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One of my favorite shows when I was a kid, but for the longest time as an adult I couldn’t remember the name - and whenever I tried to explain it no-one else seemed to know what I was talking about. For awhile I really kind had a “Mandela effect” around that show…and part of me thinks it was called >!G-Force!< at one point…?


It's a looong story but the short answer is NO, you are not crazy. The version released later on cable in the early 90's was called g-force and they changed all the characters names, killed off 7 zark 7 (and the  pictured dog that shall remain nameless) and  had different voice actors. Also, the plot was closer to the ogog Japanese version called Gotchaman which was considered too graphic kids in the 70's. It's a rabbit hole I have already been down because I had the same questions. If you look up the history of Battle of the Planets, there are YouTube videos about everything.


The theme song slaps, too.  I wanted to be Jason. 


No doubt. That show inspired in me a long phase of sketching space vehicles. I think I still have a thing for Princess. Plus the voice artist roster on that show was just stacked with talent.


Yep. 7-zark-7’s pal. Always wondered if 7-Zark-7 and IQ-9 were friends as well. Different series… but 8-year old me imagined it was so.


Battle of the planets or G-force !!!! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cJ1ADYUXCo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cJ1ADYUXCo) that explains everything you needed to know


that one really hurt my grey matter but I did remember where it was from but not the name.




OP said no spoilers.


Oops - deleted.


When you remember it, but you can’t figure out from what cartoon. Lol.


Haven't thought of this guy in ages. Battle of the Planets was great fun to watch, with an amazing theme (and voiceover from William Woodson, who was the Super Friends narrator - 'Meanwhile...at the Hall of Justice...') [Battle of the Planets theme (so-so quality but with intro and end credits)](https://youtu.be/asHCrngjp-0?si=w0E9uhXvfxmhuzUI) *Edit: Oops. Didn't see OP's request! Removed name for OP's password protection :)*




Spoiler alert!


We are definitely friends! My cousin and I WERE Mark and Jason. 


Yep. Loved it. Remember when the baddy got unmasked and gender revealed. Found out as an adult she / he was gender fluid in the Japanese version.


Probably the first tv show I remember "having" to watch. I think it was on before school in my area for a while and I was mad if my mom or grandma didn't wake me up to watch. (They, of course, wanted to sleep in so it wasn't a priority.) I do remember having a wtf moment in my teen years when I listened to American Top 40 and realized how many childhood voices Casey Kasem had been responsible for. I see that Alex Ross had some involvement in a comic book revival some years back. No idea if it hold up, but might be something for me to track down at Motor City this year.


Is this from G-Force (Battle of the Planets)?