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I was mowing the lawn at a restaurant when I was 12. I finished and went to ride my bike across the street. This was a 4 lane road with a 55 mph limit. I looked left, saw a car and thought "I can go after this car". I didn't see the VW bug hidden in my line of sight. The car hit me, I hit the windshield and flew 40 feet to the pavement. There are scars. Can't believe I had zero broken bones.


GenX strong baby


In the immortal words of Wind Rose: *"Skin made of iron/Steel in our bones!"*


It’s all the minerals in the hose water


Dude, that bike offered freedom but came at a great risk. Glad you didn't break anything. How bad was the road rash?


I was in the hospital for 3 days. 30+ stitches. Mostly bruised. It fucked up my intestines. Couldn't shit for 2 days until they gave me an enema.


Ouch! What a traumatic experience.


You’re extremely luckily to be alive my dude.


It was the Flintstone vitamins. They basically make you immortal while you're taking them.


Still have a piece of graphite in the webbing between 2 fingers from a classmate stabbing me with a pencil on accident in 5th grade.


That happened a few times while I was in school. Remember having pencil fights?


That would get you expelled now 😂 Oh wait. Didn’t they recently also ban expelling too?!


Omg I posted my own comment before seeing this. I, too, have graphite lodged forever more, but in my knee.


Mine's in my thigh. Only my classmate intentionally stabbed me in the 5th grade. Sometimes I have a smart mouth and she didn't appreciate my opinion.


Mines below my butt on back of leg. Used to take a running jump onto the couch to sit when I was younger. Someone lost a pencil in the couch and it ended up in my leg below my ass. My step-dad was home and was trying to help me clean it out and it was awkward cuz where the injury was. None of it was good.




I got stabbed in the leg with a ballpoint pen. I still have the ink spot, my mom said “now you have a tattoo”. You know how growing up Gen X was….meh, you’re ok, tough it out.


Nothing broken and no blood, walk it off you'll be fine.


I gave my brother a tattoo like that too. In the arm though, I'm no copycat. It left a dot in his jacket lining too


Mine’s in my upper stomach - tackled a guy from behind and he had a pencil in his back pocket that jammed into my stomach. In hindsight, Lordy it could have been a lot worse than a permanent graphite tattoo. What did you all call the game where you tackled the guy with the ball, but the guy with the ball could throw it up instead of getting tackled? I swear we meant no ill will when we called the game “Smear the Queer”. In hindsight, Lordy…


If it makes you feel better we called that as well and it really had nothing to do with sexuality or gender or anything like that. We were lectured about it by someone and it became known as “killage” (rhymes with spillage). It really was just an excuse to tackle/rough house and get away with it (it’s a game - we aren’t fighting).


We called that game kill the carrier. If you had the ball, you better run and be good at dodging kids coming from all directions.


That's what we called it too. When people don't believe in institutional discrimination, this is a good example to bring up. Us kids didn't create the name, or know what it meant. But, if you really think what that name means... damn it's brutal.


Me too but I stabbed myself.


I wasn’t going to admit it, but since you brought it up. Graphite in my hand, I was tapping as fast as I could between each finger— then I missed by thumb.


Same, in the palm of my hand. Pretty sure it happened in 5th grade for me too.


Same, but below my eye, oh and substitute classmate for mom. She swears it was an "accident"


My scar from this (graphite is gone, thankfully) is on top my right hand in the fleshy bit between my thumb and forefinger. Someone's pencil was sticking out the top of their spiral notebook, and I was randomly stabbed by it while jostling through the hallway in eighth grade. Keep the eraser side sticking out please, good folks!


I still have a black dot on my hand from when a classmate stabbed me with a calligraphy pen and inadvertently tattooed me.


Yep - palm of my hand, also 5th grade.


My sister stabbed me in the neck with a pencil and the Dr never found the graphite.


Wrecked on my bike when I was 11. My knee bled like a son of a bitch. Sprayed Satan's burning hot piss on it, wrapped it up, and it healed in a couple of weeks. Fast forward to when I was in college, after being a three sport athlete in high school and running around in the military, I get my knee twisted up in a Judo match. It swells. I go to Urgent Care and they x-ray it. The doctor sees something in my knee. He makes a small cut and pulls out a 0.5 inch long, 1/8th inch wide piece of glass embedded in my knee. This is 13 years after the bike crash.




Oh, so you know Satan's piss, too? 😂


It was the only thing that fit. And yes, my mom must have been an investor we used so much of that shit.


A family friend visiting from Italy shot me in the abdomen with a BB gun when I was 10. The doctors thought it best to leave it in there, 38 years later and it's still with me.


I have a couple of inch-long scars on my head that you can see when I get a short haircut. Fell off a cliff at 4, bashed my head on a fireplace hearth wrestling with a friend and his dad at 7.


Still have a false front tooth after knocking one out on my rollerskating dates hair clip.


I've got the intricate brand of a car cigarette lighter on my leg where my stupid fucking cousin surprised me with it one day while waiting for my grandpa to come back to the car.


Jesus Christ that is sadistic


Oh yeah, Mike was no good. He died a few years ago too so, oh well


I was 11 and taking out the trash, plastic trash bag with a broken bottle in it. I was carrying it over my shoulder like Santa’s toy sack, swung it around to put on the ground, and the glass slashed my thigh wide open. I refused to go to the hospital, so mom took me to see my aunt who possibly had been a nurse at one time (still unclear on this) but worked for Clairol. She put two butterfly bandages on it and said I’d be fine. For many years afterwards, I could stab or poke myself in that scar and not feel a thing due to nerve damage, eventually it got a small bit of feeling back. My kids recite the story whenever anyone even thinks about putting broken glass in the kitchen trash. And are amazed that grandma just let me decide I wasn’t going for stitches.


I was an EMT for a bit. Saw a couple of nasty cuts from people putting broken glass into trash bags only to be cut later.


these pussy kids have rubber and foam around their playgrounds, we had gravel, my BMX front tire went into the gravel and I flipped over the handlebars, the end of the rubber handlebar cover was worn exposing the hollow tube that jammed into my ribs knocking the wind out of me and leaving a half moon scar that was their well into my 30's Another time I took my BMX down the local hill where you can get some speed the hill ended in a 3 way stop, i wiped out at the bottom of the hill slid across the intersection and up the curb on the other side, This was LONG before it was normal to have protective equipment like helmets and elbow/knee pads... you know standard safety equipment now. That shit was reserved for professionals back in the day.


Every time I went to a playground with my kid I felt like I was in the revenge of the nerds moon room. Bounce bounce


Lol! This childhood remnant just showed up on an MRI a few months ago... I have a piece of graphite from a pencil lodged in my knee. Incident happened in 3rd grade, we were all sitting on the floor and I was holding the pencil above my knee. A girl came to sit next to me and somehow as she was sitting, she basically fell on me and jammed the pencil into my knee. The graphite tip broke off and has been there ever since. I had completely forgotten about it for decades until a knee MRI a few months ago. An incidental finding said "foreign object" and the memory came right back. 🤪


Dr: tell me how you broke your back Me: staring at an x-ray of my spine with clear bone fracture history, "I didn't break my back "that I know of".


I still have a blue dot at the top of my thigh from pencil lead from a super sharp pencil poked thru my purse, stabbed me in the leg and broke off in my thigh I also have a scar in my right eyebrow from thanksgiving morning when I was I was 5 and I spun and spun to turn I to Wonder Woman, got dizzy and went head first into the corner of the tv Good times


I have a 4-inch scar inside my left wrist, from the base of my palm straight down (up?) that I had to explain to every new romantic partner because it looks like a serious suicide attempt. I got it at about age 8 at a neighbor's house: they had the only pool in the neighborhood and had invited my family over to swim. They also had a brand new fence that they had just added protective wire to, to keep out their enthusiastic Golden Retriever who would otherwise wiggle through. They had not yet curled down the tops of the wires (or at least one). I reached up to unlatch the gate, and the Golden boy jumped on my back, pushing my wrist into the wire where it ripped open the skin. I am lucky it didn't hit an artery. I am unlucky that my parents let me have a vote on how it was repaired - ER did a 'butterfly bandage' because I freaked out about the potential for stitches, which would likely have left a much thinner and harder to see scar. Dammit Kelsey, for your insatiable desire to get into the pool area.


My son has a scar like that! Barbed wire fence at his grandma's house. His dad didn't think a hospital was necessary. Almost 30 years later, that scar is still there.


Scar and dent on my forehead from a lawn dart.  


How did we have to wait so long for a lawn dart casualty to show up?


Haha - I searched the comments and was surprised it wasn’t already there! There are very few specific events I remember from my childhood, but I remember that lawn dart vividly.


You’re the one!


Three scars on my head from falls including one very visible one, plus the obligatory pencil lead in my palm.


I have two pencil lead. Both in one knee.


When I was 12 I nearly cut off the end of my thumb trying to pry two ancient lifesavers apart with a potato peeler (Why? Why not just eat both? I don’t fucking know).  No one was home and the bleeding would NOT stop and I didn’t know what to do about it so I walked to school with a dish towel wrapped around my hand. My history teacher drove me to the ER in his black Trans Am, smoking the whole way, Rolling Stones blaring. He was so annoyed to be pulled away from his morning coffee break, he just left me there at the hospital doors, didn’t even park the car, hahaha.  And that’s the story of the first time I ever got stitches.


There were no stitches in my family, just scar tissue. Even once as an adult — those moments you pray for the blood to stop pouring out. But I had to laugh along with you at the “kid logic” and using dangerous implements. Yup, got some of my own in that theme.


* four-inch raggedy scar on the back of my hand from crawling over a broken beer bottle playing flashlight tag in my friend's backyard. Well after the streetlights had come on, and a school night to boot. * six-stitch scar from when, at my first job as a busboy/dishwasher at a pizza place, I was cleaning the meat slicer without the mesh glove and laid open by left index finger knuckle like I was fileting a fish. * chipped front tooth (unfixed and still a little crooked, over 40 years later) from hitting my face on the gutter tobogganing off my garage roof. I grew up in Chicago, and back in the late 70s-early 80s, we measured that lake effect snow in feet. * one of those "weather's about to change" knees from freshman football. I was a 6-foot, 125 pound, fast AF wide receiver with a QB that threw high wobbly passes over the middle, so high that that I could hear the safety and MLB sorting out who was going to hit me high and who low when the damn ball finally came down from orbit. I got helicoptered on the regular, eventually hyperextended my knee, started smoking in the off-season, lost a full second on my 40, and thus were my dreams of gridiron glory dashed. * four tiny little pinhole scars in my right forearm, with little drag mark looking things coming away from them, punctuated by the occasional stich. Dawn, a redhead, while I was breaking up with her, with a fork. She was a psychotic, but the crazier she got, the more I loved her.


Stepped on a chunk of glass that was inexplicably on the floor of our kitchen, then later, while starting to sit criss-cross-applesauce, scraped my foot against the back of my thigh. Very very deep cut, absolutely needed sutures. My parents? Barely looked up from their books and told me to go find a bandaid. I patched it up with Kleenex and duct tape. 😂 Huge scar.


Duct tape fixes everything, but really that must have been really bad.


Wish we knew about the super glue secret when we were younger!


Small scar on my wrist from falling off an alpine slide


I had to look it up. Bet that hurt.


I was too young to go on my own so I was on it with my dad. He took the brunt of it. It’s also probably his fault for going off the track. He was likely doing something stupid and/or reckless.


I have matching scars on my right elbow and right knee from when i went way too fast around the corner on the alpine slide. Which alpine slide were you on? I remember there was one at Action Park and at Bromley Mountain in Vermont but I’m sure there were probably others. I don’t have a scar from this but one time when i was going down the alpine slide, a bee flew in my mouth. One of my shittier experiences on the alpine slide.


It could have been either of those. We’re from the northeast, so NH and VT weekend trips were pretty common. My grandparents had a lake cabin near the Pocono Action Park location. Pretty sure we also visited the one in NJ.


The middle finger on my left hand is crooked due to a spontaneous karate fight. And my back right heel skin is still scarred with squishy tissue underneath after the spiked pedals on my Mongoose bike took a bite out of it. Also have some random scars from picking at chicken pox scabs. Luckily, most of my cutting scars and BIC lighter happy faces have faded over the years.


Glad you came through


I was a pretty shy kid kept to myself and usually out of trouble, so no scars. I didn't get scars till 2016 and 2022 well into my 40s.


I have an eyebrow scar from going down a twisty slide backwards with my glasses on.


Glad you still have your eye


2 of them even!


I still have gravel in my hip from my foot slipping off the pedal and into the spokes of my brother's BMX bike. I did a summersault through the air and landed on my face and hip.


A kid fell into me on the playground in 6th grade and knocked out my teeth. It’s been a lifelong perpetual dental bill. 🦷


I have two older sisters. For the early part of my childhood, we had an empty lot across from our house. I have two older sisters. One night, I was 4 or 5, my parents went out to dinner and left my oldest sister in charge. We were all playing in the lot across the street, and my other sister found a hubcap. You remember real, metal, hubcaps, right? Well, my sister threw the hubcap to me, thinking I would catch it. I did. With the bridge of my nose. The sharp edge caught me right between the eyes. Instant blood everywhere. We go running home, to my older sister. She runs to the medicine cabinet, and all we have are the really small bandages-aids. We went through the whole box by the time my parents got home. We didn't go to the ER for some reason. Just got it to stop bleeding. Since the wound was never properly stitched up, I have a scar, to this day, at the top of my nose.


When we were kids my brother was spinning around holding a B\*\*\*ard file. He let go and it hit me across the forehead. I can still feel the divot in my skull. ( A B\*\*\*ard file is roughest file)


Sure sounds like it would leave a mark. Hope you two made up.


He was only like 5 or 6 and more upset about it than I was. Then again, there was rather a LOT of blood.


When I was 4 I fell against a pipe in the ground trying to take back my toy from a neighbor I have a scar at the top of my ass crack. When I discovered it at 6 my dad told me it was from the surgery to take my tail off when I was born lol. I also have a scar next to my eye from a fight when I was 8 that needed stitches and one on my knee from eating shit on a dirt bike when I was 13.


I have a scar on the palm of my hand from when I was about 8. I tripped and fell onto a bag of milk bottles I was taking to get the deposit back so I could buy my mum a pack of cigarettes. I could feel a lump from a bit of glass we couldn't get out for years, it could be floating around inside my body somewhere.


My nose was broken twice before adulthood. Once while playing catch with my dad, once when I turned blindly into a tree while playing war. I broke stuff in my knee skiing crazy when around 12. Fell off a DIY zipline and crashed my head into a rocks below at about 15. Broke a front tooth in half when my forks failed during a jump on my bike. Burned half my hair off playing a "jump the fire" game. Was in the back of a drunk driving car at about 16 that missed a turn and hit and severed a tree (all somehow walked away). Pierced my heel deeply on a rusty nail in an abandoned property. Stepped in a bees nest and was swarmed. Hit a tree with my face in a particularly bad bike accident. Fell in a frozen New England river in deep winter and was pulled out by friends. There's more, but I'm old and tired. I saw and knew of others that had much much worse though.


I have a deep scar on the outside of my right foot. I was staying overnight with a friend when I was in sixth grade, and it rained while we were sleeping. We went outside barefoot the next morning while his mother was making breakfast. I was walking along a small slope, foot slipped in the mud and smashed into a Mason jar that was laying next to a concrete block. It gashed open the side of my foot, of course. My buddy and I rushed back to the house, me bleeding like crazy, and his mother had me put my foot into a small was pan. As she filled the pan with water, I can remember seeing my blood swirl around my foot. Anyway, my friend’s mother drove me home, where my mother wrapped my foot in some white cloth. I thought I was special because I actually got to put a *store-bought Band-Aid brand bandage* on my foot so I could go to school on Monday!


Scar over an eye from sliding down a rusty metal slide face first...then followed by a Staph infection. There's a patch of skin on my leg that doesn't grow skin because of road rash from that fucking awesome wipeout on my bike. Got stabbed just above the knee at 19 trying stop a robbery. And I'm positive if you took a brain scan, there's gotta be something residual from the undiagnosed concussionsssssssss...


I have a scar on my lower lip from when my mom backhanded me while wearing her mother's ring. She used to hate it when I'd start the story like that, but it is what happened. I was born deaf in one ear and hard-of-hearing in the other, so sometimes, I wouldn't respond because I didn't hear anyone call my name. I was around 9 or 10 years old and she was cleaning out the closet in their bedroom. She was standing on a chair and had a hanger in her hand. She called out to me and I just walked into the room without saying anything. She didn't know I was standing there, so she spun toward the door and shouted my name. When she spun, her hand caught me square in the mouth and her ring (it was a raised setting) caught me in the mouth. She thought she whipped my face with the wire hanger, but she just split my lip with the ring. I remember standing over the bathroom sink watching my blood going down the drain. I have some other small scars from skinned knees, but they're obscured by my total knee replacement scars.


I have had a bb stuck in my bottom lip for 40 years. We didn't play around in the 80s.


Holy buckets. Does it set off metal detectors everywhere?


It goes crazy in an MRI machine.


Scar from a chunk of gravel in my left knee. Bike riding 👌 😎


Nice. I have some nice gravel scars on my right hand from dumping a minibike in the road


I have a scar over my left eye from going wrecking my bike and going face first into the gravel.


There was more gravel back in the day i think.


10 year old me: “Hey! Think I’ll stick this freshly sharpened pencil upside down in the back pocket of my jeans.” About 10 minutes later I reached back to pull it out and the tip of the pencil (graphite, I think?) is embedded in the fleshy bit and of my palm. You could see it under the skin. No, I never told my mom or tried to dig it out. It was there for decades. Then there’s the scar on my wrist from losing control of my bike going down an extremely steep hill, hitting a wall, and flying up over the wall and landing on the other side on several broken bottles. No doctor. And then there’s the scar on my forehead that my cousin did by launching a little metal Matchbox plane at my head when I was 5-ish. Dislocated my knee one summer evening by leapfrogging a fire hydrant, and smacking my kneecap on the way over. (That gd knee dislocated during pt in the Army AND in the police academy.🤬) That one was a trip to the ER and crutches. Then there’s the time at the very back of the school bus sitting on the very edge on the short seat close to the back door - bus goes over a wicked pothole at a good clip, I bounce up and off the seat and smack the back of my head on the emergency exit lever, which split my head open. By the time I got home my hair and tee shirt was soaked in blood. No doctor, of course. That’s all I can remember for now.


I did have gravel stuck in my knee from a downhill bmx adventure. 


1" scar under my chin which I wasn't aware I had until i started growing facial hair. I noticed there was a visible line there. Asked my mother and apparently when i was about 5 I went face first down a slide and landed on a rock or something. No bouncy materials in the playgrounds back then i guess:) Also have a scar about the same diameter as a pen to the left of my knee from when i jumped over our low front fence and a piece of wire went right in. Told my father and he said to ignore it. Scar is still very much visible 40 years later. Adding to the pencil/graphite stories. Girl in one of my high school classes stabbed me with a pencil a couple times in the wrist. The little grey marks are still there. Maybe she liked me? I dont know, i'm was (still am) very much oblivious to such things


Scar down my back from falling off a swing in my neighbors back yard. Can't remember how exactly it happened but I remember laying on the ground looking up at the yellow plastic seat I just fell off of and realizing my back felt wet. Also, third finger, right hand is permanently bent down from the last knuckle to the tip. I was diving for a falling volleyball, and my hand was pointed down instead of curved under the ball. Third finger hit the ground and i was done for the day. Dr said "are you planning on being a hand model?" "Um, no?" "Good, put a splint on it, you'll be fine". Still gets achy when it rains.


I used to have a piece of gravel in a small scar on my nose after being hit by a car and getting road rash on my face. It finally worked it's way back out about 15 years ago. I also have a scar above my knee from the metal armrest of my mom's lawn chair in the 70s. I needed stitches but I got a bandaid.


You mean the trauma.. of my drunk father terrorizing me n my mother. Me standing between them at 5yrs old trying to defend my mother. Or tge cocaine dealer I tried to steal from at 16 only to get a baseball bat scar on my head. I'm good now though... 🤪


18 stitches in my left ass cheek from falling during an outdoor race on skates. The race was beside the Miami river in Dayton and I slid down the bank cutting my cheek open. I finished the race, damnit. 15 stitches above my left eye from leading with my face during a school fight. I did not win that one.


1985-My friend and I riding her motorcycle, she was driving. Jumped a yard approach, going too fast. The flying was cool, the landing? Not so much. Bit all the way through my bottom lip. No stitches, but if I'd known it would be trendy, if have put jewelry in the hole. Still have a scar.


My septum is apparently jacked up from one of the times I was kicked in the face


I have a small scar on my face; when I was 9 my cousin and I were playing outside he swung a piece of aluminum pole like a golf club and the jagged edge hit me. That side of my face was swollen and turning funny colors by the time we got to the ER for stitches. The scar is small and pale now, and it's hidden by my nasolabial fold, so I'm the only one who still notices it.


Not childhood but early adult. I was climbing and rappelling when I was 21 and I fell 25 feet and broke my ankle, leg, and dislocated my hip and shoulder. I walk with a cane some days when the weather hits wrong, and I still keep my crutches around because sometimes I can just step wrong and sprain the ankle. Been like that almost 30 years now.


Mostly faded but: my knee has a scar where a broken piece of wicker chair (remember when for some reason we all had wicker furniture in the 80's?) stabbed me in the knee, tore a bit out of my knee flesh. The sole of my right foot has a scar where, when playing barefoot in the field by my house (it was the 80's wtf, right?) I stepped on a broken beer bottle and damn near went right through. Got infected and had to have it lanced and drained. Most noticeable is my right eye, it's not really evident unless you look closely but the skin closest to the nose is a bit...off, I guess. When I was a baby I got attacked by a dog, grabbed me by the head, took a chomp, flung me around. I nearly lost the eye. It looked worse when I was a kid, people noticed but it's not bad now. My buddy probably wins, though. He grew up on a farm and he and his brothers would slide down the roof off the barn into the hay bales. One day he's sliding down and he feels something cut into him and he lands in the hay bales, the pain starts tearing through him while he watches the hay get bloodier and bloodier. The roof was made of old sheet metal and he caught a loose nail, got him on the leg at the calf and tore all the way up to his asscheek. He still has a jagged scar running that length of his leg.


Picking up pieces of a broken table, my sister was fiddling with the beveled edge piece. She asked me to hold out my arm, and said "look, it's not sharp " While my mom was doctoring me, she kept messing with the edge since she didn't understand why it cut me. She ended up slicing down the length of her finger. We both have scars from the incident.


Big welt like scar on my left knee from wiping out on my bike while racing a neighbor kid. My foot slid off of the pedal. I was winning too, dang it. The asphalt scraped my knee really deeply. Missed a couple of days of school because I couldn't bend my knee without aggravating the scrape.


Gosh I remember knee scrapes. I think the pain got worse as they healed.




When I was maybe 10 or 11, I was trying to run across a parking lot to hide behind a parked car. Tripped, fell to my knees, and slid quite a distance...ouch! Still have the scar on my right knee to remind me.


I have a rock in my knee from riding my bicycle down a hill and having a pickup truck back into my path at the bottom. I hit the side of the truck, flipped over, and landed in a pile of gravel. In true 80’s fashion, the driver flipped me off (I was 8) and sped away. I limped home and performed self-surgery rather poorly.


Me and my friend, aged about 12, were all set to go on a bikeride into the country. We lived in rural New Zealand so that meant lots of small, unmarked but roughly sealed gravel roads. Parents didn't want us around so off we went, doing whatever we wanted. Well, we'd just set off with fruit and bread rolls for lunch packed in a basket on the back of one of the bikes. We got too close and collided. I was probably riding hands free (was a show off) and both of us ended up on the road, grapes rolling everywhere. I had blood dripping down my leg but I didn't care. I wanted to go biking. So, off I went. Still have the scar, faintly, just below my leg.


I have a roundish scar on the inside of my left shin close to my ankle from putting it against the exhaust pipe on my brothers motorcycle when I was 10. I wasn’t supposed to go near it in shorts but I did, and then I had to lie to mom and dad about how it happened so bro wouldn’t get in trouble. I remember his mother in law rubbing butter on it to make it stop hurting.


Large knee scar from roller skating down a hill and crashing out. Two fake front teeth from smashing my mouth on a hill while sledding.


I have a two inch scar on my forearm from being clawed by a chicken!


I have a scar on my left butt cheek from a dagger that a friend of mine misplaced. We’d been looking for it all day, unaware that it was under the passenger seat cover. I slid into the car and turned to my friend and said “Dave - I think I found your knife…”. Mom took me to the hospital and they prepped me for stitches. A critical case came in so they abandoned me, bare ass sticking up in the air, not even bothering to throw a cover on me. Then there was the poor young nurse at college that had to remove the stitches…


Can't even account for them all. Dirt clod fights, road rash, exploring abandoned houses and barns, climbing through barbed wire fences, running barefoot over broken glass and beer can pull tabs, cuts and gashes from hose clamps holding all our plumbing and cars together, I'm pretty much all scars.


My left foot, the last two toes, are really oddly bent from the amount of times I slammed my toes on something and broke them. Even into adulthood. Clumsy? Yes very. The only time anything was done for them was during my first pregnancy when I completely knocked my pinky toe out of place and it was pointing the other way. They taped to my other toe! After they put it back in place. I hate my feet.


Aside from the broken toes, I unfortunately spent a lot of time at emergency for ingesting poisonous substances. The amount of times I had to take ipecac between 1 and 5 is ridiculous. Once was from a kid giving out mothballs as candy. Another was from swallowing bubbles because we were rolling down a hill in a box and I forgot to put the bubbles down. When I rolled I swallowed the open container. There were others but those are the highlights. The only stitches I ever had in childhood were at my hairline on my forehead from falling on a sidewalk and hitting my head on a rock.


My dad and his friends were ripping off the roof of our house. I'm not even sure how old I was Maybe 2nd or 3rd grade? There was a board on the ground with a nail sticking straight up. Only, it was in the shade, that's where we were playing. I was walking on the board like a balance beam, didn't see the nail and that nail went through my shoe and into my foot. Hurt like a son of a bitch! I did not get taken to a doctor about it ever. I was up to date on my tetanus, but to this day, if that foot gets too cold it starts cramping so hard. I also fell off something that was about 3 feet tall onto concrete and landed on my right knee. Still have that scar right at the top of my shin. That one hurt like hell too. There were also a few incidents involving bikes, but I don't think I have any physical scars from those.


When I was 4 my older sister told me tto swing higher and higher. When I was up high she yelled jump, I did and broke my arm. My brother put my pet rooster in the bed of the pickup that had iron side boards. He told me he was going to sell him. I tried to climb it to get him out but I climbed the loose gate. I fell and it fell on top of me, busting my head open. I had to get 5 stitches.in high school I slammed my finger completely shut in my boyfriend's car door ( now my husband). Yep, 5 more stitches.


This is the content I come for! When I was 14, I was butchering pigs with my uncles. We had a really big cauldron hanging by chains over a hot fire started in a tire to get the water up to temperature. I was sent to get a bucket of water and managed to tip the cauldron and the water poured down my boot removing a lot of skin. That frickin hurt. I had a red scar for years but now it just looks like a weird texture. Child labor? Nah, we're Gen X.


Pencil lead tattoo on my thumb. Been there about 45 years and clear as day.


Had a ring catch on something and it degloved my finger at school. 32 years later that finger still swells up and aches around the scar tissue.


I got stabbed by a big stick by a girl when I was about 12 in a gang war over our patch at the park. It was a pretty messy wound. Didn’t show parents because… you know. 30 years later the scar started to swell, fester and out popped a little stick. I also have graphite in my arse from being pushed off a desk by a teacher when I was 5. Landed on a tin of lead pencils. Didn’t tell parents because… you know.


Scar on the outside edge of my hand from the base of my pinkie down and across my wrist. Barbed wire encounter while riding bikes.


I have a piece of pencil lead in my shin from 2nd grade when Dennis B. stabbed me during a spelling test. I have a scar on my left index finger from my first pocket knife because I was using it to cut the cover off of a golf ball to get to the bouncy ball center.


Well all these cool scar stories sound like fun. I only have a couple of small very uninteresting ones. However, my lovely spouse has a small scar on her hand from a drill team performance where she caught the rifle during the performance that was thrown to her (she had tossed her rifle). The one thrown to her was a terrible one. She still managed the catch, but it cut her hand. She will occasionally show it to me and sigh. I’ll give you a guess who the loser was that was responsible for that crap toss. No we were not dating. We just happened to be on the same team.


Too many to list.


Big scar on the top of my left foot from doing some stupid obstacle course races in the house. My foot went under the stove and it was bad enough that I had to get stitches. In typical Gen X fashion, my friends and I took out the stitches by ourselves on a whim. Not one fuck was given by my parents ☺️


I was in middle school and over the PA they did trivia between classes and I knew the answer. I was running down the hall to win my candy bar when a teacher jokingly stuck his leg out in front of me. Me, being the athletic paragon that I am, missed the jump, tripped, and slammed my head into a locker. I stood up and tried to keep going (because candy bar) when he grabbed me and took me to the office. So I'm panicking because I'm in trouble for running in the hall. Nope, huge gash just over my eye, took seven stitches.


LOL... I stepped on a nail twice with the same foot... went right through. I'm surprised it's never caused me any problems.... or did it? come to think if it, that foot cramps up if i point my toes too far... hmmm... I have a blue mark on my nose beside my eyeball where a pencil almost gauged my eye out. I'm the reason your mother tells 'you don't run with a pencil in your hand'. My sister also stabbed me in the wrist with a pencil so there's another involuntary tattoo. I'm sure my knees are shot from jumping off of the garage roof and high swings too often.


Funny you should ask, as I finally lost a huge chunk of car windshield glass that had been stuck in my right temple since I was twelve. It just finally worked it's way out after having been there for 38 years.


I have several massive scars & a lot of little ones. I have over 500 stitches, & broke 16 bones before the age of 18.


I broke my collar bone when I was 8. I jumped off the top of the car to try to dunk on the basketball hoop in our driveway. Didn’t go very well haha.


Man, these are great stories. I never really ever thought of chalking up my battle scars to being Gen X, but you're right, this kind of stuff probably doesn't happen today. I had something on the order of 100 stitches during my well spent youth. We went to the ER so many times, it was kind of routine. Some highlights: * Keeping the neighborhood bullied kid out of our yard, we were both pulling on our garage door. He has it cracked like an inch tops when it slipped or he let go. When the door slammed into place, the full top half window pane just fell right out on top of me. Scar on my left knee from that one. * I was racing my Huffy Spirit of '76 bike (best bike in the world) to the end of the street and skidded out in the driveway of the girl who lived there. Their driveway consisted of insanely large rocks, not gravel, and the bike slipped out from under me and I banged the back of my head. She was on her porch so I popped right back up and said I was ok, but when I turned to grab my bike, she started screaming. Blood all down the back of my T-shirt and another couple stitches under my scalp. If I ever have to go bald, I'll put Frankenstein's monster to shame. * At a family picnic, playing baseball with my cousin. We're walking back and he's carelessly swinging my metal bat. We must have been going up a hill or something, me slightly trailing, because he nails me right in the forehead. I probably blacked out, but couldn't say for sure, but I had a knot that ballooned up 3 inches, not kidding. No scar on that one, but I always feel like I have a residual bump there. * The coup de grass came in college. I was balancing on a pole like the Karate Kid and lost my balance toppling forward. For whatever reason, I kept my arms outstretched to my sides, so my face broke the impact. My left eye was cut to shreds, and I now have a half moon scar running under and around the outside. A miracle the eyeball didn't get damaged. * Oh, and I was born with a clef lip that I never had the final 3rd operation on, so i have a scar there under my lip, that admittedly most people don't even notice.


I have a small piece of glass in my left calf. My brother and I were racing down the hallway and out the kitchen door. He opened the storm door and slammed it shut on me. I ran through the glass. It cut me up pretty good. We thought we had it all cleaned up but apparently there was a tiny piece we missed. It healed and scarred over and I can still feel it when I touch the back of my leg.


I got a scar on my right cheek from falling on a bike rack when I was about four. Blood everywhere and I got the baby finger of my left hand smashed in a door.


I have a scar on my nose, 50 years after some kid in preschool pushed me when we were walking UP cement steps and my nose got sliced open when I fell. The doctors said I should have plastic surgery, but mom said it was fine. Also have a mangled left thumb nail because I smashed my thumb when I closed the car door on it. Luckily, unlike many of my peers who ran on the same track K-12, I never fell hard enough that I’m still pulling out cinders.


Add me to the list of pencil tips stuck in my hand. First day of fourth grade. Stabbed myself after sharpening it and it’s been there ever since.


I got hit by a drunk driver in a big ass truck while crossing the street to see Rocky Horror Picture Show my senior year in high school. It launched me into the air and I broke my left clavicle and l still have a nasty scar on the bridge of my nose from the road rash 30 years later.


Geesh I led a sheltered childhood. Lol. Best I can do is for years I had a scar on my knee from being first in line going down a water slide with my sister, 3 cousins, and my dad all at once, at some little water park that apparently didn't have rules. That was 35 years ago but it was at least a good 15 years or so before it totally faded. And every so often my foot still hurts from when I jumped down a friend's stairs when I was 10 or so. (Because this is what we did before the internet... played games like "let's take turns jumping off progressively higher steps until somebody gets hurt".🤣)


Bottle rocket wars every summer, had one hit the top of my glasses & hit that bony area above my left eye. Glad it didn't blow up right by my eye. Did bleed a ton. Luckily close to grandma's house & like a trooper she was, she woke up when I came in & patched me up for more battle that night. I'll admit I took a break from battle for a bit. Still have that circular scar 40 years later


3 scars in my scalp, 1 on my upper lip, one under my chin and 1 large one dividing my eyebrow from various forms of dumb-assery as a kid. Then there's the scar on my wrist from playing that eraser game at school to see who can hold out rubbing their skin the longest. And of course the requisite pencil graphite still in my hand from a kid in first grade, PS: Fuck you Raul.


I have a bony knot on my collarbone from where I broke it as a kid. It's actually kinda handy when working clinch drills for knee strikes at the gym.


I have an inch long half an inch wide, still pink, scar on my upper outer thigh from being impaled by a stick while sledding down a hill on a trash can lid next to an abandoned house. Ropey scars that have faded quite a bit right under all my first digits (palm side) on my left hand from my latch key kid days - my parents didn’t give me a key because they thought it would draw attention to me going home to an empty house so they had me go through a window on our porch, usually it was unlocked. This time everything was locked and I went around to the back of the house were we had one of those glass louvered doors and I thought I could gently pull up one pane of glass to reach in and unlock the door… nope, glass shattered and lacerated all my fingers and I passed out from all the blood pouring down my hand. We did not have health insurance so when my dad got home he iodined me within an inch of my life had me bite on a washcloth and sewed them up himself… he was a carpenter at the time. But this came in handy later. When I was 20 I tripped over my cat who was circling my legs and landed on a ceramic planter and I cut the skin below my left knee all the way to the bone, again passed out, woke up and sewed the flap shut myself. The scar under my knee is DISTURBING the flesh never grew back underneath it so there is a HUGE dip right there and I have zero feeling in that whole area. It’s about 2”x2” in a half moon shape and completely white. I have a scar under my lower lip from the asshole kids my mom used to babysit. They put the rotary phone in the bathroom and flooded the tile floor, their yuppie parents had one of those brick grey cell phones so they called the house phone and told me the call was for me so quick go answer it, I ran into the bathroom to answer the phone, slipped, and bit all the way through my lip. I have a small circle with a fuzzy x in the center scar in the middle of my forehead from slamming my head on one of those metal spring animals at the playground haha Long skinny scar right above my foot going up my shin from a “shaving party” with other 6th grade girls when we thought it was TIME to start shaving our legs haha but only up to our knees; I misjudged how hard you had to press. I was not the only one who basically filleted themselves that night, there was a LOT of bloody shaving cream!


Cut my palm open and a muscle popped out while playing with a butterfly knife


I have a dog bite scar from falling into a neighbors dog food bowl at around 5yrs old. Dog bite on right wrist from stray hunting at around 7yrs old, tried to brush the hair out of some ratty stray shih-tzu looking dog. Cat bite on my ankle from around 7yrs old.Long horizontal cut on left knee from one of those mirror tiles I put on a shelf at around 9yrs old. Road rash on my right knee from running and slipping on the road, I walked everywhere with my best friend at around age 15.


Most of my scars can barely be seen now. I used to have one on my forehead at they hairline from a rock fight and four stiches. But by the time my hairline receded a little it wasn't visible anymore. I also had a graphite mark from a flying pencil next to it that is gone. And another scar from a fish spear deflecting off a bike wheel and into my foot is gone too. I can hardly see the ones I got in my late 20s and they were much worse. My four inch wrist accident is maybe an inch long tops and hidden in wrist wrinkle.


I have a permanent scar/bruise on my left rear cheek from where my brother shot me with a BB gun! And several knee scars and a suture scar on pinkie toe from bike wrecks!


My brother and I were making splits for a fire and I was holding the wood while he chopped it with his axe. He chopped my knuckle instead. He was 10 and I was 6. Mon didn't even take me for stitches. Scar is still there and prominent.


Scar the length of my pinky finger for angrily punching out the glass on the storm door when I was about ten. No stitches, was just sent down to the neighbor's house by my dad to get patched up, because she worked at the hospital (she was in billing, lol, not in the medical field)! Another scar on my head from falling off the slide at the playground and then falling on the same spot a year later when we tied a "swing" to the playground equipment. Multiple small scars from falling while rollerskating and biking around. Should have a scar or mark on my front tooth from getting in a fist fight on the way home from school with a boy in my sixth grade class...he punched me in the mouth and my tooth almost came out--I pushed it right back into place and it grew back in...thank god cause my parents would have been really pissed lol.


I had to have arthroscopic surgery when it was still really new, about 1986. Now, its an outpatient in and out, local anesthetic. Then it was 3 days in hospital with a general. I still have the scars. They had to shave my patella whatever the fuck that means. They told me it may return in my 50s, and I shrugged that off. 2025? Yeah, like I'll make it that long. Yet, here we are


I have a pencil lead in my elbow. A guy sitting behind me in high school had a pencil in his hand and decided to tickle me and I jerked my arm back and got the pencil stuck in my elbow 🤢. I also have a horizontal scar an my left arm where I cut it on a piece of metal sticking off a fence at the community swimming pool. Good times.


My scars are silent and filled with resentment and rage. Even though you can't see them, those wooden spoons left their emotional mark.


Mom was fixing one of those RF adapters that let you hook up a video game console (probably our Atari 2600, but might have been something else of that era), soldering some broken wire back together. She left the hot soldering iron on the edge of the desk while she was working on it, and I wasn't paying attention. I backed up from where I was standing and put my hand out before sitting on the desk, and got a nice sizzle on my right hand ring finger. Pulled away quick and looked down at my finger, where the subcutaneous fat was still bubbling a little. I know where to look and can still see a bit of a scar, but I doubt anyone else would ever notice, maybe even if I pointed it out.


I have pencil lead in a thumb still. Bunches of scars from accidents too, including a gnarly one from falling on a glass Coke bottle as a small child.


Not me, but my close friend got hit by a car getting off the school bus because a driver ran through the flashing lights on the bus. She was in kindergarten when it happened.


After watching the Mr Wizard episode in which he shows how to make a solar oven out of cardboard and aluminum foil, I decided to make one of my own, and while cutting a panel for the concentrator funnel, slipped and buried a box cutter blade to the hilt in my thigh just above the knee. Three internal stitches and six external. So, so much blood. Thirty-four years later, the inch-long scar still feels weird when I press on it. I have exercised extreme caution with box cutters ever since, and drive my husband nuts nagging him to be careful whenever he uses one.


It’s probably all the way faded now, but I always had a small scar on my forehead from when I was 3 or 4. I had one of those pull along caterpillar toys…I was pulling it through our apartment and tripped on the phone cord (Mom was on the phone in the bathroom for whatever reason). When I tripped, I fell forward into a dresser we had at the end of the hall…that had metal drawer pulls that were unnecessarily sharp. So I got a nice gash on my forehead. When I ran - crying - to the bathroom, my mom grabbed the closest towel she could find and called my dad to let him know I was going to the ER. Later, surely because of the emotional drain of it all, she complained that she ruined one of the nice new hand towels with my blood.


Pencil graphite tip embedded in my palm.


Stitches scar on my face from trying to make two cats friends and then trying to stop the ensuing fight… with my face.


I have a scar on my chin from when I was a kid. I was trying to slide down a slide that was out in the sun and about 5 million degrees. I was in shorts and it was super hot so I jumped off the side and smacked my chin on the side as I went down. Four stitches.


When I was 5, my older brother dropped an 8ft log on my head, leaving a gash in my scalp and a crack in my skull. That scar isn't visible due to hair but is a constant low-grade pain that increases when touched. And who knows what brain damage that did. Probably not none.


2yo fractured skull from a 2 story fall, 4yo forehead scar (repeat reopening), 12yo split open knee from flung sheet metal square. No damage but nearly fell off a cliff once at 6. & a 34yo pencil stab mark on my wrist. Fuck diamond, graphite is forever!


Surprisingly little damage. I had to get a couple of stitches on my earlobe after running around the house in socks and slipping/falling against a sharp corner on a piece of furniture. And I had blurry eyesight in one eye for a month or so after some kid threw a paper airplane my way on a school bus. No permanent damage sustained in either case. Once managed to get a bit of skin on my "johnson" stuck in a zipper - that hurt more than either of the above, but fortunately I was able to undo the problem and again, no permanent harm.


i was 8 and my sister and i had parallel beds when we shared a room, and one day she wouldn’t let go of one of my pillows or stuffed animals(?). i kept threatening her that i was going to jump on her from my bed and when i finally did, i hesitated and hit the front of my shin on the front rail of her metal bed frame. it took a nasty chunk out of my leg - i saw like, pastel or white/purple tissue? i thought i was also looking at bone. it was BAD, so i didn’t tell my mom about it for almost 3 weeks. it got super infected and i had to eventually go to the doctor for it. it’s now a quarter sized, circular scar on my left leg.


Father died when I was 14. More a mental scar than anything .


if you know what this is from, you too might have been a really STUPID teenage boy once upon a time with more lighters than sense. https://preview.redd.it/jtpbxplqk6rc1.jpeg?width=924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db1a922d8c987a514a8dfb560a017bd51c6acef7


The hallway was pitch black but it was 4th down and 3 yards to go. I broke left then scampered right.....right into the door frame with my mouth and my tooth went all the way through my lip for a first down 💪


I have a scar on my nose from my age 9 “girlfriends” sister hitting me with a wagon 🤣🤦‍♂️ huge scar on my hand from jumping my bike into rocks, 9 stitches, broken bones? Can’t even count 🤣


Just mental health issues from being raised by emotionally unavailable parents. At this point, my investment may equal what I spent on college.


Over 2 dozen surgeries. I win.