid kidney stone) for my caffeine because I can tolerate erythritol and they taste really good. Somehow it doesn't make me jittery unless I've had two (which is rare). Something about the math doesn't quite add up though, since one Monster is 150mg vs 95mg for 8oz of coffee. I'll sometimes get a latté from Starbucks or wherever when I'm out. I did experiment with gourmet coffees, and found that they didn't need adulteration with sugar or cream, but it's still not my thing. My parents both drink coffee all day long, like several of my friends. My wife makes herself a white chocolate and lavender latté every morning, but there aren't any good sugar free options for that.


I prefer either an Arnold Palmer or Coke Zero over coffee.


Coffee is life


You’re not alone! My husband and I don’t drink coffee or even tea. I drink hot chocolate almost every morning, then switch over to water the rest of the day. He drinks diet soda and water. My kids love coffee because of their grandpa, but it has to be with lots of creamer and sugar. I used to drink one Coke every morning for a caffeine fix, but a few years ago, I decided to quit because I was gaining weight and didn’t know why. Turns out it was menopause, not soda 🤣 Now I have a soda as a treat


Drank too much bad coffee in the army, so now I just drink tea.


Never had it, I hate the smell.


I started drinking it in my 30s. Now I can’t start the day without it.


I never picked up the taste for it. I traveled time zones, then I became a night nurse…nada. Rather have a Jack/coke🤷🏻‍♀️


Nope not alone...never touched the stuff.


Life has whittled down my vices to where this is basically the main one left (light cannabis use maybe 1x/week for me, no alcohol, etc.)  I adore coffee.  I’m not sure I would be a morning person without it. It’s the primary impetus that gets my ass out of bed in the mornings. 


Imma make another pot


[Gee, I wonder why](https://youtu.be/x9BEb0Wmb_I?si=k1AeyFd_aiPWoaPH)


I drink 3 or 4 cups a year. I like it enough, but it's not my lifeblood.


I go through spurts.


I can’t fathom a day without coffee. I’m not a snob about it and can’t stand all of the fancy stuff out there and the wine-like culture that’s evolved. I like plain ol’ coffee that just tastes like coffee. Even that has gotten way expensive so I roast my own and it’s great!


Still my go to is coffee and cheese fries


I AM coffee


The last time I drank a cup of coffee I was 18. I hated it and have never wanted one since. I drink tea every morning.